Our New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Virgo s also a “Ring of Fire” Annular Solar Eclipse visible to some degree over parts of North and South America, linking the two Hemispheres in a new energetic alignment. This is a South Lunar Node Eclipse in which both the Sun and Moon conjunct the Node known to sever us from our past and helps us see ways we have functioned historically that no longer serve us. In addition, Chiron, the Magical Wounded Healer, is conjunct the opposing North Lunar Node, a point linked to our future destiny. Chiron in compassionate Pisces can lead us toward unforeseen healing, miraculous solutions in all kinds of arenas. Read my full post to learn about the important connection this New Moon makes with the powerful star of Archturus relevant for what is taking place regarding challenging global events…
Star Signposts
"Oh Happy Day” by Trea Christopher Grey
Tracking our planetary weather
We all live under one sky and I find that unity a source of solace in these wild, unpredictable times. Everyday is a new beginning. May Star Signposts be a helpful guide to you on your journey.
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New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo ~ September 14 – October 13 2023
Like last month, our New SolLunar Cycle begins at the tail end of one sign, sidereal Leo, and quickly shifts into Virgo, cosmically helping us initiate and integrate newly hatched creative desires via grounded discerning actions.The encouraging trine to Uranus in Aries — be experimental, take a risk — adds another note of excitement or shock to the upcoming monthly mix. Three more events bring forward momentum and possibilities in the upcoming four weeks. In a cool move, Mercury in Leo turns direct the day after New Moon on September 15, Venus in Cancer completes her retrograde shadow period on October 7 and Pluto turns direct on October 10. May you harass the inner power and joy of this New Moon~
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer/Leo ~ August 16 – September 13 2023
Our New SolLunar Cycle begins at the tail end of sidereal Cancer and quickly shifts into Leo. The nature of this cusp marks major transitions that help us move into our next home literally (like I just did!) or choose a more authentic expression of our true nature — the home of Self. It is aligned with stars that nudge us to leave safe nests we may have outgrown, including ways of being, and venture forth, discovering new paths with courage and vision.
Also during the next four weeks, Mercury turns retrograde on August 23, Uranus turns retrograde on August 28, Venus turns direct on September 3 just as Jupiter is turning retrograde on September 4. Wow, those are a lot of major shifts! May you enjoy the dynamic month ahead…