“This Little Candle” painting by Kathryn Mapes Turner
It has surely been a heated, passionate and anxiety-filled time this past month and those energies only continue and amplify greatly with this New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Virgo exactly conjunct Mars. Mars is synonymous with the ruby-red surging stream of our lifeblood that carries the force of our will to manifest actions and activities. Mars is the warrior, the protector, the athlete, the courageous activist. Mars is primal, the life force that helps us live to see another day, especially through times of hardship. Mars is our will to survive epic challenges or health events, then to potentially become more fully alive after healing from such events, then eventually to thrive again in radiant vitality. SURVIVE, to be ALIVE, to THRIVE, all three are supported by the force and focus of Mars.
The force-field of Virgo governs this SolLunar Cycle and brings an enhanced focus to health and health care options, physical nutrition in particular. Given Mars’s tendency to run hot, you might experience increased inflammation in various parts of your body or in your temperament during this four-week period. Virgo also helps us edit our lives by sorting and sifting through what should go, what can stay. Virgo is about service in all its forms so you may discover talents and skills you long to bring out in terms of helping others, leaving one career and committing to an entirely new livelihood that nurtures your passion—Mars—as you find ways to help others.
During this decisive SolLunar Cycle, three planets will complete their retrograde cycles leading to major forward momentum: Saturn on Sun October 10, Jupiter on Sun October 17 and Mercury on Mon October 18. A dynamic Full Moon in sidereal Aries/Libra arrives at 8:56 am on Wed October 20, linked to both Mars and Pluto, planetary rulers of will and power. May you manifest your own surging creativity and enjoy the vital journey that is your life.
Thank you beloved friend, Kathryn Mapes Turner, for the use of your paintings for this post. Give yourself a moment of calm and inspiration and view more of Kathryn’s exquisite paintings here.
Sidereal Astrology Mentoring and Readings
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. I use the phases of the Moon as a scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
I delight in mentoring students individually or in families, groups, workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Or consider a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2021 and beyond. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2021 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Virgo
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Virgo: Sun/Moon/Mars conjunction in Virgo: Wed October 6 5:05 am MDT
Given that this New Moon in sidereal Virgo is exactly aligned with Mars, this promises to be both a volatile and forward-moving four weeks. Mars is synonymous with the ruby-red surging stream of our lifeblood that carries the force of our will to manifest actions and activities. Mars is the warrior, the protector, the athlete, the courageous activist. Mars is primal, the life force that helps us live to see another day, especially through times of hardship. Mars is our will to survive epic challenges or health events, then to potentially become more fully alive after healing from such events, then eventually to thrive again in radiant vitality. SURVIVE, to be ALIVE, to THRIVE, all three are supported by the force and focus of Mars.
The force-field of Virgo governs this SolLunar Cycle and brings an enhanced focus to health and health care options, physical nutrition in particular. Given Mars’s tendency to run hot, you might experience increased inflammation in various parts of your body or in your temperament during this four-week period. Virgo also helps us edit our lives by sorting and sifting through what should go, what can stay. Virgo is about service in all its forms so you may discover talents and skills you long to bring out in terms of helping others, leaving one career and committing to an entirely new livelihood that nurtures your passion—Mars—as you find ways to help others.
The exact conjunction of Sun and Mars has been building over the past two weeks. It now crescendos on Sun October 3, crests Thu October 7 and dissipates by Fri October 15.
Venus/Moon/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio: Sat October 9
So many lives have been touched by recent partings, sudden losses, including deaths. As the South Lunar Node is linked to our past and history, this transit marks some kind of turning point regarding those losses or life events that deeply touch your heart—Venus. You might be letting go of old objects and invest in something new that might be costly but will be worth every penny in support of your future creativity.
This conjunction builds starting Thu October 7, is exact on Sat October 9 and dissolves by Mon October 11.
Sun/Mercury retrograde/Mars conjunction in Virgo: Sat October 9
This highly focused, mentally-activating conjunction can bring important news concerning health or work projects. It amplifies our fascination with all types of motor vehicles or for computer/technological gadgets. You might purchase such items today.
This aspect starts Fri October 8, is exact Sat October 9 and dissipates through Sun October 10.
Saturn in Capricorn turns direct: Sun October 10
If things have felt immovable, intractable, impossibly hard as you confronted delay after delay for months now (which also helped clarify what you really wanted), this shift brings a welcome change. As Saturn is a slow moving planet, we feel this important turning point two weeks prior and two weeks following today’s shift. As Saturn gains forward momentum over the next two weeks, your plans can quickly move forward bringing positive, concrete results concerning your goals. Because this shift is taking place in sidereal Capricorn, the sign that governs business, government and all institutions, contentious issues and conflicts may at last be resolved.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Mercury retrograde conjunction in Virgo: Wed October 6
This pairing brings a busy-ness to the first day of our SolLunar Cycle, helping you handle many details, tasks or meetings.
Moon in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries: Fri October 8
This aspect takes place in the morning hours and can lead to a sudden change in plans, with a date, because of a detour.
Moon/Juno conjunction in Scorpio: Sun October 10
This brings a depth and intimacy to your relationships, skipping over the surface chit-chat and diving deeper into your feelings or a subject. You may deeply grieve the loss of important partners.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Moon/Pluto in Sagittarius square Sun in Virgo: Tue October 12
Given the Moon’s close connection to transformational, power-driven Pluto during this key lunar phase, it looks to be an intense moment of change and release for some or a courageous leap forward for others. Claim your power and defy anyone who would stop you from fulfilling your dream. These signs greatly support health goals or aggravate health issues.
We begin to feel this dynamic Mon October 11, cresting on Tue October 12 and dissipating throughout Wed October 13.
Sun/Mars in Virgo sextile Juno in Scorpio: Tue October 12 – Sat October 16
Due to the ongoing close proximity of Sun and action-taking Mars, this stimulating sextile to the partnership asteroid, Juno, sparks exciting opportunities to connect with others. It creates momentum to plan ahead and strategize with your beloveds as you commit to emerging goals and desires.
This crescendos starting Sun October 10, is gradually crests from Tue Sat October 12 – Sat October 16, and integrates through Tue October 19.
Jupiter in Capricorn turns direct: Sun October 17
This is an optimistic and energizing time as our largest planet that rules confidence, faith and visionary ideas completes its reflective period and returns to forward motion in relationship to Earth. This turning can also lead to earth-shaking shifts or literal earthquakes if it’s time to shake things up. Thankfully because Jupiter is currently in a positive trine to hard-working, healing Mars in Virgo, chances are most will fare well during this phase. Activate this benevolent power further by offering prayers of gratitude throughout your days, living in a state of thankfulness.
This optimistic turning is strongly felt two weeks before and afterward the actually turning on Sun October 17.
Venus in Scorpio opposite Ceres in Taurus square Moon/PallasAthene in Aquarius: Sun October 17 – Mon October 18
This aspect is deeply empowering to feminine leadership, leadership by the feminine principle and supports women’s circles of support in all dimensions of life. This creative square helps us co-create alliances, find supportive partners for our projects, assist others in manifesting their dreams. Scorpio often brings attention to financial issues or to unfolding power dynamics in relationships.
This T-square crescendos on Fri October 15, crests both on Sun October 17 and Mon October 18 and dissipates by Wed October 20.
Mercury in sidereal Virgo turns direct: Mon October 18
Recent logistical logjams or delayed decisions can now be resolved as this chaotic challenging Mercury retrograde cycle completes. You can feel this in your personal life and also it will influence ongoing political showdowns. During the Mercury retrograde, greater attention needed to be paid to mental health and lack of support systems that are greatly needed for many at this time. As Mercury turns direct opposite Chiron—the healer— that desire to help will manifest in more robust commitments and actions by those working in that realm of service.
This turning begins Sat October 16, crests on Mon October 18 around 9:30 am MDT, and dissipates by Wed October 20.
Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn: Mon October 18
This brings great endurance, commitment and energy to efforts. You might feel more assured that things are moving in the right direction partially because you are keeping an optimistic outlook, right?
This begins Fri October 15, crests Mon October 18 and dissolves by Thu October 21.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn trine Mercury in Virgo trine Ceres in Taurus: Thu October 14
This grand trine in earth signs leads to a highly productive day with its good energy and attitude. You may be tired as you fall into bed (maybe working later than usual) but you will be happy with the progress made.
Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn trine Sun/Mars in Virgo: Fri October 15
Similar to yesterday’s super-efficient and work-driven energy, this conjunction brings a renewed sense of optimism. Confidently sell your idea or plan and others will jump on board.
Moon/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: Sun October 17
This monthly pairing is great for playing or celebrating with others. Take time for creative pursuits that nourish you. Allow your mind and heart to wander throughout this Sunday and note where Spirit is guiding you to be. Magic is afoot.
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: Mon October 18
Take it easy on this Monday, resting up before the dynamic New Moon of Wed October 20. The influence of Pisces makes us more emotional, vulnerable, sensitive in all ways. Make time for music, silence, stillness.

Full Moon in sidereal Aries/Libra
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon in sidereal Aries/Libra: Wed October 20 8:56 am MDT
The independent Aries Moon opposes the relational Sun in sidereal Libra, possibly leading to tensions in relationships or a pressure to take a risk when it comes to love. Both Sun and Moon are in square to Pluto which can lead to death-defying moments, transformational shifts, unexpected changes that must be addressed sooner than later. All this intensity is amplified by the ongoing tight conjunction of Sun and Mars making it a volatile and challenging time for growth and rapid change.
This aspects crescendos Mon October 18, crests on Wed October 20 at 8:56 am MDT and dissipates by Fri October 22.
Mercury in Virgo trine Ceres in Taurus: Fri October 22
Someone might offer to help you with a cleaning or construction project or connect you with someone who can. Redesign a recipe, learn something new about nutrition under its nurturing, healthy influence. For writers, ground your lofty ideas into sensual, tactile language.
This helpful trine begins Wed October 20, crests Fri October 22 and dissolves by Sun October 24.
Mercury in Virgo quincunx Uranus in Aries: Sun October 24
This inspiring, quirky aspect helps you go beyond old analytical ways of seeing something and open up to a new viewpoint. Move beyond conformity and convention and lean into authentic self-expression.
This builds Sat October 23, is exact on Sun October 24 and dissolves by Mon October 25.
Venus in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius: Tue October 26
Both Venus and Neptune are the astrological rulers of art, romance, imagination. This square pushes you to work harder to resolve a conflict or meet a deadline and amplifies creativity or stress surrounding a project, including financial concerns.
This aspect begins on Sun October 24, crests on Tue October 26 and completes by Thu October 28.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries: Thu October 21
As this unpredictable conjunction follows the Full Moon of October 20, unwanted chaos, accidents, break downs are possible. Find an innovative way to proceed around potential roadblocks.
Moon/North Node/Ceres conjunction in Taurus: Sat October 23
The pull of the Moon today is toward slowing down, tactile nurturing, sensual touch. Find ways to care for the Earth and the earth of your body today.
Moon in Taurus opposite Venus/Juno in Scorpio: Sun October 24
This highly sensual and sexual aspect is both magnetic or polarizing depending on the state of your relationships. It supports working on the foundational or financial infrastructure of your life and relationships.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Sun in Libra square Moon in Cancer square Saturn in Capricorn: Thu October 28
The signs of Libra, Capricorn and Cancer govern our family and core relationships, including business alliances. As this lunar phase is square serious Saturn, there’s pressure to take responsibility for something, support someone or end that support as the influence of Saturn often leads to setting boundaries or rules. You are both looking back at what has been and contemplating what you want the future to be.
This aspect begins on Wed October 27, crests on Thu October 28 and completes by Fri October 29.
Sun in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn: Sat October 30
You can feel heavy, heavy-hearted, serious-minded under this annual tense square. Rather than feeling dragged down, focus on making something, committing to something to channel its intensity into a creative outlet. Or, just be okay with feeling a bit down, take a nap which can naturally reboot your attitude without any effort on your part.
This aspect builds on Thu October 28, crests on Sat October 30 and dissipates by Mon November 1.
Mercury in Virgo quincunx Neptune in Aquarius: Sat October 30
This aspect links right-brain and left-brain pathways in unusual ways. The critical-thinking skills of Mercury in Virgo can be used to imagine how the logistics of a project might unfold, which people to involve, how best to serve a community of people. People will spend extra time on creating highly original costumes, parties or haunted houses for Halloween gatherings.
This aspect builds on Fri October 29, is exact on Sat October 30 and dissolves through Sun October 31.
Venus/Juno conjunction in Sagittarius: Sun October 31
At the exact moment of this uplifting conjunction, both planets depart inward-leaning Scorpio of the previous weeks and enter out-going Sagittarius. The link of Venus to Juno means partnerships take center-stage today. Everything can shift in the blink of an eye bringing clarity about your next step or good news in general.
This crescendos on Fri October 29, crests on Sun October 31 and dissolves by Tue November 2.
Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn: Sun October 31
This is the third time this trine has happened in the past six weeks. It has helped us get organized and focused in sharing our gifts and services with others and made it easier to follow through with new habits regarding our mental/physical/emotional/spiritual health.
This aspect crescendos on Sat October 30, crests on Sun October 31 and completes by Tue November 2.
Sun in Libra trine Pallas Athene in Aquarius: Mon November 1
This ease-filled trine brings feel-good cooperation with colleagues, clients and customers. It supports planning ahead as clues emerge about what next steps to take.
This aspect begins on Sat October 30, crests on Mon November 1 and completes in by Wed October 3.
Lunar Highlights
Moon in Cancer opposite Jupiter in Capricorn: Fri October 29
Important family issues need to be addressed. Do home projects together. Some might notice how a work relationship is similar to family member relationship. Interesting.
Moon in Virgo square Venus/Juno in Sagittarius: Mon November 1
Planning a trip with a partner? Use this day for research and making reservations. Need a life coach, personal trainer or health counselor? Find one today!
Moon/Mercury/Mars conjunction in Libra: Wed November 3
Today the Moon first aligns with Mercury leading to a flurry of communications or multitasking. Later in the day, the conjunction to Mars can increase anxiety or tension within yourself or in your relationships. Move your body. Hike vigorously with friends. Feel appreciation for all your herculean efforts and your will to survive, to be alive and to thrive.
Blessed New Moon tomorrow~

The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health and vitality for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.