Out of the Blue
“Amitabha Stupa~Sedona Arizona” by Lyn Dalebout
Just after Winter Solstice last month, I was struck by the beauty of blue as I sat beneath this sacred colorful portal of Love that is the Amitabha Stupa. This Peace Park nests beneath the glowing gold of Thunder Mountain in Sedona Arizona. December 2014 marked the 20th anniversary of my participation in the Kalachakra Initiation, officiated by the Dalai Lama in Barcelona Spain in 1994. The Kalachakra Initiation calls forth world peace for our entire human community. The Kalachakra teachings assure us that the beneficent natural order of the Universe and our beloved Earthly paradise are one and the same. As I spent time with at this Stupa this past December, I reflected on the exquisite and challenging places of growth and awakening the past two decades had taken me. I had grown much, opened much, accomplished much. I also feel deeply I remain ever the student. That’s a good feeling.
As I circumnavigated this Stupa, under the beauty of blue, an obvious phrase came to mind: ‘out of the blue’. This phrase can denote a happy gift or surprise landing in your lap, and also relates to the shock of a sudden insight and awakening landing in your heart-mind. Lightning can literally strike out of the blue when a confluence of unseen energetics collide. In 2015, something startling and exciting, appearing out of the blue, might awaken you to new possibilities, new life directions, if you are open. All this was set in motion in the past, by you, by your intentions, and by the great cosmic Good. That’s how I view these out of the blue gifts when they arrive. Some part of us co-created the gift. I express gratitude frequently, say thank you often, for everything. If you haven’t yet committed to this practice, give it a go in 2015. The attitude of gratitude will greatly accelerate the Universe’s ability to assist you.
As 2014 came to a close, I wasn’t sure I would continue writing my posts, having written some version of this blog for seven years. Everything, and everyone is in the midst of their upgrade and I wasn’t at all clear where my next evolutionary steps were taking me. Now, having returned from my vacation, I feel inspired, guided, revitalized. I will be continuing my EarthSky Oracle and Star Signposts. I have a new batch of information to send your way about the coming years. I will send it in snippets that fit the coming astrological transits. Onward joyful pioneers of consciousness, compassion! Thank you for caring for our divine Earthly paradise. May these posts help shed some Light upon your path.
The dynamism of the previous weeks continues into the New Year. I wish you could see the stellar map I study it as I run my charts for this weekly forecast, full of bullseye conjunctions and red alert T-squares. The forces around us, guiding us, are also pushing us, hard, to claim our territory of heart. The heart, oddly, brings us into dangerous country. We think it’s all about finding love and humming in harmony. Yes that’s true, but our true heart alignments bring out so much more. You must dive into your depths when you find love, be it with another, a new found passion, an exotic obsession that takes you by surprise. Such will be the exploratory nature of 2015, beginning this first week of the year. I am excited. Are you?
Thu Jan 1
We ring in 2015 with one of the most dynamic of all astrological relationships: Mars and Jupiter meet face to face in a 180 degree opposition. Mars rules warriors, activism, and asks one to take a courageous stand based upon one’s beliefs. Jupiter is about faith, optimism, and at times, righteousness. When these two make a polarizing opposition, events can go one of two ways: more extreme warfare can erupt or inspired leadership for bold dynamic change emerges. These planets align in the sidereal signs of Cancer and Capricorn, which are both about better parenting, either for an individual family, or for the entirety of society. This will be a major theme for all of 2015. This aspect, as well as others to come this week, is also very supportive for launching new levels of fitness, health, and radiant vitality, which will also be a key theme for many of you in 2015.
Fri Jan 2
Imagine big thunder-head clouds building on the horizon. That is one image to match the intense planetary energies of today. The potential for extreme weather, internal and external, is always present when Sun and Pluto make an annual conjunction, exact tomorrow. This alignment can create the wild weather that ultimately brings needed change, catharsis, cleansing to your life. You can also experience a sense of being born again (if you survive…just kidding) which also comes as Pluto’s gift. Trust the storm, trust the intensity of it’s expression. You can accomplish much, with unending energy fueling you from out of the blue. The practical earthy Taurus Moon makes a positive trine to Mars in Capricorn which only enhances the theme of extreme productivity and appreciation of all things earthly, yummy and sensuous. Book a massage today. Spend extra time cooking a meal to delight the senses. Bless the Earth and all her abundance, generosity, and freely given gifts. Make a commitment today to support a ‘greener’ lifestyle in thought, word, deed.
Sat Jan 3
Today our bright Sun makes that exact conjunction with Pluto, planetary ruler of power issues, biological systems. This alignment forces us (Pluto can be a bully at times) to dig deeper than we have before, at times dredging up old wounds or ways we have abandoned ourselves, giving our power over to others. Thankfully, both Sun and Pluto form a supportive sextile to Chiron, a planet that guides us toward healing ourselves in magical ways if we choose to move beyond the wounds of the past. Those thunderheads I mentioned yesterday might let loose the storms and healing rains today. Although our astrological delineations are a tad arbitrary given the vastness of our constellations, today is the last day Mars transits the sign of Capricorn. This completes a several week focus you may have had on reforming goals and accomplishing much. Tomorrow Mars enters the air sign of Aquarius. This means our passions and whims take flight as we aspire to find innovative solutions that support the individual, and also the benefit the many. Mars in Aquarius brings us closer to realizing how much we need our friends and community in order to truly to thrive and activates an expansive sense of activism that will catch fire in the coming year. Find your people and collaborate, co-create, celebrate.
Sun Jan 4
All Full Moons carry the power of transformational change and often extreme moodiness. Like a super-storm, today’s Full Moon packs a punch as both Sun and Moon form a Grand Square with Pluto/Uranus and the Lunar Nodes. This dynamic portal marks a time we must sever from the past in order to move forward and will help us clear out resistance to making desired changes. With the Sun in visionary Sagittarius and the Moon in curious, detail-oriented Gemini, a helpful book or website, teacher or life coach might provide a key tool to assist you. In addition, Mars enters sidereal (true) Aquarius for a few weeks signaling a time to reach out to your friends, envelop and be enveloped by your community. The exciting sextile of Venus to Saturn can bring a surprising offer, a helping hand, a gift out of the blue from someone older and wiser than you. Or you, as the older and wiser one, might reach out to help a younger mentee.
Mon Jan 5
A quick exciting sextile forms today between Mercury ~ ideas/vehicles/appliances/travel ~ and Saturn ~ commitment/focus/support. This might mean you are purchasing a new car or computer and your salesperson is extremely helpful in making the deal happen. Or it could mean you sign an important document, or make a contract with yourself to bring your creative ideas into reality. In addition, our Sun in Sagittarius makes a quincunx to Juno in Cancer. Sagittarius longs for the future and Cancer often dreams of the past. You might have this type of discussion today with a someone near and dear. Find a way to blend the two ways of viewing life, honoring the past while embracing inevitable evolution.
Tue Jan 6
Do you know about this sacred celebratory Holy Day called Epiphany? It marks the end of the 12 days since Winter Solstice, which is the celestial New Year. Reflect on seeds of intention planted on Dec 21 2014. If you have been paying attention to your soul’s needs and the needs of your beloveds, you can receive a message, a sign today of guidance toward your next best step. Receive the message in the day, or at night when you head to the dreamtime. Our Guides are always willing to connect, if we call them forth with our questions, our prayers, our intentions. Today’s nurturing Cancer Moon, the Feeler, opposes both Mercury, the Messenger, and Venus, the Lover, in Capricorn. This aspect can bring forth profound conversations and epiphanies with your children, your parents, a beloved friend. Be willing to take on the more serious issues, or just express your concern and care, letting them know they are loved.
Wed Jan 7
This would be a great day and night to celebrate with those you call family. Our emotional, expressive Moon aligns with both Juno ~ partners/colleagues/mates ~ and Jupiter ~ the Midas touch, amplifying, even exaggerating, all it touches. On a night like this, everyone’s emotions can be running on high, full tilt, desiring expression and connection. Wonderful! Make it a date night.
Thu Jan 8
The playful, creative Leo Moon makes a monthly opposition to Mars in Aquarius. This might manifest as friendly sparring with a friend or discovering a new co-creative interest between you and a fellow artist ( remember artistry is in EVERYTHING). Then the Moon makes a action-oriented square to the ongoing creative alignment of Saturn/Pallas Athene which is helping to birth new creative forms, structures, desires into our world. This is a highly creative day, but it’s time to not just talk about the dream, but bring it down to Earth by taking that one next step.
Fri Jan 9
The every jubilant Leo Moon makes a delightful opposition to Neptune in Aquarius, perfect for attending an art gala or opening, heading to your favorite social club or restaurant, or hosting your friends at your home. You can find delight in conversing with all sorts of unusual people or experience a desire to break free from old ruts in your current relationship. Experiment and play, always the advice of Aquarius and Leo.
Sat Jan 10
The somewhat rare alignment of the Sun and Vesta completes today. Vesta is associated with being very focused, dedicated, driven in some aspect of life. Apply yourself today by focusing only on what you want, and release all the rest. Release it all. Stop splitting your time and energy in activities that aren’t helping you move in the direction of your dreams. Become a laser with piercing focus that can surely dispel any doubts, delusions, uncertainties of the past. And speaking of the past. This aspect forms an uncomfortable quincunx with Jupiter in Cancer ~ the sign that governs our historical patterns and conditioning. Jupiter is both amplifying the unhealthy ties to our past, while also showing us our new, healthier habits. It’s very hard to hold on to the past in these times. Who would want to? Well many still do, and so you may find your own choices in resistance to the cultural slumber of others. Use this courageous aspect to cut through the ties that bind.
Sun Jan 11
All of yesterday’s post applies to today. In addition, as this week comes to a close, the Virgo Moon aligns with the North Node of your future destiny tomorrow. Look toward the overnight hours to bring a healing dream or insight as guidance to guide you toward greater health and harmony.
Happy New Year
Bask in this photograph of the blissful blue sky I recently rested beneath. It may appear as nothing, yet it is everything.