“Eclipse Sunrise in Canyonlands” photo by Lyn Dalebout
SPECIAL NOTE: This post is abbreviated as I am taking my own spring break in March. Also, going forward, I will post all four weeks of each SolLunar Cycle at once. I will update the posts throughout the month at periodic times given current events. Hopefully this change will help you with planning or understanding the nature of each cycle. Thank you!
Our new Sun and Moon align with Neptune and Vesta, making it a noble and exceptionally creative day and month ahead. Vesta calls forth undaunted focus. Neptune governs imagination and also cuts through the fog of deception some are trying to perpetrate on others or regarding their own lives. This new SolLunar Cycle aligns in sidereal Aquarius, the astrological sign of humanitarian concerns, the compassionate future that is beckoning our planet if we will co-create it. Aquarius demands we be our unabashed, authentic selves.
During much of this four week period, Mercury remains retrograde aligned with Neptune. Give some thought about your belief systems concerning the power of imagination and thought to create the life you want. Find clarity about your method, what you believe, and what assumptions you might want to tweak or throw out altogether. This promises to be an uplifting month as Spring Equinox takes hold of our Northern Hemisphere. May the gift of this planetary portal set the stage for uplifting events in the coming year.
READINGS, MINI-READINGS AND MENTORING: Thanks for considering a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or a bit longer reading for $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2019 and beyond. I also MENTOR students individually or in groups/workshops who want to learn more about how to work with sidereal astrology in their own chart or with their clients. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map or Update. Thank you!
My interpretations and predictions are based on the sidereal astronomical alignments. You can read about my unique way of interpreting astrology at this link: EarthWord SkyWord sidereal readings. Even NASA is onboard now with the sidereal zodiac! In my daily posts, I include the astrological aspects for students of astrology, then give a basic interpretation of how these forces might influence your daily life. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can and will flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
@2019 Lyn Dalebout ~EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Aquarius

Here is a list of New Moon characteristics compliments of my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from LunarPlanner:
“Beginning the Sprouting Phase of the Lunar Cycle, a new theme emerges, a new idea or concept sprouts forth. This is an inner message, an impulse expressing from a field of all possibilities deep within the unconscious mind. The New Moon is a perfect time for meditation or a quite walk—to go within self and listen.”
Wed March 6
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Aquarius: Our new Sun and Moon align with Neptune and Vesta, making it a noble and exceptionally creative day and month ahead. Vesta calls forth undaunted focus. Neptune governs imagination and also cuts through the fog of deception some are trying to perpetrate on others or regarding their own lives. This new SolLunar Cycle aligns in sidereal Aquarius, the astrological sign of humanitarian concerns, the compassionate future that is beckoning our planet if we will co-create it. Aquarius demands we be our unabashed, authentic selves. This promises to be an uplifting month as Spring Equinox takes hold of our Northern Hemisphere. May the gift of this planetary portal set the stage for uplifting events in the coming year.
Thu March 7 – Fri March 8
Moon/Mercury retrograde/Chiron in Pisces: When Moon and Mercury unite, it can be easier to communicate your feelings or analyze the authentic emotional reality that exists beneath the surface of the happenings in your life. This alignment takes place in intuitive Pisces and in close proximity to healing, magical Chiron, leading to episodes of forgiveness, releasing judgment of self or another, and mystical, unexplainable events or support coming to you.
Sat March 9
Moon in Pisces square Saturn/Pluto in Sagittarius: With this challenging square, a harsh reality might need to be faced which might involve a health issue, an emotional revelation. It also helps you discern how to get unstuck from a sticky situation or break free from patterns of inertia and stagnation.
Sun March 10
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries: This paring happens overnight, possibly producing a restless night or anxiety or unsteadiness as you wake up. Best to be spontaneous today as plans may suddenly shift anyway.
Mon March 11
Moon/Mars conjunction in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius: Be careful as you move/drive/workout this morning with this accident-prone, searing hot, even rash-producing alignment. Be passionate as you stand up for your beliefs or commit to a new level of activism.
Wed March 13
Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Scorpio: You might feel a sudden lack of confidence in self, creative projects or relationships. Don’t get lost in the doubt. Get quiet, listen to your deepest heart leanings and find your way back to patience and trust that you will be guided to make the right choice at the right time. This aspect also encourages taking an expansive risk that may produce great rewards in the future.
Moon/Juno conjunction in Taurus opposite Ceres in Scorpio: Nurture your beloveds in sensual, generous, even extravagant ways. Praise them, thank them for all their talents, and for all the ways you appreciate their support, expressing love in as many ways as possible. And receive the same affections from others!

First Quarter Moon
Here’s a list of the First Quarter Moon characteristics compliments of my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza ~ www.lunarplanner.com
“The First Quarter Moon of each lunar cycle draws an external stimulus to initiate action as we move from the inspirational quarter of the lunar cycle into the action quarter. Now is the time to drop all hesitation and take the steps. Trust in the process. This time is stressful or traumatic only if action is ignored. Simply, this phase is a time to work.”
Thu March 14
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Taurus square Sun/Mercury retrograde in Aquarius: As Sun and Mercury align exactly, you feel you are a genius at something, experience a sudden certainty, or have a laser-focused mind. Today’s exact conjunction happens on the forward-leaning First Quarter Moon which helps you put your brilliant ideas into action.
Mars in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius: This helpful trine is disciplined, energetic, focused, and provides long-burning fuel for any creative fires and desires that currently inspire you.
Sat March 16
Moon/North Lunar Node conjunction in Gemini trine Sun in Pisces: The Lunar Nodes have now entered Gemini/Sagittarius which are the astrological signs that govern travel, education, thinking, writing, journalism, politics. All these arenas may grab more of your attention in the coming months. When the intellectually-curious Moon in Gemini aligns with the North Lunar Node of your future desires, the perfect piece of information might grace your path, via book, social media post, a random encounter in a place of commerce, all domains of Gemini.
Sun March 17
Mercury retrograde/Vesta conjunction in Aquarius: Mercury is still in retrograde until March 28 which means you might be in reevaluation or research mode about something that has your attention. Today’s aspect creates a highly focused mind and brings emerging intuitive insights to the surface to be explored.
Mon March 18
Moon in Cancer opposite Venus in Capricorn square Mars in Aries: All three of these planets are deeply personal to each of us. Moon governs our feelings. Venus, what we love and value. Mars spurs us to action. This dynamic square pits all those aspects of ourselves in a tense formation, pressuring us to make decisions, choose differently, find new ways to take actions based on what we most care about. It highlights differences or unique approaches to problems occurring between parties, which isn’t a bad thing.
Full Moon in sidereal Virgo/Pisces

Here is a brief synopsis of the Full Moon characteristics that hold true for every Full Moon from my from my friend and sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza at Lunar Planner.
“The Full Moon marks the point of coition in the lunar cycle, the climax, the point of excitement, a time of celebration. The day just after the Full Moon is a time for the realization of the theme to emerge, culminating in the enthusiasm of the Full Moon. Relax and allow this realization to occur. There is no need to force it as it surfaces on its own.”
Wed March 20
Spring Equinox at 3:58 P.M MST: Spring Equinox is like the annual fractal of the monthly First Quarter Moon in our Northern Hemisphere, which means it is time to take further action based on your goals and dreams for 2019. What a joyful wonder that this year, Spring Equinox arrives on a Full Moon, providing illumination, exuberance, excitement about what is possible this year. Spend time in celebration today, marking this gift and your gifts.
Full Moon in sidereal Virgo/Pisces: This Full Moon amplifies issues concerning our physical and emotional health and how we express our desire to be of service or to be in the world in a more compassionate way. Linked to the equilibrium energy of Spring Equinox, seek ways to feel more equanimity in body, mind and spirit so you help bring greater balance to our world.
Grand Trine in Fire: Mars in Aries trine Pluto in Sagittarius trine Moon in Leo: This early morning aspect has the vitality and vigor of spring run off, returning sunlight, newborn animals leaping with embodied joy. May you feel this surge of energy today, bringing alive powerful new passions and confidence.
Thu March 21
Venus in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Scorpio square Mars in Aries: This aspect is supportive regarding financial gifts or helpful assistance getting a job done. But the tense square to independent, impulsive Mars in Aries might spark financial tensions in relationships or express as conflicting desires between team members.
Fri March 22 – Sat March 23
Sun/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: A healing crisis is often a moment in which a person hits bottom, recognizes things have to change, or experiences a holy moment of shift. Chiron, called the Wounded Healer, often catalyzes such moments in strange, unexplainable, even mystical ways. As the Sun makes its annual conjunction with Chiron, your six senses might be extremely sensitive, like acute hearing or seeing auras. Or you may feel exceptionally vulnerable in some way or be hyper-consumed with painful events happening in the world.
Sun March 24 – Mon March 25
Mercury retrograde/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: Part of the repetitive theme of this entire SolLunar Cycle involves the power of the imagination (Neptune) and the power of the mind (Mercury) to tap into futuristic ideas and knowledge. This exact conjunction takes place Sunday. This can bring sharper focus to creative tasks or help you regain trust in the magic, mystery, universal support that is always, always surrounding you.
Tue March 26
Moon/Ceres/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio: You might be fiercely focused on caregiving tasks, probing conversations, sorting out financial issues with this super-dynamic alignment in Scorpio. Emotions are highly charged, tending toward the dramatic.
Last Quarter Moon

Here is a description of the qualities of the Last Quarter Moon phase compliments of my friend and sidereal colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza at Lunar Planner:
“This phase completes with our Inner Needs surfacing to consciousness, to become aware of what is important to self and what is not. Knowing now what our Truth is, it is time to consciously live it. Doing so provides a choice for others to also live theirs. Changing allows us to spiral to a new octave of experience—one that will eventually sprout in the next lunar cycle to come.”
Wed March 27
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Sagittarius square Sun in Pisces: As we bring to completion this highly creative SolLunar Cycle, the alchemy of a fire Moon and a water Sun can bring geysers of inspiration or you may spout off your truth with great confidence. As Mercury turns direct tomorrow, use today to complete tasks and move and drive with care and caution.
Thu March 28 – Fri March 29
Mercury in sidereal Aquarius turns direct: There’s no need to fear planetary retrogrades. They bring clarity by helping us release what is done and embracing what is to come. The Mercury retrograde period is similar to pushing the refresh button on a website, bringing clearer thinking and updating our imaginations. May you appreciate the new upgrades or downloads you received and embrace a new view on life.
Moon/Saturn/Pluto/South Lunar Node conjunction in Sagittarius: When this alignment happens once a month for months to come, I will most likely sound a cautionary note or major alarm bell, depending on other planetary influences. It can be driven, dogmatic, truth-seeking, intense, hot, and inflammatory. Choose how you will express this dynamic portal of evolution in all its ferocity and fire.
Sat March 30 – Sun March 31
Moon in sidereal Capricorn: As the Moon transits through the ambitious, success-driven sign of Capricorn, you can get many things accomplished as you near the end of this SolLunar Cycle. Physically, Capricorn energy loves to work out, mountain climb, do yoga or Pilates, organize.
Mon April 1
Moon/Venus conjunction in Aquarius: Look in the predawn sky for these beauty buddies together again, uniting in friendly and futuristic Aquarius. It’s a great day to meet up with friends and enjoy camaraderie with your coworkers.
Tue April 2
Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: Today’s paring brings a finale to this wondrous portal of creative thought and cosmic imagination where new things were discovered, uncovered, reimagined, revealed, written down, ready for transmission to an awaiting humanity.
Wed April 3 – Thu April 4
Sun/Moon/Chiron in Pisces: On the final days of a SolLunar Cycle, called the Balsamic Moon, it’s wise to rest, reflect, relax. Those needs are particularly strong this time given the nature of Pisces, the sign of simply being, flowing, allowing things to come to you, no chasing, no going after. The influence of Chiron can bring a healing crisis that forces some of you to take some time off. Napping, day dreaming, sitting by water are good ideas, too.
Happy New Moon tomorrow!

Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
JIN SHIN JYUTSU ~ TOOL FOR SUPPORT: Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times: Health is in your Hands. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Please check it out, and teach yourself this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
The World Peace Diet ~ Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony by Will Tuttle
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
More Resource links to come in future posts!