“Moran Night Sky” photograph by Tristan Grezko
Two notes: I will be posting a longer piece soon under the EarthSky Oracle section of my website in which I give more in-depth information about the historic intertwining astrological cycles converging and guiding us in 2020 and beyond. I’ve been studying astrology since 1979 and I’ve never seen anything like what’s coming. It is an extraordinary time to be alive on planet Earth, and everyone has an important role to play.
I launched EarthWordSkyWord in January of 2010 and I’m overdo for an upgrade! I am currently working on a new look for my website, blog and offerings, to be launched in early 2020. Thanks for your readership.
Now, onto our New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Sagittarius. Here are at least three things you need to know:
-The New SolLunar Cycle that leads us into the new decade takes place in visionary and future-leaning sidereal Sagittarius.
-Both the Sun and Moon are conjunct with Jupiter, the optimist and educator and leader of social evolutionary change.
-It’s a Solar Eclipse as both Sun and Moon are aligned with the South Lunar Node.
Sagittarius is a fire sign and thus speaks to lighting fires both within us and beneath us, sparking us to take actions based on what we believe and value. Sagittarius is the teacher, the educator, the explorer, the coach, and loves to share all it discovers with others. It is a sign of futuristic visions, expansive education and international travel. Sagittarius is amped with enthusiasm (“to be filled with divinity”) but can also be dogmatic with righteous certainty about it believes to be true.
Everything I just wrote is also true for the planet Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius and is ‘exalted’ as it travels through its natural home sign once ever twelve years. Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 9, 2019 and will remain there through most of 2020. Jupiter forcefully nudges us to spiral to the next level which can manifest as death cycles for some and expansive new beginnings for others. To have both the Sun and Moon exactly conjunct Jupiter as part of the first SolLunar Cycle of 2020 is a hopeful sign of things to come.
This New Moon is an Eclipse because both the Sun and Moon align with the South Lunar Node (not visible in North America, but felt nonetheless). The South Node symbolizes our history, what we’ve accomplished or haven’t yet faced about our past so this exciting new beginning also marks a severing from the past as part of entering a new decade. This is sure to be a time of forward momentum, battling belief systems, optimistic faith that change is possible and progress is certain if we courageously walk our talk.
There are two more rare events happening during this Cycle that are challenging to the nervous system, making it almost impossible to relax. Please take note of this and do what you must to stay steady during these challenging planetary energies.
Jupiter crosses the South Node on January 8 (once every 12 years). The South Lunar Node requires we face the past, revealing untruths and falsehoods, thus forcing us out of denial. You may feel more sure that you are truly done with one phase of life and are ready to leap into the unknown again with faith, confidence, excitement.
Saturn and Pluto collide again on January 12 for the first time in 34 years. There’s a great seriousness, heaviness and sense of collective responsibility that is engulfing our planetary field at this time, marked by this conjunction. Saturn either clings to the old restrictive order or sets in motion a powerful phase of birthing into form something new. Pluto can be about old power clinging to power but Pluto is also is the planet of evolution/revolution and its most important teaching is that change is the only constant. (More to come in my longer article next month.)
Thank you my friend, Tristan Grezko, for allowing me to post your extraordinary time-lapse night sky photographs. Be sure to check out Tristan’s diverse art here.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the sidereal astronomical alignments. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life flows with more ease, grace and understanding.
I highly encourage serious astrology students to subscribe to Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s monthly Lunar Planner. Nick is the expert and his website is a treasure trove of historical and current information and insights.
Thanks for considering a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or a longer reading for $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2020 and beyond. I am excited to be mentoring students individually or in groups/workshops who want to learn more about how to work with sidereal astrology in their own chart or with their clients. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map or Update. Thank you!
@2019 -2020 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Sagittarius

Here is a brief synopsis of the New Moon characteristics compliments of my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his LunarPlanner:
“Beginning the Sprouting Phase of the Lunar Cycle, a new theme emerges, a new idea or concept sprouts forth. This is an inner message, an impulse expressing from a field of all possibilities deep within the unconscious mind. The New Moon is a perfect time for meditation or a quite walk—to go within self and listen.”
Wed December 25
New SolLunar Cycle Eclipse in sidereal Sagittarius: Here are three things you need to know about this auspicious New Moon:
-The New SolLunar Cycle that leads us into the new decade takes place in visionary and future-leaning sidereal Sagittarius.
-The Sun and Moon align conjunct Jupiter, the optimist, educator and leader of social, evolutionary change.
-It’s a Solar Eclipse as both Sun and Moon are aligned with the South Lunar Node.
Sagittarius is a fire sign and thus speaks to lighting fires both within us and beneath us, sparking us to take actions based on what we believe and value. Sagittarius is the teacher, the educator, the explorer, the coach, and loves to share all it discovers with others. It is a sign of futuristic visions, expansive education and travel. Sagittarius is amped with enthusiasm (“to be filled with divinity”) but can also be dogmatic with righteous certainty about its beliefs.
Everything I just wrote is also true for the planet Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius and is ‘exalted’ as it travels through its natural home sign once ever twelve years. Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 9, 2019 and will remain there through most of 2020. Jupiter forcefully nudges us to spiral to the next level which can manifest as death cycles for some and expansive new beginnings for others. To have both the Sun and Moon exactly conjunct Jupiter as part of the first SolLunar Cycle of 2020 is a hopeful sign of things to come.
This New Moon is an Eclipse because both the Sun and Moon align with the South Lunar Node (not visible in North America but felt nonetheless). The South Node symbolizes our history, what we’ve accomplished or haven’t yet faced about our past so this exciting new beginning also marks a severing from the past as part of enter a new decade. This is sure to be a month of forward momentum, battling belief systems, optimistic faith that change is possible and progress is certain if we courageously walk our talk.
Thu December 26
Moon/Ceres/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius: The enthusiastic Moon aligns with nurturing Ceres in the early part of the day and brings good cheer for some and truth-telling conversations for others. Sagittarius loves movement, intellectual stimulation and travel, so those are good pursuits today. After nightfall, as the Moon approaches the impending Saturn/Pluto conjunction, things might turn more serious or you may dwell on things overnight.
Fri December 27
Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius: This annual conjunction brings an overall feeling of optimism and possibility but sometimes Jupiter delivers the news of impending shifts with traumatic events (even deaths) that force us out of our comfort zones. Take solitary time to journal about your past creations/completions and future longings or join with others in enthusiastic discussions about collective actions that are needed as Jupiter guides and leads social change movements.
Sat December 28
Moon/Venus conjunction in Capricorn: It’s time to witness again this beautiful conjunction at dusk. When these jewel of the brightest planet, Venus, and the always hopeful sliver of the crescent Moon collaborate in responsible, determined Capricorn, we can fuse our needs with our desires and give birth to new forms and plans. Seek out your elders (Capricorn) to make sure all is well with them. Coax out their stories and listen to their accumulated wisdom gained from a long-lived life.
Sun December 29 – Mon December 30
Sun/South Lunar Node conjunction in Sagittarius: This annual alignment can bring conclusions to events/relationships. Be bold enough (Sagittarius) to speak up about what is meaningful to you going forward. Circumstances or people can appear from the past (South Lunar Node) as we contemplate new relationships or potential collaborations with them.
Tue December 31
Moon/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius sextile Sun/Ceres in Sagittarius: This celebratory and nurturing aspect leads to fun and uplifting New Year’s Eve gatherings. It signifies a positive crossing as we depart one decade and enter the realm of 2020-2030. Very auspicious indeed!
Wed January 1 2020
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: Our new decade opens emotionally in the field of Chiron, dubbed the wounded healer. Chiron calls forth honesty about one’s vulnerabilities and suffering, amplified its passage through sidereal Pisces, a sign linked to compassion, grieving, helping those who need a helping hand. Chiron can function like a rainbow bridge that magically helps us travel from a place of previous limitation to a new realm of radical authenticity and greater freedom.
First Quarter Moon
“Shooting Stars over the Teton Range” photograph by Tristan Grezko
Here’s a brief synopsis of the First Quarter Moon characteristics compliments of my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“The First Quarter Moon of each lunar cycle draws an external stimulus to initiate action as we move from the inspirational quarter of the lunar cycle into the action quarter. Now is the time to drop all hesitation and take the steps. Trust in the process. This time is stressful or traumatic only if action is ignored. Simply, this phase is a time to work.”
Thu January 2 – Fri January 3
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Pisces square Sun in Sagittarius:. You may feel a desire to procrastinate, daydream or nap when the Moon transits Pisces. But the activating square to Sun in Sagittarius can eventually motivate you to take even baby steps forward by the end of the day. Balance your day with both active doing and passive being.
Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius: This pairing creates a busier than usual mind. Sparks of ideas are flying every which way for some while others experience this as focused concentration like a laser. Everyone has an opinion about what’s right or should be done. Drive carefully.
Sat January 4
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries: You might feel reactive, hair-triggered today or want to bolt a situation. It’s common plans suddenly change under this monthly alignment, possibly due to an accident or for other reasons.
Sun January 5
Mars in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces: This healing aspect brings emotional openings and supportive help. Follow through on your intuition to reach out to someone, even if it makes no sense. You are picking up on something. Trust the guidance.
Moon/Vesta conjunction in Aries trine Sun/Mercury in Sagittarius: Animated and focused discussions and activities are part of this inspiring trine leading to longer excursions than planned for.
Mon January 6 – Tue January 7
Moon in Taurus opposite Mars in Scorpio: This two-day aspect can bring out frustrations due to delays, but is also good for focusing on the physical and financial aspects of your life. Both stubbornness and determination are present as you muscle through challenges. On January 7, the Moon aligns with the star of Aldebaran, the red eye of Taurus the Bull. It is the star governs the House of Representatives, so keep an eye on the news!
Wed January 8
Jupiter/South Lunar Node conjunction in Sagittarius: This rare event marks a momentous turning point for society which may manifest today or reveal its meaning in the coming week. Jupiter and Sagittarius are truth-seeking, visionary, and courageous. The South Lunar Node requires we face the past, revealing untruths and falsehoods, thus forcing us out of denial. This pairing brings a sense of surety that you are truly done with one phase of life and are ready to leap into the unknown again with faith, confidence, excitement.
Thu January 9
Moon/North Lunar Node opposite Jupiter/South Lunar Node: This activation of the futuristic North Node following yesterday’s release of the past-driven South Node seems like the opening act to tomorrow’s Lunar Eclipse. Feel this dynamic at play in your own life and heed the call. Contemplate what is rising and passing away, or passing away and rising anew.
Full Moon in sidereal Gemini/Sagittarius
“Night Lights over the Tetons” photograph by Tristan Grezko
Here is a brief synopsis of the Full Moon characteristics from my friend and sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“The Full Moon marks the point of coition in the lunar cycle, the climax, the point of excitement, a time of celebration. The day just after the Full Moon is a time for the realization of the theme to emerge, culminating in the enthusiasm of the Full Moon. Relax and allow this realization to occur. There is no need to force it as it surfaces on its own.”
Fri January 10
Full Moon Eclipse in sidereal Gemini and Sagittarius: Sun/Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius opposite Moon in Gemini square Juno in Virgo while Uranus turns direct: This is a very complex dynamic at play today. Let’s break it down. The exact Sun/Mercury conjunction (cazimi in astrologese) makes our minds brilliant, focused, insights pouring in. The polarization to the Moon in Gemini (duality, indecisiveness, curiosity) can make some feel emotionally wobbly and confused. The square to the partnership asteroid, Juno, can lead to conflicts and standoffs between colleagues, clients, care-givers or with your core beloveds. You are juggling a lot today so keep breathing through the energies. Gemini and Sagittarius are signs of communication so that’s the key: don’t talk over others but talk things through to healing solutions. It’s an excellent weekend to take a trip with a family or friends.
Uranus in sidereal Aries turns direct: This decisive and revolutionary turning point marks a shift in all our lives. Uranus turned retrograde on August 11 2019, so think back on that time in terms of what was happening, what you were considering. Seize the forward momentum of this transit as it unfolds in your life.
Sat January 11 – Sun January 12
Saturn/Pluto/Ceres/Mercury conjunction in sidereal Sagittarius: There’s a great seriousness, heaviness and sense of collective responsibility that is engulfing our planetary field at this time, marked by this conjunction. I’m almost wordless about how to write about the intensity of this event. We are completing the last Saturn/Pluto cycle that started in 1983 and opening the portal for the next 34-year cycle of these two heavyweights. Saturn either clings to the old restrictive order or sets in motion a powerful phase of birthing something new. Pluto can be about old power clinging to power but Pluto is also is the planet of evolution/revolution and its most important teaching is that change is the only constant. In addition, caregiving, environmental, Ceres, and idea-generating, technology-driven, Mercury, both align exactly with Saturn and Pluto, indicating technology, food issues, health care, climate change and environmental issues of will need to be reimagined for the sake of our survival in the coming decades.
If you step outside at night under the vast universal canopy, you will see for yourself that this event is actually taking place in the constellation of sidereal Sagittarius, the sign of dreaming a new future, exploring new territory, re-envisioning everything. I take heart in this galactic message sent from the heavens above now ground-truthing itself here on Earth. The question to consider is where do you stand and where will you take a stand, like Orion, at this evolutionary moment?
Mon January 13 – Tue January 14
Sun/Ceres/Pluto/Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius: Yesterday we saw the Saturn/Pluto torch passed to open a new 34-year cycle. Today’s transit of the Sun provides the spark to light that torch leading to clarifying light or destructive conflagration depending on your choices and where you stand. It’s sure to be a dynamic two days of illumination.
Moon in Leo opposite Venus in Aquarius square Mars in Scorpio: The joy and lilt of a Leo Moon is welcome relief from the energies of recent days. Reclaim play, take some time for yourself if you can. Be with your children. This square might lead to some flashing moments of tension as all want their freedom and none want to be controlled by another.
Wed January 15
Moon in Virgo trine Mercury in Capricorn: This highly organized aspect makes it easy to plow through many tasks at once and is excellent for clear and efficient communication.
Thu January 16
Moon/Juno conjunction: Given the continuing tense square of Juno to Pluto/Saturn/Ceres, this trigger of the Moon furthers tensions or brings about healing solutions and shifts. It’s good for studying or mastering a skill you’ve been working on for sometime or pushing through procrastination. Some might experience a healing crisis.
Last Quarter Moon
“From the Top of the Tetons” photograph by Tristan Grezko
Here is a brief synopsis of the Last Quarter Moon characteristics compliments of my friend and sidereal colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“This phase completes with our Inner Needs surfacing to consciousness, to become aware of what is important to self and what is not. Knowing now what our Truth is, it is time to consciously live it. Doing so provides a choice for others to also live theirs. Changing allows us to spiral to a new octave of experience—one that will eventually sprout in the next lunar cycle to come.”
Fri January 17 – Sat January 18
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Libra square Sun in Capricorn: It’s been a heck-of-a-life-changing SolLunar Cycle, no doubt! This rounding-the-bend aspect with the conflict-resolving Libra Moon can bring completion to lawsuits, business dealings, or with clients. Or it might bring things to a head, forcing a decision.
Mercury in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries: This aspect creates an erratic mind, triggers a sudden indecisiveness or leads to inspiring breakthroughs or insights. There can be a sudden shift in plans or with business expenditures. Be cautious when driving or operating machinery.
Sun January 19
Moon in Scorpio sextile Sun/Mercury in Capricorn: Excitement and new possibilities arise with sextiles. This one has a more serious tone and creates meaningful, supportive conversations with people. It is good for researching things, and organizing finances and getting one’s affairs in order.
Mon January 20
Moon/Mars conjunction in Scorpio: Emotional outbursts and ouches occur under this fierce monthly alignment. You can feel passionate in an angry sort of way. Scorpio can bring out jealousy or control issues so best to keep to your own corner and focus on what you can change and not try to bend others to your will or want them to be like you.
Tue January 21
Moon/Pallas Athene conjunction in Sagittarius: This aspect helps you develop plans or strategies or get organized and focused intellectually. Chill this evening so your nervous system is ready for tomorrow’s Sun/Uranus square that carries potential shocks or breakthroughs.
Wed January 22
Sun in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries: This electrifying, shocking aspect sparks creative breakthroughs for some but can bring life-altering shifts to others. Stay spontaneous today if you see things need to go in a different direction. Don’t force things or accidents can occur.
Moon/South Lunar Node/Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius: Things are wrapping up or about to be launched with this dynamic alignment. It’s pressuring people to know where they stand and to take a stand being truthful, direct, even confrontational if need be.
Thu January 23
Moon/Pluto/Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius: There’s nothing restful about this last day of a most extraordinary SolLunar Cycle as the truth-seeking Moon in Sagittarius aligns with evolutionary, Pluto, and birthing-new-forms, Saturn. Use today to wrap up what you can while also knowing you are just getting started with a this new year of infinite possibility and expansion. Re-visit your New Year’s resolutions with gusto and faith that 2020 will be a year like no other.
Many blessings to you and yours and to our New Moon tomorrow~
Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
I advocate for actions we can take personally to be an example of radiant health and vitality, thus modeling this most potent form of activism: to walk our talk, to be a living example of the change we seek to see in the world.
The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the a central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times.
The Game Changers : This exciting, inspiring movie educates about us (especially the athletes and warriors) about the many benefits of a vegan diet especially regarding the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
The World Peace Diet ~ Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony by Will Tuttle
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times: Health is in your Hands. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.