“Deep Blue Waters, Grand Teton National Park” photo by Lyn Dalebout
Friends, many of you who are astute political thinkers, passionate astrology students, good-hearted souls, here’s a short piece to share some insights about our current astrological weather as it pertains to our mighty American election. I specifically want to alert you to the influence of the current Mars retrograde cycle, its meaning, timing of transits and how it relates to our current turmoil.
As it was in 2016, it is not surprising that the outcome of this Election in 2020 would be extremely close given the divisions sadly growing in our country. We have only become more polarized in the past four years, for many reasons. Whatever outcomes the political pollsters and pundits attempted to predict, this election was destined to be a squeaker.
So breathe, stay calm and soothe yourself and remain patient.
I admit it is hard to remain calm, breathe and be patient when Mars turns retrograde every other year. This astrological cycle always brings dramatic life changes to our personal and collective lives. Mars governs what we are passionate about and where we want to take action. In its highest expression, Mars is about speaking your truth, walking your talk, but not pressuring others to believe what you believe. Mars runs very hot in some people and manifests as sacred rage and political activism or it runs cooler in others and expresses as a spiritual activism which promotes love over fear. Often during a Mars retrograde period, bizarre accidents increase, medical emergencies arise, conflicts come to a head in relationships, organizations, politics and global affairs. It is important to understand and accept that any challenges faced during this time are necessary to ensure that the truth is being told and that what has been buried needs to erupt into daylight. In that healing light, we can heal and live more fully from the honesty, passion and joy of our red beating hearts.
This current Mars retrograde cycle spans both astronomical Aries and Pisces. It takes place from July 24 2020, when Mars entered the shadow period, and completes on January 2 2021, when in leaves the shadow phase. The actual retrograde is from September 9 – November 13 2020 when Mars appears to go backward in the heavens.
November 13 will be a very important date to watch.
Also the night of Thursday November 5 into Friday November 6, Mercury makes its final square to Saturn, bringing possible important news as this aspect is the completion of the recent Mercury retrograde cycle from the previous three weeks.
This Mars retrograde cycle of 2020 is transiting through early sidereal Aries and late Pisces. From late July until September 30, Mars entered Aries, stirring up collective passions, and amplified fighting and competition, but also shocked us to awaken to our power as individuals to create societal change. This is now manifesting as a tsunami of voters who are voting in this Election. On September 30, Mars re-entered late astronomical Pisces, the sign of the two Fishes. This zone of Pisces is literally associated with the swamp of human drama where one is either dragged down, drowned, to die like an unconscious zombie, or, rise up, heavenward, like a fish leaping out of those cesspool waters of collective suffering to discover fresh air, clear thinking, spiritual awakening.
During this Mars retrograde, we are all being pressured to make a choice as to what type of humans we want to be. As you make your choice, you will have to live with the consequences for years to come. Do not turn your head in denial due to fear or laziness or become lost in addictions and conspiracies — shadow aspects of Pisces — but become more discerning in what you digest on every level. As I often write, THINK FOR YOURSELF. Choose actions, create relationships based on your higher angels. Mars will leave this swamp zone and return to uplifting Aries on December 26 2020, another day to watch.
In addition, Mars is conjunct Eris, dubbed the Great Disrupter, and forms a tense volcanic square to the defining astrological aspect of 2020, the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction. The already significant Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, which begins a new 20-year cycle of societal reconstruction, hooks up with destructive and regenerative Pluto for the first time in 736 years! Click here to read my longer post on the power of Pluto in 2020. This aspect intensifies societal unrest, aggressive reactive behavior, and an awry use of power in those caught in the less-evolved expression of Mars such as monumental narcissism and the fear of egoic survival. If you are working with the more-evolved energies and expression of vital and passionate Mars, this retrograde period can help you embrace the challenges you faced this year and rapidly shift to a better place to with new levels of awakening and undaunted courage to protect what you love.
The good news is we have already navigated two of the three squares in this three-part aspect. The most challenging square is often the middle one which took place in late October. The finale will be the last week of December 2020 in which we integrate all the lessons learned and gifts gained during the Mars retrograde cycle. Will dictators win as they try to dominate the masses or will individuals claim their inner authority and rise up and guide their leaders to follow the dictates of the people? As we reclaim our inner power and take back our power from others, we can all play a unique part in this the historic regeneration of all our institutions and society over these next decades. This is why 2020 and beyond marks a turning point for our entire planetary story and experiment — and for the United States of America in particular to be determined by every one of us as to what that outcome will be.
As a patriot — defined as a person who vigorously supports her country and is prepared to defend it against enemies and detractors — I remain hopeful that the good people of this country at all levels will do what it takes to protect America from any and all scoundrels engaged in wrong-doing to ensure that each and every ballot is counted so that each and every voice has a say. Voting and protecting the right to vote is the most important thing we do as engaged citizens who cherish freedom above all else.
Now I will go enjoy a bowl of the alchemical cobbler of intention I made for November 3, Election Night. I mixed blue and red berries and topped it with white whipped coconut cream, a food offering to signify our unity as we swirl and bake in our diversity, the destiny of mighty America. I will continue to bake a few more of my blue, white and red concoctions, sharing with others, not always of like-mind, but of good heart, with hope and faith in my being that we WILL become a more perfect union, even in these perilous and uncertain times.

“Blue Hole” photograph by Lyn Dalebout