“Guardians” painting by Joshua Baird
May all beings be free of suffering.
Shouldn’t this be our shared focus, always, as part of the privilege, good fortune and responsibility to be alive as individuals at this time as well as being part of our collective humanity capable of charting its course on our sacred home planet of Earth?
This is also the eternal message of some of our greatest spiritual guides from Jesus to Buddha, Kuan Yin to Lakshmi. May all beings be free of suffering and may they live lives of health, prosperity, safety and joy.
This is good tenet to support with our thoughts and deeds if we want to ensure our survival as a species.
Our New SolLunar Cycle takes place in the latter third of sidereal Cancer. Appreciating family and history, caring for the land, nurturing one’s tribe are all part of the realm of the sign Cancer. Cancer supports healthy family structures where each person fulfills their purpose manifesting their special gifts that bring them joy and also enhance the wellbeing of humanity. Cancer honors the need to participate both in nurturing others and being nurtured by others, where reciprocity and equality are valued.
Cancer can also be overly tribal, caring only for one’s family, nationality or religion and competing with others. Thus Cancer lies at the root of all warfare. Cancer can demand we keep to the old ways, stuck in the past, doing things that have outlived their benefit. Cancer can keep family secrets where so much suffering has happened and been swept under the rug because it is too painful to face. Cancer can suppress openness, hushing truths that need to be exposed so healthy families can heal and thrive.
In this time of both Jupiter and Neptune moving through sidereal Aquarius — the sign of humanity and our unified rainbow tribe of all colors, all nations, like we just witnessed in another Olympic Games — we are being given an opportunity to redefine what ‘tribe’ is, to expand the concept of tribe to include all beings. This is one of the key choices humanity faces at this time. And each of us plays a role in deciding our destiny. Nothing is predetermined in our world or the universe. We are charting the course. Remember, you and the choices you make are that important.
During this SolLunar Cycle in Cancer, stabilize your safe foundation during these chaotic times. Create your own haven of home, in whatever form suits you at this time. It might be temporary, but nest in. Nurture those around you and be open to those who want to help you. Openly explore what supports you now, perhaps redefining your concept of family. Dive into some form of ancestor healing, as there are many modalities out there to support you releasing the negative learned stories of the past and replacing them with revitalized honesty, openness and possibilities. This is the work of our time as we heal our family lineages and redefine the concept of tribe so that, indeed, all beings will be free of suffering and live lives of health, prosperity, safety and joy.
During this four-week period, more planets will move into sidereal Leo, bringing enormous creativity, lightness, and also, drama. Pluto will retrograde back into Sagittarius on August 6 and Jupiter will return to Capricorn on September 6. These retrogrades mirror many of the challenges and lessons we are learning as a society.
NOTE ON MY NEW FORMAT: I hope this new way I highlight the transits versus the dates gives you more fluidity in how you experience, engage and interact with the planetary forecast and energies.This month I am introducing a new section for each week called Lunar Highlights which will give you a few noteworthy transits of the Moon.Thank you for your readership and support which I rely on to keep me re-creating my contributions during these evolutionary times.
Thank you, Joshua Baird, for the use of your paintings for this post. Joshua, a Kanab, Utah artist, is a man of many talents so please view more of his paintings and many creative endeavors here.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. I use the phases of the Moon as a scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions as an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
Thanks for considering sidereal mini-readings with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2021 and beyond. I also delight in mentoring students individually or in families, groups, workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2021 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer: Sun August 8 7:50 am MDT
Our New SolLunar Cycle takes place in the latter third of sidereal Cancer. Both Sun and Moon are in a helpful trine to healing Chiron, indicating this can be a four week period where wounds are exposed and healing can occur. Appreciating family and history, caring for the land, nurturing one’s tribe are all part of the realm of the sign Cancer. Cancer supports healthy family structures where each person fulfills their purpose manifesting their special gifts that bring them joy and also enhance the wellbeing of humanity. Cancer honors the need to participate both in nurturing others and being nurtured by others, where reciprocity and equality are valued.
Cancer can also be overly tribal, caring only for one’s family, nationality or religion and competing with others. Thus Cancer lies at the root of all warfare. Cancer can demand we keep to the old ways, stuck in the past, doing things that have outlived their benefit. Cancer can keep family secrets where so much suffering has happened and been swept under the rug because it is too painful to face. Cancer can suppress openness, hushing truths that need to be exposed so healthy families can heal and thrive.
In this time of both Jupiter and Neptune moving through sidereal Aquarius — the sign of humanity and our unified rainbow tribe of all colors, all nations, like we just witnessed in another Olympic Games — we are being given an opportunity to redefine what ‘tribe’ is, to expand the concept of tribe to include all beings. This is one of the key choices humanity faces at this time. And each of us plays a role in deciding our destiny. Nothing is predetermined in our world or the universe. We are charting the course. Remember, you and the choices you make are that important.
During this SolLunar Cycle in Cancer, stabilize your safe foundation during these chaotic times. Create your own haven of home, in whatever form suits you at this time. It might be temporary, but nest in. Nurture those around you and be open to those who want to help you. Openly explore what supports you now, perhaps redefining your concept of family. Dive into some form of ancestor healing, as there are many modalities out there to support you releasing the negative learned stories of the past and replacing them with revitalized honesty, openness and possibilities. This is the work of our time as we heal our family lineages and redefine the concept of tribe so that, indeed, all beings will be free of suffering and live lives of health, prosperity, safety and joy.
The New Moon begins at 7:50 am MDT on Sun August 8, and will reverberate throughout the next four weeks.
Pluto retrograde re-enters Sagittarius: Sun August 8
Transformational Pluto has transited sidereal Sagittarius since 2006, awakening humanity to future possibilities and directions. Think of all that we have lived through since that time. Dizzying. Pluto made its entrance into sidereal Capricorn on January 26 2021 and will return for its long haul through Capricorn on December 21 2021. Then we will fully enter an historical period that will redefine all our collective ways of organizing society via institutions, organizations, businesses. May we savor this last track of Pluto through Sagittarius as we remember those dreams of hope and our enthusiasm to make the world a better place for all.
Vesta in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn: Mon August 9
This organizational, productive and persevering aspect can aid you in accomplishing much as the asteroid of focus — Vesta — and determined Saturn form a positive trine in earth signs. The element of earth helps us bring projects to fruition or make steady daily progress. Health goals are supported as well, making it easy to stick with your plan. Prepare food for the week ahead or tidy up your yard and garden.
This aspects crescendos on Sat August 7, is exact on Mon August 9 and continues to support us through this week of the First Quarter Moon.
Mercury in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius: Tue August 10
Creative thinking, recreational fun and travel are part of this expansive, optimistic energy. You may be flooded with a never-ending stream of thoughts and ideas so have your journal, notepad or voice memo handy to capture your brilliance and insights. Mercury also rules vehicles, appliances and communication systems so sometimes the nature of Jupiter to amplify all it touches can overload the grid or your neurological circuitry, leading to meltdowns, fried gadgets or multi-vehicle pileups. Be cautious while operating machinery today.
This aspect crescendos on Mon August 9, crests on Tue August 11 and dissolves by Thu August 12
Mars in Leo square Lunar Nodes: Wed August 11
Mars sparks courageous actions, sometimes impulsively. But Mars takes its time transiting our Solar System requiring two earthly years to orbit the Sun. This rare square to the South Node of your past life and the North Node of your future life is not to be missed, marking a turning point in terms of where to place your time and energy going forward. As Mars is currently in sidereal Leo, focus on creativity and creative projects, children and recreation. You might give up one sport to pursue another. As the Nodes are in Taurus and Scorpio, the financial and physical aspects of your life require attention. This aspect can bring renewed passion to relationships or culminate in arguments or decisions about what to do next.
This alignment builds on Mon August 9, crests on Wed August 11, dissipates by Fri August 13.
Venus/Moon in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius: Wed August 11
This one day event brings a driven but playful energy to work, love, adventure, all of life’s activities. Explore new depths in a relationship, recycle art supplies, edit the frivolous given the influence of keep-it-fresh-and-real, Pluto.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Mars conjunction in Leo: Mon August 9
This energized duo brings passionate energy for recreating, art, being with kids. Some people can be righteous or combative.
Moon/Venus conjunction in Leo: Wed August 11
Just after sunset you can view this beautiful moment of the crescent Moon aligned with Venus.This pairing brings an emotional, caring, kind, loving energy to the day.
Moon/Vesta conjunction in Virgo: Thu August 12
This is an excellent energy to stay very focused on work or tasks you are engaged in. Virgo loves to clean, edit and serve in the way of a pure heart.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Sun in Cancer square Moon in Libra: Sun August 15
The signs of Cancer and Libra symbolize family and core relationships so there may be stressful interactions but channel the tension into constructive projects or simmer down and offer helpful advice. Also, a rare aspect called a yod occurs today. Yods encourage us to express dormant talents. With today’s yod, the Sun in Cancer — one’s history — is pressured by Neptune — spiritual evolution — and Pluto — biological evolution — to move beyond the past. The message is to reclaim talents, remember forgotten dreams, release an old identity as you grow and change, which is the way of life.
This aspect begins in the evening of Sat August 14, is exact on Sun August 15 and dissipates by Mon August 16.
Mercury in Leo square the Lunar Nodes: Sun August 15
Important messages or communications come from past or future partners or from within the matix of your inner wisdom. Be attentive, listen, don’t miss the moment and the message.
This fleeting aspect flies through on Sun August 15. It crescendos in the morning, crests midday, and dissipates by midnight.
Mercury/Mars conjunction in Leo trine Uranus in Aries: Wed August 18
This aspect can be both agitating or energizing — Mars — to your head-space — Mercury. Speaking your truth in a fiery, possibly defensive way with numerous hand gestures is one manifestation. Mercury governs ways of being mobile, so you use its extraordinary focus for athletic adventures, creative dance, or sports involving motor vehicles. Work on your car, bike or boat. With the trine to erratic Uranus in independent Aries you may suddenly leave work, change a plan as you listen to where the present moment wants you to be.
This conjunction builds on Tue August 17, crests on Wed August 18 and dissipates by Thu August 19.
Uranus turns retrograde: Thu August 19
Get ready for stunning turning points, breaking news and shocks to the system as Uranus turns retrograde on Thursday, August 19 2021 until Tuesday, January 18 2022 when it will return to forward motion from the perspective of Earth. We have already been experiencing the effects of this turning during this current SolLunar Cycle. The entirety of this long-range aspect began with its “shadow” period — meaning the arc of astrological degrees a retrograde encompasses — at the end of April 2021 and will fully complete at the end of April 2022.
There’s little forewarning of the unpredictable shifts that erupt seemingly out of the blue when transits linked to Uranus are involved because its very nature is to surprise us, wake us up, shock us into realizing the past is over and we must experiment with new options, ideas, plans, routines and habits. Uranus events include devastating earthquakes, wild weather events and volatility in our society and politics. Uranus governs breakdowns in society or what have become societal norms which then lead to breakthroughs in innovative social trends. Uranus opens the door for radical shifts in the collective consciousness and sparks the deep desire to evolve quickly, with an urgency for change which launches sudden political movements or actions virtually overnight that are born out of a tragedy or horrific event.
Uranus represents in us the qualities it embodies in our Solar System: an unpredictable orbit and a strange way of rotating on its axis, different than the other planets. Uranus helps us to be more wild and free, eccentric and unique, creative and bold, if those are qualities we value. Some Uranus-types of humans are extremely anti-social, disgruntled misfits who haven’t done any work on themselves to improve and so the blame others for everything with a desire to blow everything up. Other types of Uranian humans want to be cultural creatives willing to experiment to create a world more accepting of everyone, and change the system from within or stand apart and model something new for others to emulate.
Uranus is currently transiting through sidereal Aries for quite a few years. The sign of Aries carries many similar qualities to Uranus such as pioneering new ways of doing things or being human, a love of independence. Aries knows we are beings of light, not just dense physical bodies stuck and struggling on Earth. This transit can be very taxing to the nervous system creating out of control anxiety, breakdowns, sudden uncontrollable urges, nervous twitches, seizures, shocking outbursts of emotion, and accidents. During this historic period since 2015, Uranus is also conjunct a TPO — trans-plutonian object — called Eris, the Great Disruptor, adding to the chaos, calamity, warring factions, and revolutions we are both observing and co-creating as we rapidly evolve (or devolve for some) into a new type of human and evolutionary expressions as a collective humanity.
During this retrograde period, consider what radical changes you are ready to make and what new forms of creative expression are calling to you. Part of this process involves both releasing an old identity and preparing the way for more robust, vital expressions of Self — and in your relationships — that are calling you forward. Be bold. Go there.
I know this is a lot to absorb so I will leave you with this. I love Uranus’s transits because they are what keep us growing and evolving, taking risks, leaving the past behind to explore new country and the endless creativity that is at the source of everything. Uranus keeps us youthful and wise, vital, and alive. It is a good idea right now to spend time with the young ones in your life, to learn from them, to ask them what they sense, and to support them on their emerging journeys as they lead the way in these times of great awakening.
Uranus reminds us we can all be young at heart, if that is something we value.
May this force be with you in positive, exciting ways.
Sun in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius: Fri August 20
This annual opposition brings a desire to expand beyond one’s previous limitations. It can lead to confident new beginnings or overreaching/overextending for some, leading to missteps and injuries or increased debt. Leo manifests as our individual creativity and joy and Aquarius encourages us to team up with others in shared projects and celebrations. May you feel the warmth of its sunshine and may this alignment bring prosperity and abundance to your life.
This alignment builds on Thu August 19, is exact on Fri August 20 and completes on Sat August 21.
Venus in Virgo trine Ceres in Taurus: Fri August 20
Ceres is a dwarf planet and it is a potent feminine force that represents caring for our beloved Earth and all creatures in all ways at all times. Ceres takes almost five years to move through all the astrological signs. Its current transit through sidereal Taurus is bringing increased focus to environmental concerns, including the health of our food, the state of our soil and earthly ecosystems. As Taurus rules real estate and money, we are seeing the massive relocation of many, leading to a real estate boom, and a recognition of unhealthiness and imbalance of our current financial system. That’s the big picture. Today’s helpful trine to Venus in Virgo helps you organize and clean your home and land, research healthier ‘green’ options for food, cleaning products or pesticides, and organize with others for community cleanups or sustainable projects. Oh, and don’t forget self-care: book a massage or bodywork.
This aspect begins on Thu August 19, crests on Fri August 20, and its influence will manifest for weeks to come.
Mars in Leo trine Uranus in Aries: Sat August 21
This wonderful aspect is full of energy, playfulness, experimentation, passion. Mars is our action planet, meaning it is time to move. Uranus helps you stay true to your uniqueness amidst stifling cultural sameness. Leo and Aries are fire signs which like to inspire a crowd, lead the charge, head in a new direction.
This aspect crescendos on Wed August 18, crests on Sat August 21 and dissipates gradually by Tue August 24.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/South Node/Juno conjunction in Scorpio: Mon August 16
Scorpio is passionate, loves to be in charge, is intimacy-seeking regarding partners of all kinds — Juno. Major political dramas continue to unfold with the conjunction to Antares, a star which seeks power and control in all its forms and governs the political body of the Senate.
Moon/Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter alignments: Thu August 19 – Sun August 22
We are now fully embedded in the long-range reinvention of our cultural in truly historic ways. Please read my article on Pluto and 2020 to refresh your memory of the astrological magnitude of the Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter conjunction that guides the next twenty years. As the Moon makes its monthly crossing of these three planets, major events often occur and you can use this energy for your own ambitious goals. Moon/Pluto on Thu August 19 carries an obsessive and cleansing quality. Moon/Saturn on Fri August 20 is serious and focused. Moon/Jupiter on Sat August 21 – Sun August 22 brings renewed optimism and wild emotional outbursts.

Full Moon in sidereal Leo/Aquarius
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon: Sun in Leo opposite Moon in Aquarius: Sun August 22 6:01 am MDT
As this Full Moon is still in a close alignment with Jupiter, it promises to be a time of exuberance and endless energy, or over-indulgence or overdoing that can lead to exhaustion or injury. Listen to the needs of your body so you know how far to push the limits. In an annual sky blessing, something I await each August, the Sun is closely aligned with the star of Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, prompting the need for greater honesty, and living a life of integrity. And at this Full Moon, Luna is conjunct Enif, a star of extraordinary intuition. This is a time to trust what you know deeply to be true for you despite what others are trying to convince you is true for them. May you enjoy the celebratory nature of this cosmic moment of illumination.
This Full Moon crescendos on Sat August 21 crests on Sun August 22 at 6:01 am MDT, and continues to shine its wisdom through Mon August 23.
Ceres/North Lunar Node conjunction in Taurus: Tue August 24
This rare alignment signifies long-range initiatives and programs that are being conceived or set in motion regarding the environment, food and food supply chains, and programs that support nurturing people in more sustainable and helpful ways. Create a healthier, sustainable future in your own home and community. Some might find their perfect next home or piece of land. Taurus governs the needs of our physical bodies so engage in activities that bring delight and healing touch. Enjoy the ‘slow’ and commit to practices that keep you calm in a too-fast world.
This aspect has been building for two weeks, is exact on Tue August 24, and dissipates over the upcoming two weeks.
Mercury in Leo opposite Neptune/Pallas Athene in Aquarius: Tue August 24
Your mind may prefer a day off today from analytical left-brain skills. Indulge in creative thinking, or right-brain artistic projects. Mercury in Leo is excellent for ‘thinking outside the box’ as you play with new ideas and think freely about what is possible versus being constrained by what others or societal norms think you should do. Let your imagination run wild, whatever that means for you. Re-engage with your artist self, your inner child. Play with the paints, scribble a story, create a production with your kids.
This aspect builds on Mon August 23, crests on Tue August 24 and dissipates by Thu August 26.
Mercury in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius: Thu August 26
Humorous, dramatic Mercury in Leo teams up with powerful Pluto, bringing a sustained but playful endurance to your intellectual and creative activities as well as to athletic pursuits and adventures.
This aspect builds on Wed August 25, is exact on Thu August 26 and completes by Fri August 27.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Chiron in Pisces opposite Venus/Vesta in Virgo: Wed August 25
Expressing your vulnerability or sharing your emotions with others is easier today, due to influence of Pisces and Chiron, planetoid of healing grace. Virgo’s desire is to comfort, to serve and to aid in healing so it is good day to solve a problem or face a situation that has overwhelmed you by reaching out for help.
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries: Sat August 28
This is often an aspect of surprise or shock or ignites a desire for independence and freedom. Make a sudden change of plans if you are guided by your intuition.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Sun in Leo square Moon in Taurus: Sun August 29
It is notable that the illuminating Sun is also in square to the Lunar Nodes — your past and future — the same day as this Last Quarter Moon. Time to acknowledge a turning point or make a decision or simply feel things are moving forward. Also take time to give thanks for where you have been, reflecting on your summer especially. There can be a tension between playing — Leo — or feeling pressure to work on projects — Taurus. Be careful when outdoors today, perhaps taking a more cautious approach to activities.
This aspect builds during the evening of Sat August 28, crests midday Sun August 29 and completes by Mon August 30.
Sun in Leo square Ceres in Taurus: Mon August 30
This aspect can bring financial or real estate news, or lead to honest conversations or decisions about health concerns or caregiving options for you, your children or elders. The square aspect requires action so harvest the garden, make progress on a creative project. But if you feel stuck, not seeing how to move forward, take a break and let things settle till clarity returns. Timeouts are a crucial part of the creative process.
This square crescendos on Sat August 28, crests on Mon August 30 and completes by Wed September 1.
Mars in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius: Thu September 2
Mars’s influence is direct and fiery and Neptune’s is more diffuse and watery. So this elemental combination can create confusion about whether to act or listen, to move or be still, to think of yourself — Leo — or include others — Aquarius — in your decision-making process. This is a highly creative period for many and carries the energy of the spiritual warrior who takes action based on core spiritual values to right societal wrongs or personal injustices. Be aware of the pull to check out of this world via addictions. Check into spiritual practices that will bring you clarity, insight and calm.
This aspect gathers steam on Mon August 30, crests on Thu September 2 and slowly completes by Sun September 5.
Venus/Vesta conjunction in Virgo: Fri September 3
You may go on a cleaning rampage or cleansing spree under this extremely focused, obsessive pairing. Virgo is discerning and governs the organs of elimination so it can literally help you release what you no longer need. That may be a food choice, things, or a way of relating to others that no longer serves your health.
This aspect crescendos on Wed September 1, is exact on Fri September 3 and dissipates by Sun September 5.
Grand Trine in Earth: Mercury in Virgo/Saturn in Capricorn/Ceres in Taurus: Sat September 4 – Sun September 5
A Grand Trine means things will flow easily and naturally if you are open to receiving from others and giving of yourself. This aspect is also an organizational portal where much can be purged, re-purposed, re-ordered, completed given the nature of the earth element. It can bring healing support where needed like plenty of hot meals, help in a move or healing touch from another.
This trine begins on Fri September 3, is exact on Sat September 4 and Sun September 5, and dissipates by Mon September 6.
Venus in Virgo square Pluto in Sagittarius: Sun September 5
When Venus and Pluto challenge one another, tensions can arise in our relationships or regarding values and ethics unique to each person. Pluto demands naked honesty. Express yourself raw and unfiltered.
This square builds on Sat September 4, is exact on Sun September 5 and softens by Mon September 6.
Jupiter reenters sidereal Capricorn: Sun September 5 – Mon September 6
Just in time for the next SolLunar Cycle, Jupiter, still in retrograde, leaves futuristic Aquarius, where it has been since April 10, and re-enters sidereal Capricorn until November 28. The best use of this backward motion into institutional Capricorn would be to ground recent visionary initiatives into concrete legislation and actions. May that be so. But as Capricorn rules more conservative aspects of society, battles can heat up between those who want to grow our world forward and those who want to keep it trapped in the past. Planetary motion is two steps forward, one step back, and I try to remember that wisdom in times like these.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Ceres/North Node conjunction in Taurus: Mon August 30
Aspects to the North Node bring forward advances to our lives. This one can involve financial or real estate decisions, a physical move or plans regarding health goals. Reflect on what nurtures you now and be willing to say goodbye to something from your past.
Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto/Saturn: Fri September 3 – Sat September 4
With this two-day aspect one can feel super-intense and driven or somewhat down and out of commission, possibly from an illness. Be real with what is happening without the need to sugar-coat anything.
Moon in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius: Sun September 5
This celebratory aspect is lovely on the last day of this SolLunar cycle emphasizing the need to relax and play with friends and beloveds.
Blessed New Moon tomorrow to you and yours~

The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.