This New SolLunar Cycle happens in the last degrees of adventurous sidereal Sagittarius and is exactly square the Lunar Nodes. The Nodes identify the past we have completed — South Node — and the future we are embarking upon — North Node — so fitting given this is the first New Moon/Sun of our New Year! Both Sun and Moon are also in a helpful trine to quirky, try-something-new, Uranus in Aries, providing motivation to be bold, courageous, inventive as we launch into 2024. Capricorn’s energy will quickly guide this Cycle when the Sun enters that sign astronomically on January 15. Capricorn brings discipline and focus and calls forth our ambition, a desire for excellence in the physical dimension regarding our bodies, the environments we live and work in, and the goals for the businesses and institutions we are part of. Lastly, when Uranus in Aries leaves its retrograde on January 27, all major planets are in forward motion helping us do the same.Onward we journey together…
Star Signposts
"Oh Happy Day” by Trea Christopher Grey
Tracking our planetary weather
We all live under one sky and I find that unity a source of solace in these wild, unpredictable times. Everyday is a new beginning. May Star Signposts be a helpful guide to you on your journey.
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New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Scorpio ~ December 12 2023 – January 10 2024
Welcome to the New Year SolLunar Cycle in transformational, sidereal Scorpio, a threshold-crossing time of completing 2023 and planting seeds for 2024. This entire Cycle strongly influences relationships of all kinds in fierce and honest ways by the square to Juno — ruler of relationships — and Neptune — dreaming a new dream. Other key events are sublime Winter Solstice on December 21 — our celestial New Year. Jupiter in Aries turns direct on December 30, sure to bring extra dynamism to New Year’s gatherings! We will navigate an entire Mercury retrograde cycle from December 13 2023 – January 1 2024. Thank you for going on this Star Signpost/EarthWordSkyWord journey with me. Happy New Year!
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Libra ~ November 13 – December 11 2023
Our New SolLunar Cycle in the last degrees of astronomical Libra packs a punch as both Sun and Moon align with fiery, militaristic Mars and caregiving Ceres and oppose the catalyst-for-radical-shifts, Uranus. In spite of the unpredictable nature of this energy, one way to view this entire planetary signature is compassion-in-action. What that might mean is this: how do I plant the seeds of peace within myself and how do WE plant the seeds of peace in the world? This dynamic also brings exuberance so perhaps you will welcome a wild new puppy into your home. It brings motivation, movement and momentum to your life regarding goals, plans, or for just feeling better.