“Earthly” painting by Ava Storm Reynolds
“There’s more to explore.” Those words thankfully entered my thoughts as I was contemplating a move I will be making this spring. Riddled with uncertainty, overwhelmed with the thought moving, I also know what brought me to Sedona, Arizona, part-time, for the past ten years is complete. As these helpful words arose out of a meditation, I instantly felt better and uplifted. So this will be my mantra for 2021: There’s more to explore! This is also certainly true for Earth and humanity living at this time of unprecedented breakdowns and breakthroughs.
Here’s a quick roundup of the cascading, catalytic astrological events over the next four weeks. This initiating New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Sagittarius, linked to powerful Pluto, is sure to feel like a planetary initiation as dramatic, even shocking events take shape. The New Moon is quickly followed by the teeth-grinding Mars/Saturn square on January 13 and revolutionary Uranus leaving its retrograde on January 14. Jupiter makes a rare square to Uranus on January 17. Inauguration Day, January 20, is remarkable as it happens on the First Quarter Moon and at the same time as the volcanic, once-every-two-year conjunction of Mars/Uranus. A blessed, spiritual conjunction of Ceres/Neptune in astronomical Aquarius happens on January 21. This is big: Pluto makes its entrance into astronomical Capricorn on January 26 lasting through 2040. (Please read my longer post on the significance of Pluto in 2020 and beyond for more insight.) The Full Moon of January 28 is exactly conjunct exaggerating Jupiter, sure to amplify current tensions and expansive openings. Lastly, Mercury makes its opening retrograde of 2021 on January 30. Wow, what a month it will be!
Thank you, beloved Ava Storm Reynolds, for the use of your beautiful, organic paintings. I’ve known Ava since she was born and it is exceptionally special to be able to incorporate her maturing artistic voice in my post. Please check out Ava’s artistic vision and gifts here.
Readers who are also artists, please send me an email if you would consider being a featured artist in my monthly posts. I love to support creative voices in our world. Thank you!
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the sidereal, true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life flows with more ease, grace and understanding.
Thanks for considering sidereal mini-readings with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2021 and beyond. I also delight in mentoring students individually or in families, groups, workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2021 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

“Smokey” painting by Ava Storm Reynolds
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Sagittarius
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
Tue January 12
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Sagittarius: Sun/Moon/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius: The initiation of the first New Moon of 2021 takes place in sidereal visionary Sagittarius then shifts quickly into ambitious, make-it-happen Capricorn. It is time to launch, in earnest, this new 20-year phase of social change that began with the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on Winter Solstice 2020. More people will be willing to deconstruct old realities and ways of behaving that have seen their day. This shift in consciousness will eventually bring more fairness and justice for all within our institutions and businesses. This New Moon conjunct evolutionary Pluto means we should expect more catalytic shifts, upheaval, epic power struggles, continued trauma linked to the virus, during these next four weeks. You may encounter ample opportunities or challenges to examine your own life, health, choices. Ultimately, Pluto is regenerative so be willing to make radical changes and start this year fresh, considering entirely new options.
Wed January 13
Mars in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn: This marks the finale of this most challenging alignment mirroring much of the conflict and tension from last summer through the end of 2020. Both Mars and Saturn often manifest in lesser-evolved humans as primitive fight-club instincts and actions, but they also manifest as willful determination to stand up and fight for what is right. This square creates almost unbearable tension and can lead to explosions or explosive tempers. Focus this energy on something constructive today. In your workout, lift heavier weights while making animal noises or train longer that usual in your workout.
Moon/Saturn/Jupiter/Mercury conjunction in Capricorn: Be sure to witness this celestial wonder just after sunset tonight before it quickly sets in the southwest. This is a serious aspect and the Moon’s trigger helps you emotionally prepare and take more seriously big changes in the works for you, like being asked to step into a greater role of responsibility and leadership.
Venus in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries: Make new wardrobe choices — be bold, innovative or quirky which is what Uranus likes — and consider doing the same in your romantic life. Let your heart dream bigger than ever before. As Uranus is about to finish its retrograde early tomorrow morning, things can take a sudden turn or feel unpredictable tonight and sleep may be challenged by a buzzy, unsettled electricity.
Thu January 14
Uranus in astronomical Aries turns direct: Yes! Our last larger planetary player leaves its long retrograde of 2020, which began on August 15, and we leap forward into changes or choices we’ve been considering or preparing for internally. Uranus rules the nervous system, sometimes making us jittery, giddy, excitable, unpredictable. Breakdowns, explosions, accidents are possible as are breakthroughs.
Moon/Mecury/Pallas Athene conjunction in Capricorn: This extraordinary aspect is perfect for planning, strategizing, envisioning so choose a focus and make it happen. It can be good day for a medical test or diagnosis or for making plans for a possible surgery.
Fri January 15
Mercury enters its shadow phase of upcoming retrograde: Pay attention today to messages, clues, insights that appear concerning events happening within you and around you. What shows up today will be more openly dealt with and understood during the upcoming Mercury retrograde phase which will start on January 30 and complete on February 20.
Sun enters sidereal Capricorn: At the first of each year, in the depth of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, our life-giving Sun enters hard-working Capricorn and helps us concentrate and focus our energies on emerging goals or plans. This month-long transit greatly supports New Year’s resolutions for greater health as well as professional collaborations that will benefit the greater good.
Moon in Aquarius sextile Mars in Aries: This upbeat aspect makes for an energizing day with much social contact. Do volunteer work with a friend or sign up for a class together as Aquarius likes community and collaboration. Others of you who tend to go it alone can enjoy your own company even more. Self-appreciation is a good thing!
Sat January 16
Mercury/Pallas Athene conjunction in Capricorn: Launch a messaging campaign or brainstorm with others with this mentally focused alignment. It merges thinking with intuition, so you can feel an enhanced clarity of purpose and direction.
Moon/Ceres/Neptune in Aquarius: This exuberant, friendly trio brings people together for problem-solving, community celebrations, special gatherings for sacred reasons, like starting a prayer circle of like-hearted souls.
Sun January 17
Jupiter in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries: This rare, one-time square between two expansive, innovative planets marks what will be historic beginnings for technological inventions, societal reforms, inspiring alliances that benefit society. This is not a one-day event but will unfold over the course of the coming year. Use it in your favor to try new things, make new professional connections, move beyond your comfort zone.
Moon in Pisces sextile Sun in Capricorn: This kind and compassionate aspect has people helping others via caring actions or by offering their listening ears.
Mon January 18
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: With this monthly alignment, you can feel you are walking between the worlds, spacey or exceptionally emotional, unable to pinpoint the reason. Just be present to what you are feeling today. Give your mind a rest. Visit healing waters that can cleanse and revive you.
Tues January 19
Moon in Pisces sextile Mercury in Capricorn sextile North Lunar Node: This soothing triangle of forces fosters being relaxed while working. Things are just flowing along with ease. Listen intuitively for the next steps you are ready to take given the influence of the futuristic North Node.

“Neutrality” painting by Ava Storm Reynolds
First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
Wed January 20- Inauguration Day
First Quarter Moon and Mars/Uranus conjunction in Aries: Moon in Aries square Sun in Capricorn: We initiate a new era with today’s dynamic astrological picture that is both revolutionary and volatile, leading to breakdowns or breakthroughs. The action-taking First Quarter Moon coincides with the once-every-two-year conjunction of revolutionary Uranus with motivating, activist Mars in astronomical Aries, a sign of pioneering a new path, leading by example. The Mars/Uranus conjunction can be very unstable, sparking sudden shifts, and also supports true independence and authenticity. Stabilizing Capricorn brings a seriousness to the day and can provide boundaries or a safe container to harness or corral the wilder energies. This day is sure to be one for the record books. Be safe and blessings for all of us.
Thu January 21
Ceres/Neptune conjunction in sidereal Aquarius: This rare conjunction has been bathing our planetary field from its cosmic perch for some time. It has activated compassion amongst the masses of humanity leading to social change movements gaining greater notoriety and participation which will now move forward with accelerated momentum. This aspect also mirrors the rising feminine leadership in our world, a great blessing at this time in history.
Many astrologers are saying we are in the Aquarian age, but we are not. It is still 400+ years away as it is scientifically based on the precession of the equinox — I will write a longer piece about that soon. But what is astronomically-correct is that Neptune has been making a once every 167-year transit through futuristic Aquarius since 2010. It is a great gift to be alive at this time of collective awakening. May you discover and cherish your own contributions in planting the seeds of evolutionary possibility that will benefit generations to come.
Moon/Mars/Uranus conjunction in Aries: This triple conjunction happens in the early morning hours and can lead to an unsettled mind or body. Rise earlier than expected and do stuff.
Fri January 22
Mars in Aries squares Jupiter in Capricorn: This is another catalytic aspect that can lead to militaristic actions or clashes. It can create tension in our families or work environments. It can also provide tons of energy to accomplish tasks or athletic endeavors.
Ceres in Aquarius squares the Lunar Nodes: This rare event marks a turning point for many years to come in our collective psyche regarding the desire to break free of restrictive tribal bonds and join together in a wider, more-accepting communities, recognizing a shared unity.
Moon in Aries square Mercury in Capricorn: Short tempers erupt in conversations with the desire to get straight to the point of what you want to say. Beware of accidents when engaged in tasks or driving.
Sat January 23
Sun/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: This annual conjunction is serious-minded and leads to decisive action. It can halt some in their path if need be via things like surgery, accidents, the law. Don’t expect to feel jubilant today. Push past recent procrastination. An old motto from my college days comes to mind: JFDI.
Venus in Sagittarius sextile Neptune/Ceres conjunction in Aquarius: This aspect helps to soften the edginess of the above alignment. Saturn sometimes brings a sense of isolation but you can choose to reach out to friends and community members — Aquarius — and share what’s in your heart — Venus. Focus on future goals and dreams — Sagittarius — to help you move beyond a funk or stagnation.
Moon in Taurus opposite Juno in Scorpio: This later evening aspect is wonderfully sensual and sexual for some. It can also create financial tension with one’s partner or within yourself.
Sun January 24
Moon/North Lunar Node conjunction in Taurus square Ceres/Neptune in Aquarius: Aspects to the North Node often provide pressure to move forward or insight into the next step in a project or plan. Or it might involve a new alliance or help you make a financial decision.
Mon January 25
Moon in Gemini: There’s not much happening today but lots tomorrow! Feed your intellectual curiosity with the Gemini Moon. Take a short relaxing road trip, journal, catch up on social media.
Tue January 26
Pluto enters astronomical Capricorn: This is remarkable: Pluto is shifting signs from the astronomical perspective. Pluto entered visionary, futuristic Sagittarius in 2006. With Pluto’s entrance into sidereal Capricorn until 2040, we will now take our expanded human consciousness and both dismantle and rebuild our fundamental institutions and businesses. Here’s the link to my longer post on the significance of Pluto in 2020 and beyond.
Sun in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries: This dynamic creates uncertainty or instability in our mood or requires a sudden shift in plans. It’s also good for starting something new or taking a risk, but assess that risk carefully before you proceed.
Mercury enters Aquarius: This aspect sparks more open-minded communications between differing points of view. It creates a willingness to hear how others view a situation, recognizing what might unite us versus staying entrenched in what has divided us.
Wed January 27
Moon in Cancer opposite Venus/Pluto in Capricorn: This polarizing, obsessive dynamic is good for research and raw emotional honesty. It can aggravate or amplify drives or urges that aren’t always the healthiest.

“Sunset in Canyonlands” painting by Ava Storm Reynolds
Full Moon in sidereal Cancer/Capricorn
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Thu January 28
Full Moon in astronomical Cancer/Capricorn: Sun/Jupiter in Capricorn opposite Moon in sidereal Cancer square Mars/Uranus in Aries: To have the annual Sun/Jupiter conjunction coincide with a Full Moon is truly extraordinary, full of great enthusiasm or ridiculous exaggerations. As the Moon is in moody Cancer, your emotions can feel like turbulent wild seas. On top of that, both Sun and Moon make agitating squares to the let’s-have-a-revolt Mars/Uranus conjunction in Aries, possibly leading to behaviors and events that will be unpredictable, volatile, explosive. Enjoy the celebratory energy a Full Moon can bring but use the above insights as a cautionary note.
Venus/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: Use this obsessive-by-nature pairing to focus on art, love, money, ethics, all domains of Venus. Ongoing investigations bear fruit. Steer clear of paranoid thinking or plotting revenge.
Fri January 29
Moon in Leo opposite Mercury in Aquarius: This opposition brings a playful, creative energy to Friday evening activities. It helps us understand and integrate the more intense events of yesterday’s Full Moon by communicating with others, doing a debriefing or post mortem.
Sat January 30
Mercury in Aquarius turns retrograde: Mercury entering its first retrograde so early in 2021 brings a period of re-evaluation of goals or encourages research before deciding how to proceed after Mercury turns direct on February 20. Mercury has briefly entered astronomical Aquarius but will return to sidereal Capricorn for this retrograde so good things to focus on are designing something, developing a business plan, organizing a move or a real estate sale, fitness goals. Mercury retrograde gives us permission to go at our own speed, not rushing into anything that does not yet feel right.
Sun January 31
Moon/Vesta in Leo opposite Neptune/Ceres conjunction in Aquarius: It’s much better to play than work with this alignment, unless you use its energy for gathering in community events for a focused purpose, like a church group doing a service project. Introduce your children to options where they get to make new friends.
Mon February 1
Sun in Capricorn square Mars in Aries: It can be a tense beginning to a new week. You might want to run away from your responsibilities. You might feel edgy and tense or ready to dive into challenges head on.
Moon in Virgo trine Saturn/Jupiter/Sun in Capricorn: This productive work energy brings focus and accomplishment to today’s tasks. You might notice improving physical health based on choices you made in previous weeks.
Tue February 2
Grand Trine in Earth signs: Moon in Virgo/Pallas Athene in Capricorn/North Lunar Node in Taurus: This ease-filled trine is productive in nature and brings success to physical tasks, like taking care of your body, organizing a physical space, planning for a future events.
Wed February 3
Moon in Libra square Venus/Saturn/Jupiter in Capricorn: With the relational Libra Moon you tend to want to make peace or partner with others. Capricorn calls forth a sense of responsibility or desire for recognition. Interview for the job you really want, honor your many skills and accomplishments and success can be yours.

“Jenny Lake” painting by Ava Storm Reynolds
Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Thu February 4
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Libra square Sun/Pallas Athene in Capricorn: Libra is one of the signs that rules our justice system, the arts, negotiations, our relationships. Decisions may be taking shape in these arenas with this completion square. Resolve conflicts with family members or colleagues with dialogue and discussion. Be open to putting the past behind and begin anew.
Fri February 5
Venus/Saturn conjunction in Scorpio: The stern, annual conjunction of Venus and Saturn carries a ‘buck-stops-here’ or ‘tough love’ energy. People can be decisive and direct or be made to stop engaging in unhealthy behaviors. The helpful, softening sextile of the Moon in Scorpio to this pairing brings intimacy and depth to challenging conversations.
Sat February 6
Moon/Juno/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio: Similar to yesterday’s serious aspect, this can bring important completions, releases, even death regarding key relationships. You might choose to begin anew in a relationship, having gone through a profound healing in recent days.
Sun February 7
Mercury retrograde/Sun/Pallas Athene conjunction in Capricorn: It is hard to get your mind off obsessive thinking or over-thinking a situation with this trio. With Mercury still in retrograde, further research a plan or option. Get your ducks in a row before signing a contract.
Mon February 8
Saturn in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces: This rare positive sextile between two slow-moving planets is more of a background influence to these times rather than a one day event. It brings healing to our institutions through a willingness to address grievances and injustices of the past and bodes well for our collective healing. This energy is also at work in our personal lives, healing past wounds with a commitment to stay connected or part ways in forgiveness.
Moon in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries: The fire of this trine brings truthfulness, energy and enthusiasm to Monday’s activities. Aligning your personal passions — Aries — with a visionary cause — Sagittarius — in shared community is also part of this mix.
Tue February 9
Moon/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: This can lead to power struggles in collaborative settings. You can use its obsessive quality to get to the bottom of an issue. It is highly cleansing as well, so purge your physical spaces of unwanted objects. Smudge those dust balls of bad energy away.
Wed February 10
Moon/Saturn/Venus/Jupiter conjunction in astronomical Capricorn: On the last day of a completing SolLunar Cycle it’s often good advice to reflect, rest, release the past four weeks of creations. Not so with this Balsamic Moon! Today’s dynamic is driven to finish up tasks, connect with others about shared interests and societal goals. Pull an all-nighter to get a proposal done. Thank heavens we are saying good night to this intense Cycle!
Blessed New Moon tomorrow~

“Midday” painting by Ava Storm Reynolds
Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
I advocate for actions we can take personally to be a living example of personal and planetary radiant health and vitality, thus modeling this most potent form of activism–to walk our talk, to be a living example of the change we seek to see in the world.
The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.