Full Moon in sidereal Taurus Scorpio
“Precious Waters” painting by Susan Pitcairn
This week’s Full Moon/Super Moon on destabilizing steroids is intimately linked to the unfolding planetary political dramas. The Moon is aligned with Aldebaran, Taurus the Bull’s red eye, ruler of the House of Representatives, and the Sun is conjunct Antares, the red heart of the Scorpion, ruler of the Senate. The ongoing battles for the soul of America’s democracy, our institutions and public lands, all under siege, heat up in regards to the criminal investigations of the current Administration and the appalling tax bill designed to solely help the very few at the very top. These same stars are linked to catastrophic nuclear events, so more news concerning North Korea or Iran is possible. Compounding this sky drama, Mercury turns retrograde hours before the Full Moon, directly linked to reality-check, stern Saturn. Thankfully the Jupiter/Neptune trine that began this past week and is in the heavenly mix much of 2018, will provide an uplifting background influence that reminds us to keep accessing the super-powers of imagination and faith, to not give up, but keep dreaming and keep acting on behalf of our higher selves and larger evolutionary purpose.
Thank you, Susan Pitcairn, for the gift of using your beautiful paintings for this post. Please check out her website and the multi-dimensional aspects of her very creative life.
It’s time for my annual Winter Solstice discounts for my longer readings. Please let me know if you are interested for yourself or gifting another at years’ end!
ECLIPSE-INTEGRATION MINI-READINGS CONTINUE: I am offering my mini-readings for $44 (a number associated with living your Mastery on Earth) as this Total Solar Eclipse is still very much in play in our lives for the coming months. In this short reading, I will let you know where this historic Solar Eclipse is taking place in your chart, along with other personal transits, which helps identify how these dynamic energies are supporting you to step out of one life and into your next exciting phase. Please send me an email if that is of interest to you. Thank you!
NOTE: I post twice a month, on the New Moon (which includes the two weeks of New Moon and First Quarter Moon) and on the Full Moon (which includes the two weeks of Full Moon and Last Quarter Moon). As you work with and within the natural flow of time and supportive cosmic energies of each unique SolLunar Cycle, life will flow with more ease and grace. My interpretations and predictions are based on the true sidereal astronomical alignments. You can read about my unique way of interpreting astrology at this link: EarthWord SkyWord sidereal readings. Even NASA is onboard now with the sidereal zodiac!
@2017 Lyn Dalebout~EarthWordSkyWord.com ~All Rights Reserved
Full Moon in sidereal Taurus/Scorpio
“Courthouse Drama” painting by Susan Pitcairn
Here is a brief synopsis of the Full Moon characteristics that hold true for every Full Moon from my from my friend and sidereal colleague Nick Anthony Fiorenza at Lunar Planner.
“The Full Moon marks the point of coition in the lunar cycle, the climax, the point of excitement, a time of celebration. The day just after the Full Moon is a time for the realization of the theme to emerge, of what the activities of the first half of the lunar cycle, culminating into the enthusiasm of the Full Moon, are really about. Relax and allow this realization to occur. There is no need to force it as it surfaces on its own.”
Sun December 3
Full Moon in sidereal Taurus/Scorpio: Issues of willfulness, stubbornness, power-grabs or secret dealings can arise when Scorpio and Taurus season the planetary brew. Bring focused attention to your financial picture, if need be, and claim your ability to manifest what you need and desire. In addition, this week’s Super Moon on destabilizing steroids is intimately linked to the unfolding political dramas. The Moon is aligned with Aldebaran, Taurus the Bull’s red eye, ruler of the House of Representatives, and the Sun is conjunct Antares, the red heart of the Scorpion, ruler of the Senate. The ongoing battles for the soul of America’s democracy, our institutions and public lands, all under siege, heat up in regards to the criminal investigations of the current Administration and the appalling tax bill designed to solely help the very few at the very top. These same stars are linked to catastrophic nuclear events, so more news concerning to North Korea or Iran is possible.
Mercury turns retrogade in Sagittarius: As Mercury is the planetary ruler of ideas, communications and communication systems, when it turns retrograde three times a year for three weeks at a time, things that need replacing breakdown or you might feel you are being put on hold by the Universe. There can be a temporary halt in your plans so you can re-evaluate a course of action. This will be a frustrating time for many. In wonderful synchronistic timing, Mercury will turn direct on December 22, Winter Solstice, the celestial beginning of the New Year.
As this Mercury retrograde is happening in conjunction with serious, results-oriented Saturn, thoughts can suddenly go dark or depressed, despite the fact they are meeting up in optimistic, visionary Sagittarius, aligned exactly with the Galactic Heart Center where one can tap into one’s highest, most visionary self. So this cycle will also be an exciting time of calling forth a new vision or life plan. Take this time of opportunity to pick up those mental health tools you have acquired over the years and use them with new focus and determination. That way, when Mercury retrograde is finished, the upgrade to your own mental health will be lasting and sustaining as you practice being more optimistic and trusting in the face of life’s never-ending challenges.
Sun in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius: This aspect makes it hard to concentrate on anything, better suited for daydreaming or spacing out, adding confusion to the intensity of the today. You might feel you are being deceived by someone or feel a sense of disillusionment. Aspects to Neptune also manifest as the ability to imagine your way out of a dilemma. And sometimes we do need to put on those rose-colored glasses just to survive a trying time. If called, honor the need for a nap to check into the dreamtime where you can return to and re-center in your Source Self.
Mars in Libra opposite Pallas Athene in Aries: This polarizing and perspective-giving aspect happens in the early morning hours and might have you up thinking about a new strategy in regards to a current problem or project.
Mon December 4
Moon in Gemini opposite Mercury retrograde/Saturn in Sagittarius: Pay attention to the logistical details of your life today. Mercury in far-seeing Sagittarius is calling forth new possibilities and today’s opposition to detail-oriented Gemini Moon shines light on what your next practical steps are to bring that big picture down to Earth. This aspect can create a fleeting stand-off in negotiations but press on.
Tue December 5
Juno in Capricorn square Pallas Athene in Aries: Hammering out the details of a plan or project with a partner, being decisive about which direction you want to take a personal or professional relationship or evaluating options as to who to team up with are all aspects of this aspect.
Moon in Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius: Transits to Pluto often bring death and rebirth to any situation, depending on where you are in that continuum of life. The Gemini Moon is curious and conversational so discussions about life-changing choices are animated and exploratory today. Order some new books or educational materials to expand your mind and further explore your current interests.
Wed December 6
Mercury retrograde conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius: This aspect happens right before sunrise and could make you somber and serious from the moment you wake up. Use the power of this alignment to stay focused on your goals, but remember, since Mercury is still retrograde, you might be thinking things through internally, not quite ready to share your ideas and decisions with others. It’s okay to sign contracts under Mercury retrograde, you just want to quadruple check everything before signing, and possibly seek a second opinion.
Grand Square: Moon in Cancer/Mars is Libra/Pallas Athene in Aries/Juno in Capricorn: This hyper-potent aspect can elevate tensions in families and relationships of all kinds. It demands clear, decisive action is needed now, possibly calling for an intervention. Passions run high, secrets are revealed, new plans are set in motion.
Thu December 7
Moon in Cancer square Vesta/Jupiter in Libra: This can lead to discussions about family finances, purchases needed, what ‘stuff’ to keep and what to give away to someone more in need. Moon in Cancer can make us moody as we wax nostalgic about our past relationships.
Moon/Ceres/North Lunar Node in Cancer trine Venus in Scorpio: Culmination (‘something attained after a long time’) is a word for this three-point conjunction. Cancer’s culminations involve leaving behind old homes, memories, family members, deeply cherished objects, historical roots. Because these planets of the Moon and Ceres, both linked to caregiving, are aligned with your future North Lunar Node, you might also make purchases for a new home, choose to make fresh memories with new people. The trine to Venus is a sharing, caring aspect that brings heartfelt conversations and deep releases of buried emotions, washing you free and clear of the past sadness or loss.
Fri December 8
Moon in Leo trine Mercury retrograde/Saturn in Sagittarius: It’s a welcomed day of trines. The trine is an astrological aspect of flow, ease, grace, doors opening, arms welcoming. This one brings child-like creativity to your mind, playing around with ideas, entertaining new possibilities.
Vesta in Libra trine Neptune in Aquarius: Supportive conversations with community members or helping one another with focused actions or tasks is what this friendly trine evokes.
Sun in Scorpio trine North Lunar Node in Cancer: This good-news trine brings support from others, including financial assistance, and possibly mysterious events appearing that support you on your future path.
Sat December 9
Moon in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius square Venus in Scorpio: The Leo Moon brightens our planetary field today. It likes to play, make art, live joy, be a kid again. However the tenser aspects to imaginative Neptune and artistic Venus pressures you to bring those creative ideas into form by making art. You might create necessary or unnecessary drama in your relationships.
Mercury retrograde re-enters sidereal Scorpio: Watch the news for more revelations about secret dealings in our political processes. This final sweep of Mercury retrograde back into Scorpio until January 7, 2018, will further expose deceptions that people, especially those currently in power, thought they could hide. Examine your own underlying motivations and deeper desires during this period as well.
Last Quarter Moon
“Life at the Edge” painting by Susan Pitcairn
Here is a description of the qualities of the Last Quarter Moon phase compliments of my friend and sidereal colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza at Lunar Planner:
“This phase completes with our Inner Needs surfacing to consciousness, to become aware of what is important to self and what is not. Knowing now what our Truth is, it is time to consciously live it. Doing so provides a choice for others to also live theirs. Changing allows us to spiral to a new octave of experience—one that will eventually sprout in the next lunar cycle to come.”
Sun December 10
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Leo square Sun in Scorpio: The Moon in Leo adds a lightening touch to the delving-depths of Scorpio, like sunlight shimmering on water. May you feel a sense of relief for all you have accomplished in 2017 with today’s final Last Quarter Moon of 2017. Make time for inner reflection (Mercury is still turned inward/retrograde) or continue to clear away things or habits that no longer serve your higher good and happiness.
Venus in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius: Conversations about differing needs in a relationship may arise, with some wanting more contact and others needing more freedom. Deceptions involving money can be revealed, especially on the national/international scene. Beware of scams.
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio trine Uranus in Pisces: This exceptionally fine aspect for writers and thinkers leads to breakthroughs in projects or wave upon wave of inspiration pouring in. Think epiphanies, downloads, swift completions.
Mon December 11
Moon in Virgo sextile Venus in Scorpio: Take a rest day today between the intensity of yesterday and the focused energies of tomorrow. The meditation of cleaning and bringing order to your space or getting some restorative bodywork are things Virgo likes to do.
Tue December 12
Vesta/Jupiter in Libra final conjunction: This aspect building over the last few weeks brought together Vesta (ruler of hearth and home, investments, focus and dedication) and Jupiter (spiraling to a new level, expansiveness, optimism, greed). Libra rules the justice system, relationships, and all types of counselors, so today’s final passage brings to completion processes involving any or all of the above arenas. This aspect has been strongly at work in the ongoing battles surrounding the not-so-fair tax bill and the deepening legal investigations surrounding our political processes and current leaders. Karma may come due and justice will be served in a big way today and in days to come.
Mercury retrograde conjunction Sun in Scorpio: As Mercury retrograde crosses back over the face of the Sun aligned in delving Scorpio, secrets are brought to light, deeper attachments and emotions are revealed, mental concentration becomes pinpointed and incisive.
Wed December 13
Moon/Mars conjunction in Libra: This passionate and often combative monthly reunion of the emotional Moon with forthright Mars can manifest in below-the-surface tension suddenly erupting in relationships, business or legal dealings, areas associated with Libra. There’s an edginess to this aspect but it can be used positively in athletic or activist endeavors.
Thu December 14
Moon/Vesta/Jupiter conjunction in Libra square the Lunar Nodes: The moon noticeably triggers heavenly events as it passes over various planets. It rules the sub-conscious as well, and so oftentimes a lunar trigger brings things to light previously unnoticed or ignored. Today’s lunar portal brings clear emotional focus and can instill feelings of confidence and abundance, aspects of giant Jupiter. And it can also uncover unfairness and injustice. The square to the Lunar Nodes represents a turning point is happening in your life. Pay attention.
Fri December 15
Sun in Scorpio square Chiron in Aquarius: A tense, perhaps painful turning point can occur with this square of the Wounded Healer, Chiron, to transmutative Sun in Scorpio. Rare miracles of healing are also possible under this magical, life-changing aspect.
Mercury retrograde/Venus conjunction in Scorpio: Heart and mind merge and unify, creating a resilient clarity that arises from the depths of your Being.
Venus in Scorpio trine Ceres in Cancer: With this aspect, some are pulled to create a rich and beautiful dinner party at home or spend money on high-quality items to beautify the home.
Sat December 16
Sun enters sidereal Sagittarius trine Pallas Athene in Aries: This alignment is perfect for making plans for a future adventure. It is uplifting to the mind and can bring a feeling that anything is possible if one will utilize the power of the imagination to see it first, so it will appear.
Moon/Mercury retrograde in Scorpio: As tomorrow’s New Moon happens at the very end of the day, just before midnight, use today and much of tomorrow finishing up tasks, resting, preparing for the natural rebirth that comes with each New SolLunar Cycle. When the Moon and Mercury retrograde unite in pensive Scorpio, feelings and thoughts merge to become a unified field providing a depth of inward awareness and clarity, seeing yourself as you truly are, no filter, just the rock-bottom truth. Blessed New Moon to you tomorrow!
“Vermillion Cliffs” painting by Susan Pitcairn
TOOL FOR SUPPORT: In an attempt to help you maintain health, calm and balance during these stressful times, here’s a helpful tool: Health is in your Hands. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Please check it out, and teach yourself this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.