“Hoot” photograph by Priscilla Marden ~
I have been writing about the passing of our elders in my recent posts, as that is all part of the theme surrounding the current Jupiter in Cancer cycle that occurs once every twelve years. This week, I am grateful to honor the passing of a most beloved Horse named Hoot who touched many. Hoot was the leader of the Horse tribe that is part of the Horse Warriors program here in Wyoming (read more at the link posted at the end of this post).
Priscilla Marden, creator of Horse Warriors writes this tribute to Hoot’s unique and compassionate leadership with both his fellow equines and all the humans he connected with: “Surviving cancer and having only one eye, Hoot motivated literally hundreds of people to believe that they could be successful, no matter what their obstacles. He was the best of leaders: quiet, strong, present, and he led by keeping the interests of his whole herd foremost in his behavior. He wore an energy of profound wisdom and centeredness, making everyone who knew him feel immensely safe in his presence.”
Isn’t that an essential description of what it means to be a wise elder?
Here is a tribute poem Priscilla wrote for Hoot’s upcoming memorial:
The big astrological news this week is that Mercury moves into direct motion after a three week retrograde. This particular cycle seemed to involve the transition of many elders as well as each of us taking inventory about our core relationships, including the most important relationship: the one we have with our Self. Both Capricorn and Cancer, signs linked our familial and social responsibilities, were the constellations being activated. It seemed various aspects of our old story needed to be released so that our new story could take hold.This was super big magic, this Mercury Retrograde, bigger than previous Mercury Retrograde cycles. Prepare to be launched toward the dreams of your future self on February 11, when Mercury goes Direct.
Lest we forget, this reminder: Mercury is also our planetary guide of humor, often manifesting as the trickster. This means you might be surprised by a sudden turn of events this week or in the weeks to come, if you are willing to throw your cards to the winds of fate and see where they land. And after having navigated a very challenging time, remember the joy of laughter as you vow not to take your self and your life’s circumstance so seriously. Be open to new adventures, insights, relationships, possibilities.
If you have read my blog for a while, you know I like to keep changing up my posts, design, ever the experimenter. This week I will try a new way of posting the daily listings, stating the astrological aspect (for those of you who are interested in knowing that information) and then offering my interpretation of the aspect. Nothing is set in stone, just playing around as that’s the key to living an interesting life. Mercury retrograde always encourages us to try new things.
Please note: I use the true sidereal astronomical alignments in my predictions. You can read about my unique way of interpreting astrology at this link:
Mon Feb 9
Venus in Aquarius square Pallas Athene in Scorpio:
Both these planetary bodies govern our artistic impulsives, creative desires. The square aspect implies you need make a conscious choice in how you want to move forward with a creative idea or how you will utilize the immense well of art that resides in your deepest core. Art is everywhere, in all things, all disciplines, every career choice. Commit now to sharing the gifts of your life-giving creative well that is unique to you. We await your gift.
Tue Feb 10
Venus in Aquarius quincunx Jupiter in Cancer:
This aspect surely awakens our heart ~ Venus ~ to the more awakened state of compassion for all forms of life ~ and especially asks we step beyond the bounds of our tribal familial relations, extending our capacity to love to all. This translates to inviting a stranger to dinner, asking a quirky friend to a family gathering, or striking up a conversation with someone new, aware of your desire to reach beyond your old safe terrain.
Libra Moon trine Neptune in Aquarius square Juno in Cancer:
This aspect exhibits both a desire to cooperate in all our core relationships, while also making sure we are willing to confront conflicts in those same relationships. The combination today supports both truth and reconciliation.
Wed Feb 11
Mercury in sidereal Capricorn goes direct:
Mercury, our planetary ruler of communication systems such as the internet, travel, computers, ideas, machines, is returning to forward motion after a three week period of retrograde motion. Now’s the time to sign that re-negotiated contract, buy that next generation computer or car you have been researching, or launch a new creative project. Sometimes you can experience a mix-up in the timing of an appointment or be delayed at the airport, all part of the Trickster having a bit of fun with us. Call forth Mercury’s inherent humor if this happens. Lighten up and laugh at life’s never-ending surprises, detours, and delights.
Last Quarter Moon:
What a momentous SolLunar cycle this has been. Today marks the turning point where we can recall what we just navigated, and also, set our sextants on the next SolLunar cycle, called the New Moon, a week from now. This energetic can manifest as either a crisis that demands we make a decision, or sees us taking a moment to savor the accomplishments of all we navigated in recent weeks.
Thu Feb 12
Moon/Saturn conjunct in Scorpio:
This is rarely an easy alignment. Prepare to face a passing depression or obsession, or suddenly a desire erupts to probe more deeply into a study. Or you now must confront a conflict you simply can no longer ignore. Remember, on a day like today, that things truly do always work out for the best, if you will face your demons, and say, no more running. Life has our back, but we have to be nakedly honest at times. That is the gift of Moon/Saturn.
Mars enters Pisces:
Passionate driven activist Mars leaves Aquarius and enters the more muted creative waters of Pisces for the coming weeks. Swim swim swim, in all elements water, be that the literal ocean or the depths of your own creative feeling intuitive waters of Self. This aspect nudges you to dive into a creative project, not knowing where that impulse will take you. May you succumb.
Fri Feb 13
Sun enters Aquarius:
The ever illuminating Light of our Sun enters the sign of sidereal Aquarius, and we enter a month of futuristic vision, discovering inspiring new colleagues, seeking new adventures and explorations. We are willing to become more experimental. Now is the month to be BOLD.
Moon/Pallas Athene align in Scorpio:
This aspect is great for creative collaboration. The Scorpio influence indicates you might have to release your old ideas and investigate new solutions. Be guided by your intuition and be willing to release the past, with gratitude that it got you to where you are now.
Sat Feb 14
Sagittarius Moon sextile Aquarius Sun:
This is a delightful aspect to accompany your Valentine’s Day plans. Sun in Aquarius is all about friendship, so honor the love you feel for all your community today. The visionary, athletic, upbeat Sag Moon defines how you might be feeling emotionally. Love the day, love your life. The attitude of gratitude is in our collective Field today. Tap into a generosity of soul that is the bedrock of who we are, or can become.
Sun Feb 15
Pluto/Ceres conjunction in Sagittarius:
Whoa, this is big and rare. The mighty portal of Pluto ~ power, willfulness, transformation ~ makes a once every five year conjunction with Ceres ~ caregiving, Earth, nurturing. This marks a turning point in which we consciously choose to place those qualities of caring for our larger society in new truly transformational directions. This marks a key evolutionary moment for our planet. Pluto always functions at a deep cellular level of dying to our past habits so that we can be cleansed and realigned in our newness. What a brilliant day to start a cleanse, or simply decide to heed the guidance from your wise body.
NOTE: I’ll be posting next week on Tuesday in time for Wednesday’s New Moon in Aquarius. Wonderful news lies ahead. Stay tuned.
Thank you Priscilla Marden, my long-time beloved friend and co-educator, for sharing Hoot’s story with us. Priscilla is an artist, poet, dreamer, dedicated teacher who has created Horse Warriors ~
Here is the mission statement:
Horse Warriors™ is an empowerment program that teaches people how to create and maintain healthy relationships, and move with compassion throughout life. Based on heart connections with the horses, self-awareness, wisdom and artistic expression emerge as foundations for creating a desired path in life.Programs offered range from parenting and family communication classes to teen programs, training for equine facilitation professionals, women’s rejuvenation workshops, Cancer Kickers™ – a healing program for those on the cancer journey, and The Warriors’ Circle – an equine based program for veterans.