Listen to the latest episode of The Grizzly Beat podcast, featuring poet, educator, astrologer, Lyn Dalebout. She speaks passionately and eloquently about linking the sacred to the political — and the role of the grizzly bear in her life.
Astrological Insights
"Red Rock Sunset" by Natalie Connell
Planetary information and insights
EarthSky Oracle offers longer posts which I periodically write when I am moved to do so. I discuss long-range astrological cycles and how those planetary energies are manifesting as events here on Earth. I also muse about other topics that have captured my imagination.
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EarthSky Oracle ~ Farewell: The Chart of President Barack Obama
I share these insights found in the astrological chart of Barack Obama as he completes his tenure as the 44th President of the United States of America.
Earth Sky Oracle: Election 2016
Beauty is everywhere, at all times. Beauty is ever present and available to remind us of the meaning of life, existence, the very purpose of creation. Especially now, I seek out beauty, in all ways, daily, hourly, to pull me through, honoring this truth and revelation, especially now, in these uncertain times.