“Warm Source” by K’Lea Andreas
Mon Oct 21: Mercury turns retrograde
Today the practical sensual Taurus Moon squares off with Mars/Neptune. This can trigger the need to be realistic about how to finance your latest desire, dream, visionary notion which includes realizing the current version might not be possible. Time to pause. But fortunately, Mercury goes retro for 3 weeks! What on Earth does that mean? It means our planet that seems to govern our technology, our machines, our ideas, our communication systems, is heading into reflection, re-evaluation, regrouping. We enter a time that is better for those kinds of activities than launching into something new. Use the coming three weeks, till November 10 (when an exciting portal of several astrological indicators of forward momentum emerges) to research your options, redesign your press, blog, publication. And rest, for goodness sake, honor that as humans we should not always be pressing forward but should choose to pause and reflect, and simply rest. If you care about your long term health, honor this cycle.
Tue Oct 22: Mild sky news today
This stands out: the Taurus Moon that needs to keep things simple and direct but can also be complacent and stuck in a major way opposes Venus in Scorpio~ the desire to delve deeper into the underlying causes that keep us stuck in long-standing ruts. You may feel a tug of war inside you or within a key partnership. Time to get yourself out of a mucky stuck place and commit to a new path.
Wed Oct 23
The infinitely curious Gemini Moon squares off with discerning critical Ceres in Virgo. Translation? It’s a bit like the know-it-all parent faces off with the youthful experimental child, and rebellion and confrontation ensues. You may think you know what is the healthiest option for you but your wild free spirit longs to experiment. Interesting. What will you choose? A lovely trine between Moon and Sun always carries a flow and ease with the day. And this helpful trine also includes Neptune, our planet of creativity, spirituality, higher ideals. Cooperation is in the cosmic air. Lastly Venus aligns with the star of Sabik. This star is linked to unfreezing the story locked in your DNA. If you want to let go of your old story, make that intention for release today, and it will be so. The insight may come through a dream, through an intense confrontation, through a health crisis that will ultimately cleanse you of the old pattern. Miraculous how that works. Miraculous how Life wants us to evolve.
Thur Oct 24
Recall how often I have alerted you in recent months to the every 7 day collision of our emotional Moon with the ongoing Uranus~Pluto square, always a catalyst for crisis, choice, change? Here we are again. The ‘fence-straddling, heal your split’ Gemini Moon opposes the ‘I know the higher truth’ Pluto in Sagittarius. Use this energetic to get in touch with the bigger vision you have for your life and how will you make it happen in your day to day reality. Choices are at hand. Thankfully this curious Gemini Moon is in a helpful trine to Chiron~healing solutions will arise as we admit to our deepest vulnerabilities~and the North Node~your future path. The path forward is clear and supported. Simply open. It is really that simple.
Fri Oct 25
A joyful creative day lies ahead. Sunshine prevails today as our bright ever life-giving Sun is in a happy trine to Neptune~our planetary Guide to art, spiritual calling, infinite compassion. May you discover an emerging, returning creative urge today. And the Moon makes a once monthly conjunction to enthusiastic Jupiter. Emotions are running high tonight both in exuberant, outrageous, manic directions. Be on the look out! Not sure for what, but be on the look out!
Sat Oct 26
With the home-body sensitive Cancer Moon making the last quarter square to harmonizing relational Sun in Libra, this may be a good time to bring home projects to completion or be willing to have an honest conversation about the needs and desires that encompass all family members. What an enigma family is: a group of wholly unique individuals all seeking to live together in harmony and in recognition of the needs and desires of all members. Family=A holy cauldron of compassion, at times confusion, confrontation, and ultimately, acceptance. Blessed be.
Sun Oct 27
As the Cancer Moon~moody, nostalgic, interior~squares off with Saturn~seriousness, accountability~honest and even difficult conversations are at hand. Or use this energetic to organize your home and set new intentions for your relationships. And as Moon squares off with the current Mercury retrograde, insights, revelations, even secrets will arise to help guide you in the coming weeks. Re-read my post for Oct 21. Pallas Athene~the asteroid that rules creativity, strategy, wisdom~moves into Leo for the coming weeks. Leo~ruler of art, personal passion, playful affairs, children, queens and kings~promises loads of fun and creative release. Be the queen and king of your life. Be the leader of your life path, life course, life joy. We could all use some of that, don’t you think?