“When We Were Hollyhocks” painting by Patricia Ann Griffin
I’ve been making fervent prayer requests to the cosmos for respite and reprieve, please, from the recent relentless challenging energies of the last SolLunar Cycles mirrored in the astrological transits. I/We need some breathing room, to center, regroup, gather strength for the next round of Eclipses. In September we are finishing up the six-month integration period from the life-shifting energies of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8 2024 while also preparing for the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2—not visible in the Wyoming Tetons.
In my inquiries, I’ve been wondering why I have experienced sudden upwelling of tears and waves of nostalgia. The enigma of nostalgia: longing for the past but not wanting to go back to the past. I finally realized it is linked to Mercury’s mop-up work—the shadow period—completing its recent retrograde on September 12. When Mercury moved back into Cancer, that’s when my bouts began. Ah, that makes sense. Cancer is a sign of sensitivity, secrets, nostalgia, moodiness. Sometimes we know what we are grieving but sometimes it is the hidden sadnesses or disappointments we stuffed during a time when we were too vulnerable to feel them. The wonder of how our own bodies and psyches bring these stored memories to the surface for release when we are ready is a true miracle. These types of releases can be revealed by the planetary transits, another mystery to ponder.
Our New SolLunar Cycle begins in creative, fun-loving sidereal Leo and enters workhorse Virgo exactly on the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 17—visible in the Wyoming Tetons. This new Moon is aligned with the stars of Zosma and Chort in mid-Leo. These stars help us focus on clearing stagnant qi or unwanted debris out of our physical and emotional bodies so we can live in radiant vitality. This New Moon is in a wider opposition to serious Saturn which indicates this month can bring new commitments, focuses and decisions we are ready to make. Consider some form of cleanse this month, even just drinking liquids and eating liquid food like warm soups for a few days to use these supportive aspects for your own wellness. To round out this forecast, it is quite wild that Uranus in Taurus turns retrograde until January 30 2025 the same day as this New Moon, possibly bringing some surprises or sudden shifts this month.
Also during this month the Sun will make key annual aspects with Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune and we celebrate Autumnal Equinox on September 22.
NOTE: When reading my daily entries, remember that the influence of each aspect is like a wave — it crescendos a day or two, sometimes a week, before it happens, crests on the day it is exact, then dissipates over the following days. People experience the transits of planets at different times depending on their sensitivity and life events.
Thank you, Patricia Ann Griffin, for the use of your many-colored-splendored animal paintings and landscapes. Patricia sees and paints the natural world in a kaleidoscope of wonder. Please check her work out at GriffinGallery.
Sidereal Astrology Mentoring and Readings
MY POSTS: My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. This zodiac is energetically in synch with the forces of the Universe beaming down on us and thus mirrors extraordinary accuracy in understanding how transits are working with us. My mentor and colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza—now in spirit—wrote his seminal book, Introduction to Astronomical Astrology which I can now share for free if you are interested in learning from a master teacher
I use the phases of the Moon as the scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
MY SERVICES: I delight in mentoring students — individually, with families or groups, via workshops and conferences — who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight, evolution, creativity and well-being. I offer speaking engagements for your gatherings or groups to understand big picture astrology events affecting us all. Consider booking a reading with me, either a Full Natal Map, mini-readings for $44 or $88 or my other offerings like the Relationship Map, Child or AdolEssence Map for your children or the Business Map which helps your team succeed and thrive in. I offer SHE Sessions: Self Help Energywork in which I teach you tools to create greater health and balance for yourself. My poetry book, Out of the Flames/Blue Bison Press, is available on my website. Thank you!
@2024 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in meditation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo: Sun/Moon in Leo: Mon September 2 7:55 pm MT
Our New SolLunar Cycle begins in creative, fun-loving sidereal Leo and enters workhorse Virgo exactly on the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 17—visible in the Wyoming Tetons. This new Moon is aligned with the stars of Zosma and Chort in mid-Leo. These stars help us focus on clearing stagnant qi or unwanted debris out of our physical and emotional bodies so we can live in radiant vitality. This New Moon is in a wider opposition to serious Saturn which indicates this month can bring new commitments, focuses and decisions we are ready to make. Consider some form of cleanse this month, even just drinking liquids and eating liquid food like warm soups for a few days to use these supportive aspects for your own wellness
Uranus in Taurus turns retrograde: Mon September 2
What wild cosmic timing to have the planet of revolution, sudden shifts and experimentation turn retrograde the same day as this New Moon. This indicates some surprises or events may be coming your way in this four-week period that set the stage for your next creations to be fully set in motion when Uranus turns direct on January 30 2025. Uranus is currently criss-crossing the eerie and powerful star of Algol of the Pleiades. This star is about releasing fear and not allowing ourselves to be controlled by others, returning to a mindset of love and self-empowerment. It is our inner fears we need to slay, not blaming others but claim our inner creative personal power to fulfill our greater destiny while alive. A lofty but doable mission.
Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: Mon September 2
When these two planets square off, it can be hard to discern what’s real. Some seek to blame others by projection without admitting to their own dysfunction. Use Gemini’s energy to engage in dialogue if you sense something is off. It can make it hard to focus and things might go missing. This aspect is good for editing or expanding communication options on social media to get the word out about your skills.
Mercury in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces: Mon September 2
This brings nurturing and caring conversations. Everyday acts of kindness toward all are part of its gift.
Venus/South Node conjunction in Virgo: Tue September 3
Focus on finishing things today. Tidy up messy areas both in your physical or emotional spaces. Reach out to someone you have missed or have concern about.
Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus: Fri September 6
This leads to breakthrough conversations after initial tension. You get the urge to tweak a detail of a project and BOOM, suddenly it works better. Help your kids deal with back-to-school stress or issues arising from starting a new grade.
Sun in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius: Sat September 7
This annual perspective-giving opposition is serious in tone. It helps us accomplish goals, redirect our energy, push past procrastination and make commitments. It can also have a ‘karma come due’ feeling for some.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/South Node/Venus/Juno conjunction in Virgo: Wed September 4 – Thu September 5
Reconnecting with people from the past, with those you have missed or rekindling partnerships are part of this sky gift. For some, a final goodbye is said.
Moon/Pallas Athene in Scorpio square Mercury in Leo opposite Uranus in Taurus: Mon September 9
This is an excellent planning aspect. You are able to envision things more easily or have a desire to set some deadlines to bring a project or plan to fruition.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Scorpio square Sun in Leo opposite Jupiter in Taurus: Tue September 10
Given the influence of expansive Jupiter linked to the moving-forward First Quarter Moon, during these next seven days you may experience pressure to get things going or deal with frustrations that things aren’t moving quickly enough. Some need to practice patience while others need to overcome inertia. It all depends on what’s happening in your life.
Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini: Wed September 11
Chat it up with everyone with this friendly, talkative aspect. Do a social media blitz or refresh the ways you communicate who you are and what you are offering to a world in need. Move your body or create something via various modalities of movement and joyful activities.
Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus: Thu September 12
Jupiter brings both confidence or a not-so-subtle push to get going. This aspect leads to important decisions that often arise from a mini-crisis. Use it to move beyond stagnancy or reluctance. Be bold, take a leap of faith—Jupiter’s gifts.
Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus: Sat September 14
This flowing trine brings productivity and excellence to events, activities, health and financial goals. Look ahead and plan with optimism things are working out in perfect timing.
Mars in Gemini square the Lunar Nodes: Sun September 15
This can bring conflicts to a head, push you to release something from the past or at last state to the Universe something you desire to have happen in your future. At times under Gemini, indecisiveness can run you ragged. But you might also finally make a choice as this aspect completes.
Lunar Highlights
Moon in Sagittarius square Venus in Virgo/Chiron in Pisces AND Moon/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: Fri September 13
This dynamic and intense day brings possible challenges and/or helpful options. Detox and cleanse your environments and your body/mind/spirit. Get some bodywork, visit hot springs, do a one day liquid/water fast or meditative retreat.
Moon/Saturn in Aquarius opposite Mercury in Leo: Mon September 16
This brings serious and focused conversations. It helps you bring inspiring ideas into physical form. Some commit to sharing in a creative space or activity like an art collective or meditation group.

Full Moon in sidereal Pisces/Virgo
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in sidereal Pisces/Virgo: Moon/Neptune conjunction in Pisces opposite Sun in Virgo: Tue September 17 8:34 pm MT
This Full Moon is other-worldly, mysterious and highly creative given the influence of Neptune’s conjunction with the intuitive Moon in sidereal Pisces It is a day to forego the analytical and allow yourself to drift and daydream. And, it is a Partial Lunar Eclipse, visible here in the Tetons of Wyoming. Eclipses energetically shift us out of the past and help us step into the future that is dreaming us. Immerse yourself in music, poetry. Visit the water ways and aqua beings. Dress dramatically, become a walking work of art for others to be intrigued by. On another note, when Neptune is involved, deceptions can be discovered or the real truth of what’s going can be hard to discern. This is where trusting your intuition becomes even more important, also part of Neptune’s gift.
Mercury in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius: Wed September 18
This aspect is like the mindset of an art critic who at times is interesting and insightful but who can also veer into a haughty know-it-all. You may be hard on your self, on others, or just feel a bit down given the serious energy Saturn brings. Honor your limitations and perhaps redefine them as aspects of your being that are necessary so you can manifest your other strengths. Hope that makes sense. Tell yourself a better story while also being honest and real.
Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces: Fri September 20
This annual opposition echoes our recent Full Moon. It is other-worldly, mysterious and highly creative. It is a day to integrate your analytical side with your mystical self. Allow yourself to drift and daydream. Immerse yourself in listening to and writing your own music and poetry. Visit healing water environments and commune with the aqua beings. On another note, when Neptune is involved, deceptions can be discovered or the real truth of what’s going can be hard to discern. This is where trusting your intuition becomes even more important, also part of Neptune’s gift.
Grand Trine in Earth signs: Sun in Virgo/Uranus in Taurus/Pluto in Capricorn: Thu September 19 – Fri September 20 – Sat September 21
This aspect is like the most bountiful, beautiful harvest of all things healthy and nourishing arriving to feed us on all levels. It brings ease and flow to all physical endeavors be that chores, creative projects, athletic adventures. Spend time in your favorite outdoor spots, communing with the nature spirits and animal others who may come to visit you if you sit still long enough.
Autumnal Equinox: Sun September 22 6:43 am MT
With the Fall Equinox, we enter the last quarter of this year—a shocking reality as once again it came too fast—which brings the harvest of seeds we planted this year. As the bright light of summer lessens and the warmer tones of autumn’s sunlight soothes us, it is time to reflect and begin a subtle inward-turning. Journal today, attune with nature, make a root vegetable soup with fresh herb-fragrant bread, ways I like to honor and celebrate this moment of equal day and equal night.
Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn: Sun September 22
This can lead to turning points in relationships as change-agent Pluto influences heart-chakra Venus. It also brings intimate, probing conversations. Pluto invites us to sit in the depth of silence with a beloved or others, simply feeling the energies of love flowing between you, swirling around you.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/North Node conjunction in Virgo: Wed September 18
You know the drill if you read my posts: North Node means time to step into your future direction, right? The Moon’s momentum can help you do just that today in hard-working, always making-improvements Virgo.
Moon/Uranus in Taurus: Sun September 22
This brings a dynamism and life-altering energy to this year’s Fall Equinox. It can create a pressing need to break free of things that feel comfortable but may not be helping you. Practice calming breath work, or self-help energy techniques like Reiki or Jin Shin Jyutsu—my practice of many decades—to settle your nervous system amped up by Uranus.
Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus: Mon September 23
This brings big emotional waves even when it takes place in the earth sign of Taurus. You might spend more money than you need or want to. Comfort food cravings arrive that are hard to ignore.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Gemini square Sun in Virgo: Tue September 24
This manifests many communications and connections all day. Virgo stays very focused while Gemini gets easily distracted. Take small breaks between tasks. This multi—tasking energy helps you plow through lots of details leading to a day of accomplishment.
Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus: Tue September 24
This brings mental endurance and an openness to new ideas or ways of accomplishing something. It is very productive, electrifying and motivating.
Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces: Wed September 25
This links left and right brain creativity and can bring imaginative solutions to unsolved problems. There can also be disagreements between the scientists and the mystics about how they view the world. Both ways of knowing are true, they just read different levels of information.
Sun/Mercury/South Node conjunction in Virgo: Sat September 28 – Sun September 29 – Mon September 30
This is a precursor to the upcoming Annular Solar Eclipse on the New Moon of October 2 so pay attention to the happenings and events within you and around you today. Messages are incoming and seeds are being planted you will soon be watering in the upcoming months. The Sun and Mercury cross paths exactly on Monday which can lead to clarity and sharpness of mind.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Mars conjunction in Gemini: Wed September 25
You might talk someone’s ear off or be super-gossipy with this fired-up pairing. Some are feisty or combative. Focus on your communication systems be that updating your tech or social media options.
Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn: Thu September 26
After yesterday’s busiest lunar alignment, this aspect is more inward, reflective and often sparks a desire to stay home and nest. Cleaning your home can be a holy, calming ceremony when Pluto is involved especially as we finish out this Cycle.
Blessed New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in sidereal Virgo Wed October 2 12:49 pm MT

AMANZI-Water to Schools
Please check out my dear friend Julia Heemstra’s cutting-edge humanitarian organization, AMANZI-Water to Schools , which brings water—via climate-smart technologies—and other opportunities to the schools in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, the childhood home where she grew up. Julia is focused, passionate, optimistic, is an elite athlete, a bringer of wellness and mindfulness to all ages, and now via her collaborative organizational model, Julia continues to expand her lifelong commitment to humanitarian service.
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality. Consider booking a SHE session: Self Help Energywork, to learn how to help yourself.
The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health and vitality for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.