“Coming Home” Sacred Skull by Lyndsay Rowan
Welcome to our New SolLunar Cycle starting off in sidereal Taurus and shifting to Gemini on June 15. Heart-centered Venus is leading the way as both Sun and Moon exactly align with her as this Cycle begins. But they are also in a tense square to serious Saturn adding both focus and a sternness to the flavor of this New Moon which is aligned with the star of Rigel in Orion, bringing the energy of the warrior and associated with manifesting big building projects, bold initiatives, literally bringing our dreams down to Earth. These creative collaborations and new alliances are community-minded, revolutionary, ground-breaking as Saturn is currently transiting futuristic Aquarius.
I am late in posting this due to insights still coming around the startling events happening in my home of the Tetons of Wyoming, the last of which occurred yesterday with the catastrophic collapse of Teton Pass. First a large crack opened on Hwy 22 on Teton Pass — I actually drove the Pass that day noting this strange bump in the road. It broke open during the day and then a large mudslide happened overnight night. Then yesterday, the cracked section of the road completely collapsed with only a tiny ribbon of pavement standing, closing the road indefinitely. This is a shocking disruption for all the surrounding communities as so many workers and tourists commute to Jackson Hole WY via Teton Pass. I have been feeling all these events in the tuning fork of my nervous system for weeks, very unsettling, and now my sensitivities make sense to me. This event started the exact day of this New Moon in earth-moving Taurus. And yes, above I wrote ‘ground-breaking’ regarding Saturn’s influence, but this is not what I was imagining.
As Jupiter entered Taurus on May 4 for a year and soon Uranus will join in entering Taurus on June 17 until 2032, there will be many shakeups to come affecting every aspect of our planet. Jupiter’s influence is expansive and Uranus often leads to unpredictable shocking events that seemingly come out of the blue. This collapse of Teton Pass, itself a horrible challenge for many, is also a harbinger of things to come. The inordinate pressures that have been put on HWY 22 over the years due to the rapid growth happening in this ecosystem have been unsustainable. As shocking and sudden as this catastrophe is, it is not surprising that something would eventually have to give, give way, break.
Many years ago I heard this aboriginal description of mountains from a shaman friend who was visiting. As we mused on the wonder and beauty of the Teton Range she said: These mountains stopped walking and settled here. It has stayed with me all these years influencing my perceptions of this magical land. I have always viewed Teton Pass as the foot/feet of the magnificent Being that is the Teton Range.
After eons, perhaps these mountains are restless once again.
More news: Mars is transiting martial Aries from June 2 – July 13. There’s no easy way to say it — this is a ‘grizzly bear’ of an aspect, meaning super powerful and potentially dangerous, heating up the world with passionate verve but also fueling wars, conflicts and fires. Pluto in sidereal Capricorn is bringing chaotic but necessary change and instability to institutions, organizations and businesses which can eventually lead to important reforms down the road. Move, speak and drive with caution and find ways to keep your cool if possible while others explode around you! Recently I started a new practice. Rather than swearing at aggressive speeding drivers — yes I have been known to do that — I choose to SLOW DOWN, breathe, stay calm and not get caught up in their frenetic even hostile energy. It is better for my blood pressure as I plant seeds of a different way to navigate current planetary stresses. Feels healthy. Feels good to take charge of my field of energy, my vibe.
Aries rules our invisible, electrical grid, also called the lightbody, where we know and experience ourselves as powerful beings of energy first and physical form second which is created from this underlying invisible matrix where all healing occurs. Mars transiting Aries builds upon the recently completed transit of Jupiter in Aries I have been writing about for months. Mars brings rapid advancement to manifest in even more dynamic ways. I feel this in my own pressures to claim my mastery more fully and I am observing it in those around me, like with my super-athletic friends of all ages who are taking their abilities to whole new levels of accomplishment that seem impossible but are very real and inspiring.
There are a number of huge astrological happenings this month that you can read about in my post. Mars and Pluto square off on June 11. Uranus enters sidereal Taurus from June 17 until April of 2032! Celebratory Summer Solstice on June 20 happens the day before the Full Moon. Saturn turns retrograde on June 29 until November 15. And Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde on July 2 – December 7.
We are all feeling these pressures and intensity in wholly individual ways. It can be a time for unparalleled opportunity and soul-growth if we can move beyond old limitations to be discarded and replaced with exciting possibilities. May you spend daily time in your meditative practices, being guided solidly from within by the invisible forces helping you stay balanced, stable, calm in times that are anything but. To new beginnings.
NOTE: When reading my daily entries, remember that the influence of each aspect is like a wave — it crescendos a day or two, sometimes a week, before it happens, crests on the day it is exact, then dissipates over the following days. People experience the transits of planets at different times depending on their sensitivity and life events.
Thank you again my dear friend, Lyndsay Rowan, for the gift of your art for this post. I am highlighting the sacred skulls Lyndsay creates for individuals. In creating these skulls. she works with sacred geometries, totem symbols & light codes to create custom art that is energetically activated. Lyndsay also officiates wedding & land ceremonies. Connect with Lyndsay and view her art and offerings at Animystical
Sidereal Astrology Presentations, Mentoring and Readings
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. I use the phases of the Moon as the scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
I delight in mentoring students — individually, with families or groups, via workshops/conferences — who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight, evolution, creativity and well-being. I offer speaking engagements for your gatherings/groups to understand how the big picture of planetary motions are affecting us all. Consider booking a reading with me, either a Full Natal Map or Update, mini-readings for $44 or $88, or my other offerings like the Relationship Map — for understanding personal or professional connections — or Child or AdolEssence Maps for your younger ones. I offer Self Help Energywork: SHE sessions, done in person or remotely, which educates you about techniques you can use to create greater health and balance for yourself/family. My poetry book, Out of the Flames/Blue Bison Press, is available on my website. Thank you!
@2024 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Taurus
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in meditation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New Moon in sidereal Taurus: Sun/Moon/Venus in sidereal Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius: Thu June 6 5:37 am MT
Welcome to our New SolLunar Cycle starting off in sidereal Taurus and shifting to Gemini on June 15. Heart-centered Venus is leading the way as both Sun and Moon exactly align with her. But they are also in a tense square to serious Saturn adding both focus and a sternness to the flavor of this New Moon which is aligned with the star of Rigel in Orion, bringing the energy of the warrior and associated with manifesting big building projects, bold initiatives, literally bringing our dreams down to Earth. These creative collaborations and new alliances are community-minded, revolutionary, ground-breaking as Saturn is currently transiting futuristic Aquarius.
Venus in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius: Fri June 7
Today is the exact square of Venus to Saturn which can lead to decisions, commitments or clarity about issues linked to love, money, creative projects.
Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius: Sat June 8
As the Sun makes its annual first-quarter square to Saturn, things can feel heavy or challenging regarding your responsibilities. It is also a day to take action if you know what is next required for a project or relationship to move forward. And not surprisingly, this is the day that the Teton Pass road completely collapsed.
Mercury in Taurus square Juno in Leo: Sat June 8 – Sun June 9
This can bring honest or tense conversations in key relationships. It can help you review contracts making sure nothing is missed. New communication systems are created for people to connect.
Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Tue June 11
There’s no easy way to say it, this is a ‘grizzly bear’ of an aspect, meaning super powerful and potentially dangerous. Mars is now transiting warrior Aries until July 13, heating up the world with passion but also fueling wars, conflicts and fires. Pluto in sidereal Capricorn is bringing chaotic change and instability to institutions, organizations and business which can eventually lead to important reforms. Move, speak and drive with caution today finds ways to keep your cool if possible while others explode around you!
Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius: Wed June 12
This can solidify business deals or lead to reexamining, renegotiating the details. Help a friend or colleague with a challenging aspect of their work/project or ask for help.
Sun in Taurus sextile Chiron in Pisces: Wed Jun 12
This nurturing aspect is soothing and calm. It brings its healing energy via touch, vulnerable conversations and listening with sensitivity and concern.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Vesta conjunction in Cancer square Mars in Aries: Sun June 9
This can be a triggering aspect for many. Cancer rules our past and can dig up old grievances especially as it squares direct, even agressive Mars in Aries. This means truth can be spoken, always a good thing. Communicate thoughtfully today. It can also be a great day to focus on home projects.
Moon in Leo trine Mars in Aries: Tue June 11
This playful pairing brings good energy and action to all kinds of interactions.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Moon/Juno conjunction in Leo square Sun/Mercury in Taurus: Thu June 13
Sun and Mercury make an exact conjunction right at the First Quarter Moon, activating our minds/brains/nervous systems and this brings follow-through for an idea you hatched. It brings sharp mental focus and helps us analyze our feelings — Moon — about what’s going on in key relationships — Juno.
Venus/Mercury conjunction in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: Sun June 16
This can bring confusion, even deception, to conversations and life events. Not the best day to make decisions but rather explore options both with the mind — Gemini — and your intuitions of the psyche — Pisces.
Venus/Mercury conjunction in Gemini quincunx Pluto in Capricorn: Mon June 17 – Tue June 18
This helps with multi-tasking, handling business details for your endeavors and organizing your life by getting rid of unnecessary paperwork or clutter.
Uranus enters sideral Taurus: Mon June 17
This is a BIG shift for planet Earth and lasts until April of 2032! Uranus is the planet of electrifying change, revolution, catalyzing new trends in every creative expression of our lives. Taurus governs this physical dimensions of Earth, including Earth changes and shifts leading to increased seismic activity. Taurus is one of the signs that rules our financial systems. Alternative, futuristic money models and ways of funding things will become more mainstream.
SUMMER SOLSTICE: Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: Thu June 20 2:50 pm MT
This Summer Solstice arrives at the almost Full Moon, highlighting the always celebratory nature of the longest day in our Northern Hemisphere. It’s hard to believe we are half way through 2024! As Neptune is part of today’s astrology, ceremonies, gatherings and setting intentions are special ways to tap into the inspiration within and around you. Write things down — Gemini — in stream of conscious style and glean even more wondrous insights and gifts.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/South Node conjunction in Virgo: Sat June 15
Gifts or challenges from the past can come calling today. Virgo brings healing, discernment, and a desire to work something through so you can finally let go and move on.
Moon in Libra opposite Mars in Aries: Mon June 17
Doing something athletic, even competitive with a beloved is a great choice for this. Lots happening in the legal arena or art world — Libra.

Full Moon in sidereal Sagittarius/Gemini
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon in sidereal Sagittarius/Gemini: Moon in Sagittarius opposite Sun in Gemini: Fri June 21 7:07 pm
The celebration of Summer Solstice continues with this exuberant Full Moon highlighting themes of travel, adventure, communications, exciting conversations opening the door to an expansive weekend ahead so work less, play more, release worry, be happy.
Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries: Fri June 21
This brings more spark and sparkling to today’s Full Moon, especially in our conversations — Mercury — and activities — Mars.
Mercury in Gemini square Lunar Nodes: Sat June 22
A wobbly mind or indecisiveness can happen today as we walk between our past and future selves. Visualize standing at a threshold pondering your past and anticipating your future. Write down your thoughts to gain clarity and surprising insights today.
Mercury in Gemini sextile Juno in Leo: Mon June 24
This brings playfulness in our relationships, a desire to take a trip with a beloved or friend, share favorite literature and social media sites with your people.
Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius: Wed Jun 26
Even though the air signs of Gemini and Aquarius can lead to a busier than usual mind, full of many ideas but all over the map, this grounded trine to Saturn can bring some of them down to Earth. Writers make progress on their projects.
Venus in Gemini square Lunar Nodes: Wed June 26
This can lead to a wobbly heart as we walk between our desires of the past catalyzing a longing to move on to new loves, dreams, greater self-love. Create art to help you understand the process your are in the midst of, honoring the mysterious nature of the unknowable that will eventually become knowable when the time is right.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: Sun June 23
Emotions run deep and churning with this monthly meet-up. It’s good for all kinds of research or purging things from you life that no longer need or desire.
Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus: Wed June 26
This is good for financial discussions for projects, community endeavors or helping a friend with some kind of physical task.
Moon aligns with Saturn in Capricorn/Neptune in Pisces: Thu June 27
During the first part of today, the Moon aligns with practical, goal-oriented Saturn so get your work done. Then when the Moon shifts toward Neptune in the afternoon, give yourself over to creative or spiritual practices, romance, and relaxing.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Pisces square Sun in Gemini: Fri June 28
Finish out the week with social time — Gemini — and Pisces time, which includes music, relaxing, creating, writing poetry, simply being. Go on a painting-together date with a friend.
Venus in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries: Fri June 28
When Venus and Mars meet up in positive ways, like this sextile, it is easy to put desires into action, like making things or making things happen. This also sparks compatibility for our sacred feminine and sacred masculine working together, being on the same page. This can manifest in relationship harmony today as well.
Saturn in Aquarius turns retrograde: Sat June 29 – Fri November 15
As Saturn in sidereal Aquarius turns retrograde today until November 15, take note of what you have already set in motion this year in terms of your creative projects, initiatives, dreams. This turning can lead to making commitments or taking a stand today. For example, some may quit their job, give notice of a future date of departure, or simple decide internally it is time to move on the something new. During the retrograde period, we release aspects of our old selves, do research about new opportunties. Think of this like a remodel phase, a bit chaotic but necessary as it leads to the upgrade. I take heart in the transit of Saturn through sidereal Aquarius. I see the wisdom of futuristic, humanitarian Aquarius in support of form-giving Saturn manifesting in many innovative collaborations and a willingness to reach out to those different from ourselves, recognizing our shared humanity especially in times of tumult.
Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde ~ Tue July 2 – Sat December 7
This turning of Neptune can be nebulous, confusing, dreamy. It is not about focusing on the day to day things of life but to take some time today spent in the dreamtime, in the realms of imagining and spiritual opening, to attune to what you are longing to create next in your life. It is a powerful mysterious portal so be open to the miraculous showing up, as it does everyday, we just often miss the moments!
Sun in Gemini square Lunar Nodes: Tue July 2
As the Sun shifts away from the South Node of our past in problem-solving Virgo and heads toward the North Node of our future in imaginative Pisces, it is a good time to let go of being too rational and give over to your wilder imaginings, calling in the miracles awaiting you
Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius: Tue July 2
This productive aspect supports taking actions that are relaxing and easy regarding love, art, creativity, money. Purchase gifts for others or for your own learning adventures like booking a ticket or signing up for a class. Go on a journey or make plans with your travel buddies.
Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces: Tue July 2 – Wed July 3
This intuitive aspect amps up everyone’s psychic abilities to receive information from out of the blue. Book a session with an intuitive counselor or reader of invisible energies swirling around. Talk to your ancestors and write down what they are sharing with you. Dreams are BIG so await guidance from the dreamtime.
Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn: Wed July 3
This deepens conversation and connections with family members especially. Clear communication clutter off your desk or out of your inboxes. Visit your elders who await cherished time with you. Ask them “what would you have me know?”
Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius: The July 4 – Fri July 5
This gift of energized Mars and focused Saturn making a friendly, exciting sextile leads to a very productive and enjoyable time. It is great for athletic goals, adventures, exploring with friends, joining a hiking group or creative class.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Mars conjunction in Aries: Mon July 1
This edgy and truthful pairing makes for fiery emotional expressions. Use its dynamism for athletic feats. Beware of accidents.
Moon/Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus: Tue July 2
The emotional Moon first aligns with spontaneous, shocking Uranus and can lead to a change of plans in the early part of the day. By nightfal, the Moon will nest with optimistic, expansive Jupiter over night, amplifying all kinds of emotions, and for some, making it hard to sleep.
Blessed New Moon: Sun/Moon conjunction in sidereal Gemini: Fri July 5 4:57 pm

My dear friend, Julia Heemstra, has launched her cutting-edge humanitarian organization, AMANZI:WatertoSchools bringing water and opportunities to the schools in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, her childhood home where she grew up. Julia is one of the most focused, passionate, optimistic beings I know, as an elite athlete, as a bringer of wellness and mindfulness to all ages, and now with her collaborative organization, Julia continues to expand her lifelong commitment to humanitarian service.
The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health and vitality for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.