At last! A New SolLunar Cycle where both Sun and Moon in sidereal Taurus are supported by sextiles and trines, aspects of ease and flow, different in tone than recent Cycles accosted by tense squares. Perhaps with the stabilizing force of earthy Taurus, you will embody a more grounded approach to navigating the unending unsettling gyroscopic energies of this times. Two other major events are a rare conjunction of Jupiter and the North Node in astronomical Aries and Saturn in sidereal Aquarius turning retrograde on Sat June 17 in the last hours of this Cycle…what a cosmic synchronicity!
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Aries ~ April 19 – May 18 2023
Our New SolLunar Cycle takes place in sidereal Aries, is also a solar eclipse, and might possibly, maybe, hopefully be some version of a resurrection given the creative square of the Sun, Moon, focused Vesta, optimistic Jupiter to Pluto, the planet of rebirth. This New Moon is also a solar eclipse and aligns with the North Node which means it is launching us into our future selves and will strongly help us step into new life phases over the next six months. Other key events in the next four weeks include Jupiter entering sidereal Aries on April 25, a big YES! A full Mercury retrograde cycle occurs beginning on April 21 – May 14. Pluto turns retrograde on May 1 – October 10. Onward we move, dance, skip, engaged with the energy of this dynamic New Moon!
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Pisces ~ March 21 – April 18 2023
The birth point of this New Moon in sidereal Pisces packs a punch with its complex geometries and influences. Both Sun and Moon meet up with nebulous, magical Neptune in Pisces, helping us see through illusions or smokescreens and also to access the creative power of the imagination. The positive sextile to cathartic Pluto encourages rapid change to keep evolving and not go ‘retro’. And the square to activist Mars makes for confrontations or bold actions linked to standing one’s ground and speaking one’s truth.
And drumroll!: Jupiter will soon enter sidereal Aries on April 25 bringing a major shift in energy and enthusiasm. This will manifest as a desire to be the boss of your life, whatever that means for you, in charge of who, where and what you choose to give your time and energy to.