Our New SolLunar Cycle begins in creative, fun-loving Leo and enters workhorse Virgo exactly on the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 17—visible in the Wyoming Tetons. This new Moon is aligned with the stars of Zosma and Chort in mid-Leo, stars which help us focus on clearing stagnant qi or unwanted debris out of our physical and emotional bodies so we can live in radiant vitality. We are finishing up the Mercury shadow period by September 12 and preparing for the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2. And we celebrate Autumnal Equinox on September 22. Enjoy the ride!
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer ~ August 4 – September 1 2024
Welcome to what will surely be one of the most consequential New SolLunar Cycles in recent memory. Both Sun and Moon are in an exciting sextile to activist Mars and expansive Jupiter and aligned with the star of Acubens in Cancer which symbolizes being trapped in dogmatic beliefs of the past handed down by our ancestors versus activating the always-expanding evolutionary growth that Universe is bringing to us. It is a time of choice for all.Also the historic Jupiter square Saturn takes place on the Full Moon of August 19! Please read more about this truly historic Cycle..Here we go!
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini ~ July 5 – August 3 2024
Behold our New SolLunar Cycle which begins in sidereal Gemini, one that is sure to be memorable and life-shifting. Themes of Gemini can include lots of networking with others, taking trips, and doing shadow work to understand subconscious habits or ruts that you want to change. From a cosmic perspective, this New Moon is aligned with Sirius and Canopus, both stars that inspire a quest for liberty and human rights…and to navigate a new course for Earth. Exciting times and more amazing aspects this month so thanks for reading my post. To new beginnings~