“Patterns” watercolor collage by Sue Cedarholm
Every day is different and needs to be lived differently. Those simple words from the dreamtime greeted me one morning last week when I woke up with anxiety made worse because I was comparing how I felt on this morning to how I had experienced the previous day. It had been a day filled with optimism, joy, with a clear sense life was going to be fine. And now this, again. Such is the nature of these times, the ups and downs, the ebbs and flow of every emotion, just like the weather. A helpful thought as I appreciate all kinds of earthly weather. Okay. Message received. Thank you. Keep going.
With this SolLunar Cycle we begin Phase 2 of 2020. The major retrogrades which took place mid-May now open the space to integrate the shock of these unfathomable shifts we’ve just lived through. Remind your children, and your self if need be, that we are witnesses and participants to this historic time, like no other, and perhaps we can feel excitement alongside the inevitable anxiety. Phase 3 will take shape in September as the challenging Mars retrograde–happening once-every-two-years–brings things to a head, a boiling point, a tipping point. I don’t want to think too much about that quite yet. So back to now.
This New Moon encourages us to more fully embody the changes we reflected upon during the great pause. Astronomical Taurus is the sign of walking our talk and grounding our dreams into rock solid form. Because this New Moon is launched with a helpful trine to focused Saturn and creative Pallas Athene, it will be easier to get moving each day with more focus and less fear. Won’t that be a welcome change? This can be a highly productive four weeks as we reorganize, reform our lives and continue to release the past that has already released us. Taurus loves to sing, dance, garden, play in the mud, touch and be touched. Find ways to enhance the simple pleasures of life, now more important than ever.
There are numerous important sky events during this time which you can read about in this post. There’s a Mars/Ceres conjunction on May 24 and a Mars/Neptune conjunction on June 12 coinciding with the Last Quarter Moon. Venus in retrograde crosses the Sun on June 3, leaving her Evening Star phase and entering her Morning Star phase. The dynamic Full Moon in sidereal Taurus/Scorpio on June 5 will be in a tense square to Mars and is also a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse . And yes, Mercury turns retrograde again near the end of this Cycle on June 17.
I don’t usually mention the next SolLunar Cycle that will follow this one but it will be of such magnitude it might be helpful to understand what lies ahead to make good use of the coming four weeks. On June 20, the day of the sacred Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun and Moon align with the futuristic North Lunar Node, creating an Annular Solar Eclipse, excellent for planting seeds for new possibilities. They all meet up in astronomical Gemini conjunct Polaris, the North Star, a place of great wisdom brought down to Earth via our daily actions. Use this current Cycle to prepare for what’s to come–recognize what is truly over and work consciously to transition your life in ways that more fully express who you are becoming, a more radiant and vital you.
Thank you my friend, Sue Cedarholm, and your Watercolor Diary for the gift of posting your intriguing new work for a second month. These watercolor collages are a fitting metaphor for these times: various elements of the past torn up and reconfigured in beautiful ways.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the sidereal astronomical alignments. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life flows with more ease, grace and understanding.
I highly encourage serious astrology students to subscribe to Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s monthly Lunar Planner. Nick is the expert and his website is a treasure trove of historical and current information and insights.
Thanks for considering a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or a longer reading for $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2020 and beyond. I am also excited to mentor students individually or in families/groups/workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology in their own chart or with their clients. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2020 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Taurus

“Aerial Landscape” watercolor collage by Sue Cedarholm
Here is a brief synopsis of the New Moon characteristics from my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his LunarPlanner:
“Beginning the Sprouting Phase of the Lunar Cycle, a new theme emerges, a new idea or concept sprouts forth. This is an inner message, an impulse expressing from a field of all possibilities deep within the unconscious mind. The New Moon is a perfect time for meditation to go within self and listen.”
Fri May 22 – Sat May 23
New SolLunar Cycle in astronomical Taurus: Sun/Moon conjunction in Taurus trine Saturn/Pallas Athene in Capricorn: This New Moon encourages us to more fully embody the changes we reflected upon during the great pause. Astronomical Taurus is the sign of walking our talk and grounding our dreams into rock solid form. Because this New Moon is launched with a helpful trine to focused Saturn and creative Pallas Athene, it will be easier to get each day moving with more focus and less fear. Won’t that be a welcome change? This can be a highly productive four weeks as you reorganize, reform your life and continue to release the past that has already released you. Taurus loves to sing, dance, garden, play in the mud, touch and be touched. Find ways to enhance the simple pleasures of life, now more important than ever.
Venus retrograde/Mercury conjunction in Taurus square Neptune in Aquarius: This two-day aspect is good for reevaluating your investments of time, energy and money, making sure your daily choices support your larger goals and desires. This is also happening at the national level in the ongoing debates about how to help people financially survive in this time of unprecedented need. Taurus can be a hoarder or greedy if coming from a place of fear of lack, so those qualities are amplified for some people. Taurus also loves to live a simpler life, free of drama. These are some of the themes of the current Venus retrograde which completes on June 25.
Sun May 24
Mars/Ceres in Aquarius conjunction sextile Uranus in Aries: When Mars and Ceres align once every two years, people collaborate in innovative ways regarding health care systems, caring for humans and animals in need, food issues, environmental concerns, finding shelter, including real estate changes. Aquarius has concern and compassion for our collective experience, for all of humanity, and creates a desire to help others along the way. An exemplary expression of this alignment is Chef Andreas and his World Central Kitchen.
Moon/Vesta/North Lunar Node conjunction in Gemini: This focused, multi-tasking aspect is great for intellectual activity, writing, finding beneficial information that supports an emerging project or plan in the works.
Mon May 25
Mercury/Vesta conjunction in Gemini: Intellectual acuity and focus continue today. So many details get taken care of with this day-long aspect.
Moon in Mercury square Chiron in Pisces: This morning aspect might create misunderstandings in communications as some are feeling emotionally vulnerable and others just want to get the job done. It can help you analyze your own sensitivities better, like a good therapy session can do.
Tue May 26
Sun in Taurus trine Juno in Virgo: This brings supportive partners into your life–that might include a new health coach or life guide–and creates a cooperative energy between you and your spouse, a significant other, or an important relationship.
Moon in Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius/Jupiter in Capricorn: Polarization in politics can flare up. In a more positive use, Sagittarius and Gemini nudge you to see the big picture and also how to bring that vision down to Earth in practical step by step detail.
Wed May 27
Mercury/North Lunar Node conjunction in Gemini: Important news arrives about a future event or you get an idea which helps you view an old situation in a new way. This might be something you will continue to explore as part of the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle from June 17 – July 12.
Moon in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces square Uranus in Aries: Something might break at home but is also easily fixed, be that an appliance or with a relationship.
Thu May 28
Cancer Moon: There’s not much precise astro-action in the heavens today but the Cancer Moon can make you more moody, spark a desire to nest or be at home, or help a family member in need.
First Quarter Moon

“Playing with Flowers” by Sue Cedarholm
Here’s a brief synopsis of the First Quarter Moon characteristics from my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“The First Quarter Moon of each lunar cycle draws an external stimulus to initiate action as we move from the inspirational quarter of the lunar cycle into the action quarter. This time is stressful or traumatic only if action is ignored. Simply, this phase is a time to work.”
Fri May 29
First Quarter Moon: Sun in Taurus square Moon in Leo square Ceres in Aquarius: This take-action phase pressures you to move forward with issues involving housing, caregiving roles, community projects, food concerns, adopting or taking in a child or pet, some of the many dimensions of wise, nurturing Ceres. It’s great for beautifying your personal or work space, possibly making an important purchase.
Sat May 30
Moon in Leo square Venus retrograde in Taurus opposite Neptune in Aquarius: Under the auspices of the Venus retrograde and this take-action square, the re-invention of your life, finances, love life and creative projects expands exponentially. Collaborate with like-minded others and celebrate the joy of being part of a diverse community seeking the common good together.
Sun May 31
Moon/Juno conjunction in Virgo: This monthly pairing tends to bring positive relationship connections but the nature of Virgo sets boundaries or chooses to take a time-out from core relationships. It helps us heal, refine and redesign that most important relationship we have with our self–the self aligned with the Self, as the Celtic Runes counsel.
Mon June 1
Vesta/North Lunar Node conjunction in Gemini: It’s a great day travel into a future unknown, excited to be on the road again especially after the confinements of April and May. This can be an actual journey or experiencing freedom of thought and entertaining new possibilities.
Mercury in Gemini square Juno in Virgo: This leads to important, even challenging conversations with significant others.You make progress as you brainstorm (Gemini) new ways to fix (Virgo) what has been broken or could be improved.
Moon in Virgo square Pluto in Sagittarius: This happens late at night and can lead to obsessive thinking, neurotic cleaning or physical purges in the night.
Tue June 2
Moon in Libra square Pallas Athene/Saturn in Capricorn: This serious aspect happens in the morning hours and is good for problem-solving or negotiating a plan of action for the day.
Moon in Libra trine Vesta/North Node/Mercury: This is excellent for negotiations of all kinds including which route to take on a trip or which professional to hire for a job.
Wed June 3
Sun/Venus conjunction in astronomical Taurus: This annual alignment always marks an important turning point as Venus crosses the Sun and leaves the Evening Star phase of her 18-month cycle, soon to rise at dawn in her Morning Star phase. This crossing symbolizes both endings and new beginnings that involve the direction your heart is leading you now. As Venus is transiting sidereal Taurus, the guidance is to appreciate ourselves more, stand in our truth more consistently, find the potency of our voice more frequently, and make sure the daily choices we make are consistent with our values.
Moon in Libra trine Ceres/Mars in Aquarius: This socially gracious geometry seeks to nurture relationships in tangible ways. Bring a special gift or meal to someone you know or who you know is in need or be on the receiving end of such kindness.
Thu June 4
Moon in Scorpio sextile Jupiter/Pallas Athene/Saturn: As the intensity of tomorrow’s Full Moon penumbral eclipse builds, the Moon enters probing, wise, no-nonsense Scorpio and makes an exciting sextile to the historic and organized Jupiter/Pallas Athene/Saturn in Capricorn. This leads to accomplishments and success or a feeling you will succeed if you keep your eyes on the target and focused with clear intentions.
Full Moon in sidereal Scorpio/Taurus

“Colors of the Desert” watercolor by Sue Cedarholm
Here is a brief synopsis of the Full Moon characteristics from my friend and sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“The Full Moon marks the point of coition in the lunar cycle, the climax, the point of excitement, a time of celebration. The day just after the Full Moon is a time for the realization of the theme to emerge, culminating in the enthusiasm of the Full Moon. Relax and allow this realization to occur.”
Fri June 5
Full Moon in astronomical sidereal Scorpio/Taurus square Mars in Aquarius: This Full Moon can be full of passion, tensions, and aggression as both Sun and Moon square off with truth-telling Mars in the what are astrologically referred to as the ‘fixed signs’ which are willful, stubborn, driven. Wild dancing can keep this energy from exploding negatively. The exceptional endurance of this aspect over the next two days is great for extra-long adventures in the mountains or completing tasks that require you stay very focused like a surgeon doing a multiple-hour surgery. This is not a relaxing Full Moon but it certainly will be a memorable one. It will be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse for parts of Earth, but not visible here in America.
Sat June 6
Sun in Taurus square Mars in Aquarius: Piling on top of the tensions of yesterday’s Full Moon, this exact square pushes you off any fence of indecisiveness and pressures you to stand up for what you believe is just and fair. You might have to defend yourself or another. It is competitive in nature so you can use the energy for a shared adventure with friends as you push each other toward personal excellence and remarkable achievements.
Moon/South Lunar Node conjunction in Sagittarius: The exploratory and courageous nature of a Moon in Sagittarius helps us move beyond past issues or habits—represented by the South Node–as we remember our adventurous side to keep changing and growing, no matter our age.
Sun June 7
Moon in Sagittarius opposite Mercury in Gemini: Break free of staying put, even stuck, and get on the road today with this exploratory, highly communicative alignment. It supports intellectual explorations, too, or absorbing information at warp speed.
Mon June 8
Moon/Jupiter/Pallas Athene/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: As the Moon makes its monthly trigger to the historic Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction, challenging events erupt in our collective field and people are more dogmatic in expressing their beliefs. Emotions run hot, you feel exceptionally driven, or conversely, you reach a point of burnout.
Venus retrograde in Taurus square Ceres in Aquarius: This aspect might involve dealing with financial issues surrounding home or housing or help you find the place you’ve been looking for. Through honest conversations with a friend, you come to know more deeply what is in one another’s hearts.
Tue June 9 – Wed June 10
Moon in Capricorn trine Venus retrograde and Sun in Taurus: This is a productive, work-focused two-day portal. You make ample money or complete building or gardening projects. It supports valuing your self more–time or ask for a raise? Choose self-care in nurturing ways.
Sun in Taurus square Neptune in Aquarius: This annual square of the Sun to imaginative, spiritual Neptune is both creative and challenging depending on your life circumstance. For some it marks a turning point surrounding addictive behaviors–one of Neptune’s domains– and for others it can lead to busting through a creative block that has held you back because you apply effort until you breakthrough.
Thu June 11
Moon/Ceres conjunction in Aquarius: As this pairing happens in the evening, it’s a good night to make dinner plans with friends or connect in other ways depending upon the distance between you.
Last Quarter Moon

“Ribbons” watercolor collage by Sue Cedarholm
Here is a brief synopsis of the Last Quarter Moon characteristics from my friend and sidereal colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“This phase completes with our Inner Needs surfacing to consciousness, to become aware of what is important to self and what is not. Changing allows us to spiral to a new octave of experience—one that will eventually sprout in the next lunar cycle to come.”
Fri June 12
Last Quarter Moon: Sun in Taurus square Moon/Mars/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: Mars—taking action—and Neptune—imagination—make their once-every two-year conjunction today, and that’s big news just by itself. Ceremonially plant seeds for new creative goals/relationships. In addition, the Last Quarter Moon supports acknowledgement of what is ending, even though we are unsure of what’s next. Neptune asks us to live in the mystery of faith, divine and earthly guidance that is ever-near.
Sat June 13
Moon in Pisces square Lunar Nodes: This aspect creates an emotionally wobbly day, feeling unsure and off-balance as the Moon links where we’ve been—South Node—to where the wonder of life is taking us next—North Node. Be less in ‘doing-mode’ and be more in ‘being-mode’, immersed in this watery matrix of emotion.
Sun June 14
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: This non-verbal and highly intuitive aspect helps you know things you need to know if you trust your intuitive hits. It can bring out buried grief through healing tears.
Moon in Pisces square Mercury in Gemini: This helps you analyze the messages you are receiving through your heightened sensitivity and intuition. Stream-of-conscious journaling is always a good way to process confusing information as you write your way to clarity.
Sun in Taurus quincunx Pluto in Sagittarius: This alignment helps you expand beyond a limited point of view to a more expansive way of seeing a situation.
Sun enters sidereal Gemini: This is the day the Sun enters astronomical Gemini each year. You can be hit with the travel bug and become more intellectually curious during this four-week period. There can be increased polarization or bipartisanship between parties.
Mon June 15
Moon in Pisces square Pluto in Sagittarius: Should you listen or speak out? That’s the question this monthly square poses. Maybe listen before you speak, but don’t remain silent in the face of injustice or being upset about something.
Tue June 16
Venus retrograde in Taurus trine Juno in Virgo: Reach out to others as this lovely aspect brings supportive connections and tangible help into your life.
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries: This volatile alignment happens later in the evening and can lead to a sudden change of plans, a cooking accident, impulsive behavior, emotional volatility.
Wed June 17
Mercury in sidereal Gemini turns retrograde: So soon you say? Yes, it’s happening again until July 12. The nature of Gemini is enhanced mental prowess and curiosity, indecisiveness and polarization. Retrogrades support us to take a time-out to rethink a situation, develop an intellectual concept or creative project. This cycle will also mostly likely increase the polarization in our current politics or build bridges of bipartisanship. Communication devices or vehicles may need repair or replacement during the next three weeks.
Moon in Aries sextile Mercury in Gemini: This aspect is highly stimulating to the nervous system and our thought processes. It sparks moments of genius while brainstorming, jitteriness or manifests as an inability to focus on one thing at a time but on many things all at once.
Thu June 18
Moon in Taurus trine Jupiter/Pallas Athene/Saturn in Capricorn: Earth signs are productive and stabilizing by nature so that’s the energy this wonderful aspect brings. Accomplish much while also enjoying yourself along the day’s way.
Fri June 19
Moon/Venus retrograde conjunction in Taurus: Venus is now rising as the Morning Star. If you have a clear shot to a flat horizon, look for this jeweled pairing just barely visible before sunrise. As this SolLunar completes, the grounded Taurus Moon might whisper to you to slow down, to breathe in the beauty of life, to give thanks for having enough.
Tomorrow on June 20, the day of the sacred Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun and Moon align with the futuristic North Lunar Node, creating an Annular Solar Eclipse excellent for planting seeds for new possibilities. They all meet up in astronomical Gemini conjunct Polaris, the North Star, a place of great wisdom brought down to Earth via our daily actions. Blessings to you as you exit one phase of your life and enter a new one, reborn, anew.

“Flow” watercolor collage by Sue Cedarholm
Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
I advocate for actions we can take personally to be a living example of personal and planetary radiant health and vitality, thus modeling this most potent form of activism–to walk our talk, to be a living example of the change we seek to see in the world.
The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers : This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
The World Peace Diet ~ Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony by Will Tuttle
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.