“The Flaming Heart” photo by Lyn Dalebout
In the previous SolLunar Cycle, we saw the end of the world as we know it. With our new SolLunar Cycle we thankfully enter a new world we will co-create together. For astrologers (and economists) the predictable crash of the stock market in early 2020 was a no-brainer. I had warned my clients for years to invest in what is real and tangible. Cosmically, this moment in time is all about Pluto, whose motto is ‘change or die’. When it became obvious to me that Pluto was manifesting as a new virus and a global pandemic, my first thought was of the visionary 1982 movie, Koyaanisqatsi, the Hopi word meaning “life out of balance”. Now would be a good time to watch this movie again, or for the first time. I write these Star Signposts with an eye toward this unfolding crisis and moment of opportunity we are in the midst of navigating together. One tribe under one sky on our one and only beautiful and sacred Earth.
Behold, our Sun and Moon meet up in astronomical Pisces (check out your astronomy app like Star Walk and see for yourself).

The embodied energy of Pisces is of profound creativity (especially music, poetry and theater) and also of feeling deeply the suffering of others with compassion, always looking after those who have been abandoned by the society at large in its quest for ego-aggrandizement and control of others.
What a miracle that our New Moon aligns exactly with Chiron, the wounded healer and also the magical rainbow bridge to a better world. Both concepts are part of Chiron’s myth and story. It is remarkable, too, that this New Moon is square the Lunar Nodes which represent where we came from (the South Node) to where we are heading next (the North Node). This SolLunar Cycle will be a turning point for humanity.
The cosmic field of Pisces and the healing power of Chiron will open people’s hearts in more caring ways and that will translate to bold compassionate actions in the coming four weeks and beyond. Witness Chef Andreas. Acts of generosity and kindness, sharing what you don’t need with others who are in need, reaching out just to listen to another’s story will be part of the story. With extra time on your hands, dive into your creative well. Write poems, sing songs, paint, dance, and saunter more slowly through life, paying attention in new ways. No more excuses. Live your art, whatever that means.
Brace yourself. There are other major events taking shape during this cycle as well. The Mars/Saturn stern conjunction happens on March 31. The once-every 13-year conjunction of Jupiter/Pluto begins on April 4. The Full Moon of April 7 coincides with a rare Mars/Uranus square making for an exceptionally challenging and stay-spontaneous kind of activation.
Note: I am nearly finished with my longer piece, soon to be posted, about these times called Raw and Real – The Field of 2020. It will include my Virus poem I wrote circa 1994 from my poetry collection, Out of the Flames/Blue Bison Press.
I am posting my photos of a place I often visit for meditation and reflection. It is a land mosaic called the Archangel Patio, overlooking the beautiful land of Sedona, Arizona. I am extraordinarily grateful at this time to feel the never-ending support and guidance of my spirit team alongside my human and animal beloveds. May you connect more deeply with your circles of support, on all levels, in this time of our great awakening.

“Archangel Mosaic Patio ~ Sedona, Arizona” photo by Lyn Dalebout
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the sidereal astronomically-correct alignments. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life flows with more ease, grace and understanding.
I highly encourage serious astrology students to subscribe to Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s monthly Lunar Planner. Nick is the expert and his website is a treasure trove of historical and current information and insights.
Thanks for considering a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or a longer reading for $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2020 and beyond. I am also excited to mentor students individually or in groups/workshops who want to learn more about how to work with sidereal astrology in their own chart or with their clients. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map or Update. Thank you!
@2020 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved
New SolLunar Cycle in astronomical Pisces

Here is a brief synopsis of the New Moon characteristics from my friend and astronomical astrology colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, from his LunarPlanner:
“Beginning the Sprouting Phase of the Lunar Cycle, a new theme emerges, a new idea or concept sprouts forth. This is an inner message, an impulse expressing from a field of all possibilities deep within the unconscious mind. The New Moon is a perfect time for meditation to go within self and listen.”
Tue March 24
New SolLunar Cycle in astronomical Pisces: Sun/Moon/Chiron in Pisces square the Lunar Nodes: Our Sun and Moon meet up in astronomical Pisces. The embodied energy of Pisces is of profound creativity (especially music, poetry and theater) and also of feeling deeply the suffering of others with compassion, always looking after those who have been abandoned by the society at large in its quest for ego-aggrandizement and control of others.
What a miracle that our New Moon aligns exactly with Chiron, the wounded healer and also the magical rainbow bridge to a better world. Both concepts are part of Chiron’s myth and story. It is remarkable, too, that this New Moon is square the Lunar Nodes which represent where we came from (the South Node) to where we are heading next (the North Node). This SolLunar Cycle will be a turning point for humanity.
The cosmic field of Pisces and the healing power of Chiron will open people’s hearts in more caring ways and that will translate to bold compassionate actions in the coming four weeks and beyond. Witness Chef Andreas. Acts of generosity and kindness, sharing what you don’t need with others who are in need, reaching out just to listen to another’s story will be part of the story. With extra time on your hands, dive into your creative well. Write poems, sing songs, paint, dance, and saunter more slowly through life, paying attention in new ways. No more excuses. Live your art, whatever that means.
Wed March 25
Sun/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: Everything I wrote about yesterday continues today, but the challenge or suffering becomes more acute for some. Aspects to Chiron bring about deep healing and forgiveness with others. Is there someone you need to apologize to? Pay attention to your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, making designated time for your practices to help you stay balanced so you can be ready to help others if need be.
Moon in Pisces square Jupiter/Pluto/Mars in Sagittarius: Squares trigger the need to take action (Sagittarius) based on our compassion and concern for others (Pisces). No sitting on the sidelines today for many.
Moon in Aries square Mars in Capricorn: This aspect happens late at night and it can keep you from falling asleep, create agitation, or you might suddenly feel upset with someone.
Thu March 26
Moon/Uranus in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn: Emotional instability or reactivity are part of this serious energy. People don’t want to be controlled but others seek to control. It’s also great for making split-second decisions that save the day.
Fri March 27
Jupiter/Pallas Athene conjunction in Sagittarius: This longer-range visionary aspect launches new strategies regarding society’s emerging needs as part of our current crisis. Think big and plan ahead regarding your dreams and goals.
Sat March 28
Moon/Venus conjunction in Aries: Wake up with fire and inspiration with this upbeat pairing in Aries, the sign of being a pioneer and leader. Feel the fusion of what you need and want and stride forth impeccable courage.
Moon/Vesta conjunction in Taurus: This more grounded, financial aspect happens later in the day, helping you bring your newfound inspiration down to earth, including how to cover your costs.
Sun March 29
Moon in Taurus square Mercury in Aquarius: This day marks the completion of the shadow period of the recent planetary-shifting Mercury retrograde cycle. What a life-changing two months we have just experienced. With this square, we have a better sense of where to focus our creative efforts to ground that vision in practical ways.
Mon March 30
Moon in Taurus trine Ceres in Capricorn: This aspect of endurance and hard work makes for a productive day. Focus on your priorities. The intense Mars/Saturn conjunction is also building today, exact tomorrow, amplifies endurance but also frustrations that are buried and about to erupt.
Tue March 31
Mars/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: We can no longer bury long-standing frustrations and aggravations with others or ourselves. This aspect brings forward conflicts as well as the determination to push through to solutions. This will be particularly true in conflicts linked to government and the medical world, ruled by Capricorn.
In the ancient energy system of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the self-help is to hold your middle finger gently while breathing and as you exhale, make the shhhhhh sound (a qi gong tip). Hope that helps!
Moon/North Lunar Node conjunction in Gemini: This pairing leads to breakthroughs as past polarization between parties seek to integrate in new ways. Take your next step in current projects.
First Quarter Moon

Here’s a brief synopsis of the First Quarter Moon characteristics from my friend and astronomical astrology colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, from his Lunar Planner:
“The First Quarter Moon of each lunar cycle draws an external stimulus to initiate action as we move from the inspirational quarter of the lunar cycle into the action quarter. This time is stressful or traumatic only if action is ignored. Simply, this phase is a time to work.”
Wed April 1
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Gemini square Sun in Pisces opposite Jupiter/Pluto/Pallas Athene in Sagittarius: This catalytic phase of the Moon amplifies polarization (Gemini) as well as a desire to bridge divides by creating new plans and strategies (Sagittarius and Pallas Athene). With the shutdown of society, I thought we were supposed to be in a pause, resting, being still. But everyone is busier than ever sharing their wisdom via skype or zoom….so I hope the internet doesn’t break!
Thu April 2
Sun/Pisces opposite Juno/Virgo: This event can be highly magnetic in key relationship (great for a date night) but can also brings forth conflicts in your core partnerships (the opposition aspect).
Moon in Cancer opposite Mars/Saturn in Capricorn: This aspect creates tense moments in dialogue with family members (Cancer). You might experience some frustration if you are working on a home improvement or cooking project.
Fri April 3 ~ My Birthday!
Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: This annual planetary portal aligns our busy practical mind with our higher galactic Mind. It unifies our thoughts with our more expansive imagination. Make it a day of creativity, expansive conversations, attuning to the greater dream that is dreaming you.
Moon in Cancer trine Sun in Pisces: This helpful trine in water signs brings an emotional healing balm to our planetary field. It is easier to express feelings, shed tears that need to be released. Visit a favorite water sanctuary and simply listen.
Sat April 4
Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in astronomical Sagittarius: Please note that what I am writing here will manifest in our collective field but most importantly in your personal life, linked to your dreams and goals of 2020. This historic event is the beginning of a three-part transit that takes place once every thirteen years. Jupiter brings positive expansion for society’s best interests, or manifests as an overreach by the greedy. Pluto symbolizes power, our relationship to power, and the biological world.
This transit is not a one-day event but marks a moment when the massive change hitting us on every level rises to a new level of shift. It supports you in your own goals of health and self-empowerment and also encourages us to rise up to take on the colossal depravity and abuses of power that are still, sadly, very much manifesting by those in power.
Here are the dates you might want to remember for this three-part transit. These dates will be linked to the virus outbreak and our financial crisis. Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions: April 4 – June 29 – November 12 2020. Jupiter retrograde: May 14 – September 12.
Here’s how a three-part transit works. The first date (April 4) we get a sense of what this event will be all about, both for us personally and collectively. The next date, Jupiter turning retrograde May 14, can mean the first ‘wave’ of the event is over and something new is being born. During the retrograde period of Jupiter (May 14 – September 12) we modify our lives so as to set in motion our new dreams and desires. That may involve releasing the past, researching and evaluating what needs to change. June 29 marks another turning point in events, even though Jupiter is still retrograde. After September 12 until the finale on November 12, we launch new initiatives we’ve been creating. But this could also launch a new wave of disease or challenge if an issue hasn’t been resolved. The choice is ours.
Venus in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn: This philanthropic, supportive trine in earth signs brings good financial news to many in a time of great need. Find a way to use the gift of your wealth in support of others.
Sun April 5
Jupiter enters Capricorn: Jupiter will temporarily exit its current transit through visionary astronomical Sagittarius and head into solutions-minded Capricorn. This manifests as expansive institutional reform that will be part of the next twenty year reinvention of our world and all organizations and institutions.
Moon in Leo opposite Mercury/Neptune in Aquarius: This brings welcome relief as the joyful, playful Leo Moon activates a plethora of community conversations and friendly encounters.
Mon April 6
Grand Trine in Earth: Moon in Virgo trine Venus in Taurus trine Mars/Saturn in Capricorn: Earth signs are determined and highly productive. Make this Monday all about your physical goals, your body, your garden, your financial life. Help others in practical ways ensuring they too feel safe in this physical dimension.
Full Moon in astronomical Pisces/Virgo

Here is a brief synopsis of the Full Moon characteristics from my friend and astronomical astrology colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, from his Lunar Planner:
“The Full Moon marks the point of coition in the lunar cycle, the climax, the point of excitement, a time of celebration. The day just after the Full Moon is a time for the realization of the theme to emerge, culminating in the enthusiasm of the Full Moon. Relax and allow this realization to occur.”
Tue April 7
Full Moon in sidereal astronomical Pisces/Virgo: This Full Moon is at its perigee (closet to Earth) and so it will be extra big and bright especially at moonrise. The increased planetary force of every Full Moon is often associated with ER’s filling up with emergencies because people are overly stimulated or out of balance. Both Virgo and Pisces are signs associated with the healing arts, so given the medical crisis we are in, this Full Moon will be particularly challenging for our caregivers and healers. These next couple of days may be the crescendoing wave that has been predicted. Care for others and care for yourself, whatever is arising in your life experience. Virgo is linked to the mind/gut link, associated with our digestive system and excessive worry. Those issues might be amplified by the power of this Full Moon.
Mars in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries: This rare, crisis square today amplifies the energy of the Full Moon. It can be accident-prone so stay focused on each activity paying attention to sudden intuitions that are guiding you through the storm.
Moon/Juno conjunction in Virgo: You might get an invitation from someone important to your life or reach out to someone you want to connect with in celebration of this Full Moon.
Ceres enters Aquarius: Ceres is now considered to be a dwarf planet, equal to Pluto in its influence. As Ceres enters a new sign, all issues linked to caregiving, nurturing others, food supplies can shift into a new alignment. Aquarius highlights how we will band together in innovative, decentralized community partnerships, beyond political affiliations. What a welcome relief this will be from the recent extreme polarization created by those trying to keep us at war with each other. No more.
Wed April 8
Moon in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries: Moon in Libra brings harmony and peace-making throughout the day. This pattern-breaking aspect happens in the evening and can lead to erratic behavior or late-night breakthroughs with our beloveds.
Thu April 9
Moon in Libra trine Neptune in Aquarius: Ah, enjoy this calm moment of supportive communion with your friends and community members, connecting in in the ways it is currently possible for you do so.
Fri April 10 – Sat April 11
Vesta in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn: Perhaps those much-needed government checks arrive or are finally set in motion under this supportive aspect. Time to focus on financial or physical matters, like taxes, home projects, longer than usual athletic pursuits and pleasures.
Mercury in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn: This stimulating sextile gives form to our creative urges, like finishing a poem, or sending out queries for publishing, or writing that song. Meditation is easier. Enjoy, in a relaxed manner, your creative and spiritual pursuits.
Sun April 12
Moon/South Lunar Node conjunction in Sagittarius: It is heartening that the South Lunar Node linked to our past lives is currently transiting a sign of our future selves, Sagittarius. This helps us know we no longer need to carry the burdens of past suffering but find a way to revision them as important lessons learned.
Mon April 13
Sun in Pisces square Pluto in Sagittarius: With this annual super-intense square, activating Pluto in our lives, we might be facing death or biological challenges like purging or feel a sense of chaos and being out of control. We can’t control the life force, in fact, it is in charge of us. Trust that life-giving life force and where it is taking you, always toward greater health and vitality.
Last Quarter Moon

Here is a brief synopsis of the Last Quarter Moon characteristics from my friend and astronomical astrology colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, from his Lunar Planner:
“This phase completes with our Inner Needs surfacing to consciousness, to become aware of what is important to self and what is not. Changing allows us to spiral to a new octave of experience—one that will eventually sprout in the next lunar cycle to come.”
Tue April 14
Last Quarter Moon: Moon/Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn square Sun in Aries: This will a most extraordinary Last Quarter Moon (always marks a turning point) as Moon/Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn squares Sun in Aries. The Sun enters astronomical Aries just as Jupiter enters astronomical Capricorn for the first time in twelve years. This dynamic activates us to look back over what just happened and courageously get fired up for what’s still to come. Planetary squares create great tension and agitation within us and around us. Stay calm, breathe deeply and be a zone of clarity for others to emulate. That’s the gift of Aries, the true power of you as an individual to influence the collective field by walking the talk of what your innermost truth guides you to be and to do.
Venus/Vesta in Taurus conjunction: Focus (Vesta) on what has your heart focus (Venus) at this time. Taurus interests include a love of the Earth/gardening, making money, creating greater strength in your body.
Mars in Capricorn trine Juno in Virgo: This aspect speaks to colleagues working side my side, long hours, and getting lots done.
Mercury/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: Mercury (the mind and planet of communication) makes its annual conjunction with healing or wounding Chiron. You be able to speak with raw vulnerability or you might take something personally that wasn’t intended to be so.
Wed April 15
Sun in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn: This square pressures you to take action out of necessity or choice. With the Sun transiting courageous sidereal Aries for the next month, feel the fire of spring coursing through your blood. Jupiter creates exuberance or too much excess (like running farther or faster than your training had prepared you for). Injuries or missteps are possible today.
Venus in Taurus trine Juno in Virgo: This can bring supportive financial news via partnerships. It provides good energy and focus to all health care workers and even a sense of calm amidst the storm.
Moon/Mars conjunction in Capricorn: This agitating aspect takes place late at night and can create anxiety or direct confrontation with others.
Thu April 16
Moon in Capricorn: Keep at it, all of it, working hard, plowing through with the emotional Moon transiting ambitious Capricorn.
Fri April 17
Moon/Ceres conjunction in Aquarius sextile Sun in Aries: What a nurturing, friendly, optimistic geometry this is. Appreciate your friends, be nurtured by them, explore doing something innovative that will help many with your community members.
Sun in Aries square Pallas Athene in Capricorn: This aspect is good for creatively resolving an impending crisis. Grab the steering wheel and drive yourself forward in the direction you want to go, even if you are terrified and under stress or duress.
Mercury in Pisces sextile Venus in Taurus: This gentle, positive aspect feels like the calm that comes when you just sit quietly by a burbling brook and just listen to the Earth, listen to yourself, listen to one another.
Sat April 18 – Sun April 19
Mercury in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn: Take action based on intuitions you have been receiving because you’ve been listening and paying attention.
Moon/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: This monthly alignment is best used for right-brain creativity or socially connecting with others.
Mon April 20
Sun in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn sextile North Lunar Node: This tense square to serious Saturn can feel depressing. It is karma-come-due for some. Thankfully the supportive sextile to the future North Node helps you overcome your current challenges as you take concrete steps to overcome obstacles. You can and will do it!
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: Emotional vulnerability, a sudden burst of tears, or the need for a nap to relax are all possibilities with this tender aspect.
Tue April 21
Moon/Mercury conjunction in Pisces: As we wind down from this life-altering SolLunar Cycle, this final aspect encourages being over doing, gentle listening over noisy talking. It is highly intuitive so meditate and journal the guidance from your Guides.
Blessings for your New Moon tomorrow~

Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
I advocate for actions we can take personally to be a living example of radiant health and vitality, thus modeling this most potent form of activism: to walk our talk, to be a living example of the change we seek to see in the world.
The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers : This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
The World Peace Diet ~ Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony by Will Tuttle
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.