Heart Chakra
“The Green Man” by Lyn Dalebout
There’s a fair amount of astro-fear circulating the globe about the coming Grand Square on April 23, uniting Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars all in a passionate square dance. Rather than gravitate toward fear, think of these times as demanding you attune to and follow your heart with surety and conviction, despite the seeming impossibility of your grand dreams. I also know following your heart can be absolutely terrifying. Courage, dear heart. Miracles and magic are part of reality. You just have to believe.
Tue Apr 8
As astrologers, we are focused today on the catalytic even explosive opposition of Sun to Mars, which is still in retrograde till May 19. Thankfully the retrograde influence means the explosions might be more within us, in terms of actions we are now ready to take, versus outer aggressive ploys. Pray for those you love who are suffering rather than engaging in their suffering, which serves no purpose. A Cancer Moon in trine to Uranus might manifest as a sudden shift in family dynamics.
Wed Apr 9
It’s calmer today as the illumination of the waxing Moon trines the ever bright Sun. This is the time in our current lunar cycle where things tend to flow more easily, no need to push or struggle. Allow supportive influences to enter your life. This also shows up in the sextile of Moon to Mars and trine to Juno, all indicative of help arriving if you will allow it in. At times, we push away those trying to help us, either because of a feeling of unworthiness or a need to go it alone. May you allow love to enter your life in all sorts of unforeseen and unexpected forms, ways, gifts. Or be the giver of those gifts, if you are able.
Thu Apr 10
Now a love sky portal is building: Venus and Neptune are exactly conjunct tomorrow. This annual event is why I dubbed this week’s Signposts Heart Chakra. The planetary ruler of personal love and creativity, Venus, is merging with the planetary ruler of heavenly love and inspired art/spirituality. These planets are meeting up in futuristic, visionary sidereal Aquarius at this time. This is a truly divine union, possibly leading you via divination (the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or unknown by supernatural means) to your next key step. In addition, today’s playful, artistic, take-the-stage Leo Moon conjuncts Pallas Athene, asteroid of creativity intelligence and strategy. This bodes well for coming up with a new design for your life which must including having more fun-time, down-time, play-time. It’s part of what is being asked of us by the evolutionary awakening of our time. Truly. Have more fun.
Fri Apr 11
This is one of those larger than life astrological days, or should I say your life is about to get larger, if you will allow it. Venus and Neptune exactly align (read yesterday’s post). Also, the illuminating force of our Sun makes an exact conjunction with Juno, astrological ruler of all core partnerships or what you most want to commit to next. Be receptive so even more sharing and caring and support can be enter your life . The quincunx aspect of Sun to determined Saturn nudges you to push through previous roadblocks if you will apply even the smallest effort.
Sat Apr 12
Today is like a momentary pause between two huge waves. Time to breathe and integrate before the next even bigger wave arrives on April 14-45 with of the coming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. With the Moon heading into Virgo today, recognize how healthier habits, especially in regards to nutrition, will help keep you stable under these enormous pressures. Make a new found attempt to stick to clearing and calming practices, exercise. Virgo is also bookish, so remember ingesting the teachings of a good book is also a form nutrition at the spiritual level. Imbibe today.
Sun Apr 13
The influence of the health-minded, analytical, writerly Virgo Moon makes a opposition to Mercury in Pisces. This aspect can lead to a polarization between mind and heart, feelings and thinking. Or, as you find yourself teeter-tottering between the two, a new way of perceiving a situation can arise. I highly recommend you find time to just be lazy this Sunday as this is the last day the Sun is in intuitive, dreamy spacious Pisces. Rest up as next week is a doozy (definition: something outstanding or unique of it’s kind).