” Lavender Snow – Trail Creek ” painting by Lucinda Abbe
{NOTE: Once again, I am a tad late in posting due to a confluence of events: my birthday weekend beginning with this New Moon, following my own advice of honoring the need for self-care as I transition and return to my heart home. Please read below.}
Did your life expand dramatically or unfold with surprises or shocks this past Cycle under the auspices of link to Jupiter? Jupiter is associated with luck and optimism but it can also mirror profound releases, like a death, that are required for our more expansive Selves to thrive as we spiral to a new level of self-expression. My life surprise was that I decided to move home to my heart home, the Tetons and Yellowstone of Wyoming. It became apparent to me that my walkabout of the past eleven years, and especially for the last five years, traveling between two homes, was done and it was time for me to find a new nest here in a land and community that has always felt like home, even amidst the momentous and sometimes difficult ways this place has changed. So here I am, beginning anew in a place of great memory.
This New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Pisces is linked exactly to both Mercury and Chiron. This can mean that in the upcoming month it is important to pay attention to your mental health and thought patterns alongside your overall physical health. It is essential we each take exquisite self-care, by choice or by necessity, in this time of sensitivity and vulnerability. The energy of Pisces, as a water sign, is used well when we commit to going with the flow, spending time in or near water, with an increased focus in the power of the lymphatic system to cleanse us daily. It is an excellent month to simplify and do a cleanse. When you are tired, cranky or feel heavy, consider a movement practice that takes place out of the intense pressure of downward pulling vertical gravity. Get horizontal. Do your exercises, like restorative yoga or qi gong while lying down and feel the support of Earth throughout your entire body. Move and float in water where you become naturally weightless. These simple pleasures will greatly help calm your nervous system in this vulnerable time. If you honor the need for rest and restoration now, you can be more prepared to leap into the fires of revitalized life in May with the New Moon landing in sidereal pioneering, fiery, take-action Aries.
Other key events are the very heavy and serious Mars/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn on Mon April 4 and a most significant astronomical event on Tue April 12 as Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in sidereal Aquarius, beginning a new thirteen-year cycle. Time to rediscover great devotion and passion for all you care about. This will spark exciting new artistic and spiritual directions for society, but it can increase delusion and deception by others. It can greatly amplify addictive tendencies and behaviors, as well as expand many modalities to help people be healed from those challenges. The transformational Full Moon is in a tense square to powerhouse Pluto, a planet which often brings catharsis or profound life-giving or death-releasing shifts. See more in depth information in my posts below.
Thank you my friend, Lucinda Abbe, for capturing the beauty of the Tetons and nature via your experiential, colorful paintings from your daily excursions. View more of Lucinda’s diverse portfolios here.
Sidereal Astrology Mentoring and Readings
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. I use the phases of the Moon as the scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
I delight in mentoring students—individually, with families or groups, and via workshops and conferences—who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Consider booking a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2022 and beyond. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update, Relationship Map, Young Adult or Child’s Map. Thank you!
@2022 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Pisces
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
Sun/Moon/Mercury/Chiron conjunction in sidereal Pisces: Fri April 1 – Sat April 2
This New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Pisces is linked exactly to both Mercury and Chiron. This can mean that in the upcoming month it is important to pay attention to your mental health and thought patterns alongside your overall physical health. It is essential we each take exquisite self-care, by choice or by necessity, in this time of sensitivity and vulnerability. The energy of Pisces, as a water sign, is used well when we commit to going with the flow, spending time in or near water, with an increased focus in the power of the lymphatic system to cleanse us daily. It is an excellent month to simplify and do a cleanse. When you are tired, cranky or feel heavy, consider a movement practice that takes place out of the intense pressure of downward pulling vertical gravity. Get horizontal. Do your exercises, like restorative yoga or qi gong while lying down and feel the support of Earth throughout your entire body. Move and float in water where you become naturally weightless. These simple pleasures will greatly help calm your nervous system in this vulnerable time. If you honor the need for rest and restoration now, you can be more prepared to leap into the fires of revitalized life in May with the New Moon landing in sidereal pioneering, fiery, take-action Aries.
This crescendos Thu March 31, crests Fri April 1, dissolves Mon April 4.
Mars/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: Mon April 4
Under the leadenness of this aspect, you might feel almost unable to move your body, like you are being held down physically. Or you may feel frustrated, thwarted, depressed about life or how slow something is coming to fruition. But this once-every-two-year-conjunction can also help us lift the heaviest weights, run an ultra-marathon. It assists us in halting any avoidance behaviors so it’s a good time to start a cleanse. Embrace your responsibilities as you find reserves of determination and perseverance. Good luck!
This crescendos Thu March 31, crests Mon April 4, dissolves Thu April 7.
Mercury in Pisces sextile Mars/Saturn in Capricorn: Thu April 7
This can bring good news that comes as a result of your recent herculean efforts regarding some goal or desire. Take some time to relax, a key theme during this entire month. Meditate by water, listen for burbling intuitions about what your next step might be. Book a helpful therapy session of some sort.
This crescendos Wed April 5, crests Thu April 7, dissolves Sat April 9.
Mercury in Aries sextile Mars/Juno in Aquarius: Fri April 8
This can bring good news about current partnerships or link you with people you need to connect with. Brainstorm, experiment as you plant seeds of intention regarding shared goals in your alliances.
This builds on Thu April 7, crests Fri April 8, completes Sat April 9.
Uranus in Aries square Vesta in Capricorn: Fri April 8
Breakthroughs occur or a sudden turning linked to plans you’ve been making. Vesta longs for security but these times seem to demand we find ways to create that security amidst great uncertainty—Uranus in Aries.
This crescendos Wed April 6, crests Fri April 8, dissipates Sun April 10.
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries: Sun April 3
Best to stay in moment, guided by your intuition. Be adventures today. Make a new choice.
Moon/Ceres conjunction in Taurus: Tue April 5 – Wed April 6
This brings a desire to cook, nurture yourself physically, slow down, begin garden plantings. Care for those you care about.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Gemini square Sun in Pisces: Sat April 9
Gemini generally stimulates the mind, amplifies the need to communicate, makes for a busy day full of multitasking. So do some of that while also honoring the current energies to engage in self-care and frequent rest amidst your activities. Notice what it is you are grateful for and what is flowing well in your life. Journal, talk to a trusted friend or therapist.
This builds on Fri April 8, crests Sat April 9, dissolves Sun April 10.
Mars/Juno conjunction in Aquarius: Sat April 9
This can start up—Mars—new two-year alliances—Juno—or mark a new phase in a current relationship. As they meet up in Aquarius you may make important new friends or run into old ones. Collaborate on shared community goals. Make a date up with someone out of your comfort zone that you find oddly interesting.
This crescendos Wed April 6, crests Sat April 9, dissolves Mon April 11.
Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Sun April 10
This sharp-tongued aspect can spark tense conversations. It can provoke and expose underlying power dynamics.
This builds Sat April 9, crests Sun April 10, dissolves Mon April 11.
Sun/Pallas Athene conjunction in sidereal Pisces aligned with Revati: Mon April 11
This annual conjunction is excellent for strategic planning, designing anything, connecting with the power of your imagination. Play games like chess, do complex puzzles, design a quilt or painting, create an outline for a book project. Philanthropic work is highlighted as they align with the star of Revati in Pisces, a star that brings good fortune and success if you ensure how you make your fortunes is aligned impeccably with your values and ethics.
This builds Sun April 10, crests Mon April 11, dissolves Tue April 12.
This fortunate once-every-thirteen-year conjunction will profoundly aid us in reimagining our future worlds as we recover from the great destruction and dismantling of the past two years which took place under Pluto’s cathartic eye. Time to discover with great devotion and passion all you care about. Astrologically, Neptune rules the imagination, creativity, the arts and spiritual dimensions, the watery worlds, the dreamtime. Neptune manifests as the magic and mystery of life and and governs the cosmic laws of our invisible world, like physics, unseen energy, the ability to envision what you desire first, then call it forth in this physical dimension. Jupiter amplifies all it touches, making it bigger, bolder, more confident, prosperous. So when these two align, POW, so much vitality and possibility comes to our next-level fields of intention and possibility.
This is an interesting insight I noticed as I studied this cycle: The last time these two planets came together was in May of 2009 meeting up in the very first degree of sidereal Aquarius, and now they meet up again in the very last degree of Aquarius. WOW! Aquarius, the Waterman or Humanitarian, is the one sign in the traditional zodiac symbolized as a human, not an animal or an object (although it is one of two signs that are signified by humans if you include the thirteenth constellation of Ophiuchus, also symbolized as a human). Aquarius is the sign in the zodiac that highlights futuristic visions, aiding us to live and thrive as one rainbow tribe where all are accepted and acknowledge for their uniqueness. These past thirteen years which began with the Great Recession of 2009, an historic time that began a necessary destruction of society, now completes and we begin a period of reconstruction. Aquarius advocates and opens hearts to a more inclusive way of seeing the world. It is also about shared leadership, not a few governing the many from on high. Humanity has been there, done that, in the dark ages, time to evolve. We have lived and are living through one of the most important times in history that will set the course for centuries to come. You have role, we all do.
With this current amplification by Jupiter of all things Neptunian, we will see original artistic trends, a continued spiritual awakening of humanity and acceptance of diversity. The shadow side of Neptune involves increased addictions where one seeks to check out of the suffering of the world versus acknowledging and feeling the pain, then work to change behaviors and make healthier choices. Neptune also rules deceptions and lies so some will seek to manipulate the masses in strange new ways. The key is to go within yourself, listen to your wise knowing, and see what resonates with you, what you know to be true, not what anyone else believes. If you honor and practice inner listening, this transit will greatly amplify your own connection to your highest, deepest, wisest levels. Good news!
Sun in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn: Tue April 12
This aspect opens doors of opportunity and brings easy flow and success to endeavors and tasks.
This crescendos Mon April 11, crests Tue April 12, dissolves Wed April 13.
Moon in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn: Mon April 11
Use this serious and focused aspect to take care of family responsibilities or challenges. Cancer enjoys all aspects linked to food so this is a great day for meal preparation for the upcoming week/s.
Moon in Leo opposite Juno/Mars in Aquarius: Tue April 12
With this bright and happy connection, you naturally seek out time with partners, playdates, social activities. It can also manifest as a difference of opinion as that’s what oppositions do, helping us see how another’s perspective is different from our own.
Moon in Leo opposite Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: Wed April 13 – Thu April 14
This calls forth the creative gifts of the noteworthy Jupiter/Neptune conjunction that just began. Use this star portal for inspiration, reimagining what is possible in your art or life. Often just goofing off or playing around triggers whole new ways of seeing a situation or participating in your art forms, whatever they may be.

Full Moon in sidereal Libra/Aries
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon: Sun in Aries opposite Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn: Sat April 16
All Full Moons take place amidst the energies of other major celestial events. As this one shines its light just after the momentous Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of April 12, important events and conversations about future directions, goals, alliances, communities are happening at lightning speed. You might be considering a move to a new community, examining possibilities in relationships, feel inspired from within to take a courageous leap of faith. This Full Moon is in a tense square to powerhouse Pluto, a planet which often brings catharsis or profound life-giving or death-releasing shifts. The relationship energy—Libra—and self-awakening desire—Aries—brings to the fore questions about how you are navigating your relationships and/or what you seek to call into your life. Knowing who you are first helps you magnetize people who bring fulfillment to you just as you will bring your support and care to them as mutual needs and desires align.
This crescendos on Thu April 14, crests Sat April 16, dissipates Mon April 18.
Jupiter enters sidereal Pisces: Sun April 17 2022 – Tue April 25 2023
Jupiter has just united with Neptune in the last degrees of sidereal Aquarius and it now enters a year-long transit through watery, imaginative, spiritual Pisces. We can expect amplified weather events like flooding, rains, hurricanes. Pisces often focuses on the suffering in our world and amplifies the desire to relieve that suffering via a compassionate, open heart. This transit can increase addictive tendencies as one seeks to escape life’s pain but it also increases the desire to get help. New societal and collaborative efforts are launched to help those who seek healing treatments and therapies. Jupiter will turn retrograde on July 28, then direct on November 23, leaving Pisces on April 25 2023.
Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Aries sextile Venus in Aquarius opposite Moon in Libra: Sun April 17
Something important might happen to you today, like a surprising internal awareness or information regarding a key relationship. It may take a few days to absorb the shift taking place. Your thoughts—Mercury—and emotions—Moon and Venus—are supercharged with energy and insights.
This crescendos Sat April 16, crests Sun April 17, dissolves Mon April 18.
Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Mon April 18
This tense aspect can create a feeling that something is impending or lurking beneath the surface. It brings power dynamics to a head, leading to confrontation. Surges of extraordinary energy help you navigate a crisis, like a rescue worker requires amidst chaos. Be okay with feeling a bit chaotic or out of control while not indulging in fear. Physical purges are possible in your body or regarding all your stuff.
This builds on Sun April 17, crests Mon April 18, dissolves Tue April 19.
Sun in Aries sextile Juno in Aquarius: Tue April 19
This brings sunshine to relationships, stimulating conversations, positive energy in general.
This crescendos Mon April 18, crests Tue April 19, dissipates Wed April 20.
Moon/South Node conjunction in Libra: Mon April 18
Libra highlights our relationships and seeks harmony and justice. The monthly passage of the Moon over the South Node of the past can bring completion to discussions, lawsuits, relationships. You might reconnect with an old lover or colleague or re-visit the possibility of an old relationship.
Moon in Scorpio square Jupiter/Neptune conjunction: Wed April 20
This can trigger possessiveness or envy about a friend or colleague or it can encourage you to have a conversation of depth with others.
Moon/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: Fri April 22
We celebrate Earth Day today with this intense conjunction that sparks courage, determination and activism. Society—Capricorn—will continue to experience regular earthquakes of awakening and shifts so may you be part of this dynamic process of change for the betterment of all.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Capricorn square Sun in Aries: Sat April 23
You might find yourself focused on work projects today as Capricorn seeks excellence in all things and rarely stops till the job is finished. Yet the Sun in Aries needs freedom and to be free of past responsibilities. Notice both urges if they arise today.
This builds Fri April 22, crests Sat April 23, dissipates Sun April 24.
Mercury/North Node conjunction in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn: Sun April 24
Many are seeking to get noticed or get ahead at work under this aspect. Aries can bring out competition, a desire to lead the pack or try new directions. Convene your team to discuss new ideas and ways to move your organization in relevant directions. Be willing to change directions or plans regarding a project, on a long hike or run, or on a road trip.
This builds on Sat April 23, crests Sun April 24, dissipates Mon April 25.
Mercury in Taurus sextile Jupiter in Pisces: Tue April 26
This brings positive financial news and caring solutions to existing problems. Excellent energy for nurturing body work or therapy, or enjoying a comforting meal with a beloved.
This builds Mon April 25, crests Tue April 26, dissolves Wed April 27.
Venus/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: Wed April 27
This annual meet-up is a portal for artistic inspiration no matter your medium. It signifies the heart of compassion and seeks ways to ensure all beings are able to manifest lives of health, joy and service. Sometimes aspects involving Neptune can reveal deceptions or unrealistic fantasies so a reality check may be needed if you feel disappointed today.
This crescendos Mon April 25, crests Wed April 27, dissipates Fri April 29.
Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn: Thu April 28
This dynamic of ease involves earth signs and brings steady energy and results both in your ability to focus your mind—Mercury—and harness your super powers—Pluto.
This builds on Wed April 27, crests Thu April 28, dissipates Fri April 29.
Moon/Vesta/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: Sun April 24
This conjunction can bring on a serious state of mind or heart about your current state of affairs or it can help you stay focused on the tasks at hand.
Moon/Juno/Mars conjunction in Aquarius: Mon April 25
This energizing aspect makes you seek out others or take important action steps in your alliances with others.
Moon/Venus/Neptune/Jupiter conjunction: Tue April 26 – Wed April 27
Thankfully we complete this SolLunar Cycle in this creative, compassionate, imaginative field of energy. Indulge in the activities that bring you joy and restoration or that allow you to fulfill your ethics and desire to serve others.
Blessed New Moon in sidereal Aries on April 30~

The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health and vitality for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.
I will be expanding this section in 2022!