“Early Fall” painting by Lee Carlman Riddell
As Fall Equinox approaches and we reach, yet again, this sacred moment of equal day and equal night, the exquisite light of autumn is upon us, a softer welcomed incandescence. We are released from the frenetic frenzy of summer and we can immerse ourselves in the creative harvests of this blessed fall season. May you make time for deep breaths and bountiful feasts.
Our Sun and Moon line up for the birth of this New SolLunar Cycle in the middle of sidereal Leo, encouraging us to continue to follow our heart-lines and where they are leading as we explore the never-ending creative possibilities of life—Leo’s gift. The New Moon is also aligned with the explosive stars of Alioth and Mizar in Ursa Major, linked to how we use or abuse power and which can manifest as catastrophic fires or illuminating fireworks. Both Sun and Moon are also trine to Uranus—experiment, break free of old restrictions—and square Juno and Ceres—partnerships and alliances can grow, change or dissolve.
Lastly and importantly, exactly at the New Moon, we also enter what is called the “shadow period”—the arc of astrological degrees any planet traverses during its retrograde cycle—of the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle of September 26-October 18. During this key event, Mercury will make important aspects, crossing three times, in a supportive trine to Jupiter and a tense square to Pluto. You can read more detail about those cycles below.
Additional key events in this Cycle include the First Quarter Moon of Monday September 13, happening the same day as the annual Sun/Neptune opposition, a moment of immense creative potential or a time of deceptions and a sense of being ungrounded. The Full Moon on Mon September 20 is closely linked to Mars, unleashing volatility, tension, passion in our populations, functioning as a precursor to the next SolLunar Cycle beginning on October 6 exactly conjunct Mars. Yikes! The Autumnal Equinox in our northern hemisphere takes place on Wed September 22 1:20 pm MDT. Venus will square Saturn on Thu September 16 and oppose Uranus on Thu September 23, leading to important decisions and sudden shifts and breakthroughs in love, finances, creative output.
I am so grateful to share these wonderful paintings of my long-time friend, Lee Carlman RIddell, perfect for this seasonal shift. Thank you dear Lee. Please view more of Lee’s grace-filled and evocative celebrations of life and nature here.
Readings and Sidereal Mentoring
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. I use the phases of the Moon as a scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
Thanks for considering sidereal mini-readings with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2021 and beyond. I also delight in mentoring students individually or in families, groups, workshops who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update or Relationship Map. Thank you!
@2021 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo: Mon September 6 ~ 6:52 pm MDT
Our Sun and Moon line up for the birth of this New Moon in the middle degrees of sidereal Leo, encouraging us to continue to follow our heart-lines and where they are leading as we explore the never-ending creative possibilities of life—Leo’s gift. The New Moon is also aligned with the explosive stars of Alioth and Mizar in Ursa Major, linked to how we use or abuse power and which can manifest as catastrophic fires or illuminating fireworks. Both Sun and Moon are also in trine to Uranus—experiment, break free of old restrictions—and square Juno and Ceres—partnerships and alliances can grow, change or dissolve.
Lastly and importantly, exactly at the New Moon, we also enter what is called the “shadow period”—the arc of astrological degrees any planet traverses during its retrograde cycle—of the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle of September 26-October 18. During this key event, Mercury will make important aspects, crossing three times, in a supportive trine to Jupiter and a tense square to Pluto. You can read more detail about those cycles below.
Plant seeds of intention at the beginning of this New Moon and watch those desires burst forth and manifest through your follow-through and determination as you are guided to create the world of your choosing.
Mercury in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: Tue September 7
With the help of this healing aspect, pay attention to your state of mind and mental health (and of those around you) as well as the health and vitality of your entire digestive system. We now have multitudinous data that affirms the vital link between the mind and the gut. Do your own research. Find the best probiotic and prebiotic products that work for your digestion, unique to each person’s biology. Take your daily meditation practice more seriously and you will experience great benefits during this period and going forward. This aspect is affecting us for a good six weeks because after Mercury turns retrograde on September 26, this aspect will come around again from Thu October 14 through Thu October 21.
This aspect crescendos on Mon September 6, crests on Tue September 7 and dissipates by Thu September 9.
Mars enters sidereal Virgo: Tue September 7 – Sat October 22
One’s motivations and actions—Mars—shift to greater work-focus and healing under service-oriented Virgo from now through most of October. Like a fine editor, Virgo is about sorting and sifting through all our life choices, deciding what to discard, what can stay. This is a great period to purge your life of distractions, retaining what creates health and happiness for you at this time of your life.
Juno in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces: Wed September 8
This positive trine brings helpers and healers into your life or you provide that support to others in old friendships or new alliances. Scorpio and Pisces are water signs, amplifying emotions and a desire for deeper intimacy. This pairing also brings forgiveness surrounding past grievances, opening the door for reconnection.
This long-range aspect has been building since late August, is exact on Wed September 8 and dissolves by mid-September.
Sun in Leo opposite Pallas Athene in Aquarius: Fri September 10
Your design-mind and strategic-brain are activated with this aspect. Leo is interested in all aspects of creativity, no matter your medium, and with Neptune in community-minded Aquarius closely in mix, find ways to to link your personal creations in collaboration with others for playful or humanitarian endeavors. You might be inundated with play date requests.
This builds on Thu September 9, is exact on Fri September 10 and continues to frolic through Sun September 12.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Mars conjunction in Virgo: Tue September 7
Just as Mars enters sidereal Virgo, this fresh New Moon makes a monthly conjunction to Mars, triggering all kinds of frenetic activity and animated emotions ranging from positive passion to fear-based fighting. Listen to the signals your body is giving you via tenseness or symptoms and remember the power of simple breathing to release tension.
Moon/Vesta/Venus conjunction: Thu September 9
This harmonious, powerfully focused pairing helps you express what’s in your heart to another with clarity and resolve. Spend the day in your studio of creation, be that the kitchen, the shop, at your desk, in your studio, in creative dialogue with others.
Moon/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio: Sun September 12
With the Scorpio Moon you can feel undaunted, undeterred and able to take on any challenge. Or life can feel like an undertow, pulling you down and inward. With the link to the South Node, you may reflect on past actions, inherit something, or be willing to let go of something or someone.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Sun in Leo square Moon in Scorpio opposite Neptune in Aquarius: Mon September 13
This forward-momentum lunar phase is exactly linked to Neptune, planetary ruler of imagination, spirituality, art, the dreamtime. Creative energy, night-time dreams and day dreaming are amplified under this influence so hopefully you have something to creatively focus on so this energy doesn’t turn to feeling disillusioned about life, an attribute also linked to Neptune. You might feel extra spacey, scattered or want to escape reality. Engage with your nourishing spiritual practices and receive important guidance and inspiration.
This aspect crescendos on Sun September 12, is exact on Mon September 13 and dissolves by Wed September 15.
Venus in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn: Thu September 16
You might face challenges, even hardship, involving lovers or other key partners, finances or artistic pursuits. These concerns can lead you to make a course correction or important decision. It’s not bad, just a more serious tone today.
This aspect takes shape on Wed September 15, is exact on Thu September 16 and dissolves by Sat September 18.
Mercury in Virgo quincunx Neptune in Aquarius: Fri September 17
Adjustments need to be made—quincunx aspect—regarding health issues—Virgo—or your role in community involvements. Offer constructive feedback or receive some yourself without getting defensive. Be willing to alter your opinion about someone or something you previously judged.
This aspect crescendos Wed September 15, crests on Fri September 17 and dissipates by Sun September 19.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius: Wed September 15
As Pluto rules power, biology, transformation and functioning in super-drive, this monthly pairing can bring on purging in your emotions, body, life, an extra burst of energy, and transitions involoving both death and birth.
Moon/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: Thu September 16
Hopefully you can halt procrastinating (or feel even more stuck and unable to move) and work through hard tasks while staying focused. You may be confronted with serious news. Steer clear of judging yourself or others too harshly.
Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn: Sat September 18
As Jupiter has re-entered sidereal Capricorn, this alignment brings enthusiasm to work environments, extra energy for handling your adult responsibilities as parents, grandparents, caregivers. Be a positive coach for another. We are in a period of societal upheaval where some want to revert to the old days while others are pushing for present day and futuristic reforms. This aspect can bring confrontations to a head.
Moon/Pallas Athene/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius: Sun September 19
Spend some time engaged in right-brain creative outlets or with friends who share similar interests. Being in or around water is a natural fit, too.

Full Moon in sidereal Virgo/Pisces
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon in sidereal Virgo/Pisces: Sun in Virgo opposite Moon in Pisces: Mon September 20~5:54 pm MDT
As the Sun of this Full Moon is in close proximity to Mars, today marks a precursor to intense events that will manifest in the next SolLunar Cycle of October 6 when the New Moon will exactly conjunct Mars. We are heading into a volatile period, to be sure. Mars is often linked to wars and fighting as well as activism and the passionate pursuit of the truth. Virgo seeks to fix and repair situations, putting in the long hours in service to others. The Moon in sidereal Pisces is compassionate but often avoids conflict, running toward escapist behaviors. There is a great cosmic tension to run and hide or come forth and be heard and you may experience some of these tensions during this Full Moon and for weeks to come. Make time for doing/being, activity/stillness as part of this potent dynamic.
The Full Moon crescendos starting Sat September 18, crests at on Mon September 20 at 5:54 pm MDT and softens by Wed September 22.
Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn: Mon September 20
This aspect brings positive news and encourages determined effort to succeed in general. With its helpful energy, resolve to problem solve and improve work environments with colleagues. This may involve your own upgrade involving technology, software, website development, promotional materials. Under its sublime support, health can improve because you are following-through, making steady progress with your practices. Mercury will soon turn retrograde, so we will have two more hits of this good vibe on Sun October 3 completing Sun October 31. Yay!
This aspect crescendos on Sat September 18, crests midday on Mon September 20 and dissolves by Thu September 23.
Mars in Virgo trine North Lunar Node in Taurus: Mon September 20
This supportive rare aspect pushes you to move forward with confidence and energy—Mars—with a project, scheme with sustained effort—Virgo—possibly with some financial help—Scorpio.
This aspect crescendos on Sat September 18, crests on Mon September 20 and completes by Wed September 22.
Mercury in Virgo square Pluto in Sagittarius: Wed September 22
A Mercury/Pluto aspect brings depth or obsessiveness to our thought processes and is best used for investigating and researching things. Power struggles emerge about information-sharing regarding people under investigation. The truth will win out with Pluto’s hand, but it may take some time. Delve further into your own mind and meditation via practices or writing. As Mercury turns retrograde on Sunday September 26, this square will return two more times on Fri October 1 and on Tue November 2.
This aspect takes shape on Sun September 19, crests on Wed September 22 and dissipates by Fri September 24.
Fall Equinox ~ Wed September 22 1:20 pm MDT
As we reach, yet again, this sacred moment of equal day and equal night, the exquisite light of autumn is upon us, a softer welcomed incandescence. As we are released from the frenetic frenzy of summer and we can immerse ourselves in the creative harvests of this blessed fall season. May you make time for deep breaths and bountiful feasts.
Venus in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries: Thu September 23
When you hear Uranus, think breakdowns and breakthroughs, sudden shifts in plans, living from the core of your authentic self, free of cultural conditioning of conformity. Today’s opposition to Venus—ruler of love in all its forms, personal values and ethics, self-worth and money, creativity—means you might take bold actions, experiment, seek a new direction in any of these areas of life. You might receive a surprising windfall or vivid inspiration arriving like a bolt of lightning.
This aspect crescendos starting Tue September 21, is exact on Thu September 23 and dissolves by Sat September 25.
Mars in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn: Sat September 25
Make it a chore day, work day, a health-focused day, a service day (helping your elders especially—Capricorn) with this energized and motivated trine. It brings endurance and ease to any outdoor adventure.
This good vibe builds starts on Thu September 23, crests on Sat September 25 and tapers off by Mon September 27.
Mercury turns retrograde: Sun September 26–Monday October 18. Shadow phase: Mon September 6-Tue November 2.
Time to be cautious while driving, operating machinery, or traveling! Mercury turns retrograde at the very end of this day, near midnight. It has just entered early Libra but quickly shifts back into sidereal Virgo for this cycle. Mercury in Virgo is superb for critical thinking, analysis, writing, editing, sorting and sifting through many details and options deciding what is the best path to follow, the course to pursue. You can use this time for organizing the various business aspects of your personal or professional life and make good progress on completing/editing projects.
This Mercury retrograde cycle also makes three-part transits with two major planets. One is a helpful trine to Jupiter on September 20, October 3 and October 31, and a tense square to Pluto on September 22, October 1 and November 2. Read about those under the dates given.
This turning crescendos of Mercury on Friday September 24, is exact near midnight on Sun September 26 and continues to teach us through November 2.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: Tue September 21
Following on the heels of the Full Moon of Mon September 20, this vulnerable, even grieving aspect supports heartfelt emotional connections and a desire to help any being that is suffering. Unwanted or welcomed tears can spill forth.
Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries opposite Venus in Libra: Fri September 24
I repeat what I wrote above but add in the force of the Moon which brings an even stronger emotional desire for change. When you hear Uranus, think breakdowns and breakthroughs, sudden shifts in plans, living from the core of your authentic self, free of cultural conditioning of conformity. Today’s opposition to Venus—ruler of love in all its forms, personal values and ethics, self-worth and money, creativity—means you might take bold actions, experiment, seek a new direction in any of these areas of life. It can lead to a surprising windfall or vivid inspiration arriving like a bolt of lightning.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Gemini square Sun in Virgo: Tue September 28
This decisive turning point is linked closely to a Mars/Chiron opposition which can amplify anxiety, frustrations or trigger healing crises personally or in our communities and global affairs. Become clearer about where you stand on an issue or finally take a stance. Gather information—Gemini—to help you solve or resolve a project or health challenge—Virgo. Engage in practices like Qi Gong, Tai Chi or any form of energy healing so you can take advantage of the particular type of energy emanating from the heavenly matrix.
This phase begins late evening on Mon September 27, crests on Tue September 28 and dissipates Wed September 29.
Venus in Libra trine Neptune in Aquarius: Wed September 29
This fortunate aspect brings harmony, cooperation, and an appreciation of beauty. It leads to positive negotiations or and group experiences. Spend time today envisioning and intending what your heart wants or ask for clarity about your true desires. Mystical, magical Neptune and your spirit helpers will surely help deliver the goods if asked.
This trine starts Mon September 27, crests on Wed September 29, leaves its creative wake through Fri October 1.
Venus in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn: Thu September 30
This square can bring challenges or creative fervor to love relationships, artistic projects, negotiations. You may make an important financial decision. Important legal battles turn a corner.
This square builds Tue September 28, is exact on Thu September 30 and dissolves by Sat October 2.
Mars in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: Fri October 1
This rare Mars/Chiron opposition can aggravate frustrations and tensions—Mars—between parties or trigger healing crises—Chiron—involving personal health, within communities or regarding global affairs. Feeling the pressure-cooker life can be, this aspect pressures people to take action to help those who are suffering amidst all the challenges we are collectively facing. To keep your being in balance, practice Qi Gong, Tai Chi or energy healing—Pisces—and be discerning in your dietary choices—Virgo—which can greatly influence your mood.
This builds starting Tue September 28, crests on Fri October 1 and dissipates by Mon October 4.
Mercury retrograde square Pluto in Sagittarius: Fri October 1
This second transit of the current Mercury retrograde squaring Pluto brings insights about current challenges or choices you are considering. Mercury/Pluto aspects brings depth or obsessiveness to our thought processes and is best used for investigating and researching things. Power struggles emerge about information-sharing regarding people under investigation. The truth will win out with Pluto’s hand, but it may take some time. Delve further into your own mind and meditation via practices or writing. The final square will be on Tue November 2.
This aspect crescendos on Wed September 29, crests on Fri October 1 and dissipates by Sun October 3.
Sun in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: Sun October 3
This annual opposition can be a turning point in a process of on-going healing or trigger a crisis that has been building for some time and now rises to the surface. Some will finally admit to burnout. It functions like FEMA at its best, diving into the heart of suffering and working hard to alleviate misfortune and pain. Immerse yourself in powerful nature for the ultimate healing balm, always there for us if we will visit and partake of its many medicines.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn: Sun October 3
This second square of Mercury to Jupiter during its retrograde cycle—the finale will be Sun October 31—can lead to clarity about what to do or purchase next. In general, this aspect brings positive news and encourages determined effort to succeed in general. With its helpful energy, resolve to problem solve and improve work environments with colleagues. This may involve your own upgrade involving technology, software, website development, promotional materials. Under its sublime support, health can improve because you are following-through and making steady progress with your practices.
This crescendos Fri October 1, crests on Sun October 3 and dissolves by Tue October 5.
Mars in Virgo quincunx Uranus in Aries: Tue October 5 – Wed October 6
This uncomfortable aspect aggravates the nervous system, agitates inner tensions and anxieties and triggers outbursts, even violence between people. Tensions in relationships arise. Aries wants to run free even bolt but Virgo says “stay, lets work it out”. As this aspect is exact on the New Moon of Wed October 6, these same tensions are all part of the upcoming New SolLunar Cycle. Get some rest if you can.
Lunar Highlights
Moon in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn: Fri October 1
As the interior, moody Moon in Cancer opposes serious Saturn you may feel isolated, downtrodden or want to be alone. You might face a family challenge or need to make a decision. Entertaining at home might feel best.
Moon in Cancer opposite Jupiter in Capricorn: Sat October 2
The private Moon in Cancer is encouraged to open up under Jupiter’s influence. Give some positive feedback to a family member or colleague. Take an elder on a fun journey. Rearrange furniture or reorganize cupboards or purchase something new for your home/work environs.
Moon in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius: Mon October 4
As we end this SolLunar Cycle, the Leo Moon encourages us to play more, tap into our creativity, strongly enhanced today by Neptune, planet of imagination, art, magic.
Blessed New Moon tomorrow~

The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.