“Hidden Valley” painting by Alison Brush
Exciting planetary news! This New Moon in sidereal Gemini is also a Total Solar Eclipse visible in the Southern Hemisphere of Earth. Even if you don’t witness this miracle directly, like many of us did in our Northern Hemisphere on August 21 2017, you can still feel the life-altering shifts Eclipses always bring to our world.
Eclipses are the cosmos’s way of helping us grow, change, evolve, usually more rapidly than we stuck humans like to shift. That’s because during Eclipses, the Sun and Moon are exactly aligned with the North Lunar Node (the future) and/or the South Lunar Node (the past). North Node Solar Eclipses, like the one on July 2, help us leap with confidence into our future selves. The Partial Lunar Eclipse of July 16 will pressure you to release aspects of your personality that might be getting in the way of your new desires. It promises to be a life-changing month, to be sure.
Other key events this month involve Mercury turning retrograde on July 7 and Chiron turning retrograde on July 8. Also of note, the infrequent Mars/Juno conjunction (exact on August 2) is building over the next couple of weeks. As these two meet up in sidereal Cancer, family dynamics, home situations, real estate choices are all up for examination and reconfiguration. Tensions might be on the rise or decisions are formulating in key relationships. This aspect can also help us find a way to be our authentic selves in the midst of our families. It’s not about conforming. It’s about loving our differences that make a dynamic, interesting family, which all families are. Read more below!
Thank you, dear friend, Alison Brush, for the use of your new work for this post. Alison is a visionary painter, portrait artist, and long-time community arts leader. She is currently the Executive Director of the Downtown Driggs Association in Driggs, Idaho.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
Thanks for considering a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or a bit longer reading for $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2019 and beyond. I am very excited to now be mentoring students individually or in groups/workshops who want to learn more about how to work with sidereal astrology in their own chart or with their clients. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map or Update. Thank you!
My interpretations and predictions are based on the sidereal astronomical alignments. You can read about my unique way of interpreting astrology at this link: EarthWord SkyWord sidereal readings. Even NASA is onboard now with the sidereal zodiac! I also highly encourage serious sidereal students to subscribe to Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s monthly Lunar Planner. Nick is the expert and his website is a treasure trove of historical and current information and insights. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can and will flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
@2019 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini

Here is a list of New Moon characteristics compliments of my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his LunarPlanner:
“Beginning the Sprouting Phase of the Lunar Cycle, a new theme emerges, a new idea or concept sprouts forth. This is an inner message, an impulse expressing from a field of all possibilities deep within the unconscious mind. The New Moon is a perfect time for meditation or a quite walk—to go within self and listen.”
Tue July 2
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini: This New Moon in sidereal Gemini is also a Total Solar Eclipse visible in the Southern Hemisphere of Earth. Even if you don’t witness this miracle directly, like many of us did in our Northern Hemisphere on August 21 2017, you can still feel the life-altering shifts Eclipses always bring to our world.
Our Sun and Moon meet up in the middle of Gemini, a sign linked to the state of our mental health, our ideas, multi-tasking, being a traveler or runner, communication systems, commerce, talkativeness, youthful vitality, making things happen. This New Moon is linked to the star of Alhena and I share this insight from my sidereal colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s Lunar Planner: “Alhena indicates a milestone or turning point…it impels us to get off the fence of indecision, drop any hesitation, go forth anew. Our life experience can be refreshingly different if we are willing to relinquish encrusted mentalities of the past”. That’s the perfect description for this entire SolLunar Cycle! Time to shift, big time.
At the end of this day, the Moon also makes a conjunction to the North Lunar Node, like a door opening to the future. Look for signs, communications, events to help you step out of your comfort zone, perhaps embracing beginner’s mind, seeing your entire life with new, fresh eyes.
Wed July 3
Saturn/South Lunar Node conjunction in Sagittarius: This is the second of three passes of this very rare, culturally-shifting aspect. The South Lunar Node is linked to history and Saturn functions as both a stern teacher or the status quo. Some people want to remain in the past while others are dedicated to ending the historical abuses that were once culturally acceptable. This is not an easy transit but it is extremely necessary for a larger planetary healing to take place. Honor the good part of your traditions while thankfully releasing the outdated, prejudiced mindsets of the past.
Juno in Cancer square Uranus in Aries: This rare aspect can bring a sudden shift in events in our core relationships, including the possibility of an accident (Uranus) if one isn’t paying attention. Emotional outbursts are possible. Be willing to throw out an unworkable plan so you can view a situation with fresh eyes.
Moon/Mars conjunction in Cancer: This aspect happens late in the evening and can lead to terse conversations, sharp tempers or passionate exchanges between family members.
Thu July 4
Moon/Mercury/Juno conjunction is Cancer: Secrets can be divulged or deeper feelings shared with beloveds. It merges the HeartMind which gives words to what we are feeling, and awakens compassion in how we are thinking. As Moon in Cancer also rules tribal loyalties, this 4th of July promises to have extra-spectacular fervor and celebrations.
Fri July 5 – Sat July 6
Moon in Leo: It’s a sunny, busy outlook over the course of these two days as the Moon transits playful Leo. Some will do back-to-back sport adventures with the Moon’s sextile to the Sun and trines to Uranus and Saturn or use these same dynamic energies playing long hours with the kids, making art with others.
Sun in Gemini square Pallas Athene in Virgo: This aspect helps people plan complex events with many moving parts. It can help you organize your spaces or communication systems like files and inboxes or make an outline for the book you are attempting to write.
Sun July 7
Mercury turns retrograde in sidereal Cancer: For the second time this year, swift-moving Mercury turns retrograde until July 31. Even though this is a somewhat introverted energetic, this cycle is also embedded within the very dynamic energies of this SolLunar Cycle, setting in motion new conditions in your life. Mercury in sidereal Cancer indicates negotiations might be underway regarding real estate, family relations and event planning. This is a thoughtful transit, encouraging you to contemplate what nurtures you at the deepest levels especially regarding your home environment so you can set those conditions in motion after Mercury turns direct and for the upcoming of months.
Mon July 8
Chiron turns retrograde in sidereal Pisces: The magical Centaur, Chiron, turns retrograde until December 13. This is a subtle shift that can show up as an unexpected gift arriving, rainbows appearing, and also a feeling of great emotion and vulnerability. Chiron functions in shamanic time, not linear time, so if you are open to that concept, ask for healing grace to assist you with any challenge you face. Ask and it is given, a law of manifestation.
Moon in Virgo square Venus in Gemini: It’s a great day to visit a healing therapist. The signs of Virgo and Gemini are linked to the rational left-brain, analytical in nature, and Moon and Venus are linked to our emotional needs and desires. In dialogue, greater clarity comes to formulate plans and solutions.
First Quarter Moon

Here’s a list of the First Quarter Moon characteristics compliments of my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner.
“The First Quarter Moon of each lunar cycle draws an external stimulus to initiate action as we move from the inspirational quarter of the lunar cycle into the action quarter. Now is the time to drop all hesitation and take the steps. Trust in the process. This time is stressful or traumatic only if action is ignored. Simply, this phase is a time to work.”
Tue July 9
First Quarter Moon: Moon/Pallas Athene in Virgo square Sun in Gemini/North Lunar Node: Given the ties to Pallas Athene (strategy/planning/creativity) and the exact links to the Nodes (transitioning from past to future), this monthly turning point is exceptionally good for moving forward with plans, taking the next step. Feel remarkably focused as you make the most of the productivity of this day.
Wed July 10 – Thu July 11
Mars in Cancer square Uranus in Aries: This fierce war-faring aspect can be extremely explosive and destructive or launch a new reconstruction, like a demolition that eventually leads to rebuilding. Tread carefully, move and drive and perform tasks with extra caution. Challenging aspects to Uranus can make the nervous systems erratic and the emotions unpredictable.
Moon in Libra square Mars in Cancer opposite Uranus in Aries: Linked to the volatility of the above aspect, people can get into tussles about family responsibilities that are not being met. Libra dislikes tension. Face the conflict head on rather than just trying to smooth it over with false niceties.
Fri July 12
Moon/Ceres conjunction in Scorpio: As this aspect follows the recent Mars/Uranus square, more sincere conversations happen as you recognize deeper feelings that may have surfaced in recent days. It can have a possessive quality for some who want to stay in emotional control of another.
Sat July 13
Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio: This always intense, driven aspect happens around high noon. You can get obsessed with what’s wrong or work with determination to overcome a hurdle and succeed. Some want to purchase expensive items or realize they need to focus on finances. An abundant offer appears.
Sun July 14
Sun in Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius: This annual opposition can bring deep and inexplicable changes into our lives that have been building for some time, including health events, power struggles surfacing or resurfacing. Pluto’s influence is one of purging or releases that eventually lead to greater health and vitality if we will face the issue head on. This aspect is exceptional for athletic accomplishments.
Mon July 15
Moon/Saturn in Sagittarius opposite Venus in Gemini: This polarity in mind-oriented, communication-driven signs precedes tomorrow’s Full Moon. It can highlight tensions between what we need or what we want, what we feel we should do versus where our heart’s true calling is leading us. It helps us find honest words to express what’s going on. Travel plans might need to change, picking a different route or even place to land.
Pallas Athene in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius: This long-range aspect is tense and requires effort to overcome procrastination as is often the case with any artistic endeavor. It can help anyone who is mapping out a creative plan, book, project, strategizing a campaign, redesigning a space, helping an elder with their life plans.
Full Moon in sidereal Gemini

Here is a brief synopsis of the Full Moon characteristics that hold true for every Full Moon from my from my friend and sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner.
“The Full Moon marks the point of coition in the lunar cycle, the climax, the point of excitement, a time of celebration. The day just after the Full Moon is a time for the realization of the theme to emerge, culminating in the enthusiasm of the Full Moon. Relax and allow this realization to occur. There is no need to force it as it surfaces on its own.”
Tue July 16
Full Moon – Partial Lunar Eclipse in sidereal Gemini/Sagittarius: Moon/Saturn South Node in Sagittarius opposite Sun in Gemini: Eclipses happen because Sun and Moon are aligned with the Lunar Nodes, heavenly junctures that indicate our past and future choices. This isn’t necessarily a ‘feel good’ Full Moon but one that is extra serious, even severe, given that the emotional Moon aligns with Saturn, ruler of both death and birth. You might make a life changing decision or experience an inner surety about what is next. Big shifts are at play in our political and media arenas which are ruled by Gemini and Sagittarius.
Venus in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius: This alignment happens near midnight and can create harshness, judgment or a sense of limitations surrounding events or relationships including the one’s relationship to one’s self. You might stay up late finishing a creative project.
Wed July 17
Venus/North Lunar Node conjunction in Gemini: This aspect brings clarity about how to proceed and a returning sense of optimism. Read, explore, take a road trip, shop for inspiring items especially books, all activities associated with curious Gemini. Some decide to take two lovers or opt to stick with one.
Thu July 18
Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars/Juno in Cancer: The infrequent Mars/Juno conjunction (exact on August 2) is building over the next couple of weeks. As the two meet up in sidereal Cancer, family dynamics, home situations, real estate choices are all up for examination and reconfiguration. Tensions might be on the rise or decisions are formulating in key relationships. Today’s lunar trigger in organized Capricorn can help with planning ahead and creating space for what’s on the horizon.
Fri July 19
Moon in Aquarius quincunx Mercury retrograde in Cancer: The tension between these two astrological signs often shows up as one person wanting more closeness or loyalty (Cancer) and the other needing space and openness (Aquarius). Talk about the feelings (Moon) and explore new ideas (Mercury) if challenges arise. These signs also help us find a way to be our authentic selves in the midst of our families. It’s not about conforming. It’s about loving our differences that make a dynamic, interesting family, which all families are.
Sat July 20
Moon/Neptune in Aquarius square Jupiter in Scorpio: This creative square encourages futuristic thinking, artistic collaborations, problem solving. Use this sky gift to recommit to trusting the power of your imagination to manifest all you desire in the world. Refresh your sacred altars, or sign up for a course in the principles of manifesting your dreams, calling in your one.
Sun July 21
Venus in Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius: Venus/Pluto aspects create an obsessiveness about a romantic pursuit, a creative goal, a financial decision (Venus’s domains). Or you might feel lost in the wilderness about how to proceed next. The point is to surrender and allow the natural change to occur that is already underway.
Sun/Mercury retrograde conjunction in Cancer: Because Mercury nests so closely to our Sun (88 days to orbit around the Sun), this is why we go through three Mercury retrograde cycles each year. These are always good times to catch our breathe in the busyness of our busy lives, rest, reflect, clear out the old, making space for the new. Today marks a turning point in this current retrograde cycle in which ideas, inspiration, events show you clearly what’s taking shape, what needs to go, where you are being guided to go next. If you pay attention, listen, the perfect message comes to you. Hear this whisper of your inner truth guiding you forward.
Mon July 22
Juno in Cancer trine Jupiter in Scorpio: Wonderfully supportive personal and professional partners arrive today (or in the days surrounding this aspect). These positive alliances may involve financial transactions, home projects, intimate partners.
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: Feeling emotionally vulnerable or grateful you are able to shed tears of joy or sorrow are part of this monthly alignment. Honor the healing power of water in its various forms.
Tue July 23
Grand Trine in Water: Moon in Pisces/Mars-Juno in Cancer/Jupiter in Scorpio: This lovely triangle of planets is emotionally supportive and tender, reopening hearts to one another. It can help you connect to your own languishing desires you forgot about long ago. Spend time near or in the water and find good ways to stay hydrated.
Moon in Pisces square Saturn/Lunar Nodes: When the Moon (which governs our feelings) squares the Lunar Nodes you can feel a subtle shift in how you once viewed a situation and how you choose to view it going forward. Allow your self to morph under the mutable Pisces Moon.
Last Quarter Moon

Here is a description of the qualities of the Last Quarter Moon phase compliments of my friend and sidereal colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“This phase completes with our Inner Needs surfacing to consciousness, to become aware of what is important to self and what is not. Knowing now what our Truth is, it is time to consciously live it. Doing so provides a choice for others to also live theirs. Changing allows us to spiral to a new octave of experience—one that will eventually sprout in the next lunar cycle to come.”
Wed July 24
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Aries square Sun in Cancer: As the impatient yet courageous Moon in Aries squares off with nurturing, security-oriented Sun in Cancer, sparks can fly at home or you can set in motion events that feel risky but that you know are necessary for revitalizing your life. Help your family grow by breaking free of ruts and unhealthy habits.
Venus/Mercury retrograde conjunction in Cancer: This merging of heart (Venus) and mind (Mercury) in sensitive, history-loving Cancer leads to heartfelt connections with family members about the past, possibly leading to a reformation in family dynamics.
Thu July 25 – Friday July 26
Mars in Cancer trine Jupiter in Scorpio: This motivational alignment provides strong energy and enthusiasm all week long. Regarding community events or on the global stage, positive shifts occur as new leadership leads the way creating enduring changes.
Moon/Vesta conjunction in Aries square Mars/Juno in Cancer: Some feel very attached to their way of doing things which can lead to aggravated tempers, outbursts, confrontations. Others are more concerned about group dynamics and collaborations and how to work best together using everyone’s strengths.
Sat July 27
Moon in Taurus sextile Sun/Venus in Cancer opposite Ceres in Scorpio: These harmonious and productive aspects lead to families and colleagues working and playing together in joy and with gratitude for one another. Be sure to share your appreciation for them!
Sun July 28
Moon in Taurus opposite Jupiter in Scorpio: Our emotional responses and reactions are amplified positively or negatively during this monthly opposition.
Mon July 29
Sun in Cancer square Uranus in Aries: This annual square can be disrupt plans or bring a sudden shift in direction. Be spontaneous, notice what is really going on and be willing to take a risk.
Moon in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces: This aspect encourages dialogue about our sensitivities, what we take personally, and helps us how not to take things so personally once we know what’s really going on with the other person.
Tue July 30
Moon/Mercury retrograde in Gemini: It’s of note that Mercury doesn’t leave its retrograde until tomorrow at the New Moon thus making this an excellent day to reflect on your life, journal the shifts, wrap up projects, communications, details.
Happy New Moon tomorrow!

Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
I advocate for what we can each do personally, everyday, as part of our daily rituals, habits and choices, to be an example of radiant health and vitality and thus model this most potent form of activism: to walk our talk, to be a living example of the change we seek to see in the world.
Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times: Health is in your Hands. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Please check it out, and teach yourself this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.
The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the most central component in how you can personally help restore balance regarding this key issue of our times.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
The World Peace Diet ~ Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony by Will Tuttle
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
More Resource links to come in future posts!