“In the Time of Spring” painting by Wendell Locke Field
NOTE: This post is abbreviated due to the fact I just finished a major move and I am now in restoration-mode in the blessed lands of Wyoming, with my favorite Grizzly Bears, especially.
Our New SolLunar takes place in the latter degrees of astronomical Aries, inviting us to take risks, strike out in entirely new directions, regain a sense of courage and youthful vitality. Uncover or rediscover hidden creative powers that may have been dormant in you for a while. On the same day as this New Moon, Mars in mind-oriented Gemini will square Chiron, dubbed the wounded healer, in spiritual, creative Pisces, indicating that attending to your (and others) mental health and state of mind, will be part of the theme of this Cycle.
Two important retrograde cycles begin: Saturn turns retrograde from May 23 until October 10 and Mercury enters its second retrograde period of 2021 on May 29 through June 22. The super-intense Full Moon Eclipse of May 26 will strongly influence our political landscape. Lastly, the Mars/Pluto opposition on June 5 can be deadly fierce or willfully motivating.
Thank you, Wendell Field, for capturing the magical realism of Wyoming land and life so perfectly, and for the use of your paintings for this springtime post. Take some relaxing time to view more of the work of Wendell Locke Field.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life flows with more ease, grace and understanding.
Thanks for considering sidereal mini-readings with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2021 and beyond. I also delight in mentoring students individually or in families, groups, workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2021 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Aries
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
Tue May 11
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Aries: This New Moon takes place in the latter degrees of astronomical Aries, linked to a star called Botein which encourages individual initiative to lead the way, and to discover ways to work for yourself like starting a new business. This Cycle invites us to take risks, strike out in entirely new directions, regain a sense of courage and youthful vitality. Uncover or rediscover hidden creative powers that may have been dormant in you for a while.
Mars in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces: Pay attention to your mental health and forms of meditation this month —Gemini — and activate a daily practice — Mars — to support your well-being just as you would your physical health. Chiron in Pisces is sincerely compassionate toward all life that is suffering, never judging, just holding the space of an open heart so healing can naturally occur.
Wed May 12
Sun in Aries sextile Neptune in Aquarius: This scintillating sextile helps to launch new initiatives with those of similar interests. It expands community involvement as more people seek to get involved in activism for the first time. Go exploring with friends in both physical and metaphysical terrain.
Mercury in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn: This brings mental stability and productivity and helps organizations organize or gather funds to succeed.
Thu May 13
Moon/North Lunar Node/Mercury conjunction in Taurus: Step into your destiny beckoning you with this super-supportive and communicative celestial moment, especially linked to your physical/financial goals, given the influence of sidereal Taurus.
Fri May 14
Moon in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius: This experimental energy is fun, social, loves travel and seeks human companionship. It’s easy to release past habits or states of mind as you evolve into more informed, innovative choices.
Sat May 15
Moon/Mars conjunction in Gemini: The pairing of Moon and Mars can push one to act impulsively. You blurt what is in your heart, no filters. Voraciously research and read, consuming vast quantities of information.
Sun May 16
Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn: This hard-working aspect has great endurance and fortitude for any task or adventure.
Mon May 17
Venus/North Lunar Node conjunction in Taurus: This annual event opens doors to new love interests. You might purchase something valuable or desirable, including real estate, that aligns with the current trajectory of the heart-line of your dreams.
Tue May 18
Moon in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn: Things can feel a bit heavy today. You may have to face a hard truth about a family member. Build or create something or consult a grandparent or mentor as wise Saturn is known as the Elder.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
Wed May 19 – Thu May 20
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Leo square Sun in Taurus square Jupiter in Aquarius: Jupiter accelerates and amplifies the effects of this already dynamic First Quarter Moon, sparking a day of both determination and joy. And with Jupiter currently making a once-ever-twelve-year transit through sidereal Aquarius, this is a time to team up with others in innovative collaborations that benefit all aspects of humanity.
Mercury in Taurus opposite Juno in Scorpio: This aspect can create financial tensions with personal or business partners, or lead to both completions or beginnings in contracts and negotiations.
Fri May 21
Sun in Taurus square Jupiter in Aquarius: This annual square brings the gulp of wondering: Can I do this…can I take that leap of faith? Or do I need to exercise more caution and discernment before I jump in? Only you can know what is right for you but ask these questions today.
Sat May 22 – Sun May 23
Saturn in Capricorn turns retrograde: Saturn turning retrograde is always an extremely important moment in our annual series of celestial events. Saturn is the planet that supports discipline, commitments, claiming your authority — being the author of your life. By now, you probably have a good sense of what creative projects and goals you want to manifest for 2021 or what you need to pay more serious attention to. From now until Saturn turns direct on October 10, you may begin a period of researching new options or make a key decision you will implement over the course of the next months, like making a move, leaving a relationship, creating a new business, reaching a fitness desire. On a global scale, this key aspect sets in motion transformational, institutional reforms that will be part of a longer twenty-year cycle of unprecedented social change. Also, during the retrograde period, the energies of a dying past will want to maintain their grip on power, defying change and even attempt to go backward in time. That is just a natural part of a retrograde — two steps forward, now one step back. But only one step back! The arc of the universe motivates us forward, is progressive, always. That’s where I always place my faith even in dark times.
Mon May 24 – Tue May 25
Venus in Taurus opposite Juno in Scorpio AND Moon in Libra opposite Ceres/Uranus in Aries: Both these aspects speak to temporary roadblocks or breakthroughs, risk-taking, and honesty in all relations. All will work out well if you know who you are, what you want (or at least willing to explore the idea you can know such things) and communicate that YOU via your words and actions.

Full Moon Eclipse in sidereal Taurus/Scorpio
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Wed May 26
Full Moon Eclipse in sidereal Scorpio/Taurus: The astronomical reason a Full Moon is also an Eclipse is because the Sun and Moon are conjunct the Lunar Nodes, points in space that symbolize our past selves — South Node — and our future selves — North Node. This Eclipse will take place in the early morning hours of May 26, visible in much of North America. Currently the Nodes are linked to two extremely powerful and politically-motivated stars, Aldebaran of Taurus the Bull and Antares of the Scorpio the Scorpion. Thus this Lunar Eclipse will have major implications regarding our cultural and political landscape, true turning points for our collective humanity. These signs are both extremely stubborn and determined so this Eclipse and can bring out stress or tensions in relationships or catalyze your willpower at a whole new level. Use is momentous day to examine what you have brought to completion in your internal reflections about your life path, and take some time for determined intention-setting, redirecting the arrow of your willpower toward emerging goals and desires. Dreams can be extremely important and cleansing under a Lunar Eclipse, so perhaps you will receive a dreamtime gift.
Thu May 27 – Fri May 28
Moon/Juno conjunction in Scorpio opposite Venus/Mercury in Taurus AND Venus in Taurus square Neptune/Pallas Athene in Aquarius: These strategic aspects working in tandem highlight the need to channel energy in constructive and creative directions. It is a great day to brainstorm, rethink a plan, be struck with inspiration with a new way to view a situation. Much can be accomplished as you partner with others doing good work.
Sat May 29
Mercury in Taurus turns retrograde: We enter the second Mercury retrograde period of 2021 until June 22. Mercury rules the mind and so this three-week period encourages you to rethink all things related to Taurus: finances, building projects, fitness goals and health choices, self-worth issues, claiming you “voice” in a more powerful and honest way. Slow down and celebrate the fecundity and beautiful juiciness and sensuousness of our Earth Mother and get extra nourishing body work during this three-week transit.
Moon/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: This monthly moment is cathartic or obsessive so use its extraordinary ability to focus wisely.
Sun May 30
Pallas Athene/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini: This supportive trine makes designing, art making, strategic planning easy and cooperative in collaborative settings.
Moon/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: Take care of important details and responsibilities that aren’t always enjoyable, but necessary, like getting a cavity filled or meeting a deadline.
Mon May 31
Sun/North Lunar Node conjunction in Taurus: Once a year we encounter this holy moment when the luminary of our Solar System crosses the point symbolizing our future destiny. Pay attention to messages, clues, oracles all around you offering guidance in every moment of every day, but especially today.
Tue June 1
Moon/Jupiter in Aquarius trine Venus in Gemini: This is a friendly, open-hearted, curious star geometry. Expand your tribe, welcome a new-comer, celebrate the breadth, depth and warmth of your communities.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Wed June 2
Last Quarter Moon: Moon/Pallas Athene/Neptune in Aquarius square Sun in Taurus square Juno in Scorpio: This dynamic day marks a turning point in collaborative partnerships of all kinds. Some are ending others but mostly many new alliances are forming to flower more fully in the coming months, especially in regards to water-oriented projects and innovations — Aquarius’s domain.
Thu June 3 – Fri June 4
Sun in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn: Feel easily motivated, focused and productive with this fine trine.
Sat June 5
Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn: As Mars has now entered sidereal Cancer for a few weeks, our energy naturally turns toward family dynamics and home projects. Today’s opposition to Pluto at the beginning of this transit can manifest as power struggles or battles of the will that will need to be addressed in the coming weeks. I call Pluto “the cosmic backhoe” so it would be a great day for a demolition crew to take down old structures in preparation for the eventual new building that will emerge. Enjoy the cleansing and catalyzing effects of this dynamic opposition.
Sun June 6 – Mon June 7
Moon/Ceres/Uranus conjunction in Aries: Strike out in a new direction, adventure forth, go light, feel your youthful vitality no matter your age.
Sun in Taurus opposite Juno in Scorpio: Important conversations and connections are happening with your beloved or other key partners as you examine all sides of a situation, working through impasses, or make a key decision.
Tue June 8 – Wed June 9
Moon in Taurus square Jupiter in Aquarius trine Mars in Cancer: It may be time to decide which path you will choose, not without feeling unsure, but somehow knowing things will work out and you just need to keep moving forward maintaining a positive attitude and optimistic outlook.
Moon/South Lunar Node conjunction in Taurus: This can mark another key turning point taking you further down the path toward a future desire as you prepare for tomorrow’s grounding New Moon in sidereal Taurus.
Blessings to you~

The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.