This New SolLunar Cycle aligned in early astronomical Leo is squaring off exactly with Mars in Taurus, signaling this will be a fiery, passionate, action-oriented Cycle. Squares often manifest as inner and outer tensions and provide impetus and pressure to take action or make decisions. Since Mars is all about acting on our inner truth, the link to Leo’s desires can make the upcoming four weeks a highly motivational portal to launch a new creative phase of your life. Also happening during this time, Mercury in sidereal Virgo turns retrograde on September 9 through October 2, promising to bring organizational and productive energy. We cross the sacred portal of Autumnal Equinox on September 22 7:03 pm MT.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer ~ July 28 – August 26 2022
Welcome to our New SolLunar Cycle aligned astronomically in sidereal Cancer and conjunct the powerful dwarf planet of Ceres. The sign of Cancer represents our family relations and ancestor/lineage issues. Ceres helps guide us toward knowing what is nourishing to our being on every level. There is a positive trine of generous, optimistic Jupiter to this New Moon which bodes well for good vibes and wonderful opportunities.There are other fierce forces coming to the fore in the next four weeks such as fiery the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction in Aries at the end of July. Sacred Lammas occurs on August 1, marking the halfway solar point between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox. And when Uranus turns retrograde on August 24, it is always a wild and crazy time…
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini ~ June 28 – July 27 2022
This New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini takes place in square to amplifying Jupiter and on the same day Neptune turns retrograde. Gemini, dubbed the Twins, is all about the nature of polarity and duality: sunlight/shadow, conscious/subconscious, light/dark, progressive/regressive so integrating your own split screens and tensions can be part of the opportunity this Cycle brings. Midway through this Cycle, the Sun enters secretive and private Cancer. This can bring shifts regarding your home life, family matters, reunions, passages. It can a good time to move forward with new opportunities even if you aren’t 100% sure what you are doing!