“Walking to the Oracle Pool” ~Midway Geyser, Yellowstone National Park by Lyn Dalebout
This week carries both a stark energy (definition: impossible to avoid) but also an emerging sense of an inner clarity returning after stormier days.
Mon Nov 11
As our friendship Moon in Aquarius aligns with Chiron, the need for sharing our deeper vulnerabilities with others may arise. This might feel good, as in a stunning healing revelation. Or you may have to transit a raw conversation with someone you are close to. This is a good day to embrace the gift of being human, meaning we are flawed creatures ever in search of love, meaning, connection, no matter our flaws. We are united in this. Wabi Sabi. Look it up.
Tue Nov 12
This is a lovely loving day as a grand trine forms in our celestial field between Jupiter (joy, hope, faith, possibility) and our Sun (our solar system’s illuminatory Being) and our Moon (feelings and soul memory). This triangle is in air signs which govern relationships, ideas, and the desire to connect through relationships and like-minded ideas. This is an utterly brilliant day for brain storming, or having your brain stormed with revelation. And the revelations are about who you need to connect with, create with, collaborate with. If you are troubled or bored, don’t sit at home alone but reach out to your larger community.
Wed Nov 13
The Moon triggers the on-going Uranus square to Pluto and sets off a three day portal that Venus continues to catalyze tomorrow. Venus/Pluto in Sagittarius (intense obsessive desire or demanding the truth be confronted) squares off with Moon/Uranus in Pisces (the need to break free from constraints or major release of grief). Stand-offs are occurring but also the desire to reconcile is taking shape. And with cooperative artistic Venus making a helpful trine/sextile to the Lunar Nodes, chances are new love, creative openings, beneficial financial choices are coming your way. Choose to make the choice today and move forward.
Thu Nov 14
Today’s key cosmic event is surely Venus’s square to Uranus. If this aspect were in your natal birth map, it would indicate the need for freedom of expression, experimentation in relationships, creative genius that goes against the current trends. Wonderful! Break free of the mold you were molded (meaning moldy) within and give yourself permission to follow your true essence. Authenticity rules this day. Something new is trending, and it just might be you!
Fri Nov 15
And today Venus aligns exactly with Pluto~agent of change, transformation, transfiguration, transmutation. Consider how all those words are connected yet create different experiences in individual lives, some positive, some quite challenging and painful right now. Time to die so you will eventually be reborn in a healthier version of you. This annual conjunction may manifest as obsessive focus on an object of your affection, or finding a new creative project that will consume your coming days. As this conjunction is taking place in sidereal Sagittarius, a fire sign that rules philosophy, futuristic vision, life coaching, fire is literally in our outer and inner fields. Increased inflammation may arise in your body. Address the root causes now and vow to change habits. And as the Moon, our habits, aligns with the South Node (the past you are leaving behind) you may find it easier to purge what no longer has vitality for you be it tattered clothes, food, relationships.
Sat Nov 16
Two exact and clarifying oppositions occur today that will carry over tomorrow with Sunday’s exact Full Moon. Pallas Athene, wise goddess of wisdom, strategy, war, creative intelligence, makes a polarizing opposition to Neptune, planetary ruler of our imaginations and guiding spiritual principles. This aspect is great for brainstorming new solutions and strategies. Pallas Athene is in Leo, individual creativity, while Neptune is in Aquarius, the wisdom of group intelligence that comes out of teamwork. Be willing to clash with others but also truly attempt to see through their eyes. Then the most brilliant of all solutions can arrive. The Moon in sidereal Aries~emotional awakening, independence meaning depending on yourself~opposes Saturn in Libra~our bonds and commitments to others. You may feel stretched, which is the nature of the opposition aspect, too thin between your needs and the requirements of others.
Sun Nov 17
Today’s sunrise Full Moon will be spectacular so rise early and get out there (if the skies are clear) for observation, meditation, or just pure reverence. The Sun is in early Scorpio and the Moon is in the early degrees of Taurus. I repeat what I said yesterday with a slight variation: you may be stretched between your need for calm and another’s requirement of unfolding crisis or drama. Stand tall in your core principles, stay centered in your spinal column, while also flexing and giving support to another. Mercury nears completion with the North node from the recent retrograde period (exact tomorrow). This means it may become clear which, of the many options or paths you have been considering in recent weeks, you are being guided to take, pushed to embrace.
The beckoning future field of Joy is being created through each of us right now. It is time to become even more conscious of what you want to create in your life and for our beloved Earth community. It is time to live more fully, openly, gratefully the light and gift of your unique mastery. You are one of a kind.