My wild night dreams are back after a few months respite in which I asked the great Mystery, ‘please, no more nights shifts for a while’. I needed deeper sleep for my own restoration in this transformative year of great uncertainty. I am feeling more rested, ready for my next level attuning and creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer ~ July 20 – August 17 2020
What desires and longings were awakened within you during the previous Eclipse Cycle? Now, under the auspices of auspicious Comet Neowise, in this SolLunar Cycle where Sun and Moon hook up in sidereal Cancer exactly opposite form-giving Saturn, we can concretize—Saturn–what we care about and want to nurture next—Cancer.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini ~ June 20 – July 19 2020
I am writing this draft in one of my lifelong happy places, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. I am ever-still surprised and appreciative of how this land of boiling thunder and rainbowed landscape allows us to witness such deadly beauty in relative safety and proximity. Yellowstone is a place of hot new information pouring forth from Earth’s core, Earth’s ever-evolving presence. I pay attention to this source of information. I am a student of this Source information.