“Horse” by Priscilla Marden
We have just entered the Year of the Wooden Horse (see last week’s post). The major astrological story this week is Mercury going retrograde for three weeks starting Thursday Feb 6. The conventional wisdom is don’t do anything when Mercury is retrograde, or any other planet for that matter. That means we would never do anything as some planetary Being is usually in retrograde! My advice? Do stuff, but with extra caution, care, reflection, and this is most important: check in first and foremost with your inner guidance/wisdom. Don’t take your cues from outside or from what others think you should do. Take your cues from within. Spend more time in meditation, inner listening, asking ‘should I do this now’? Then you will choose the right course of action for you.
Tue Feb 4:
As Mars leaves, for a bit, sidereal Virgo, and enters sidereal Libra for the coming six weeks, our passion and action planet seeks reconciliation, peace making, balance. Where have you gotten out of balance? Integrate activities into your life that restore balance, and team up with a partner or coach. Libra loves company. Today the dynamic Aries Moon instills a desire to take action and be adventurous. Today marks that lovely moment in each lunar cycle in which Sun and Moon are in a stimulating sextile, which encourages communication between our inner desires and outer actions. You can feel more integrated on a day like today. Enjoy the feeling of being integrated, not split, in your needs and desires.
Wed Feb 5:
As the risk taking, pioneering Aries Moon aligns with the South Lunar Node, you may feel the need to make a timely release from some old habit, identity, relationship to Self or other. Stepping out of the comfort zone of your past allows for exciting new possibilities to enter your life.
Thu Feb 6:
Pay special attention today as this is the day Mercury goes retrograde till Feb 28. As Mercury is considered to be the ruler of technology, communication, vehicles, machines, travel plans, you might experience delays, re-routing, breakdowns or accidents in any of those arenas. But take note that anything that might need repair or replacement might actually be in your best interests to upgrade. You will ultimately understand how the breakdown leads to a breakthrough. Patience, caution, moving slowly, listening are all advised before taking action. I think it is exceptionally wonderful that this particular Mercury retrograde cycle is aligned with Neptune in sidereal Aquarius. This might indicate the following: you could be flooded with insights and guidance from your Higher Self, you might discover new creative alliances within your communities, and in general, ideas from the future are flooding our collective Field. You could be a recipient of that uplifting evolutionary insight if you so choose. Lastly, it is also the first quarter square of Moon to Sun, launching the action quarter of this lunar cycle. You will find yourself feeling an inner tension perhaps, or observe yourself moving forward with your next step. We are entering a weeklong portal of Sun in a tense square to Saturn, exact next Tuesday. That will mean this whole lunar cycle might carry a more serious tone which can lead to great accomplishments or help you push through any lingering lethargy.
Fri Feb 7:
Today’s practical Taurus Moon is in a decision making square to retrograde Mercury and Neptune in futuristic Aquarius. This brings to mind a question a friend just asked me about how her future self (yes you have one, and yes they will speak to you if you will engage in conversation) advised her to do something that requires a financial risk, moving beyond any fears about money. That’s what this day is all about. Once again, the advice with the current alignment of Mercury to Neptune is listen to that wise inner voice and heed the call. Minimize input from outside and others. You know what you know. Period.
Sat Feb 8:
When both our Moon and Sun align in earth signs~hard working, productive, body based, grounded~we tend to be able to accomplish much with grace and ease. That’s the tenor and tone of today. It’s a project oriented, physical day. And sensual. Exercise the outer body and then rest with a massage, spa treatment, energy work. Let your body lead the way.
Sun Feb 9:
Today has more a mental and intellectual energy than yesterday’s earthy focus. We have a delightful communicative trine in air signs, enabling even the socially awkward (don’t we all know that feeling at times?!) or introverted to venture forth. This trine is between the curious Gemini Moon, gracious Mars in Libra and friendly open-minded Mercury in Aquarius. Take an interest in those around you and be willing to share more openly with those asking questions about you who want to get to know you better.
Mon Feb 10:
Whenever we experience the once monthly alignment of Moon and Jupiter, no matter the sign they collide in, there can be much jubilation, optimism, faith, but also over the top emotion, manic behavior, excess. Well that’s the energy of today. Today they align in curious, gregarious Gemini. But Gemini is also the sign of needing to acknowledge and work with what our shadow aspects are trying to teach us. Here’s a line from a recent poem I wrote and delivered on Candlemas entitled the Entelechy of Light:
The shadow is holy
The shadow is true
The shadow reminds us
of work still to do.
And please take note of this aspect, building today but exact tomorrow: the Sun makes a tense square to Saturn. Reality crashes in or you discover a deeper discipline and focus to help you succeed in new endeavors.

This sculpture honors the depth of partnership a human can have with a horse. In the Year of the Horse may we celebrate and honor these wise, generous and forgiving teachers.