This New SolLunar Cycle in astronomical Capricorn promises to be wild with unexpected surprises as it is conjunct transformational Pluto taking place as revolutionary Uranus is about to turn direct. Now all major planets will be in forward motion through April, helping us launch more enthusiastically into 2023. With both the Sun and Moon conjunct Pluto, there is pressure to go forward even amidst uncertainty, guided by your deeper intuition and knowing. Pluto helps us get in touch with our power, how we are using it, abusing it or how we allow others to interfere with being in our power. It looks to be a dynamic four weeks ahead!
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Sagittarius ~ December 23 2022 – January 20 2023
Our New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Sagittarius, a sign linked to adventure, education and exploration is in a decisive square to Jupiter which brings pressure to make important decisions or be pushed out of our comfort zone as we step into new opportunities presenting themselves. Additionally the square to Ceres in Virgo urges us to pay attention to our health, how we wish to serve in the world, and to be more discerning in the choices we make on all levels about what is truly nurturing to us now. Chiron turning direct at the exact moment of this New Moon brings powerful healing, deep sharing even forgiveness to all HolyDay gatherings. Also of note: Mercury turns retrograde on January 29 and thankfully Mars will complete its challenging retrograde on January 12 2023. Welcome to the New Year!
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Scorpio ~ November 23 – December 22 2022
This New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Scorpio brings an auspicious energy we can all be thankful for as we complete the celestial year of 2022 ending on Winter Solstice December 21. Jupiter has been in retrograde since July 29 and now shifts to forward motion at the exact moment of this New Moon — wow! Some of Jupiter’s attributes include optimism, keeping the faith, prosperity, natural joy and confidence so those qualities are strongly nourished in us with this New Moon and for the next four weeks. Other key events during this period include Neptune in Aquarius completing its retrograde on December 3, the dynamic Full Moon on December 7 aligned with Mars retrograde, and the glorious Winter Solstice arrives in our Northern Hemisphere on December 21, always a good time to sit in stillness, just listening, being, smiling with gratitude for Life’s unending gifts.