“Barn Owl” painting by Shannon Troxler
DEDICATION: This post is dedicated to 399. This is my tribute to her, honoring her passing on October 22 2024 after 28 years walking the Earth. On November 1, her ashes were released in Pilgrim Creek/Grand Teton National Park, her home ground. Fare-thee-well, beloved 399.
The Land Without 399: Tribute to our Grizzly Matriarch
As November begins and ends with New Moons—on November 1 and then on November 30—I am reflecting on the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. And how that theme fits strongly with the energies of this November as we close out the momentous year of 2024. Both personally and collectively we are navigating challenging endings as we await new beginnings that will bring positive change and awakening for our greater humanity.
November, in our Northern Hemisphere, carries an energy of going deeper, like the descending chi of vegetation burrowing downward into the roots of Earth. We feel this depth in our beings and it can bring a welcomed stillness or it can be a hard time. When I think the word depression, I remember what a literal depression is on the Earth—a hollow under a tree where a fox might sleep or a trail entering the underground, ending in a cave-like womb where a Grizzly and her cubs hibernate. Hibernation is deep rest, a time to reflect and restore. And that is a good and holy thing.
On my last fall trip to my holy land, Yellowstone National Park, these message came because I asked for guidance from the animal guides.
A powerful old-soul Coyote gazed directly at us transmitting these words: Go Home.
Two Bison guardians functioned as escorts through a sacred portal communicated this: Be Still. Be Well
Go Home. Be Still. Be Well.
Go Home: This is the wisdom of coming home spiritually to oneself, knowing who you are authentically and how you choose to live, a residency in your home of Self/SelfKnowing.
Be Still: To value quiet, listening and simply being.
Be Well: Out of honoring one’s true nature—home ground—residing in stillness, the body and psyche naturally restore us to balance and return us to wellness.
This wise counsel encourages us to engage, for part of our days, in deep rest as we enter the season of winter. And perhaps, too, these words speak to a way to live in the world.
AND ALSO THIS: In support of maintaining a good attitude in November, my dear friend, Reiki and sound bowl master/yoga educator, Kari Potter of Greenhouse Yoga and Energy Arts, and I are setting in motion a process of “Dance and Shake your Body: 30 Days for at least 5 Minutes a Day”. Please join us wherever you are, if you are so moved, ha! As we move together we activate joy, cleanse the lymphatic system, and release inflammation, and prepare ourselves for radiant health as we head into winter. The current astrology fits well with this commitment. The catalytic square of Jupiter in Taurus—joy in the body—to Saturn in Aquarius—co-creating in community—makes it a perfect time to connect with others in celebratory ways. And with the upcoming Mars retrograde cycle from December 6 – February 23 2025, it is a great time to prepare the body by clearing stuck tension, emotions, inflammation as Mars transits can lead to excess heat in the body, increased injuries and surgeries due to accidents.
Now on to our New SolLunar Cycle in astronomical Libra. Both Sun and Moon align with the constellation of Acrux, the Southern Cross, which is symbolic of the cardinal virtues. These virtues include justice and temperance which lead to civility and kindness. They make a supportive, cooperative trine to Saturn in futuristic Aquarius, leading to new commitments and dynamic creativity in the communities we are part of. This is a stabilizing force amidst the more chaotic energies also influencing us during this Cycle. Let’s move forward together~
DISCOUNTS: My holiday/holyday discounts are starting early this year to support you navigating these wild times and peer into what might coming your way in the year ahead. I also want to help people prepare for the upcoming Mars retrograde from December 6 – February 23 2025. Understanding where this challenging and also motivating aspect is taking place in your personal astrological Map can be very helpful. Send me an email if you are interested in a discount for a full reading/update or various mini-session options. Thank you!
NOTE: When reading my daily entries, remember that the influence of each aspect is like a wave—it crescendos a day or two, sometimes a week, before it happens, crests on the day it is exact, then dissipates over the following days. People experience the transits of planets at different times depending on their sensitivity and life events.
Thank you, Shannon Troxler, for the use of your beautiful avian watercolors for this post, bringing a visual calm and beauty to this post
Sidereal Astrology Mentoring and Readings
MY POSTS: My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. This zodiac is energetically in synch with the forces of the Universe beaming down on us and thus mirrors extraordinary accuracy in understanding how transits are working with us. My mentor and colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza—now in spirit—wrote his seminal book, Introduction to Astronomical Astrology which I can now share for free if you are interested in learning from a master teacher
I use the phases of the Moon as the scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
MY SERVICES: I delight in mentoring students — individually, with families or groups, via workshops and conferences — who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight, evolution, creativity and well-being. I offer speaking engagements for your gatherings or groups to understand big picture astrology events affecting us all. Consider booking a reading with me, either a Full Natal Map, mini-readings for $44 or $88 or my other offerings like the Relationship Map, Child or AdolEssence Map for your children or the Business Map which helps your team succeed and thrive in. I offer SHE Sessions: Self Help Energywork in which I teach you tools to create greater health and balance for yourself. My poetry book, Out of the Flames/Blue Bison Press, is available on my website. Thank you!
@2024 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Libra
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in meditation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New Moon in sidereal Libra: Sun/Moon in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius: Fri November 1 6:47 am MT
Our New SolLunar Cycle begins in astronomical Libra. Both Sun and Moon align with the constellation of Acrux, the Southern Cross, which is symbolic of the cardinal virtues. These virtues include justice and temperance which lead to civility and kindness. They make a supportive, cooperative trine to Saturn in futuristic Aquarius, leading to new commitments and dynamic creativity in the communities we are part of. This is a stabilizing force amidst the more chaotic energies also influencing us during this Cycle. Let’s move forward together~
Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn square Juno in Libra: Sat November 2 – Sun November 3
This may manifest in arguments with people and partners or result in power struggles over who takes charge of a situation. The square of Mars to Juno continues to influence this entire Cycle so be aware of eruptions between people or feel the pressure to be more honest with others. The process of bringing a resolution to end a dispute is set in motion.
Moon/Venus/Pallas Athene conjunction in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus trine Chiron in Pisces: Sun November 3 – Mon November 4
This brings great motivation and drive. Its focus is on planning processes, designing events, strategizing your next steps especially regarding financial goals or how to fund a project.
Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius: Mon November 4
When our illuminating Sun makes an exact trine to focused, determined Saturn it can lead to a productive work day with positive social connections all around. People are genuinely cooperative and open to others points of view. The desire to help others or ask for help is highlighted.
Mercury in Scorpio sextile Vesta/South Node conjunction in Virgo: Wed November 6
This helps us complete things we have been giving attention to during the past month. Mercury brings messages regarding next steps and helps us refocus our energy on what lies ahead. Spend time in meditation or supportive brainstorming with others.
Lunar Highlights
Today the Moon in Sagittarius—the future—is in a time-to-make-an-adjustment quincunx—to Mars in Cancer—longing for or releasing the past. The Mars/Pluto opposition can agitate and create frustration. Clearly this astrology is mirroring our Election dynamic so keep a cool head.
Moon/Ceres/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer: Thu November 7
Pluto always brings deep change and/or power struggles between parties. The nurturing energy of Ceres activates a ferocity of caring for all, like Grizzly 399 did for her cubs. People can feel territorial or leap into activist-mode.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Capricorn square Sun in Libra: Fri November 8
This aspect is about obligations or responsibilities we feel in our relationships so focus there today. Regarding the Election dynamic, this forward-looking, tense square may bring results or, as Libra rules the legal system, a flurry of lawsuits could be set in motion.
Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Sat November 9
This alignment contrasts knowledge versus intuition. You might feel torn about what direction to pursue, especially regarding love or a creative project. Wisdom is the power to link these two ways of understanding things and this aspect helps you integrate the two. Make time to listen quietly, patiently for your inner wisdom to guide you.
Sun in Libra quincunx Jupiter in Taurus: Mon November 11
Making adjustments in your budget for creative projects may need to occur. Financial settlements are resolved. Reorganizing your spaces or creating something beautiful in nature, like an outdoor picnic with beloveds, is a great use of this aspect.
Venus in Sagittarius quincunx Mars in Cancer: Thu November 14
This aspect aptly describes the current dynamic in our body politic. Venus—the sacred feminine alive in each of us, no matter our sex—is in futuristic Sagittarius, while Mars—the sacred (or toxic) masculine alive in each of us, no matter our sex—is in stay-in-the-past Cancer. So there is that. But Cancer also brings a sense of safety and protection—the sacred masculine—so we can courageously move forward with our next adventure, an inner dynamic happening within each of us, no matter our sex.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius: Sun November 10
Hook up with friends for community gatherings or find ways to engage with your communities of choice. This aspect can lead to a more serious conversation with a friend or cohort.
Moon/Neptune/North Node conjunction in Pisces: Thu November 14
Dream big with this trio. It awakens your imagination, desire for romance, opens doors for opportunities that feed your deepest being.
Moon in Aries opposite Juno in Libra square Mars in Cancer: Sat November 1
This can bring a bit of an ‘ouch’ regarding how communication is happening between beloveds and with other kinds of partners, including a service person who is simply trying helping you. Speak with honesty and also with care and consider an apology if need be.

Full Moon in sidereal Libra/Scorpio and Aries/Taurus
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon: Sun in Libra/Scorpio opposite Moon/Uranus in Aries/Taurus: Fri November 15 2:28 pm MT
This is a cuspal Full Moon, meaning it happens as both Sun and Moon are shifting signs. This is an exciting, electrical and potentially volatile Full Moon given that shock-and-surprise Uranus is involved. These astrological signs highlight the way we show up in our relationships and in the physical world, including our financial lives. Accidents are possible as are outbursts of buried emotions that can no longer be contained. You might take a risk or suddenly shift directions or focus. Activate your calm breathing practices if need be. The synchronicity of the Full Moon happening the same day Saturn is completing its retrograde is striking—more on that below.
Saturn in sidereal Aquarius turns direct: Fri November 15
This consequential transit marks major turning points for society. Saturn is currently transiting sidereal Aquarius which places the focus on how we are co-creating a future we desire together in collaborative community. Think back on what you might have set in motion around June 29 when Saturn turned retrograde. Examine and honor the progress you have made concerning goals you set in motion. Now that Saturn is moving forward again, things may start to slowly and steadily improve as you sense a long waiting-period that required great patience on your part is nearly over. Blessed be.
Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus: Sat November 16
This annual opposition brings liberation, release, surprises, sudden shifts. Stay in the moment and ditch plans as Uranus teaches us to be spontaneous. Scorpio likes to go deep and delve and Taurus prefers simplicity, less talking, more doing. Oppositions help us honor our differences while still staying connected.
Venus in Sagittarius square the Lunar Nodes: Sat November 16
This marks a shift in direction or focus regarding your heart’s desires and brings a clarity about knowing what is best for you in a situation.
Mercury in Scorpio opposite Jupiter/Moon in Taurus: Sun November 17
This brings strong messages from your intuition and from the spirit world if you are listening. It is a shamanic aspect of power and intention, so take time to attune to yourself, your guides, and set in motion your next steps.
Lunar Highlights
Moon in Gemini opposite Venus in Sagittarius square Lunar Nodes: Mon November 18
This brings turning points or clarity about what you need—Moon—and what you want—Venus. Sometimes those two parts of ourselves can feel at odds. Meditating on the difference, wise decisions can be made. It’s also a great day for travel and to explore new vistas and intellectual pursuits.
Moon/Mars conjunction in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn: Wed November 20
This aspect has an edge to it given the influences of Mars and Pluto which both lead with will power and drive. It can be combative for some or pressure you to speak your truth with passion.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Leo square Sun in Scorpio: Fri November 22
This brings passion to relationships or conflict in communications—like you tell a joke but the other person doesn’t find it funny or takes it personally. Take time to assess where you have been the past three weeks. Perhaps rest today before the final push of this powerful SolLunar Cycle completes on November 29.
Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius: Fri November 22
This positive, exciting aspect helps you know what you want and how to make it happen. Both signs are associated with futuristic aspirations. It is perfect for co-dreaming, brainstorming with others. Imagine the life you desire and be guided on how to make it happen.
Mars in Cancer trine North Node in Pisces: Fri November 22
Feeling motivated—Mars—to move forward—North Node—is part of this celestial gift. It brings emotional honesty, kindness, forgiveness in expressing our feelings to others.
Mercury turns retrograde: Mon November 25 – Sunday December 15
This is the final Mercury retrograde of 2024 and it is transiting the sign of intense sidereal Scorpio, taking us into our depths, especially the waters of our psyche, to probe, examine, cleanse and release during this time. Scorpio is also about shared resources, including money, and also one’s sexuality. It is a time to heal old trauma and wounding as well.
Sun in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer: Wed November 27
Families and partners work with harmony and cooperation under this positive pairing. It is good for examining budgets, working on projects together. You might discover you have more resources/money than you thought you had.
Venus in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces: Wed November 27
Sensitive conversations or feeling insecure might happen today. You may wish you were in a different place in your life. Admit to your frustrations, accept where you are now and find a way to keep going. You are moving in the right direction, that’s the key!
Lunar Highlights
Moon/South Node conjunction in Virgo: Mon November 25
This can bring the urge to purge, is excellent for clearing clutter and creating more order and beauty in all your personal zones including your body.
Moon/Juno conjunction in Libra: Thu November 28
Serendipity might bring you new partnership possibilities today, both personally or professionally. Spend social time with a friend who brings peace and understanding. Make a special date, take flowers to someone or treat another for a meal.
Moon in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries: Fri November 29
This can lead to sudden decisions or breakthroughs in key alliances. Uranus loves spontaneity so on this completion day of this dynamic cycle, make some space for that today.
Blessed New Moon: Sat November 30 11:21 pm MT

AMANZI-Water to Schools
Please check out my dear friend Julia Heemstra’s cutting-edge humanitarian organization, AMANZI-Water to Schools , which brings water—via climate-smart technologies—and other opportunities to the schools in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, the childhood home where she grew up. Julia is focused, passionate, optimistic, is an elite athlete, a bringer of wellness and mindfulness to all ages, and now via her collaborative organizational model, Julia continues to expand her lifelong commitment to humanitarian service.
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality. Consider booking a SHE session: Self Help Energywork, to learn how to help yourself.
The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health and vitality for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.