“Mama Grizzly” painting by Chelse Grohman ~ Blessings for Felicia and her Cubs
Under the influence of the recent Mercury retrograde cycle, I am making changes in how I present my interpretations of the star weather in these Star Signposts hoping it might be more beneficial to you as readers. Rather than highlighting the days of the week, I will organize the entries based on the astrological transits and cycles while still including dates as part of the entries. I decided to do this based on the way I experienced June’s very challenging Mars/Saturn opposition. Rather than just feeling its heaviness on the day of the exact opposition, the suffocating tension of this aspect was clearly brewing and building for days preceding the actual turning point. Because I knew this planetary storm was building, I could be less attached to the heaviness of the emotions I was feeling, while still experiencing them, as I knew this cycle would eventually shift.
In retrospect, I wished I had warned others in advance as I think of myself as a helpful weather woman in my attempts to read the signs. Like all of life’s events and relationships, planetary cycles CRESCENDO, CREST, and DISSIPATE. Going forward, I will present the star weather in a format that highlights this idea of the three phases of any transit in hopes that will assist you in paying attention to your own emotions and experiences happening under the planetary influences. I will continue to utilize the phases of the Moon as a scaffold for my posts as I believe there is great value in paying keen attention to the movements of our mother satellite, Luna. The Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth, helping us to both release the old and embrace the new with each monthly circle around our Earth and through the constellations.
Now, onto this month’s Overview. Before I look ahead, I want to reflect back on what just happened in the previous SolLunar Cycle tied to the completion of the recent Mercury retrograde cycle. As I wrote about here,”it is significant that the powerful warrior star of Rigel of Orion is being activated by this Mercury retrograde. Rigel symbolizes a warrior of fierce dedication but is also associated with real estate and huge building projects. This transit is linked to the current attempts by Congress to create some form of the rebuilding of America’s dilapidated infrastructure on so many levels it is staggering. Will we act before even bigger catastrophes occur?” Sadly, the tragic condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida occurred on the Full Moon of June 24. This has led others to examine the potential rot and disintegration (both literal and metaphorical) in their foundations and buildings, hopefully avoiding more calamities. How did this energy play out in your life in the past six weeks? What did you discover about your own underpinnings, foundations, things that needed repair or more attention? Did you also commit to new ways of creating or serving our world, utilizing your unique skills, talents, and desires?
Our New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini is linked to two key stars. One is called Canopus of Argo Navis. Like the wise captain of a ship, it is a star energy that helps us navigate the course we intend to see happen for life here on Earth. Canopus encourages us to each do our part to set that course and keep us heading in the right direction. The other star is named Wasat, which notably helps build bridges and linkages between parties, like a fine diplomat. We could use some of that energy right now! The first week of this Cycle is full of trines, an aspect in astrology which tends to make life flow more easily. But then with both the First Quarter Moon and the Full Moon, transformational and catalytic changes are in the works as both are tied directly to the cosmic backhoe and composter, Pluto. Venus (on July 22) and Mars (on July 29) both make their oppositions to expansive, optimistic Jupiter leading to new opportunities but also potential conflicts and standoffs. And this Cycle completes in a dramatic way as the Sun makes two tense configurations with Saturn (August 2) and Uranus (August 6) helping us commit to and integrate that which we navigated during this period.
Thank you again, Chelse Grohman, for the use of your mystical paintings of wild nature, so powerful in their realism, so moving in their magic. Be inspired by more of Chelse’s paintings here.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. I use the phases of the Moon as a scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
Thanks for considering sidereal mini-readings with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2021 and beyond. I also delight in mentoring students individually or in families, groups, workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2021 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini ~ Fri July 9
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in Gemini ~ Fri July 9
Our New SolLunar Cycle takes place at 7:16 pm MDT in the later third of sidereal Gemini. Seeds of evolution are planted with each New Moon and this one supports us paying attention to our mental health and supporting efforts that help others do the same. Importantly, both Sun and Moon align with two important stars. One is called Canopus of Argo Navis. Like the wise captain of a ship, it is a star energy that helps us navigate the course we intend to see happen for life here on Earth. Canopus encourages us to each do our part to set that course and keep us heading in the right direction. The other star is named Wasat, which notably helps build bridges and linkages between parties, like a fine diplomat. We can all use more of that right now! People are curious and seek increased intellectual stimulation (summer reading!) and lots of travel. There is a need to focus on communication systems and information distribution infrastructure, including heading off dangerous cyber attacks.This New Moon is sextile to Uranus in Aries offering opportunities for sudden shifts and breakthroughs and creative brainstorming, thinking beyond your previous limitations. Perhaps this four-week will provide a cultural reset to seek solutions rather than continuing polarized fighting that serves no positive purpose. Let’s remain optimistic, fellow Earthlings. Be the change.
The seed of this New Moon is planted on Fri July 9, and continues to sprout, flower and integrate until the next New Moon on August 8.
Mercury in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius ~ Mon July 12
This optimistic and positive-in-every-way aspect activates our thinking skills and openness to new ideas — Gemini — in expansive, energizing ways — Jupiter. It leads to information-sharing, extensive reading and investigating on subjects that have your attention, friendly conversations with others, traveling with friends.
It crescendos on Sun July 11, crests on Mon July 12, dissipates on Tue July 13 leaving in its wake positive shifts and new connections.
Venus/Mars conjunction in sidereal Cancer ~ Tue July 13
The annual exact conjunction of Venus — what you love and value — with Mars — a desire to take action and move forward — is always a moment to celebrate in our yearly celestial calendar. Your heart is ready to act on your desires and your actions are more thoughtful and considerate. This time they meet up the latter degrees of sidereal Cancer so subjects of concern may involve family matters, home projects and real estate, seeking a new home or reconfiguring family support systems. As we know, family also involves life-long levels of healing of our ancestor wounds as we evolve and make new choices more suited to the times, so those kinds of challenges may be brought to light for further healing.
This aspect has been building for a week, is exact on Tue July 13, and will continue to reverberate for weeks to come in terms of what is set in motion.
Sun in Gemini trine Neptune in Aquarius ~ Thu July 15
This flowing, grace-filled aspect mirrors that summer can be a time for non-stop socializing, vacationing, playing together. Working with your clients feels easy with positive breakthroughs. Social interactions wherever they happen feel upbeat and fun. If you are collaborating with others, innovative solutions and ideas emerge and you may have success shifting intransigent views to embrace a more open-minded perspective.
This aspect begins crescendos on Wed July 14, crests on Thu July 15, disperses its seeds by Sat July 17.
Chiron in Pisces turns retrograde ~ Thu July 15 – Sun December 19 – March 2022
Chiron is considered to be a minor planet and makes an eccentric track between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. In mythology, Chiron is called the Wounded Healer and functions as a shaman who can help us heal from our suffering in mysterious, magical ways. Chiron is also referred to as the Rainbow Bridge because of its ability to free us from getting trapped in the worldview of others or by the status-quo —Saturn — and keeps us growing, evolving (often via a healing crisis) to become more creative, healthier humans and thus expand our cultural viewpoints —Uranus. Chiron asks this question: Do you want to fit in to someone’s concept of being normal or do you want to be a cultural creative, inspiring others to follow their uniqueness?
Chiron takes fifty years to transit through our entire zodiac. Chiron is currently bringing its healing energy to the sign of sidereal Pisces, a sign linked to spirituality and art, suffering and compassion. Pisces cares for the outsider, for beings who have been left behind by society’s unequal rules, or for those who are less fortunate or wounded. As Pisces governs our waters, our lymphatic systems, challenging events linked to toxicity are possible during this retrograde. Take time to learn more about your lymphatic system and its profound healing properties. Support its vital functioning like eating a more plant-based diet, swimming or check out the Melt Method specifically created to activate and revitalize the lymphatic system.
This retrograde has been building these two months, is exact on Thu July 15, completes its retrograde on Sun Dec 15 2021. The shadow phase of full integration of the shifts happens near Spring Equinox in March of 2022!
Ceres in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn ~ Fri July 16
Both Pluto and Ceres are called dwarf planets yet they pack a punch equal to the giants like Jupiter. Ceres, goddess of the harvest, covers a vast array of interests involving the quality of our food and food supply chains, health care, environmental concerns, and all dimensions of caregiving especially for women, children, and animals. Pluto brings deep lasting change as it both cleanses the past and invigorates healthier options. This decade-long transit through sidereal Capricorn is just beginning. This earthy, grounding, results-oriented aspect supports emerging leadership by the feminine principle and of women in particular. It will create common-sense solutions for business, institutions, organizations and your own personal health. Treat yourself to some enjoyable pleasures or something that makes you feel nurtured in tangible, physical ways. Consider a S L O W D O W N as a new way of life so you can appreciate and feel all the abundance, beauty and nourishment of our holy garden of Earth.
This aspect has been forming since the first of July, completes its conjunction on Fri July 16, leaving behind its celestial gifts through the end of July.

First Quarter Moon ~ Sat July 17
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon ~ Sat July 17
After the last week’s softer, harmonizing aspects, today’s super-tense and transformational square of the Cancer Sun to the Libra Moon also marks an important annual event, the Sun/Pluto opposition. This can activate a sense of empowerment as you feel your strength and determination to power through struggles, achieve goals. It can also bring on power grabs as some seek to seize power by illegal and brutal means. You might feel a pressing need to face reality just as it is presenting itself, no hiding or denying something, or navigate an unexpected change in your life. Pluto, linked to biology, is cathartic and cleanses us at the cellular level so physical and emotional purging is possible or something in your home that needed fixing now requires it be fixed. Use this aspect to focus on projects or take a daring family adventure, courting wild nature.
This aspect builds on Fri July 16, is exact on Sat July 17, continues to unfold through Mon July 19.
Mercury in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces ~ Mon July 19
Mercury in Gemini represents a state of mind that is curious, intellectual, fact-seeking, and can be amoral in its attempt to be objective. It is also linked to mental health concerns. This tense, change-evoking square to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, can trigger a crisis in some, finally seeking the help of a compassionate listening ear such as a therapist or trusted friend. Or you may be that reflecting mirror as you reach out and ask others how they are faring in these still-challenging times. Share your vulnerability with others which honors we are not alone in our struggles, ever. Healing solutions and ideas are also borne of this transit.
This aspect has been in crescendo since Sat July 17, climaxes on Mon July 19, then reverberates for weeks to come.
Moon/Juno/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio ~ Tue July 20
The South Lunar Node in astrology holds clues to our former selves or past forms of self-expression and revisiting old history. As the Moon makes this monthly trigger, information from the past comes to light or a desire to be free of old habits or ways of relating is strong. As Juno, asteroid of marriage and soul-partnerships, is also currently aligned with the South Node, some are able to let go of an old love, or reconnect with a previous partner. These partners can be either personal or professional, including therapists, clients, etc. Secret alliances are exposed. This aspect can involve financial dealings, given the influence of Scorpio. The helpful trine to Chiron brings forgiveness and heartfelt release of old resentments. Don’t forget to make peace with yourself if need be, dissolving judgments about your past behaviors as you practice the art of self-forgiveness and compassion.
This aspect crescendos on Mon July 19, crests on Tue July 20. It might take days or weeks to integrate the consequences.
Venus in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius ~ Thu July 22
Both Venus and Jupiter are considered to be “benefic” planets in their overall influence in our lives. So oftentimes when they team up, good things happen, we feel lucky, prosperity ensues. However the 180-degree opposition aspect in astrology evokes the tension of differing points of view or amplifies internal tensions felt within. Venus rules our heart’s desires so you may want to try something new but that desire may feel scary to your heart. You want to take an emotional or financial risk to support your goals, but might teeter-totter as you gain perspective on the nature of that risk. Both these planets are aligned with magnificent stars, making it a moment of great spiritual importance. Venus is aligned with Regulus, the heart of Leo the Lion, which pressures us to act from a place of integrity within our selves and demand that from those in leadership roles. Jupiter is in the vicinity of Enif, a star symbolizing great intuition and the ability to sniff out anything fishy or downright wrong. This portal will hopefully help some begin to trust again what they know is right and good versus being a blind follower to deceptive manipulative shams or schemes.
This aspect crescendos on Tue July 20, is exact on Thu July 22 and dissipates Sun July 25, leaving behind a world transformed.

Full Moon in sidereal Capricorn/Cancer ~ Fri July 23
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon: Moon/Pluto in Capricorn opposite Sun in Cancer/Pluto ~ Fri July 23
Like our recent First Quarter Moon, this Full Moon is also intimately linked to death-and-transformation Pluto so get ready for some cultural drama or catalyzing shifts in your life. Immerse yourself in wild nature for its restorative essence or to challenge yourself athletically. I will repeat some of what I wrote above. The Moon/Pluto conjunction can activate a sense of empowerment as you feel your strength and determination to power through struggles, achieve goals. You might feel a pressing need to face reality just as it is presenting itself, no hiding or denying something, or navigate an unexpected change in your life. Pluto, linked to biology, is cathartic and cleanses us at the cellular level so physical and emotional purging is possible or something in your home that needed fixing now requires it be fixed. Politically, the drama continues at new levels of temporary insanity. Extreme weather events, earthquakes or catastrophes are possible.
The Full Moon crescendos Wed July 21, crests on Fri July 23, dissipates in influence through Mon July 26.
Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn ~ Sun July 25
Mercury enters sidereal Cancer for the next three weeks, amplifying the need to communicate with family members, deal with family business or home issues, research new housing or real estate options. Today’s opposition to intense, cathartic Pluto is like the demolition crew arriving unannounced and might bring things to a head in terms of a conflict or infrastructure problem that’s been building for some time. Research new caregiving options for elders, children, pets, your property. Things might not feel light but they can bring a fresh honesty to relationships.
This aspect starts on Sat July 24, is exact on Sun July 25, and exits by Tue July 27.
Mars in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius ~ Thu July 29
Mobilize or move forward in some way with this dynamic aspect. It builds upon the recent Venus opposite Jupiter aspect of July 22. Speak your truth, stand up for what you believe, celebrate through joyful movement like dance or a longer than usual hike or outdoor adventure. This is a militaristic aspect which can lead to conflicts and outright warfare. It sparks leaders to lead from a place of integrity, as Mars is aligned with Regulus, but in can also motivate shams to be more vocal in their lies. It’s a hot and volatile time so cool down by water. Dedicate yourself to your spiritual practices with more verve so equanimity will prevail.
The crescendo phase begins Tue July 27, the cresting phase is Thu July 29, then reverberates for quite some time to come.
Venus in Leo squares the Lunar Nodes ~ Thu July 29
This aspect seems very important to me as we return to being able to follow where our hearts are leading us having survived the great dismantling of 2020. Perhaps you know more now what truly nourishes you, what you want to nourish and what you want out of life going forward. This turning point helps you shed more things or aspects of your past and make more space and room for your emerging future self. Clear your closets, release what you no longer use to a local goodwill store which will greatly benefit others in need. Thank someone from your past and make a call to someone you want to spend more time with in the future.
This heart-felt aspect crescendos late Tue July 27, crests on Thu July 29, and carries you with its grace into your next steps.
Jupiter in Aquarius square Ceres In Taurus ~ Fri July 30
This rare aspect is influencing our collective dreams, goals and desires for a healthier planet and more caring society for all beings. Perhaps you will find new collaborations or communities you want to support and be supported by. Joining a community garden comes to mind. Feminine leadership is flourishing at all levels of business, community, institutions, government. Nurturing your connections to our beloved Earth in daily practices will make you and your family happier, more vitalized, healthier in every way.
This aspect has been building all July, is exact Fri July 30, and continues to influence us for many months.

Last Quarter Moon ~ Sat July 31
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon ~ Sun/Mercury conjunction in Cancer square Moon/Uranus in Aries opposite Saturn in Capricorn ~ Sat July 31
This exciting and possibly shock-to-the-system portal sets in motion both a looking back, examining the past, and gazing forward into what lies ahead. When the Sun and Mercury make an exact conjunction, your mind can be super-focused and clear if you consciously halt the world’s endless distractions and look within — Cancer’s domain. The Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries encourages breaking free of past restrictions by taking a risk or trying something new. Even a small change like a new food choice, exercise habit, connecting with a different sort of person can greatly influence your future. The opposition to Saturn brings discipline or serious contemplation about something from your past. You can move forward, and you WILL.
The Last Quarter Moon crescendos Fri July 30, is exact in the morning of Sat July 31, and willl reverberate through Mon August 2.
Sun in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn ~ Mon August 2
This annual event can be quite stern or controlling in its expression. It leads to decision-making by choice or necessity as you feel pressured to choose which path you will take. Or maybe you will just stubbornly sit down and wait it out. All good. Reality can feel harsh but doors are closing and opening all at once. With Cancer — family — and Capricorn — professional relationships — we might feel overwhelmed by our responsibilities but power through those obligations. It can be a productive day and lead to a sense of accomplishment as you put an end to procrastination tendencies, at least for now.
This aspect slogs in starting with the Full Moon of July 31, crests on Mon August, then plods on through Wed August 4.
Venus in Leo trine Uranus in Aries ~ Tue August 3
With this playful, good-feeling trine, may you experience ease in your creative endeavors be that cooking a meal, taking flowers or food from your garden to a friend, or receiving a gift. All is flowing even as you experiment with new approaches, Uranus’s domain. In terms of love, you can experience a sudden change of heart or try a new flavor regarding the type of person or pet that interests you.
This aspect crescendos Sun August 1, crests on Tue August 3, and completes its magic Wed August 4.
Sun in Cancer square Uranus in Aries ~ Fri August 6
How lovely the last major aspect of this Cycle involves Uranus, planet of breakthroughs, eccentricity, embracing your quirky and original Self. This square can mean you have to consciously choose not to follow someone else but choose your authentic nature as your most important and essential source of information and inspiration. Take a break from your routines today to partake more fully in this present moment.
This aspect crescendos Wed August 4, crests Fri August 6, and dissolves with the New Moon of Sun August 8.
Our next New SolLunar Cycle begins in sidereal Cancer on August 8 at 7:50 am MDT
Blessings to you~

The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health, and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.