“A New Day” painting by Kathryn Mapes Turner
Orion is rising again in our Northern Hemisphere as late fall leads into early winter. Currently, Orion is speaking loudly to me as it rises in the east as night begins. So I am listening. Orion is known as the Hunter, the Warrior, the Deer, to name of few of its cultural incarnations. It is perhaps the most striking of all the constellations due to its concise star alignments, easily recognized — the Belt, the Sword, the Stance. Orion’s energy is one of cutting-to-the-chase, invincibility, herculean strength, taking a stance and fighting on behalf of what you believe to be true. These are good qualities to develop and amplify in this time of unprecedented shift, Orion advises and blares from its nightly perch.
Our New SolLunar Cycle is astronomically located in the latter degrees of sidereal Libra, linked to stars that support our evolutionary advancement and justice. The stimulating sextile to the Jupiter — enthusiasm — and Pluto — power and endurance — is an auspicious sign that the coming weeks will help us feel more energized and motivated as we move forward with new dreams and goals. This New Moon is closely aligned with Juno — key relationships and partnerships. New alliances are forming and other pairings are being released.
Other major events of note will be Jupiter re-entering sidereal Capricorn on November 24 for a year-long transit, sure to bring expansive societal shifts. Neptune completes its retrograde on November 28. And we will pass through a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on November 30. Read more below.
Thank you, dear Kathryn, for you light-filled paintings that capture and honor the beauty of Earth. Please view Kathryn’s masterful painting at Turner Fine Art.
Tribute to Nick Anthony Fiorenza ~ December 7 1953 – October 24 2020
My dear friend, sidereal mentor and colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza is back with the stars, flying free. Nick was one of a kind. He transformed astrology through his pioneering experience and research in astronomical astrology. Nick’s other equal and compelling studies involved sound and light healing, which he returned to shortly before his passing. Nick brought much joy and wisdom to all who knew him.
Oddly, but not surprisingly, Nick’s website mysteriously disappeared but now it has REAPPEARED! Astrology students who are so inclined, please take advantage of Nick’s Lunar Planner being available for a while longer.
I recall this: Nick would often remind me that he didn’t feel he knew anything more than any one else. Nick knew we all have the capacity to learn directly from the planets, stars, and the unfolding evolving celestial realms if we will take the time to ask, to observe, to listen. Perhaps this is Nick’s greatest teaching and lasting legacy. Please take his advice to heart, seekers and astrologers. You have the capacity to know. Ask, observe, listen, translate.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the sidereal astronomical alignments. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life flows with more ease, grace and understanding.
Thanks for considering sidereal mini-readings with me for $44 or a longer reading for $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you as we head into 2021. I also delight in mentoring students individually or in families, groups, workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2020 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

“The Sky Holds the Earth” painting by Kathryn Mapes Turner
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Libra
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
Sat November 14
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Libra: Sun/Moon/Juno in astronomical Libra sextile Pluto/Jupiter in Sagittarius: Our New SolLunar Cycle is astronomically located in the latter degrees of sidereal Libra, linked to fixed stars that support our evolutionary advancement and justice. The stimulating sextile to the Jupiter — enthusiasm — and Pluto —power and endurance — is an auspicious sign that the coming month will help us feel more energized and motivated as we move forward with new dreams and goals. This New Moon is closely aligned with Juno — key relationships and partnerships. New alliances are forming and other pairings are being released.
Sun November 15
Venus in Virgo square Jupiter/Pluto in Sagittarius: This hard-working aspect can purge your heart and lead to intense conversations and emotional honesty. You might be consumed with the need to clean something or clear out old debris. Steer clear of unhealthy obsessive thinking but use the intensity to dig deep to get to the bottom of an issue.
Moon in Scorpio square Ceres in Aquarius: This is another probing aspect, as is always the case when the investigative Scorpio Moon arrives. Use this square to share deeply with a friend, help in a community endeavor, possibly assisting in an emergency.
Mon November 16
Moon/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio: Our national drama continues under this alignment. Deals are being hammered out behind the scenes, leading to possible endings or a turning point. In your own life, clean up things or tasks from your past so you are free to be free and move forward.
Tue November 17
Mercury in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries: This exhilarating aspect occurs in the wee hours of the morning. It can keep you up with nervous surges of energy, shocking thoughts, or creative breakthroughs. Guide your mind where you want it to go with a mantra or meditation if need be.
Wed November 18
Moon in Sagittarius square Mars in Pisces: This wildly emotional square demands you speak your truth or take action based on the suffering you see occurring around you. Move beyond addictions or lethargy with its powerful surge of Sagittarius’s energy.
Sun in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn: This stimulating aspects leads to a day of efficiency, focus, success in many aspects of life.
Moon/Jupiter/Pluto/Pallas Athene conjunction in Sagittarius: Enthusiasm expands as does dogmatism or battling with others. Be more adventurous with the Moon in Sagittarius and take risks, explore new options, make plans for a future adventure.
Thu November 19
Venus in Libra square Moon/Saturn in Capricorn: This aspect leads to decisions or facing harsh realities — Saturn — regarding love, money, ethical choices and justice — Venus. It brings focus and determination to push through challenging circumstances or heal wounds from the past.
Fri November 20
Moon in Capricorn square Mercury in Libra: Keeping in mind we are still completing the Election season, today’s aspect can complete legal actions and bring decisive turning points. The square of Moon to Mercury can provide perspective on what you think you should do versus what you feel you need to do, posing both tension but also perspective.

“First Snow on the Indian” painting by Kathryn Mapes Turner
First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
Sat November 21
First Quarter Moon: Moon/Ceres in Aquarius square Sun in Scorpio: It might be a busy day navigating many activities that require your attention, especially regarding your caregiving roles given the influence of Ceres. Some interactions might be fun, others are more challenging due to the tense square of the emotional Moon to delving Scorpio. Some seek greater connection and others desire more space and freedom within a relationship.
Sun November 22
Venus in Libra trine Ceres in Aquarius: This loving geometry brings social harmony, a helping hand, and shared celebration amongst friends and family.
Mon November 23
Sun in Scorpio square Ceres in Aquarius: Ceres is now considered to be a dwarf planet, equal in influence to Pluto. Ceres governs any aspect of what is nurturing to us be that food, relationships, land, information, even what color makes us feel more alive. This square brings forth honesty between peers and friends. Ceres is transiting through sidereal Aquarius, a sign of dreaming into our future selves and desired collective reality, New alliances are emerging that might be surprising but exciting.
Moon/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: The Moon’s cycle shows us where we need to focus on a daily basis. This creative, imaginative monthly conjunction often creates cause for celebration, artistic collaboration, or over-indulging in an addiction that might lead to an intervention.
Tue November 24
Jupiter re-enters astronomical Capricorn: Jupiter now completes its transit through sidereal Sagittarius and begins in earnest its year-long journey through astronomical Capricorn. It will bring its expansive optimism and align with serious, results-oriented Saturn. Capricorn rules institutions, organizations, businesses, and societal norms. Everything is up for re-invention in the next few years, but especially in 2021 while Jupiter transits Capricorn. Joining up with like-minded others, combining your talents and skill sets for these reforms will flow more easily now. Be open to new possibilities!
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces trine Sun in Scorpio: This alignment brings a healing grace to the world. It is profoundly compassionate, spiritually-inclined. You might have a watery melt-down, shedding tears of grief, or help another through their emotional purging.
Wed November 25
Moon/Mars conjunction in Pisces: Mars presses us to take action. Aspects to Mars can bring on temporary frustration, a short temper, or a feeling of being overwhelmed. As the emotional Moon joins Mars in sidereal Pisces, the fire is tempered by water. You might feel buried emotions rising to the surface like a gentle burbling hot pool or a forceful geyser erupting.
Thu November 26
Mercury/Juno conjunction in Libra: Fast-moving Mercury, like the Moon, can trigger events that have been building, bringing things to a head. This aspect involves multitudinous communications and focused decision- making with partners of all kinds — Juno’s domain.
Sun in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces: Portals between the dimensions open more easily with this aspect, creating serendipitous or magical experiences. This may also include healing conversations that open new doors of understanding.
Moon in Aries square Jupiter/Pallas Athene/Saturn in Capricorn: This is a good aspect for organizing something or making a plan. A spontaneous shift from heading in a previous direction to taking a new path may occur. Try something different, be bolder. Follow those tangents.
Fri November 27
Venus in Libra opposite Uranus/Moon in Aries: This polarizing aspect can help you see the other’s point of view while also valuing your own. For some, a severing of ties may occur as you realize what you want now is different from past desires.
Sat November 28 – Sun November 29
Neptune in astronomical Aquarius turns direct: The planet of re-imagining our world returns to direct motion on November 28 from its retrograde of June 22. Neptune’s current transit through Aquarius is planting its seeds of compassion, caring for all forms of life, and futuristic dreams that will manifest for the next 170 years via all of us who are living in this extraordinary time. We are the conduits. What an exhilarating time to be alive. Take your part seriously, joyfully in re-imagining the world you want to leave to your children and for the generations to come.
Moon in Aries opposite Mercury/Juno in Libra: The ongoing Mercury/Juno conjunction has both created and ended alliances depending where you are on your life’s journey. This aspect calls forth another level of speaking one’s truth and valuing your needs in relationships.
The Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse in sidereal Taurus/Scorpio is exact tomorrow morning but is building in tension on Sunday night. This can make it hard to sleep for some or impulsively creative and passionate for others.

“Flash of Thought” painting by Kathryn Mapes Turner
Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in sidereal Taurus/Scorpio
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Mon November 30 – Tue December 1
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in sidereal Taurus/Scorpio: A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse means the Full Moon is only partially covered by the Earth’s shadow. It is beautiful to behold and it can shift us energetically out of old patterns and commit to a new way of life. It will be visible in North America. This Full Moon is linked to two stars that mirror and guide our political world. They are Antares in sidereal Scorpio (governing the Senate) and Aldebaran in Taurus (governing the House of Representatives). These stars are linked to raw power which either seeks to do good for as many as possible, or just stay in power by any means attempting to dominate others. Sometimes we may feel this struggle within our own soul, our personal worlds. The polarization of a Full Moon can bring this conflict to a head. This Full Moon is also full of physical passion and vitality, sensuality, sexuality, fruition. Have some celebratory fun which should always be part of a Full Moon.
Moon/North Lunar Node conjunction in Taurus: This aspect last occurred on Election Day, November 3, so this can mark a turning point of completions from that time. Another focus of this important alignment is to find ways to become more embodied — less in the head, more in the body — be that via strength training, listening to your intuition, spending time in nature, Earth’s body.
Wed December 2
Venus in Libra sextile Vesta in Leo trine Moon in Gemini: This lovely geometry encourages you to bring more beauty into your life. Recognize that in so doing, you are making the world a more loving and creative space for all to play within, moving our world forward energetically in positive ways. Buying flowers is a ceremonial gesture to create peace in the world when done with consciousness and intention. Spiff up your altar, buy a book for a friend you know will delight them, walk in the beauty of nature sharing stories.
Thu December 3 – Fri December 4
Moon in Gemini trine Venus in Libra square Mars in Pisces: The trine of Moon to Venus allows for a flow of abundance and joy in sharing with others in the early part of the day. Then the square of Moon to Mars brings more edginess. Speak your truth, research new options, release something from the past.
Moon in Cancer opposite Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn: This serious-minded aspect happens overnight from Thursday to Friday, possibly leading to challenged sleep. You might work on something late into the night because you are inspired or motivated.
Mercury in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces square Ceres in Aquarius: If you are a counselor in some way (and most of us are in some way), heartfelt, healing conversations are happening. You might offer grief counseling to someone, support an elder in transition, reorganize your caregiving responsibilities to fit current needs.
Sat December 5 – Sun December 6
Sun in Scorpio trine Moon in Cancer: This supportive phase of our current SolLunar Cycle makes things go smoothly and creates ease in sharing emotionally with our beloveds.
Sun in Scorpio square Vesta in Leo: You might need to tweak a plan involving the education of your children or offer them additional support in the challenges they are facing during this time of upheaval. If you have been working too hard and need to play more, or visa versa, adjust your schedule, establishing a new routine.
Venus in Libra quincunx Mars in Pisces: Both signs of Pisces and Libra tend to be compassionate, cordial, caring. But they can also be co-dependent or overly-nice out of the fear of upsetting someone. This quincunx encourages greater honesty in your interactions while maintaining kindness and genuine concern for the feelings of others.

“True Ground” painting by Kathryn Mapes Turner
Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Mon December 7
Last Quarter Moon: Sun in Scorpio square Moon/Vesta in Leo: This turning point is similar to what I wrote above but amplified greatly by the Moon aligning with focused Vesta. You might need to tweak a plan involving the education of your children or offer them additional support in the challenges they are facing during this time of upheaval. If you have been working too hard and need to play more, or visa versa, adjust your schedule, establishing a new routine. Financial decisions involving a creative project may occur.
Tue December 8
Moon in Virgo trine Jupiter/Saturn/Pallas Athene: This excellent aspect helps you stay work-focused, on task, feel organized, and inspires leadership amongst the essential workers.
Wed December 9
Sun in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius: Neptune governs the envisioning power of imagination, spirituality, and the arts in general. This annual square marks a turning point in creative, spiritual and therapeutic goals and projects you have been working on during this soon-to-be-completing year. Time to walk through a door of discovery and look ahead.
Moon in Virgo sextile Mercury in Scorpio: This collaboration seeks solutions to problems and makes for supportive and intimate conversations and connections.
Thu December 10
Sun in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces: Mars governs our passions and physical actions and so this positive trine brings strong energy and athleticism all day long. Seek cooperation as you include the heartfelt drives and desires of all parties working together.
Venus in Libra sextile Pluto in Sagittarius: This alignment deepens our communications with partners and cohorts. It encourages you to feel empowered within your relationships, or to find that path to empowerment.
Moon in Libra square Jupiter/Saturn/Pallas Athene: This can lead to decisions regarding lawsuits, negotiations, relationship goals.
Fri December 11
Sun/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio: Scorpio is a sign of herculean determination and midwifes change via portals of death and birth. This annual pairing can bring potent completions for global events, and also for your personal life. The shift may be subtle, like a feeling you have been freed of some past energies or issues, or it can be more dramatic like moving out, moving on.
Moon in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries: As the great planetary disruptors of Uranus and Eris continue to transit through pioneering Aries for a long time to come, we are being given countless, unending opportunities to let go of antiquated ways of thinking, being and living and to TRY SOMETHING NEW. Break free of past frustrations in your relationships — Libra — by trying something new.
Sat December 12
Moon/Venus/Juno conjunction in Scorpio: Look for this bejeweled trio right before sunrise. Scorpio gets to the bottom of things with determination, no nonsense, raw and real. Given that Juno is in the mix, this alignment supports deep intimacy with your beloveds, within your self and your rich inner world, with all of life.
Sun December 13
Mercury/South Lunar Node in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius: Tomorrow’s New Moon Solar Eclipse takes place on the South Lunar Node, a point linked to being freed from past influences. Mercury can bring important information to you in the next two days. Today’s square of Mercury to imaginative Neptune cuts through illusions and fantasies so you can see more clearly what is taking shape. A longer than usual meditation might be a good idea as we close out this life-changing Cycle.
Blessed New Moon tomorrow~

“Natalie’s Sunset” painting by Kathryn Mapes Turner
Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
I advocate for actions we can take personally to be a living example of personal and planetary radiant health and vitality, thus modeling this most potent form of activism — to walk our talk, to be a living example of the change we seek to see in the world.
The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers : This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.