“Boots” painting by Trea Christopher Grey
For my Teton friends, I am grateful to be in Wyoming again through September so please email me if you want to connect for some astrological work as we enter this very dynamic SolLunar Cycle, a precursor to 2020, the year of the Great Transformation.
Welcome to this exceptionally Light-filled New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo. It is rare when all the personal planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Moon and Sun meet up in a stellium of supportive connections. All your faculties of mind (Mercury), heart (Venus), motivation (Mars) can synch up so you feel more integrated and clearer about your direction. This super-tight conjunction is happening in joyful, creative, lead-the-way Leo which is an added bonus! Truly amazing. Leo helps us bring play and laughter back into our lives. Leo honors that each of us is uniquely creative and that we are constantly in the process of creating the life we choose. Leo knows the importance of being there for our children, to see and support them for exactly who they are and to create a safe haven for their unbounded enthusiasm to emerge and find self-expression. Leo also carries the energy of royalty, sparking true leadership of the heart that makes sure everyone is being cared for. May you discover these gifts and more in this extraordinary SolLunar Cycle.
Other significant events in this Cycle will be the exact Sun/Mars conjunction on September 2 and the stunning Full Moon of September 13 aligned with the exact Mars/Neptune oppositions. Wow. And Saturn turns direct from its retrograde on September 18 which will eventually helps us complete our current goals by the end of this year. Read on for more details.
Thank you, dear friend, Trea Christopher Grey, for the use of your magical planetary paintings, perfect for this SolLunar Cycle. Please explore more of Trea’s lyrical and mystical abstracts here.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
Thanks for considering a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or a bit longer reading for $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2019 and beyond. I am excited to be mentoring students individually or in groups/workshops who want to learn more about how to work with sidereal astrology in their own chart or with their clients. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, a full Natal Map or Update or Relationship/Family Maps. Thank you!
My interpretations and predictions are based on the sidereal astronomical alignments. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life flows with more ease, grace and understanding.
I highly encourage serious sidereal students to subscribe to Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s monthly Lunar Planner. Nick is the expert and his website is a treasure trove of historical and current information and insights.
@2019 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo

Here is a brief synopsis of the New Moon characteristics compliments of my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his LunarPlanner:
“Beginning the Sprouting Phase of the Lunar Cycle, a new theme emerges, a new idea or concept sprouts forth. This is an inner message, an impulse expressing from a field of all possibilities deep within the unconscious mind. The New Moon is a perfect time for meditation or a quite walk—to go within self and listen.”
Fri August 30
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo: Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo: Welcome to this exceptionally Light-filled New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo. It is rare when all the personal planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Moon and Sun meet up in a stellium of supportive connections. All your faculties of mind (Mercury), heart (Venus), motivation (Mars) can synch up so you feel more integrated and clearer about your direction. This super-tight conjunction is happening in joyful, creative, lead-the-way Leo which is an added bonus! Truly amazing. Leo helps us bring play and laughter back into our lives. Leo honors that each of us is uniquely creative and that we are constantly in the process of creating the life we choose. Leo knows the importance of being there for our children, to see and support them for exactly who they are and to create a safe haven for their unbounded enthusiasm to emerge and find self-expression. Leo also carries the energy of royalty, sparking true leadership of the heart that makes sure everyone is being cared for. May you discover these gifts and more in the next four week period.
Sat August 31
Moon in Virgo trine Vesta in Taurus: Keeping in mind the dynamic nature of yesterday’s new beginning, this organized aspect is focused on results in both the work and play departments. Miraculously, you remember every last thing you wanted to bring on that backpacking trip or river excursion.
Sun September 1
Venus in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius: It is a great day for a longer hike in the mountains sharing joy with your fun tribe as you explore new terrain. That same spirit of adventure can take place in urban lands or within the landscape of the heart, connecting playfully with your beloveds.
Moon in Virgo square Saturn/Pluto/Lunar Nodes: The monthly Virgo Moon can be highly critical and judgmental but also discerning and perfectionistic in regards to planning every detail of an event. Having a severe demeanor or launching confrontational attacks can be part of this intense square. These heavy-weight planets are aggravated further by the glaring heat of tomorrow’s exact Sun/Mars conjunction.
Mon September 2
Sun/Mars conjunction in Leo: This pairing of activist, sometimes angry or defensive, Mars, with our illuminating Sun fires up our planetary field with excessive energy, heat (leading to inflammation symptoms flaring for some). Courageously take a stand based on your values. Move your body physically so this powerful energy expresses positively. It can also bring great enthusiasm and passion to events.
Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Scorpio: Financial negotiations might run into a snag or people are standing firm with what they want out of a deal. Squares are good for negotiating and working through differences.
Moon/Pallas Athene conjunction in Libra: You naturally want to organize things like a messy drawer, your closet, a kitchen cupboard. Libra likes to create in partnership so do puzzles, play chess, or strategize a plan with another.
Tue September 3
Mercury/Mars/Sun conjunction in Leo: Speaking loudly, talking fast while flailing your arms is the image that comes to mind with this fiery and speedy aspect. It creates animated or agitated conversations with others or within your own mind. Some people might become super-aggressive leading to verbal abuse. Buzz around and play extra hard today.
Moon in Libra sextile Mercury/Mars/Sun conjunction in Leo: The graciousness of the Libra Moon brings beauty and care to any occasion and helps tone down the more aggressive aspects of the above conjunction.
Wed September 4
Venus in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius: Both Venus and Neptune are portals of love, art, imagination. They encourage us to live true to our hearts and follow our creative longings. This lovely aspect highlights that part of YOU today. Take time to engage with your artist self, inquiring how it seeks expression. Uplifting, wise, inspiring conversations with others are likely.
First Quarter Moon

Here’s a brief synopsis of the First Quarter Moon characteristics compliments of my friend/sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“The First Quarter Moon of each lunar cycle draws an external stimulus to initiate action as we move from the inspirational quarter of the lunar cycle into the action quarter. Now is the time to drop all hesitation and take the steps. Trust in the process. This time is stressful or traumatic only if action is ignored. Simply, this phase is a time to work.”
Thu September 5
First Quarter Moon: Moon/Ceres/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio square Sun/Mars/Mercury conjunction in Leo: When the action-taking First Quarter Moon is aligned with so many other planetary forces, it’s sure to be a consequential day. The dwarf planet of Ceres highlights issues linked to real estate, caregiving (including one’s pets), parenting and food so major decisions or activations are taking place in those arenas. The stand-off with Sun/Mars might create conflicts in relationship roles but also brings fierce determination to succeed. Jupiter’s influence further exaggerates and amplifies all of the above.
Mercury in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius square Jupiter in Scorpio: Mercury governs our state of mind. As Mercury transits through Leo, thoughts tend to be more optimistic and sunny, full to the brim with burgeoning creative ideas. The helpful trine to Saturn helps give form to your ideas, while the square to Jupiter might create a temporary lack of confidence or doubt. Focus on your mental health and identify what habits create agitation and fear and what habits bring clarity and equanimity. Be willing to embrace a new way of seeing things and practice your affirmations.
Fri September 6
Sun in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius: This helpful trine gives you stamina, focus, steady energy to keep going all day long.
Venus in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius: This passionate linkage brings depth, intensity, obsession to one’s love life or creative output.
Juno in Leo trine Uranus in Aries: An important new partner may suddenly show up at in your life. Be willing to take a risk in a new relationship or change up your routines in a long-standing relationships. Watch for invitations in your inboxes or send one out yourself!
Mercury in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius: Social gatherings tonight may go longer than planned as this aspect develops late at night. Flirtations develop and many ideas are bantered about with the playful Mercury in Leo. Tonight’s dreams are wildly imaginative and deliver important messages streaming in from your higher self.
Sat September 7 – Sun September 8
Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Scorpio: A square can manifest as a turning point brought on by a crisis or help you make a committed decision to begin a new pattern, possible regarding your children. Restore the balance of play and relaxation as part of your daily routines, heading off an impending crisis. Consciously stay positive and optimistic about the future and use affirmations to help you move through a temporary lack of confidence or struggle.
Moon/Saturn/Pluto/Lunar Nodes conjunction in Sagittarius trine Mars/Sun/Mercury in Leo: This highly energized aspect packs a punch in terms of speaking up, increased activism on behalf of one’s causes, and provides motivation and clarity about future directions.
Mon September 9
Sun in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius: The Sun shines brightly on Neptune today as this imaginative annual alignment builds throughout the day and into the night. Aspects to Neptune lead to heightened levels of creativity but can also manifest as being spacey and ungrounded. Some might be deceived by others or fool themselves if one has been unwilling to face the real world events and glaring facts.
Tue September 10
Moon in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries/Pallas Athene in Libra: The Moon’s tone in Capricorn is serious, responsible, ambitious. Uranus’s influence can lead to sudden turns, shocking events, flashes of inspiration. Both of these planets are linked to the creative wisdom of Pallas Athene in artistic, partnership Libra. Make something, design something, make a plan with others as you push through procrastination or fears about going it alone.
Wed September 11 – Thu September 12
Mars in Leo square Jupiter in Scorpio: This rare event can be rife with warfare or violence or it manifests as the fighting spirit to take a stand and lead the way for others. Examine where you desire to lead by example as you walk your talk. This may involve you needing to make some changes (the square aspect) so you more in alignment with your heart and integrity.
Mercury/Venus in Virgo trine Vesta in Taurus: This stabilizing, grounded and hard-working aspect helps you clear the decks as you plough through many tasks (including tilling the garden or taking in the harvest) and feel focused and organized.
Full Moon in sidereal Leo/Aquarius

Here is a brief synopsis of the Full Moon characteristics from my friend and sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“The Full Moon marks the point of coition in the lunar cycle, the climax, the point of excitement, a time of celebration. The day just after the Full Moon is a time for the realization of the theme to emerge, culminating in the enthusiasm of the Full Moon. Relax and allow this realization to occur. There is no need to force it as it surfaces on its own.”
Fri September 13
Full Moon in sidereal Leo/Aquarius: Moon/Neptune in Aquarius opposite Sun/Mars in Leo: This is one extraordinary Full Moon as both Sun and Moon make exact linkages to the rare Mars/Neptune opposition. This is stunning, and on Friday the 13th to boot! Mars pressures us to take action and when it’s activated by the power of Neptune, our artistic and spiritual sides seek vivid expression. Some might have their sobriety tested as Neptune can be the desire to check out of this world via addiction or to step into one’s higher Self and align further on the path of evolutionary awakening as Mars/Neptune is the archetype of the Spiritual Warrioress/Warrior. Art openings and other events will be standing room only with amplified feelings of celebration and glee. What a memorable day and night this promises to be.
Mercury/Venus conjunction in Virgo: This fusion of heart (Venus) and mind (Mercury) in analytical Virgo provides a discerning clarity to help us navigate the possible fog of the above Mars/Neptune alignment. You can set boundaries for self-protection if need be.
Sat September 14
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces opposite Mercury/Venus in Virgo: As we continue to process and integrate insights or events from yesterday’s extraordinary Full Moon, this alignment calls forth emotional vulnerability in some and a cool detachment in others which can lead to misunderstandings in relationships. You might want to take a time out as you sort out your needs from others desires.
Sun September 15
Moon in Pisces square Saturn/Lunar Nodes: Keeping in mind we are still feeling the effects of Friday’s Full Moon, this serious aspect might involve grieving (Pisces) the past. Contemplate the flow of your life, where you’ve been and where the mystery life is taking you next. You may need to make a conscious choice between yes or no with this square.
Mon September 16
Mercury in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: Magical (Chiron) thinking (Mercury) can be a good thing when done with consciousness and clarity. Focus your thoughts exactly where you want them to go and keep them focused there so as to create a vector of unstoppable force to achieve what you want. It’s a law of this Universe.
Tue September 17
Venus in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: This is similar to yesterday’s aspect, but with today’s Venus’s influence, time to focus your heart’s vector (feel into this) with consciousness and clarity exactly where you want it to go so as to create a laser of unstoppable force to achieve what you want. It’s a law of this Universe.
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries: This monthly aspect can be combustible, ungrounded, erratic, accident-prone. And as Saturn is now stationary, about to leave it’s retrograde early tomorrow morning, please, please proceed with caution in your activities today.
Wed September 18
Saturn turns direct: On April 29 this year, Saturn turned retrograde and since then we have been busy reorganizing our lives in foundational ways, whether that’s completing a major project, deciding on where to move, what to do next in one’s career, coming or going from a relationship. Saturn’s whole cycle completes this December, so there may be more to do but today’s turning marks a turning point or at least marks a phase of major completion and brings greater clarity about how to proceed.
Thu September 19
Mars in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius: Tons of energy, an unstoppable will, a confidence in one’s powers are all part of this lovely trine. It’s effects linger for several days.
Moon/Vesta conjunction in Taurus: Vesta provides the superpower of focusing, and with today’s link to Moon in Taurus, focus on financial issues, build something, work in the garden, take care of your physical body.
Fri September 20
Moon in Taurus square Juno in Leo opposite Jupiter in Scorpio: Creative tension is one way to describe T-squares in astrology. This one can create conflicts in our key partnerships, both personal and professional, possibly regarding financial issues, but also helps find a way to a constructive resolution.
Last Quarter Moon

Here is a brief synopsis of the Last Quarter Moon characteristics compliments of my friend and sidereal colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planner:
“This phase completes with our Inner Needs surfacing to consciousness, to become aware of what is important to self and what is not. Knowing now what our Truth is, it is time to consciously live it. Doing so provides a choice for others to also live theirs. Changing allows us to spiral to a new octave of experience—one that will eventually sprout in the next lunar cycle to come.”
Sat September 21
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Gemini square Sun in Virgo: Gemini and Virgo are both masterful at handling many details at once, sometimes flitting between projects and people, but getting a lot done throughout the course of the day. As we near Fall Equinox on Monday, use this turning point square of Moon to Sun to appreciate all you’ve done this year so far and set your sights on the harvest phase of 2019.
Sun September 22
Mercury in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius/Lunar Nodes: Today’s square of mindful Mercury to stern Saturn brings a serious tone to the day. Discover what you perceive as limitations might be rerouting opportunities that will produce better outcomes in the long term. Some might feel mentally exhausted or need a good reboot nap.
Mon September 23
FALL EQUNIOX 12:50 am MST: Fall Equinox is the equivalent of the Last Quarter Moon phase for all of 2019. It is a sacred earthly moment and can be a time in which we look back on what we’ve accomplished and shifted this year and begin to get an inkling of what’s coming for 2020. And hopefully on this day, and all days, you will stay present to the unfolding mystery each day brings, trusting where life is leading you next.
Moon in Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius: You might find your mind overly obsessing on a conversation or stuck in a mind loop you can’t seem to halt. Reroute the circuitry of your brain with meditation, breathing or whatever other tool you use to stop unproductive, crazy-making mental habits. Practice makes perfect as the saying goes.
Tue September 24
Juno in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius: Work in tandem with others today as new alliances unfold with ease and good feelings. You naturally want to support your partner, grateful for their presence. Help them feel special for who they are and what they do.
Moon in Cancer square Uranus in Aries: When Uranus is involved, expect the unexpected and go with the flow. A sudden shift in family plans may occur, like a child needing to stay home or a parent needing some additional help.
Wed September 25
Moon in Cancer trine Jupiter in Scorpio quincunx Neptune in Aquarius: Moon in Cancer can make us moodier or feel private and internally focused. Some want to head home early or confide in a close friend.
Thu September 26
Sun in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: This can be a day of healing crises or mysterious healing miracles which magical Chiron often brings to our world. Focus on your health and book a session to support you or make some subtle dietary shifts that will help you feel clear and more energized.
Fri September 27
Moon/Juno conjunction in Leo: As this aspect happens in early morning, you might feel very affectionate with your beloved. Make a breakfast or exercise date or with a playmate.
Moon/Mars conjunction in Virgo: This happens late at night so your evening energy can suddenly wax and keep you up later than expected. Or you can have a hard time falling asleep or experience agitated sleep. Some might feel confrontational or direct in communicating one’s truth.
I may be posting the next New SolLunar Cycle a day late due to my travels. Thanks for your patience.
Blessed New Moon tomorrow~

Resources for Personal and Planetary Well-Being
I advocate for what we can each do personally, everyday, as part of our daily rituals, habits and choices, to be an example of radiant health and vitality and thus model this most potent form of activism: to walk our talk, to be a living example of the change we seek to see in the world.
Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times: Health is in your Hands. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.
The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the most central component in how you can personally help restore balance regarding this key issue of our times.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
The World Peace Diet ~ Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony by Will Tuttle
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
More Resource links to come in future posts!