“Receive, receive, receive” photograph by Brooke Williams
It is Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth, the place I live and write from. This marks a time to rekindle a sense of balance in your life, after perhaps a frenetic summer of wonderful social connections that has left you a tad exhausted. Time to exhale, rest, and receive the fruits of all your endeavors. You have grown much in 2014, and now is the time to receive the bounty of your personal harvest. Life is the miracle. You are a miracle. You are indeed the pot of gold awaiting YOU at the end of your rainbow dreams.
Mon Sept 15
Whenever the Last Quarter Moon arrives, which is today, you may be facing a time of making turning point decisions, completing the last 3 weeks of life experience and contemplating the coming life choices awaiting you. This is a wonderful day to feel how life is ever guiding you toward greater joy, less stress as you make new choices. It is truly time to leave behind the ancient ancestral patterns and step into the joy of reinventing your family story. You are the leader, leading the way out of the pain of the past, into the Light of the future. Mars has your back, as it aligns with the star of Dschuba, helping you to release your genetic story and align with your future story. Each generation helps those of the past move forward. The gift of history, the gift of story.
Tue Sept 16
With the alignment of Mercury ~ new ideas/intentions ~ to the the North Node of your future destiny ~ you are encouraged to focus your mind via mediation/intention in directions that can bring about a profound turning point in your life. Let go of old moldy thoughts that only bring you sadness and regret, and focus your intention on that which brings you joy and possibility.
Wed Sept 17
The theme of this day is clearly around clarity and healing in your core relationships. Whenever Venus makes an annual opposition to Chiron, we can be assured healing loving energies arrive, but perhaps after needing to confront an old wound you have tried to avoid. It’s like an old love returns to your life and you have to decide, is this right for me now, or is this relationship a part of my past that I am finally ready to release? Concurrently the Moon conjuncts Juno, both in Gemini. We are being asked to sort out the light and shadow of our core relationships. Are we drawn to each other by our unresolved pain of our past, or the potential joy of our future?
Thu Sept 18
This day carries a mostly positive energy as the sensitive, reflective Cancer Moon forms a waning sextile to the Sun in Virgo and trine to Mars in Scorpio. These aspects encourage contemplative dialogue with those you are close to.
Fri Sept 19
The monthly Moon/Jupiter conjunction always indicates excessive emotional exuberance, lovely optimism, hope renewed. Be sure to view this beautiful celestial event in the night sky if the heavens are clear. This celestial portal evokes faith, joy, renewal.
Sat Sept 20
With the monthly trigger of the Cancer Moon in trine Uranus and in square to Saturn, you may be facing choices about how to evolve your family/core relationships out of the old forms of the past to the evolving forms of the future. Embrace this moment with joy, not fear. Choose to evolve, choose to move forward, as in the end, it is truly the best way. And as Mercury leaves analytical, critical Virgo and enters peacemaking, artistic Libra, our mental field, Mercury’s domain, decides to choose peace over needing to be right. You know where you stand, now listen to others.
Sun Sept 21-Mon Sept 22
Blessed Equinox tomorrow Monday the 22nd at 8:29 pm MDT. This means some kind of balancing effect, too, arrives on Planet Earth. It’s an intense day from the stellar perspective. Mars ~ passionate, standing your ground, speaking your truth ~ makes a creative, decisive square to spiritual, artistic Neptune. This will surely manifest as a turning point in collective choices as to where we stand spiritually, artistically, and in regards to what we will no longer tolerate in terms of the abuse of life. Heart-centered Leo Moon ~ what do you believe ~ triggers this aspect in a dynamic square. Don’t be a bystander, enter the fray. Time to act on behalf of what matters most to you.
Thank you Brooke and Terry Williams for sharing this ph0t0graph of your rainbow of delight.