The creative and futuristic energy of Aquarius governs this SolLunar Cycle as both Sun—outer action—and Moon—inner conviction—align with the stars of Skat/Urn. These stars symbolize vessels—including us as vessels for good—that hold the waters of life and our shared commitment to the heart of humanity, ensuring all are cared for. The Full Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse, visible in North America! And Happy Spring Equinox on March 20.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Capricorn ~ January 29 – February 26 2025
Our New SolLunar Cycle aligns in ambitious, productive Capricorn and is conjunct the Dolphin Star, Sualocin. Sualocin’s role is to ensure life, liberty, security, safety for all in the pursuit of our happiness. Also this month we are being catapulted by three major planets turning direct: Uranus on January 30, Jupiter on February 4, and Mars on February 23.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Sagittarius ~ December 30 2024 – January 28 2025
Let us thankfully welcome 2025’s first New SolLunar Cycle aligning in visionary, optimistic astronomical Sagittarius conjunct Pallas Athene whose astrological attributes include love of freedom, honoring one’s unique creative wisdom, and the maestro of strategy and planning for the future. May we all have countless blessings coming our way in this upcoming year and beyond as we have worked very hard to keep balanced and positive in challenging times.