“Courage” painting by Chelse Grohman
Our New SolLunar Solar Eclipse Cycle takes place in the latter part of sidereal Taurus and is exactly conjunct disruptive Mercury in retrograde. So in predictable style, this New Moon delivered an unexpected severance of the internet where I am currently working, thus my delay in posting these Star Signposts. But I was given an early morning dream around the time this cosmic Solar Eclipse was taking place. The dream informed me of potential insights about how this highly focused New Moon is affecting us all.
This current passage of Mercury retrograde is aligned with two important stars. One is called Alnitak, which symbolizes the need to integrate duality (or many splits) into a more unified awareness, oneness, wholeness. For individuals that means becoming conscious of and fully honoring one’s shadow and one’s light as part of an embodied integration that forms a totality of Self. For society, this means not denying the unsavory parts of our collective human history, instead, we can work on healing those wounds of our shared human shadow so we can more fully live the light of our infinite and compassionate possible futures. This transit is why this particular Fourth of July for beloved America will be of key significance.
It is also significant that the powerful warrior star of Rigel of Orion is being activated by this Mercury retrograde. Rigel symbolizes a warrior of fierce dedication but is also associated with real estate and huge building projects. This transit is linked to the current attempts by Congress (and businesses) to create some form of the rebuilding of America’s dilapidated infrastructure on so many levels it is staggering. Will we act before even bigger catastrophes occur? May Rigel remind us we can lead the way and not fall further behind.
Use the power of this Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse aligned with the futuristic North Node to courageously step forward onto your unfolding path of endless creative invention and reinvention as you examine your shadow and light and make honest peace within yourself.
Other key events taking place in this SolLunar Cycle will be the second square of Saturn in Capricorn to Uranus in Aries on June 14. Summer Solstice at 9:51 pm MDT is particularly dynamic as Jupiter turns retrograde the same day. There are some days of celestial Grand Trines that bring ease and flow and new connections to all. Mercury turns direct on June 22. The challenging Mars opposite Saturn takes place on the Last Quarter Moon of July 1.
Thank you, Chelse Grohman, for the use of your mystical paintings of wild nature, so powerful in their realism, so moving in their magic. Be inspired by more of Chelse’s paintings here.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life flows with more ease, grace and understanding.
Thanks for considering sidereal mini-readings with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2021 and beyond. I also delight in mentoring students individually or in families, groups, workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2021 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle ~ Solar Eclipse in sidereal Taurus
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
Thu June 10
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Taurus: Sun/Moon/Mercury retrograde in Taurus: Our New SolLunar Solar Eclipse Cycle takes place in the latter part of sidereal Taurus and is exactly conjunct disruptive Mercury in retrograde.This Mercury retrograde is conjunct two important stars. One is called Alnitak, which symbolizes the need to integrate duality (or many splits) into a more unified awareness, oneness, wholeness. For individuals that means becoming conscious of and fully honoring one’s shadow and one’s light as part of an embodied integration of a totality of Self. For society, this means not denying the unsavory part of human history, instead, we can work on healing those wounds of our shared human shadow so we can more fully live the light of our infinite and compassionate possible futures. This transit is why this particular Fourth of July for beloved America will be of key significance.
And it is also significant that the powerful warrior star of Rigel of Orion is being activated by this Mercury retrograde. Rigel symbolizes a warrior of fierce dedication but is also associated with real estate and huge building projects. This transit is linked to the current attempts by Congress (and businesses) to create some form of the rebuilding of America’s dilapidated infrastructure on so many levels it is staggering. Will we act before even bigger catastrophes occur? May Rigel remind us we can lead the way and not fall further behind.
Use the power of this Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse aligned with the futuristic North Node to courageously step forward onto your unfolding path of endless creative invention and reinvention as you examine your shadow and light and make honest peace within yourself.
Uranus/Ceres conjunction in Aries: This long-range transit is a reset of electronics or the nervous system. It can manifest as sudden outages (as it did for me!) or a need for repairs on the home front. This energy is excellent for radically changing up your routines to create more grounding, healthy habits that will keep you calm and centered during these frying-pan times. In organizations and businesses, revolutionary alliances are flowering that will carry us into the coming years.
Fri June 11
Moon/Venus conjunction in Gemini: This pairing can manifest as multi-tasking on steroids, reviewing many options regarding a purchase or contract, and multiple important connections and conversations occurring. Therapy sessions are especially dynamic and helpful today.
Sat June 12
Venus in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces: Squares can create tension within or around us and this one may involve blunt and honest communications or even a healing crisis — Chiron — within a core relationship — Venus. Squares also encourage us to create things together, like a healing gathering or party. Lastly, this aspect can bring a change of mind or a change of heart.
Sun June 13
Moon/Mars conjunction in Cancer: This pairing can cause a flash of anger or temper with family members — Cancer. Channel it positively for constructive projects around the home and garden.
Venus in Gemini sextile Ceres/Uranus in Pisces: This energetic is great for socializing, harmoniously helping others or asking for help. Reach out to your sisters and brothers as Gemini governs our sibling ties.
Mon June 14
Saturn in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries: This marks the second square of this long-range aspect involving revolutionary Uranus and status-quo (sometimes) Saturn. This slow moving transit has long-term consequences for the world. We are living amidst an evolutionary moment in which we will collectively decide whether to advance a futuristic, inclusive agenda or bunker down in the thought forms and prejudices of the past. It’s really important, even alarming, this historical moment we are co-creating, as you already know. Other dates of note regarding this cycle will be when Saturn leaves its retrograde of May 23 on October 11. December 23 is when they make their final square and this opportunistic moment will have given birth to new conditions for the world which all of us are helping to create by our choices and actions.
Grand trine in water signs: Moon in Cancer/Chiron in Pisces/Juno South Node in Scorpio: This harmonious trine in emotional water signs makes it easy to trust and express your feelings, to appreciate the matrix of support you have created, and to happily shed tears with others if need be.
Mars in Cancer quincunx Jupiter in Aquarius: Some may take the side of a friend over family member, or visa versa, in this moment of challenge or being challenged. Expand your tribe to be more inclusive or create a new ritual for your family time.
Moon in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn: Focus on the maintenance aspects of your life, like paying bills, repairing or sorting things. It may lead to a serious conversation with a family member.
Tue June 15
Moon in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius: Make play dates or art activites with friends under the festive, creative Leo Moon hugely amplified by the current optimistic transit of Jupiter in sidereal Aquarius. Change up your wardrobe or look with color and experimental choices new to you.
Wed June 16
Sun in Gemini square Pallas Athene in Pisces: Use this aspect to design something or to work out kinks or problems with a current project or plan.
Moon in Leo square Lunar Nodes: This lunar “wobble” as it is called can make you skittish or ungrounded emotionally. Move your body so you can stabilize your energy. It will pass, don’t attach.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
Thu June 17
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Virgo square Sun in Gemini: Feel efficient and effective in your work arena, handling any crisis with finesse, finding constructive solutions. You feel more objective about your emotions so you can make a wise decision.
Fri June 18
Moon in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer and trine Saturn in Capricorn: These organized and efficient celestial geometries bring energy, endurance and success to your endeavors.
Sat June 19
Moon in Virgo square Venus in Gemini: Do you talk about making a change — Gemini — or actually do something to improve the conditions of your life — Virgo? That’s a question this aspect might have you pondering or discussing in a relationship.
Sun June 20 ~ Summer Solstice
SUMMER SOLSTICE 9:51 pm MDT: This holy moment of the longest day always comes too quickly in the fleeting seasonal cycles for those of us living in the northern latitudes. It is a day to celebrate, doing your favorite outdoor activities. You can feel exceptionally energized or extraordinarily tired, a paradox I know, under so much light.
Jupiter in Aquarius turns retrograde: When the largest planet in our celestial field slows to a halt (from the perspective of earthlings) then appears to go backward through the heavens until October 18, it is big news and often manifests as breaking news or historic events. By now, you may have a sense of emerging goals, desires or projects you have set in motion. Or think about that and state such intentions today. During the retrograde period we wander between a confluence of our past and future selves, deciding what needs to be released and laying new groundwork for the future. This may involve finishing a book or creative project, designing a future space, leaving one relationship as you simultaneously begin a new one.This transit through sidereal Aquarius can involve questions of which communities you want to be part of, including a move.
Moon in Libra square Mars in Cancer: This can lead to a momentary conflict in terms of how participants want things done. It brings a desire to negotiate so there can be harmony going forward.
Mon June 21
Grand trine in air signs: Moon in Libra/Venus in Gemini/Neptune in Aquarius: This divine harmonious trine calls forth beauty, cooperation, abundant communication, joyful celebration. It’s a great day for a wedding, which I will be attending!
Tue June 22
Mercury in Taurus turns direct: Above you can re-read some influences of this Mercury retrograde. Chances are you made some revisions in your behaviors or plans in the past three weeks regarding finances, self-care, real estate, home and garden projects. Now it’s full-tilt forward as the self-reflective phase comes to completion and you share this new way of being more openly with others.
Moon/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio: This significant aspect can solidify completions or beginnings in key intimate or financial relationships. It is a good day for signing contracts or releasing and selling objects from your past.
Wed June 23
Sun in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius: This sunny trine between curious and friendly signs makes for an optimistic day with lots of special connections happening everywhere. Take a road trip with friends or visit a bookstore and share your favorite reads.
Moon in Scorpio opposite Mercury in Taurus: It is a another day of important financial decisions being made or powerful intimacy between parties.
Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn: Financial battles or power-grabs are possible with this intense opposition. It can create problems with systems within the home, like backed up plumbing or discovering a moldy area. Make it a day of deep cleaning and cleansing, literally or metaphorically.

Full Moon in sidereal Sagittarius/Gemini
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Thu June 24
Full Moon in sidereal Gemini/Sagittarius: Moon in Sagittarius opposite Sun in Gemini: This is just your generic Full Moon, thankfully no life-altering Eclipses! These signs govern travel, education, politics, journalism, exposes of the truth, reading, writing. It is sure to be a busy, social Full Moon. Take a road trip, go on an adventure, and have some fun time exploring new country.
Fri June 25
Neptune in Aquarius turns retrograde: This spiritual turning point takes hold until November 30 when Neptune will turn direct again. We have embarked upon collectively dreaming a new world and now, we must set this dream in motion, grounded in reality in the coming months. This link to sidereal Aquarius, the cosmological territory Neptune has been transiting for awhile, means we are planting seeds of consciousness shifts that will transpire for the coming centuries. Yes, it is that huge and important, so please play your part in engaging positively with this shift.
Moon/Pluto conjunction: The intensity of this monthly sky event builds throughout the day, culminating overnight. Pluto’s action is probing, deep and healing. This pairing can bring a cleansing and clearing as we revisit or release old wounds. Purge your kitchen of condiments gone bad or food that should go to the compost.
Sat June 26 – Sun June 27
Moon/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer: This aspect is serious in nature and possibly triggers arguments. Use its determination to build things, work on projects. It is excellent for spending time with beloved elders in your family and community.
Mon June 28
Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius: This optimistic monthly pairing helps innovative collaborations and partnerships further expand. Nice day for a gathering of friends, too. Some feel emotionally wild and wobbly even out of control.
Mars in Cancer trine Juno/South Lunar Node in Scorpio: This aspect supports good news for financial family planning. You may connect with an old associate and strike up a renewed friendship or collaboration.
Tue June 29
Mars in Cancer trine Juno in Scorpio: You might take a next step in a relationship, like moving in together, or sign a contract. It’s a stress-free time as you work with ease and passion alongside a beloved.
Moon in Aquarius square Lunar Nodes: The Moon in astrology can be associated with our feelings, romance, the shadow side of our nature. When it periodically squares the Nodes, you can feel temporarily unsure or confused about things. Best to just observe the moment, possibly waiting until things become clear again, as they will.
Wed June 30
Moon/Neptune/Pallas Athene conjunction: This can bring a desire to daydream, to pause, to nap. Slow down and contemplate things. It activates the right brain of creativity and imagination. Go there.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Thu July 1 – Fri July 2
Last Quarter Moon: Moon/Chiron in Pisces square Sun in Gemini: Invoke prayers or set intentions that help you remember that the Great Mystery of Love (or whatever name you prefer) guides you always as you walk the walk of your daily mundane yet ever-creative life. Supportive spirit guides are always near, willing to help if asked. It is possible decisions need to be made brought on by a healing crisis as Chiron is involved.
Mars in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn: This willful, forceful opposition happens once every two years. It marks turning points in trends happening regarding planetary events, sometimes manifesting in war or violence due to a clash of ideologies or determination to control the narrative. Take your stand regarding what you care about, helping to tilt the balance in a positive direction.
Sat July 3
Sun in Gemini quincunx Saturn in Capricorn: Today the Sun aligns with Sirius, star of wise guides and ancient teachers while Saturn is currently aligned with Sualocin, the Dolphin Star, caretaker to all of humanity, especially the children. As a student of history and current affairs, I sense this aspect accentuates the narrative that we can help those in greatest need via the actions of compassionate government and visionary businesses, committed to bringing about fairness, justice and prosperity for all. The quincunx is an aspect requiring we adjust or negotiate.
Moon in Aries square Venus/Mars in Cancer: Tensions rise in advance of the 4th of July in America with this aspect. It is a volatile revolutionary time in our history, and this aspect highlights that truth. Stay calm, walk your talk.
Sun July 4
Sun in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces: Honoring the 4th of July, I note that America is a sidereal Gemini nation, full of light and shadow. In the introduction to this post I wrote we must embrace our full history, as the star Alnitak pressures us to do during this Solar Eclipse Cycle, in order to fully manifest our extraordinary destiny. This can be holy, healing work if we will move beyond our divides and commit to that which unites us. I remain hopeful we can and will do this. May it be so.
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries: Uh oh, accidents are possible so be careful with those fireworks and steer clear and protect yourself from out-of-balance humans. Plans may suddenly change so go with the flow and see what gift the present moment is bringing to you.
Mon July 5
Juno/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio: All the tensions of yesterday are still with us today. This moment brings finales.What is done for you or what old connections from the past are you inviting back in?
Tue July 6
Venus in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn: Venus/Saturn aspects often show up as the need to make hard or realistic decisions involving love and money. And self-worth is key as you examine how you are allowing yourself to be treated in a personal or professional relationship. You can make a new choice if you are ready.
Moon/North Lunar Node in Taurus opposite Juno/South Node in Scorpio: You might receive a financial settlement or set in motion new monetary/real estate goals going forward. Key decisions are being made in intimate relationships.
Wed July 7
Moon/Mercury conjunction in Taurus: This brings more awareness about recent insights and shifts from the Mercury retrograde cycle. Hopefully you are listening more deeply to your inner wisdom via slowing down, paying exquisite attention to the moment, perhaps setting limits on the time spent on junk-food social media (not the good kind) wasting your precious hours on Earth. If need be, release yourself from the neurosis of comparison and get on with living your one “wild and precious life” (thank you, Mary Oliver).
Thu July 8
Moon in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius: This SolLunar Cycle completes on an optimistic note. Create circles of camaraderie, sharing goals, celebrating in gratitude, appreciating the astrounding gifts that come from both your shadowed depths and your radiant light.
Blessed New Moon tomorrow~

The reality and urgency of climate change is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is the central component in how you can help personally restore balance regarding this key issue of our times as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY and What the Health are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Check it out, and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.