“Spirit Portrait” painting by Teri Gilfilen
Behold our New SolLunar Cycle which begins in sidereal Gemini, one that is sure to be memorable and life-shifting. On a mundane, earthly note, Gemini presses us to be curious, open to new ideas and to deal with the shadow, unconscious aspects of our self, our habits and behaviors. It can be a great time to connect with networks of shared connections, expanding your individual creative endeavors by linking up with other platforms of support. Gemini rules short journeys, so travel is big. The second half of this Cycle shifts to Cancer which highlights family relationships, home projects, caring for your land.
From a more cosmic perspective—the big picture story unfolding which is what the sidereal zodiac articulates—this New Moon is aligned with the stars of leadership and navigating a new course for Earth, Sirius and Canopus. My beloved mentor and colleague (now in spirit), Nick Anthony Fiorenza, shares this from his pioneering book, Introduction to Astronomical Astrology: “Sirius is of headstrong nature, imparts a strong sense of what is right and wrong, and inspires a quest for liberty and human rights. Canopus imparts a concern for the repercussions of global events and a desire to steer Earth’s evolutionary course.”
I am in awe how this New Moon is linked to the United States of America’s birthday, called Independence Day, we must remember that. America was born under the sidereal Gemini Sun, the sign of polarity, of light and dark, of yin and yang, which is why we are a polarized nation always wandering between theses forces. The wise, ancient, black and white yin/yang symbol—note it is at the center of the banner painting of this post—shows us there can be a flow between these forces, one never full taking over. Night and Day. Day and Night. Balance. This is one of the core missions of the USA, still to be fully realized, now in peril and at risk.
There are many lovely trines and sextiles during this four-week period which support us appreciating the simple and essential joys of life, moving forward with creative goals with ease, and helping us trust the divine timing and the flow of life. There are also a few challenging alignments like the Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus on July 15 catalyzing quaking and shaking, upheaval and accelerated shifts. The Full Moon of July 21 is linked exactly to cosmic-backhoe Pluto, bringing major shifts, but is also accompanied by several softer aspects on this celebratory day.
The portals of awakening opening in this Cycle lead to major events happening in the upcoming months. I alert you in advance to August 19: it is the day Jupiter and Saturn make their first action-taking First Quarter Square from their dynamic, once-every-twenty-years conjunction on December 21 2020. Remember that, called the Solstice Star and aligned with transformational Pluto? In remarkable synchronicity, August 19 is the opening day of the DNC convention, shaping up to be one of uncertainty and new possibilities.
Lastly, in my humble opinion, our holy planet of sacred Earth and the human experience stands at the crossroads of choosing freedom for all or control by a few. The United States of America is facing our own set of concerns. Our mission/Constitution is meant to stand for and create ‘liberty and justice for all’—remember repeatedly making this pledge since kindergarten? I haven’t forgotten that pledge and have no plans to do so now as we teeter on a precipice of choice. We must not cede Earth to dystopian, power-hungry creatures. Everyone has a role and responsibility to decide how they will preserve freedom as that was always meant to be the way of Earth, our sacred Gaia. With this SolLunar Cycle of Gemini polarity, it is time to make a choice.
NOTE: When reading my daily entries, remember that the influence of each aspect is like a wave—it crescendos a day or two, sometimes a week, before it happens, crests on the day it is exact, then dissipates over the following days. People experience the transits of planets at different times depending on their sensitivity and life events.
Thank you, dear Teri Gilfilen, for the use of your powerful shamanic paintings, capturing the sacredness and invisible mystery of all forms of life. Teri was the artist who attuned to and painted two portraits of our Wyoming tortured wolf, who we call Tunkan~Venerable One, whose suffering has sparked a global movement to stop the torturing of animals. Her is how Teri describes her process and art: “I like to think of these animist creations as transformational portals of potentialities; due to their vibrational resonance. The images flow from channelings, visions and the dreamtime.” You can connect with Teri Gilfilen through Facebook Messenger to arrange a channeling or commission a Spirit Portrait.
Sidereal Astrology Mentoring and Readings
MY POSTS: My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. This zodiac is energetically in synch with the forces of the Universe beaming down on us and thus mirrors extraordinary accuracy in understanding how transits are working with us. My mentor and colleague, Nick Anthony Fiorenza—now in spirit—wrote his visionary book, Introduction to Astronomical Astrology, which I can now share for free if you are interested in learning from Nick’s master teachings.
I use the phases of the Moon as the scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
MY SERVICES: I delight in mentoring students — individually, with families or groups, via workshops and conferences — who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight, evolution, creativity and well-being. I offer speaking engagements for your gatherings or groups to understand big picture astrology events affecting us all. Consider booking a reading with me, either a Full Natal Map, mini-readings for $44 or $88 or my other offerings like the Relationship Map, Child or AdolEssence Map for your children or the Business Map which helps your team succeed and thrive. I offer SHE Sessions: Self Help Energywork in which I teach you tools to create greater health and balance for yourself. My poetry book, Out of the Flames/Blue Bison Press, is available on my website. Thank you!
@2024 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in meditation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini: Sun/Moon in Gemini: Fri July 5 MT 4:57 pm
Behold our New SolLunar Cycle which begins in sidereal Gemini, one that is sure to be memorable and life-shifting. On a mundane, earthly note, Gemini presses us to be curious, open to new ideas and to deal with the shadow, unconscious aspects of our self, our habits and behaviors. It can be a great time to connect with networks of shared connections, expanding your individual creative endeavors by linking up with other platforms of support. Gemini rules short journeys, so travel is big. The second half of this Cycle shifts to Cancer which highlights family relationships, home projects, caring for your land.
From a more cosmic perspective—the big picture story unfolding which is what the sidereal zodiac articulates— this New Moon is aligned with the stars of leadership and navigating a new course for Earth, Sirius and Canopus. My beloved mentor and colleague (now in spirit), Nick Anthony Fiorenza, shares this from his pioneering book, Introduction to Astronomical Astrology: “Sirius is of headstrong nature, imparts a strong sense of what is right and wrong, and inspires a quest for liberty and human rights. Canopus imparts a concern for the repercussions of global events and a desire to steer Earth’s evolutionary course.”
I am in awe how this New Moon is linked to the United States of America’s birthday, called Independence Day, we must remember that. America was born under the sidereal Gemini Sun, the sign of polarity, of light and dark, of yin and yang, which is why we are a polarized nation always wandering between theses forces. The wise, ancient, black and white yin/yang symbol—note it is at the center of the banner painting of this post—shows us there can be a flow between these forces, one never full taking over. Night and Day. Day and Night. Balance. This is one of the core missions of the USA, still to be fully realized, now in peril and at risk. Everyone has a role and responsibility to decide how they will preserve freedom as that was always meant to be the way of Earth, our sacred Gaia. With this SolLunar Cycle of Gemini polarity, it is time to make a choice.
Jupiter in Taurus sextile North Node in Pisces: Tue July 9
Supportive opportunities are coming your way so stay in the flow by keeping your thoughts positive and affirm often how amazing and talented you are…we all are. “Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.”
Sun in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius: Wed July 10
This brings good energy for focusing, enjoying your tasks and responsibilities even if they pose a challenge. It brings a desire to find common ground and solutions and thus brings supportive communication between everyone.
Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces: Thu July 11
This caring and considerate trine softens any recent hard edges in relationships you may have experienced. It leads to emotional sharing and harmony. It aligns your spiritual goals with your physical world. Bring all forms of beauty/art and into your home and spaces. Create altars or a sanctuary of magic and manifestation.
Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn: Fri July 12
This can lead to push-pull conversations as you try to defend yourself or pressure others to believe what you believe. Perhaps that’s not the best idea, ever. Use it best for raw honesty, deep listening, research, deepening in intimacy—Pluto’s gifts.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Mercury/Vesta conjunction in Cancer: Sun July 7
This focused trio links emotional desires with figuring out the worldly logistics to make them happen. It is exceptionally helpful for writers or with various mediums of communication. Cancer sometimes starts as secret longings that are shared privately first with your closest peeps or pets. That may be your first step in manifesting the next steps.
Moon/Juno in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius: Wed July 10
This leads to creative alliances and conversations, like discussing how a project can proceed that involves numerous parties and points of view. It brings supportive energy to all kinds of relationships while also honoring differing points of view.
Moon/South Node conjunction in Virgo: Fri July 12
This often brings up things from the past that need to be cleared or healed. It also can lead to a cleaning frenzy, eating a super-clean diet or liquids-only for a day, or initiating a longer cleanse to support greater vitality. Virgo is the finest editor so purge the unnecessary words from your manuscript today!

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Virgo square Sun in Gemini opposite Chiron in Pisces: Sat July 13
Astrological squares—90 degree angle—between planets can manifest as a crisis, a turning point, or an opportunity to leap now so as not to miss the moment. This one involves signs that allow us to see both via the lens of our emotions—Pisces—our mind—Gemini—and our analytical discernment—Virgo.
Mars leaves Aries, enters Taurus: Sat July 13
I feel a sigh of relief reporting this. Even though red Mars might prefer to transit a fire sign like Aries and start lots of creative fires with little follow-through, now we will be asked to S L O W D O W N and decide which option to focus on to bring more connections and income. Mars is also about to cross paths then crossover Uranus which can bring sudden surprises or opportunities. Stay calm, consciously breathe often as you consider your next steps from clarity and calm.
Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus: Mon July 15
This once-every-two-year pairing can be volatile, shocking, and bring quakiness in the nervous system or quaking in the Earth itself. As Taurus is one of the signs linked to the financial world, unusual events can affect the many monied worlds. Do your grounding practices to stabilize your energy to avoid erratic moves that can lead to accidents.
Sun in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces: Mon July 15
This might bring some jarring information or healing advice. It brings clarity in counseling sessions as you work through a problem or issue. Seek information to help you fix something that needs repair.
Mercury in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces: Thu July 18
Be near or in water today as you listen and absorb the teachings and inspiration water brings. Your intuition can be heightened so pay attention to nudges to take sudden action on connecting with someone.
Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces: Sat July 20
Appreciate and celebrate your spiritual connection to Earth and the invisible realms and unseen friends. Ask for their help helping you see what is next. These signs are non-verbal so the insight might come via feelings more than in words. Hike to lake, take a swim, saunter back…my favorite way to spend time.
Lunar Highlights
Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars/Uranus in Taurus: Tue July 16
This heavy-hitting aspect is serious and driven in tone and in the execution of tasks. Uranus can bring sudden inspiration or something that was already weakened may break, be that physical thing or a relationship.
Moon in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus: Wed July 17
This aspect is super-passionate in connecting with others and in expressions of love. Focus on finances or the business aspects of your life.
Moon/Ceres conjunction in Sagittarius: Fri July 19
Ceres, the Great Mother, highlights focusing on caring for others, sorting out what nurtures us on all levels. Currently this transit through adventurous, truth-seeking and telling, Sagittarius, encourages studying something, pushing yourself athletically or in your exploring new lands and cultures. This paring can push people to be righteous, dogmatic or pushy, so steer clear of those dudes or stand up for what you believe, speaking your truth with passion.

Full Moon in sidereal Capricorn/Cancer
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon: Sun in Cancer opposite Moon/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: Sun July 21 4:17 am MT
As the Moon is shining its brightest today, it is teamed up with powerhouse, transformational Pluto. This brings great intensity and can lead to exceptional endurance for feats of all kinds or power grabs and attempts to dominate others. Emotions run deep, at times, confusing in core relationships. It can lead to both births and deaths as it is a cosmic portal of entering or departing the earthly realm.
Venus in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus: Sun July 21
This feels like lounging on a beautiful summer porch overflowing with an abundance of flowers, healthy colorful food, joyful companionship. Seize this moment and this transit for it can bring beauty and joy into all areas of your life.
Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn: Sun July 21
The earth signs in astrology highlight physical movement and strength, and a love of all things Earthly such as gardening or the wild outdoors. Play in your favorite way in our garden of Earthly delights. This aspect brings endurance to any physical activity.
Mercury in Leo square Uranus In Taurus: Sun July 21
This can fizzle our thought trajectories as we buzz with new ideas, making it hard to stay focused on one idea. Your art pursuits may take an innovative leap as you feel more experimental.
Venus/Vesta conjunction in Cancer: Tue July 23
As Vesta brings enhanced focus and Cancer governs homes, land and gardens, it’s a good day for home projects of all sorts. Research your ancestry, work on your memoir or spend quality time with family.
Sun in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus: Thu July 25
This brings strong energetic output no matter what you are focused on. Taurus likes physical work and Cancer especially loves being at home and sharing with beloveds. Great for preparing for upcoming weddings, reunions or parties.
Lunar Highlights
Moon in Aquarius opposite Mercury in Leo square Mars/Uranus In Taurus: Tue July 23
This can lead to spirited conversations as all want to express their point of view. Creative actions and activism within communities move forward.
Moon/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius: Wed July 24
The focus is on hard work, dedication, and shared commitment when Saturn is involved. Help a friend, or seek help to finish a task or sort various solutions your are considering.
Moon/Neptune/North Node conjunction in Pisces: Thu July 25
Spend time immersed in your creative dreaming today. Getting quiet, choosing stillness, awaiting messages are the ways Pisces can bring great inspiration. Be near or in water today.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Aries square Sun in Cancer: Sat July 27
Aries can be impatient and impulsive while Cancer prefers security and taking time to decide. You might feel this tension in you or within your relationships
Venus in Cancer square Pallas Athene in Libra: Sun July 28
This energy likes to organize or make plans.You might have a sudden desire to redecorate/rearrange your spaces or spend time researching future purchases to bring more beauty and balance to your environments.
Venus in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces: Tue July 30
This kind aspect allows people to open up emotionally, to speak about wounds in need of healing, to forgive oneself and others. Visit healing waters if you are drawn to do so.
Lammas: Thu August 1
This year I initially forgot to include this special cross-quarter day—those days that mark the halfway points between the Solstices and Equinoxes—I think because I am in total denial the we are halfway through this fleeting, hot summer. Lammas marks the first harvest of the seeds we have planted this year. Picnic outside as you break bread with friends and family, sharing stories and honoring your care and feeding of one another. And thankfully much more light, vegetation, relaxation still ahead!
Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus: Fri August 2
This happens just past midnight on Friday morning so this aspect can make it hard to sleep or wake you up in the night wanting to speak your heart or share love with a beloved. It can bring inspiration or intuitions so have a notepad ready to capture the insights and important dreams.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Uranus/Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus: Mon July 29 – Tue July 30
The earthquakes continue in our world with the current Mars/Uranus conjunction, now beginning to separate from each other. But the Moon can trigger a new round of chaos and awakening and Jupiter amplifies everything happening. Do your stabilizing practices to stay calm and centered in these electrifying times.
Moon in Gemini opposite Ceres in Sagittarius square Lunar Nodes: Thu August 1
This grand square aspect brings tension that pressures us to make decisions, today or soon, helping us complete the past—South Node—and step into the future—North Node. These signs seek data, information and overview wisdom so explore new options for expansion.
Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn: Sat August 3
As we complete this SolLunar Cycle, the Moon slows down resting in sidereal Cancer which sometimes brings a desire to stay home, reflect, be with your family or chosen family. Pluto encourages to release the past so we can be replenished at the cellular level. Visit your elders.
Blessed New Moon in sidereal Cancer: Sun August 4 5:13 am MT

I am grateful to be a supporter of my dear friend, Julia Heemstra, and her cutting-edge humanitarian organization, AMANZI-Water to Schools , which brings water—via climate-smart technologies—and other opportunities to the schools in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, the childhood home where she grew up. Julia is focused, passionate, optimistic, is an elite athlete, a bringer of wellness and mindfulness to all ages, and now via her collaborative organizational model, Julia continues to expand her lifelong commitment to humanitarian service.
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality. Consider booking a SHE session: Self Help Energywork with me to learn how to help yourself in creating greater health and vitality for you and your family.
The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health and vitality for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.