Full Moon in sidereal Aquarius
“Alpenglow Tetons” painting by Natalie Connell
It’s no surprise that all Full Moons are not the same, although each of them carries a generic exuberance or challenging intensity during the three day portal of the Full Moon experience. Even though this is a Super Moon, it is also more mellow (free from harshness) especially compared to the ferocity of last week’s transits. Both the friendship Sun in Aquarius and the festive Leo Moon are in positive aspects to Mars/Uranus in Aries, pushing us to be bold as we pioneer new creative dimensions for ourselves, families, communities. Celebrate! Be a kid again by doing what brings you back to child-like wonder and enthusiastic joy….happy to be alive just because you are alive.
On the last day of this current SolLunar Cycle (March 5), Mercury will turn retrograde once again. Read on!
Thank you, dear Natalie, for the gift of your paintings for this month’s Star Signposts. Please view many of Natalie’s diverse, unique, and magically alive paintings at Natalie Connell Art.
READINGS, MINI-READINGS AND MENTORING: Please consider a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or a bit longer reading for $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2019 and beyond. I also MENTOR students individually or in groups/workshops who want to learn more about how to work with sidereal astrology in their own chart or with their clients. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map or Update. Thank you!
My interpretations and predictions are based on the sidereal astronomical alignments. You can read about my unique way of interpreting astrology at this link: EarthWord SkyWord sidereal readings. Even NASA is onboard now with the sidereal zodiac! In my daily posts, I include the astrological aspects for students of astrology, then give a basic interpretation of how these forces might influence your daily life. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can and will flow with more ease, grace and understanding. I post twice a month, on the New Moon (which includes the two weeks of New Moon and First Quarter Moon) and on the Full Moon (which includes the two weeks of Full Moon and Last Quarter Moon).
@2019 Lyn Dalebout ~EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved
Full Moon in sidereal Aquarius

Here is a brief synopsis of the Full Moon characteristics that hold true for every Full Moon from my from my friend and sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza at Lunar Planner.
“The Full Moon marks the point of coition in the lunar cycle, the climax, the point of excitement, a time of celebration. The day just after the Full Moon is a time for the realization of the theme to emerge, culminating in the enthusiasm of the Full Moon. Relax and allow this realization to occur. There is no need to force it as it surfaces on its own.”
Tue February 19
Full Moon: Moon in Leo opposite Sun in Aquarius: It’s no surprise that all Full Moons are not the same, although each of them carries a generic exuberance or challenging intensity during the three day portal of the Full Moon experience. Even though this is a Super Moon, it is also more mellow (free from harshness) especially compared to the ferocity of last week’s transits. Both the friendship Sun in Aquarius and the festive Leo Moon are in positive aspects to Mars/Uranus in Aries, pushing us to be bold as we pioneer new creative dimensions for ourselves, families, communities. Celebrate! Be a kid again by doing what brings you back to child-like wonder and enthusiastic joy….happy to be alive just because you are alive.
Wed February 20
Pallas Athene in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries: Expect sudden shifts in direction or breakthroughs in creative projects.
Moon in Leo opposite Mercury in Aquarius: Don’t distract yourself worrying about mundane stuff that wastes your precious time. With this helpful aspect, let your wild imagination lead the way and focus on creative activities that truly inspire your heart.
Thu February 21
Moon in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: Offer healing words or actions to someone who is suffering, or be the recipient of the soothing balm offered by another.
Fri February 22
Moon in Virgo square Saturn/Venus/Pluto in Sagittarius: This analytical, fierce square helps solve design problems or resolve recent relationship misunderstandings if you are utterly truthful about what you need and want going forward. I am adding this note on this day: Venus/Pluto delivers: this alignment is often tied to sexual abuse and three major sexual predators are brought to justice tonight. Sometimes it takes a very long time for events to come to light. But they will always come to Light.
Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Scorpio: You may have a sudden intuition about what’s up with a friendship or relationship or about a challenge someone is about to face. Know that you can know in advance about events coming from the future. Helpful advice can come from a friend or colleague to help you navigate a challenge.
Sat February 23
Sun in Aquarius square Juno in Taurus: Squares are like rounding the corner to see a whole new view ahead of you. With this one, difficulties may arise in relationships or new commitments are made going forward.
Mercury in Aquarius sextile Pluto in Sagittarius: This alignment offers friendly turf for probing, insightful conversations.
Moon/Pallas Athene in Libra: This aspect is strategic in nature and also creates a desire to make peace.
Sun February 24
Mercury in Aquarius sextile Venus in Sagittarius: Visionary ideas emerge, hopeful conversations occur or making trip plans with friends are possible today.
Mon February 25
Grand Trine in water: Moon in Scorpio/North Lunar Node in Cancer/Chiron in Pisces: This heavenly trine is compassionate and caring, bathing our world with healing water. It is especially helpful for sincere family conversations and reconciliations.
Venus/South Lunar Node conjunction in Capricorn: This aspect takes place near midnight tonight. It can bring about finales, a release of past attachments, or sensing something is complete or needs to be completed in the coming weeks.
Last Quarter Moon

Here is a description of the qualities of the Last Quarter Moon phase compliments of my friend and sidereal colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza at Lunar Planner:
“This phase completes with our Inner Needs surfacing to consciousness, to become aware of what is important to self and what is not. Knowing now what our Truth is, it is time to consciously live it. Doing so provides a choice for others to also live theirs. Changing allows us to spiral to a new octave of experience—one that will eventually sprout in the next lunar cycle to come.”
Tue February 26
Moon/Ceres conjunction in Scorpio: People can feel possessive or controlling in relationships or want to buck off someone trying to control them. Emotional clarity about intimacy issues or shared resources/money may occur.
Wed February 27
Sun in Aquarius sextile Mars in Aries: This enthusiastic, adventurous pairing is perfect for exercising with a friend, and exploring new terrain previously unexplored, be that on the land or within the terrain of the heart.
Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio: Emotions run high, even manic, when these two align once a month. In sidereal Scorpio, secrets are revealed, sexual energies run strong, power and control issues arise, financial issues are discussed.
Thu February 28
Moon in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries: This positive trine offers great courage and will power to overcome any challenge one is facing or to make rapid advances in current projects. It is highly athletic, manifesting as record-breaking feats.
Fri March 1
Moon/Saturn/Pluto in Sagittarius: The two heavy-weights of Saturn and Pluto are getting closer and closer to one another before their respective retrogrades in April. This is creating a pronounced global feeling of ‘karma is about to come due’ and will likely manifest in restrictive, challenging events in the coming two years. The monthly conjunction of the emotional Moon with these two can trigger catalytic events or create severe emotional challenges for a day. You can also feel extraordinary drive and energy.
Sat March 2
Moon/Venus in Capricorn: Showing your love in demonstrable action, beautifying and organizing your environments, visiting beloved elders are good choices today.
Sun March 3
Moon in Capricorn square Mars in Aries: This forceful, short-tempered square can be combative, even militaristic. Try to breathe and pause before you instinctively act out in frustration, even rage, especially around your children.
Mon March 4
Moon in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Scorpio: As we near the completion of the current SolLunar Cycle, use this aspect to complete things, like finishing taxes, especially since Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow!
Tue March 5
Vesta/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: It’s an Aquarian love fest as Sun and Moon in Aquarius join this creatively-focused conjunction with supports collective brain-storming, shared meditations, and receiving insights from your future self about emerging possibilities. Allow for downtime, dreamtime, nap time.
Mercury retrograde in Pisces: The planetary ruler of the mind, communications, technology, Mercury, turns retrograde until March 28. This cycle is occurring partly in Pisces and is linked to Neptune, both of which govern right-brain artistic activities. This is a perfect period to take a break from too much outer mental activity and experience a more reflective use of the mind. Take a fast from social media, if you have wanted to do that. Or make time for reading/writing/meditating as part of your daily routine. Devotion is part of this mix, too, so devote yourself with relish to creative projects or practices that fulfill your Being.
Happy New Moon tomorrow!

I am grateful to be the owner of this mystical painting of my beloved Tetons
Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
JIN SHIN JYUTSU ~ TOOL FOR SUPPORT: Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times: Health is in your Hands. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Please check it out, and teach yourself this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
The World Peace Diet ~ Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony by Will Tuttle
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
More Resource links to come in future posts!