“Lion in the Wind” painting by Sue Ewald Cedarholm
Check out my new monthly post at called OUTLOOK to be posted every third Wednesday. I am grateful to support this wonderful collaborative effort. Thank you Julie and Samantha.
It’s New Moon this Monday. This coming cycle will move us through the annual Fall Equinox portal of Sept 21 in which we bring the energies of 2014 to harvest. I want to first address the last Sol~Lunar cycle to provide context to what is coming next.
Our last Sol~Lunar cycle was in sidereal Cancer, aligned with Jupiter. Here’s the link to what I spoke about at that time: . Having lived through it now, as expansive and shifting as it promised to be, I found much of the work of that cycle was about liberating myself from old ways of seeing myself, dropping my old story lines. There was lots of release, cleansing and soul-wrenching grief. Such is the nature of the astrological sign of Cancer. It holds our history, our sorrow, our stories, sometimes good, but often showing us how we carry the pain of our collective histories. Chances are, you too let go of much in recent weeks.
Now we enter a new Sol~Lunar cycle on Monday in Leo. That means both the Sun and Moon align and birth each other with a new energetic in the sunshine of Leo. I am looking forward to this Light entering our world and our lives. Re-read last week’s overview ~ to understand how the vectorial, action oriented energies of the Mars/ Saturn conjunction this week build upon the discovery of your heart’s truth from last week.
With last month’s post on the New Moon, under Jupiter’s expansive influence, I posted a song. Here’s this month’s New Moon in Leo song by YES called “It will be a good day~The River”:
“African Lion” photograph by R.J. Walter
Mon Aug 25
Two extremely potent exact conjunctions greet us today. One is the New Moon at 7:12 am MST in true sidereal Leo. Equally initiatory is the Mars/Saturn conjunction. Please re-read my overview from above that explains how this Lunar cycle will be dramatically different from the last. Feel the double fire of creative Leo filling your two wells of Source. The Sun is symbolic of your aspiring Spirit, and the Moon represents your deep well of Soul. Combined, Sun and Moon encompass the totality of your past, present and future Selves. Leo is about following the vector of your heart that is always true, is ever-loving and forgiving, and ever asking you to evolve your creative Self. Also today, the stern, serious, determined hefty alignment of Mars/Saturn conjunction can surely help you focus and tame your outworn, unwieldy unhealthy impulses, channeling your powerful Will in the direction you truly want to move NOW. Last night, in the middle of the night as I felt the heaviness of this energy enter the Field, I thought of helpful metaphors to guide us through. It’s like bench-pressing hundreds of pounds. Or it’s like climbing Mt. Everest in a blizzard. Or, Mars/Saturn can be the fierce warrior spirit arising in us. I had this dream: I was standing in a yogic Warrior pose belting out “it’s time to take on the climate deniers” (as an Earth citizen, this is one of my key focuses, mainly for the sake of our wild Animal Others). Things are getting serious folks, and making solid vows and commitments with dedicated follow-through and actions are going to be required of each of us, all of us, in the coming days and years. Mars/Saturn is the good kind of mean and heavy. Time to wake up. D-day has arrived or is coming soon….
Tue Aug 26
Today the continuing Leo Moon aligns with Mercury, and you can feel a flurry of communication happening around you, and also experience a convening of your emotions and your thoughts coming into alignment. How wonderful when our minds and hearts are not at odds, as they sometimes can be. The conflictual yet creative square of Venus in Cancer ~ family matters of the heart ~ to the continuing Mars/Saturn portal for the next two days probably will manifest as standoffs in some homes and making new vows in others. Both these signs rule our core relations, which can also include our professional colleagues and friends. We are one big family in the end so maybe we can make a more serious effort to find ways to co-exist and co-create side by side. This is nice: a supportive rare trine forms between Neptune ~ higher aspirations of love and cooperation ~ and Ceres ~ nurturing and caring for all. Ceres in many ways is the ruler of Earth. Find time to make a earthly spiritual pilgrimage to a favorite spot today. Introduce the practices of Earthing (walking barefoot slowly allowing the healing balm of the ground to drain any inflammation out of the body…it really works!) and Forest Bathing (sauntering through any forested environment, botanical garden, and just breath in all the healing nutrients that are free floating, feeding you just as eating actual food would). And say a prayer to honor the diversity of Earth, today, the many peoples, the many species, the many kingdoms of creation.
Wed Aug 27
The Moon’s entrance into Virgo for the coming 2+ days always supports health, cleansing, and plowing through your tasks at hands. You are in service to your life, and the Virgo Moon makes this serving of your self’s highest Self interests, interesting and holy. That’s a mouthful, hope it made sense. Virgo is about finding ways to honor the daily holiness of life, in each discerning, beauty-filled decision. Both Leo (the sign ruling this New Moon cycle) and Virgo live for beauty. Treat yourself to flowers, and make a surprising exotic choice of a species that reflects your inner and outer beauty. With an exciting sextile of Vesta ~ dedication/focus/sexual fires ~ to Pluto ~ deep and dark, probing and intense ~ give over to whatever it is that has you currently obsessed, discovering new talents and interests in the process.
Thu Aug 28
Today’s square of the judgmental yet truthful Virgo Moon in square to the Juno/Pluto opposition, exact tomorrow, surely will bring forth fierce honest discussions within key partnerships, marriages, business partners, city council meetings, Congress. Stand offs may occur today that may find resolution in the coming days. Stand in your truth, listen, be open to shift, while also discovering the integrity of your heart, your bottom line, which is the KEY to this lunar cycle of Leo.
Fri Aug 29
This promises to be an important day of both turning points of completion and new-found inspiration. Our ever enlightened Sun makes an annual opposition to the planet of art and spirituality, Neptune. This aspect always inspires a plethora of both inspiring and confusing energies as Neptune rules both deception, and longing for the highest good for all. It’s rose-colored glasses day. At times that’s good, at times it can lead to denial, right? Today you get to choose. Since Juno ~ our most important relationships ~ makes a rare opposition to Pluto, power struggles may ensue or you may finally get to the bottom of an issue that has plagued you, finding new clarity out of facing life with brutal honesty. Pluto demands honesty, and at times that can feel brutal. But if you will walk through this door, not try to go around it (you can’t anyway) or turnaround and revert to the past (not a good choice at this time) then new life and resurrected love will await you. The Virgo Moon aligning with North Node signifies the willingness to go it alone, if need be, in order to be truthful to one’s deepest core. Lastly, Mercury enters Virgo for a few weeks. Our mental energy can become more focused and determined to become more focused and determined. Is it finally time you commit to a meditation practice to calm the incessant unproductive mental chatter that can literally steal your life force? The planets say YES!
Sat Aug 30
Our holy Sun of joy and life-giving support makes a grateful sextile to a Ceres/Moon conjunction in Libra. This energetic promises great nutritional support to all. But the nutrition offered might be a piece of art, a supportive conversation, an offering of peace. Such is the nature of Libra.
Sun Aug 31
This week completes the way it started, with tones of heavy metal. The Libra Moon triggers this past week’s Mars/Saturn conjunction. The lunar trigger usually sparks the need to make a decision, face a harsh reality, come to the truth of what is driving you or another toward the inevitable. This sounds dire, but also on a day like today, some are committing to marrying their beloved or figuring out what they can finally put their energy/drive/passion behind so as to accomplish great and lasting deeds. We always have a choice as to how we will use the momentum of these transits as we navigate these super-charged chaotic and creative times. This is last day Venus is in Cancer which usually means you are more prone to stay home, nestle in with your family. Give gratitude for the security of your nest today.
Thank you Sue Ewald Cedarholm ~ ~ and Rebecca J. Walter ~ ~ for the gift of your Lions.