“Loving Kindness – Peace Park, Sedona AZ” photo by Lyn Dalebout Our New SolLunar Cycle takes place in sidereal Scorpio right before Neptune turns direct the following day, liberating internal dreams to manifest into physical form. This New Moon, aligned with Pallas Athene, suggests the upcoming four weeks are superb for strategic planning and focused […]
Star Signposts: New SolLunar Cycle in Libra ~ October 27 – November 25 2019
“Dance” painting by Jordan Potter This electrifying, catalytic New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Libra opposite shocking Uranus begins the same day as the rare, teeth-grinding square between Mars and Saturn. Uranus’s influence encourages non-conformity, originality, spontaneity. Do you have enough of those qualities in your life or would you like to embody a more authentic […]
Star Signposts: New SolLunar Cycle in Virgo ~ September 28 – October 26 2019
“Ascension” painting by Jordan Potter Here it comes, November 9. This is the day Jupiter exits astronomical, sidereal Scorpio and enters its exalted home of Sagittarius for the coming year. This is sure to be a profound and positive energetic shift for us. After Jupiter’s year-long challenging deep dive through Scorpio, the sign of transformation, […]