“Salt Earth” painting by Alissa Davies
Thank you, dear Alissa Davies, for the use of your organic, powerful art, perfect for the theme of this post.

“Storming Over You” painting by Alissa Davies
We knew, or we collectively hoped, that 2020 held great promise, astounding possibilities, bold new beginnings as a fresh decade began. As astrologers, we also knew destruction and disruption most certainly would be on the rise, a looming cloud of uncertainty and unforeseen challenges from what we foresaw in the star weather. When I first started writing this piece—January 2020—I had intended to include a discussion of a few key astrological events governing the next five years during this unprecedented period of transformation—just the facts and then some reflections at the end. But the sudden shock and shift brought on by a virus—whatever the origin may be—made me change my plans as I witnessed and experienced the sudden destruction and regenerative chaos taking hold of our planet.
My focus is on Pluto. Pluto is the hot, molten astrological core of the transformations of 2020 and beyond. In the upcoming years, there will be exciting aspects linked to Uranus—leading to technological breakthroughs and pioneering originality—and to Neptune—leading to mass spiritual awakening and novel creative collaborations. But 2020 is all about Pluto.
Pluto forces us to be raw and real, no filters, no masks. Have you found yourself feeling, thinking or saying things you’ve previously been unwilling to share? Or making changes you deeply wanted to make but had yet to make happen, like leaving one home to find another, or a livelihood or a relationship? That’s Pluto giving you a push to express the courage that comes from the deep roots of your authentic self. Pluto drags us down to the bedrock of our being, sometimes with a brutality that’s hard to understand. Pluto manifests as volcanic anger, exploding suddenly and destroying worlds in a single fight. One of Pluto’s mythologies is the tale of the mystical bird, the Phoenix—burning up in conflagration, a cremation, all becoming ashes, but, eventually to be reborn in an even greater, more wondrous form. Pluto is the unpredictable chaos that precedes a new emerging order which will eventually bring us all to a healthier state. Pluto is resurrection and reincarnation.
Pluto is wild nature in all its power and dangerous beauty. Pluto’s influence manifests as cataclysmic shocking events—I often refer to Pluto as the cosmic backhoe or the great composter. Pluto manifests as catastrophic weather events and what we now refer to as climate change. Pluto rules biology and unforeseen physical traumas, like cancer or life-threatening disease. It speaks the language of cellular catabolism—the breakdown of the old—and anabolism—the construction of the new. In 2020, Pluto is currently speaking loudly in this opening act through the voice of the virus. I have always been intrigued with how the forces of biological evolution, alongside our non-physical spiritual evolutionary processes, make us evolve, at times more rapidly than we thought possible.
As the ruler of biology, Pluto functions as the great detoxifier, manifesting as tragedies involving un-dealt with toxic wastes, like chemical and nuclear material, or toxic behaviors within our relationships and collective institutions. Pluto is rapidly detoxing us in organic, mysterious ways so if you’ve experienced a resurfacing of old physical, emotional, mental issues, trust it is because you are being cleansed at the cellular level under the pressure of Pluto.
A paradox of Pluto is that it symbolizes being embodied in a physical form—the body as your most personal possession—but also because it is one of the furthermost outer planets, Pluto is the deeper portal to your most expansive galactic self. You are so much bigger than just your physical form. Pluto affects both these dimensions of your totality of self, your outermost and your innermost selves. Therefore, Pluto helps you align your inner purpose with your outer actions in an authentic way. This process is not pleasant at times, this breaking down of a personality-based life in contrast to a life of raw, real, joyful creativity. I’ve experienced Pluto as what I call a ‘spiritual migraine’, arriving without notice, demanding I go down into a deep dark cave and stay still and preternaturally quiet until the clearing is done organically, mysteriously and the energy naturally shifts. I have learned if I don’t resist the process, these Plutonian initiations last only a day.
Pluto symbolizes all things linked to power. Abusive Pluto complexes manifest as despots trying to exert power over others leading to the rise of autocrats and dictators. If you’ve been paying attention, you know we are living amidst a pandemic and plague of perverse (defined as to ‘turn away from what is right or good’) politicians working in a collaborative cabal seeking to solidify their own power, which is what authoritarians do. At times, we witness those in charge as a kakistocracy (defined as ‘governing by the worst people’), some of whom are literally stealing from the majority to give to the already entitled few. These fools are poor students of history. This will not stand the test of time, and particularly, these times that are linked to Pluto. Pluto is pissed. Pluto counsels it is time to end these abuses.
Pluto’s gift, in its healthiest expression is inner power. It helps us claim our power, our inner powers, our rock-bottom truths. Pluto, as inner power, counsels us to prioritize practices that support our physical vitality, our spiritual stability, and our mental/emotional health—also called the integrated heartmind. Cultivating one’s inner strength naturally increases immunity and therefore acts as protection against this current outbreak or inevitable future events. Pluto encourages you to cultivate healthier practices in 2020 to ensure you are at the top of your game going forward. This is one reason why many are rapidly shifting to a diet of WFPB—whole-food plant-based—including the big corporations providing mainstream plant-based options. The WFPB diet feeds you the best nutrients while also cleansing your cells on a daily basis. Immunity is naturally restored to prevent you from getting ill from future microbes or viruses which are sure to come. You can feel safe knowing your health is in your hands. Standing in your radiant health and light, you can better collaborate with others helping to reshape society to support this increased health, vitality and freedom for all populations, for all of creation. This restoration is a gift Pluto will bring, in the end.
Pluto is an overriding force in my personal astrological chart as it was rising in the east at the time of my birth—called the ascendant—and has had a strong influence in my life. It’s why I studied biology in college and signifies my focus on evolutionary, astronomical sidereal astrology. I have always defined Pluto as the love of power or the power of love. That awareness was validated in the miraculous images first shown of Pluto in the gasp-inducing fly-by of New Horizons on July 14 2015. We imagined Pluto might appear as a dark and dismal planet. But miraculously when the first images returned to Earth, there it was, a giant rose-colored heart shining on the face of Pluto. Surprising and astonishing in the perfection. Pluto literally wears the insignia of love.
In these Plutonian times, it is an absolute necessity to listen, think, intuit for to yourself. Study the facts, seek advice from the allies of your interests, your spirit guides, but don’t believe what someone else is telling you, no matter their credentials, if it does not sit right with you. You are the expert of living your life the way it works for you, and no one can tell you how that looks. This is one of the many gifts Pluto is offering us: to dig deep, to discard the dross, to claim our inner power which is always our truest compass.

“Elk Dreams” painting by Alissa Davies
Virus – a poem by Lyn Dalebout
In light of Pluto showing up in the garb of the virus, I want to share a poem I wrote circa 1994 (published in my 1996 poetry book Out of the Flames – Blue Bison Press) about viruses. In many of my poems, I take an interesting scientific fact—the scientist in me—and ponder the meaning of the phenomenon—the poet in me. This poem, Virus, came from one such contemplation. I am still intrigued by the enigma and nuance of this poem in light of the events unfolding in our world. I trust the transmission when it came so many years ago.
VIRUS by Lyn Dalebout
The viruses will take you out
if you’re not careful.
If life
keeps seeing you obsessing on
your self,
your beliefs,
your behalf,
your own sector of the tribal truth,
viruses have come
as crystalline, reverent orbs
to remind us
that we are the same:
biological organisms, as they are
biological jewels,
that’s the way we are one.
Better listen to the viruses
who are states of energy
more than organism
who are border creatures
sent to take us out
if we won’t listen
to the one Life force
growing us all toward
our individual perfection.

“Cocooning” painting by Alissa Davies
Aspects and their Meaning
We are currently embedded in a portal of cosmic confluences that make this time in history extremely rare and unprecedented. These times are revolutionary and exhilarating as well as heartbreaking and terrifying. Below are my shorter descriptions of some of the key transits for 2020. To more fully understand the breadth of the extraordinary astrological and astronomical aspects, please read this article by Nick Anthony Fiorenza entitled “The 2020 Societal Reset & The Great Transformation 2020-2030”. for his more comprehensive, historically well-researched information. Nick educates us in depth about the ‘astronomical symphony’ of the many overlapping influences working us at this time, including historical events of the past placed in context to where we are now. You will learn more about the important influence of TPO’s—TransPlutonian Objects—such as Eris, Makemake, Charliko, to name a few.
Here are my short distillations of some of the key events.
Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto Conjunction (736-year cycle)
This conjunction is the defining astrological cycle of 2020. The last time these three teamed up was in 1285. The already significant Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (which begins a new 20 year cycle of societal reconstruction-see below) hooks up with destructive and regenerative Pluto for the first time in 736 years. Will dictators win as they try to dominate the masses or will individuals claim their inner authority and rise up and guide their leaders to follow the dictates of the people? As we reclaim our inner power and take back our power from others, we can all play a part in this the historical regeneration of all our institutions and society over these next twenty years. This is why 2020 and beyond marks a turning point for our entire planetary story and experiment—and for the United States of America in particular—to be determined by every one of us as to what that outcome will be. You have the power. Pluto says remember that.
Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction (20-year cycle) Winter Solstice December 21 2020
Every twenty years, these two planets that govern our social and political realms, unite in a conjunction and plant seeds for the next twenty years of evolutionary change for all of civilization. Jupiter is the optimist and Saturn is the realist (or pessimist) so this alignment carries a perfect balance of both expansive new vision and the desire to bring that vision into form in practical do-able ways. We can all be a practical visionaries in our own unique, creative ways.
Miraculously, the actual conjunction will take place on Winter Solstice, December 21. This means in 2020, we are still bringing to completion the last Jupiter/Saturn Cycle that began in May 2000. That Cycle took place in sidereal Aries which supported individual awakening and empowerment as well as a desire for self-governance. This current Cycle begins in astronomical Sagittarius and Capricorn and will bring long-needed reforms to all our institutions, businesses, organizations and ways we organize our society. Our collective job is to reimagine and create a more vibrant, healthy, equitable world for all.
This cycle will have various acts and attitudes. Jupiter will be transiting both astronomical Sagittarius and Capricorn this year. Jupiter is exalted in Sagittarius, where it is considered to excel exceptionally well. This optimistic, courageous transit brings the LIGHT to our world in a time when other aspects are darker and more challenging. It is a sign of visionary thinking, higher mind, futuristic trends. Sagittarius is a fire sign, which means it activates a desire for a more engaged spiritual life in which we take the dedication of our personal practices to also create world peace and justice for all. Sagittarius can also bring out unbalanced righteousness, dogmatism, god-complexes and spark epic battles between warring factions.
Saturn has now also entered its exalted home in the sign of Capricorn. It is here that Saturn most excels to create real and lasting reform regarding our shared social contracts and infrastructures. Capricorn, as an earth sign, is grounding, productive, solution-oriented, and helps us see what is most probable out of all that is possible. Saturn also manifests as the status-quo, or a more traditional, past-based way of seeing life. Some people will want to hold on authoritarian, patriarchal rule as Capricorn can be super-controlling, power-grabbing, militaristic.
As the two very different energetics of Jupiter and Saturn begin to flow closer and closer together, modifying and affecting each other’s field of influence, some people will align with the progressive fire and vision of Jupiter and others will seek the security of traditional norms that are equated with Saturn, fearful of change. We are in a revolutionary moment where both sides seek to seize dominance or leadership to govern society. Where do you stand? Where will you take a stand?
You can see this rare alignment every night and is not to be missed as it won’t happen again for another twenty years. And remember Pluto is there too, like an invisible third eye nestled between the two eye-orbs of Jupiter and Saturn. Sit under this wonder and seek guidance for yourself regarding your life as you are bathed in this energetic portal of support and shift.
Saturn/Pluto Cycle (34-year cycle) January 12 2020
When these two heavyweights collide every 34 years, things can feel very challenging, dark, terrifying and depressing as both of these planets carry a serious, karma-come-due tone. Humans can take sides in colossal battles. One side demands to stay in power simply because they have been in power. The other side knows it is time for the old guard to depart and make way for the innovative, vibrant leadership of the younger generations.
It is of major significance that this conjunction aligned exactly with Ceres at the birth of this new cycle in January 2020. Ceres is a dwarf planet that imparts a nurturing and caregiving aspect to all arenas of life. Ceres signifies a societal focus on children and women and their rights, on education, health and health care organizations, environmental and food concerns, animal agricultural systems and inherent rights of all beings. This influence of Ceres makes this new Saturn/Pluto Cycle less focused on the violence and the rise of dictators like the last cycle, which began in 1983. It brings care and compassion to the visionary possibilities we are seeding and sowing into our emerging cultural identities, businesses and institutions.
Jupiter/Pluto Cycle (12.5-year cycle) April 5 — June 30 – November 12 2020
This transit in three acts has big consequences for our world. Jupiter, as the largest planet in our Solar System, amplifies all it touches. It brings extraordinary confidence or gargantuan hubris. Jupiter is strong in the astrological charts of spiritually-uplifting leaders or fake gurus and domineering con artists. Pluto governs many dimensions of our world linked to expressions of power, biology and wild nature, life and death transformations. This pairing of two power-house planets guides extreme athletes, turbo-charged teachers and warriors, colossal wealth and out of balance power structures. This challenging and necessary conjunction is clearly doing its deconstructive work via the unprecedented disease and cleansing process of the virus and in regards to mega-climate events that keep getting worse before there’s any chance of conditions improving. It also sparks mass gatherings of citizens peacefully, but with extraordinary willfulness, marching in the streets demanding societal reform and enduring change. The shadow aspect of this alignment leads to violent extremist groups attempting to take control of the narrative.
Pluto/Eris Last Quarter Square (359-year cycle) January 2020 — October 2021
This aspect is the deep dark backdrop to these times and takes the long view of Earth’s history. As planetary forces, both Pluto and Eris are synchronistic mirrors of unforeseen disruption, chaos, cataclysmic destruction of events happening now and for the previous few years. These planets move very slowly. Pluto takes 247 years to transit our Solar System and Eris takes 558 years. Pluto and Eris made their last conjunction in 1757 and this last quarter square marks a turning point in which we are beginning to let go of what has been and begin to look forward to what will be. Just another extraordinary aspect that makes these unprecedented times. Please read Nick’s article on the 2020 Societal Reset for more historical context.
And as I look ahead beyond 2020, these coming attractions carry positive potential.
Jupiter/Uranus and Saturn/Uranus Last Quarter Squares – 2021
Last quarter squares between any two planets mark a moment in which we releasing what has been and simultaneously begin to create from our future selves already dreaming us forward. The Jupiter/Uranus square influences technological experimentation, innovations, and importantly sparks the desire for individual freedom, uniqueness and originality of expression infiltrating all aspects of society. The Saturn/Uranus square is fierce, creating volatile battles between the old guard clashing with the revolutionary upstarts, reminiscent of the 1960’s. And given that Pluto is still in play throughout, 2021 will most likely continue to be a year of disruption and revolutionary change.
Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction — 2022 (12.7-year cycle)
This pairing brings extraordinary originality and talent to all arenas of artistic expression and spiritual awakening, encouraging collaboration in individuals and between faiths. It will arise after the Plutonian destruction of the previous two years, bringing hope, imagination, inspired new beginnings.
Saturn/Neptune Conjunction — 2025 (36.4 year cycle)
Neptune is the power of our imagination to create the world we want, both personally and collectively. Art, creativity and spirituality are the domains of Neptune. Saturn governs organizations and institutions. This aspect will surely awaken the world’s religions to further evolve and become true spiritual sanctuaries for the people, not just institutions of politics and power as they have devolved into over recent millennia.
Pluto Return for the United States of America (247-year cycle) — February 22 2024
The United States of America is an astronomical sidereal Gemini nation. Gemini is the sign of duality, of light and shadow, comedy and tragedy, a two-party political system. Gemini signifies why America has a split history: we stand for the possibility of the highest ideals of freedom and independence for all of Earth. Yet, in tandem, we can’t hide from or ignore America’s shadowed history of slavery, stealing the land from the native tribes who were here long before the Europeans arrived, and the ignored rights of women from the inception and birth of our nation.
Pluto will return to the same place it was in the birth chart of America in February 2024. This aspect will ingress as soon as 2022 and completes by 2025. In 2020, however, both Jupiter and Saturn are aligning with the natal Pluto in the astrological chart of America, functioning like the opening act for transformations to come. Pluto is already bringing to the surface the hidden abuses that were there from the beginning of America for exposure and eventual healing. Will America dissolve and devolve? Or will we seize our destiny to be that rainbow nation where all tribes live in freedom, harmony and diversity? This is our evolutionary possibility, to become a more perfect union and lead by example. The choice is in our hands, each and every one of us. This challenging joyful work lies ahead.

“Home” painting by Alissa Davies
In pondering Pluto, I have a few thoughts to share. As I have always made up words, and even a language when I was younger, I propose we redefine the word ‘plutocrat’. Why not? In the past, plutocrat was defined as a person who derives power solely from their financial wealth and a plutocracy is said to be a country governed by the wealthy. That’s too small a box for mighty Pluto. Pluto feels confined. I suggest we return the word plutocrat to the populous, to everyday citizens. Going forward, a plutocrat’s currency is love, compassion and generosity to share one’s many gifts. We can all have a say in our governance as the new plutocrats who are engaged citizens who know their inner power and work for the benefit and vitality of the whole, sharing their many talents with others and receiving a helping hand when needed. Pluto likes the sound of that.
And I propose this new word: plutocat. ‘Cat’ as in short for catalytic converter which changes toxic gases into less harmful ones. And a ‘cat’ is also someone who is really cool, and unique and isn’t afraid to show it. Pluto likes the sound of that. Be a plutocat.
Lastly, I am an avid student of investigating many streams of knowledge and wisdom teachings of both scientific and spiritual origin. I study information and patterns, I spend countless moments in reverence, listening and contemplation of the natural world—thus the name of my website EarthWord SkyWord—as I watch for signs, attempting to find meaning and message in the world around me. I trust that my spirit dreams always brings the truest guidance.
Over the Holy Days/holidays at the end of 2019, I was given two visions that continue to bring me solace about what’s been taking shape and what is to come. One vision came in a solitary dream and the other emerged out of a shared meditation with friends on Christmas night. As painters and photographers know, a visual image carries reams of information, ready to be deciphered and understood in a multiplicity of interpretations.
MY DREAM ~ Winter Solstice 2019
I am wandering around lost, without my wallet–my identity—and my phone—no ability to communicate to anyone. I am trying to find my way home. In asking for directions, a woman and a man appear in a futuristic car and offer help. Both are scientists and tell me they have figured out a new source of energy to run the vehicle they are driving—symbolic of something new that is emerging. She is in the driver’s seat and he is the passenger. He is avidly listening to what she is saying.
Next she shows how me to reorient myself to the standing mountains in the south. As I begin to turn southward to look toward the peaks, I see there is a large dark stagnant cloud of black grey dust to the east. It feels like a threatening storm. At first I am concerned but I see it is contained and actually quite small in size. This makes me feel better so I continue to turn my gaze to the south and notice the mountains have changed color, now appearing both red and blue. As I look up, the heavens are streaming the color of magenta, like rivers of volcanic magma as fiery red and celestial blue merge and mix to form an alchemical magenta. They form vibrant currents converging and merging in streams of energy. I sense I am watching an emerging confluence of space and time, time and space as dynamic new energies enter our earthly field. I am watching this weather and it is breathtakingly beautiful, like nothing I’ve ever seen before, wholly new, raw and real. I wake up in a state of awe and peace and excitement.
MY MEDITATION ~ Christmas evening 2019
Our circle of friends did a meditation on Christmas night 2019 with the shared intention to understand the drama and power plays unfolding on our planet at that time. Here is what came to me.
I see our American White House, surrounded by masses of people, each with a steady, soft flame of rosegold light emanating from their hearts. At first I think they are holding candles but realize they aren’t holding a light, they ARE the Light, rose as the color of love and gold as the color of action. I join them. We stand in solidarity and calm prayer for our country and our world. Everyone has closed eyes and a gentle smile. There is a feeling of great peace and it is a wonder to behold a humanity joined together in silence, reverence, full of quiet certainty of their own inner power and wisdom, accepting all that is.

“Spring” painting by Alissa Davies
Watching the Weather – a poem by Lyn Dalebout
Finally, here’s another one of my Plutonian poems, written two decades ago, also from Out of the Flames. It’s my homage to weather as a transformational, awakening force, which is constantly rebalancing the Earth to ensure its own survival and ours, if we will listen and do what is right.

“Woods of Maine” painting by Alissa Davies
Bring on the weather!
Make us stop
and take a long time
going to places,
in love with the journey.
Stop us dead in our tracks
with your power
so we will no longer be deceived
by our deception:
that we are in control?
Howl our ears open
and if you can’t with beauty
then heave ho! Bring on the disasters
which will widen our eyes.
And if you can’t unite us
with beauty
because we’ve been made
so small by life,
then insist we remember.
And do it with rain, with water, with wind in every form,
with fire, and lightning, with storms
and rainbows
and hurricanes, earthquakes and
bring on the volcanoes!
It’s time the Earth reclaim
its rightful ownership of itself.
And if we can’t learn by beauty,
then wake us up with the weather,
till all the people get the message
and begin to watch you first again.
And wake us up to your beauty
any way you can.