Our New SolLunar Solar Eclipse Cycle takes place in the latter part of sidereal Taurus and is exactly conjunct disruptive Mercury in retrograde. It is also aligned with a star called Alnitak, which symbolizes the need to integrate duality (or many splits) into a more unified awareness, oneness, wholeness. For individuals that means becoming conscious of and fully honoring one’s shadow and one’s light as part of an embodied integration that forms a totality of Self. Use the power of this Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse aligned with the futuristic North Node to courageously step forward onto your unfolding path of endless creative invention and reinvention.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Aries ~ May 11 – June 9 2021
Our New SolLunar Cycle takes place in the latter degrees of astronomical Aries inviting us to take risks, strike out in entirely new directions, regain a sense of courage and youthful vitality. Uncover or rediscover hidden creative powers that may have been dormant in you for a while. On the same day as this New Moon, Mars in mind-oriented Gemini square will square Chiron, dubbed the wounded healer, in spiritual, creative Pisces, indicating that paying attention to your (and others) mental health and mind states will be part of the theme of this Cycle.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Pisces ~ April 11 – May 10 2021
I bring good news! Jupiter has astronomically entered the constellation of Aquarius. Aquarius is a forward-leaning sign, beckoning us to become more accepting, kind and collaborative humans, working for the common good. And this New SolLunar Cycle starts out in intuitive, listening sidereal Pisces but within a few day, we will quickly shift to the fiery energy of Aries, a torch lighting your way.