“Otherworldy” photograph by Jana Craighead Smith
One of my favorite landscapes I repeatedly visit when in the vicinity is the famed boiling, bubbling, colorful Mammoth Terraces in Mammoth, Wyoming, the headquarters for Yellowstone National Park. Over the decades, I have watched pressurized boiling hot water quickly break ground over the course of a few days and create a fresh cascade of highly mineralized water tumbling down the face of the older terraces. It is an astounding gift to watch geologic Earth in real-time action at such close quarters—a miracle really. Often when I visit that same Mammoth waterfall the following year, it is gone, like a valve was suddenly shut off, no water spilling, a faint palette of color remaining. But nearby, a new geyser is streaming, birthed by the momentum and energy of the hidden unseen currents of Earth who mysteriously opens and closes these portals. I have tracked these holes of hot new information erupting forth from the underground chambers of this still-dreaming Yellowstone supervolcano in amazement and surprise. Long ago, this experience became a wise metaphor for me as guidance for life. I can relate to these mini-geysers, feeling how the energy bursts forth, expresses in creativity, color and message, then a shift comes in my inner directives, and it is time once again to leave one residency of Self to explore new channels of creativity. I wanted to share this reflection as a mirror to what I sense is already taking shape in 2022.
In my experience, the recent be-utterly-honest-with-oneself Venus retrograde conjunct death-to-the-old, Pluto—from December 19 2021 – January 29 2022—catalyzed swift momentum and shifts. In January we were given the opportunity of MOVING OUT of our old lives as that SolLunar Cycle was in trine to breakthrough Uranus. Now this New SolLunar Cycle of February is exactly linked to determined Saturn so there will be a MOVING ONTO our next steps with determination and focus but perhaps with some questioning or lingering doubt that needs to be cleared. Then, blessed be, the New SolLunar Cycle of March 2 is exactly aligned with jubilant, confident Jupiter as we begin the process of fully MOVING INTO our new lives. Maybe this interpretation of the energies of these first three months of 2022 is helpful to you at this time, maybe not. Same with the hot spring metaphor. But I, for one, know one portal of Self is now fully shut off, there’s no going back, and it feels like a disconcerting and unpredictable time. But as the life-giving waters of creation are shifting me to mysterious new locations I can’t yet discern, I will stay patient and await with anticipation and trust to see what and where my next adventure will unfold. With steady, daily progress, may we all stay sane and grounded amidst so much tumult and turbulence still swirling all around.
This New Moon of January 31 is aligned with consequential Saturn and squares breakthrough Uranus, a tense aspect that can also bring an increased ability to focus and commit as we prepare to give birth to new conditions in our lives. The hopeful moment of Imbolc or Candlemas arrives on February 1 as our illuminating Sun is halfway on the never-ending journey from the dark of Winter Solstice to the growing light of Spring Equinox, a holyday of hope. Mercury turns direct on February 3 completing three busy weeks of setting the stage for new possibilities. And this is positive news: Jupiter in Aquarius is in a rare sextile to Uranus in Aries. This aspect stimulates creative juices, bodes well for unusual and inventive collaborations. Lastly we are supported by a series of exact Venus/Mars/Vesta conjunctions in visionary Sagittarius which will greatly help us stay the course with focus and drive extraordinaire.
Thank you, Jana Craighead Smith, a fellow friend from the state of WYTAH, for these wondrous photographs of frozen water captured by your remarkable eye and skill, perfect images for this time of year. Jana allowed me give them titles because that’s what I like to do.
Sidereal Astrology Mentoring and Readings
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. I use the phases of the Moon as the scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
I delight in mentoring students—individually, with families or groups, and via workshops and conferences—who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Consider booking a sidereal mini-reading with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2022 and beyond. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update, Relationship Map, Young Adult or Child’s Map. Thank you!
@2022 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Capricorn
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in mediation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Capricorn: Sun/Moon/Saturn in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries: Mon January 31
As this New Moon in sidereal Capricorn is aligned with consequential Saturn, the next four weeks can bring increased ability to focus and commit to a new stream of creative life emerging. For some, this may involve making a hard but necessary choice to leave a situation that no longer works. Time to walk a new path, and that’s a good thing. You might accept a sense of your own limitations or deal with the reality of aging and choose to have surgery which limits your movement now but can bring greater flexibility in the future. Some of the heaviness of Saturn is relieved and released by the square to Uranus in Aries—time to take a risk. However a square aspect can lead to accidents if you aren’t paying keen attention. There may be sudden departures, swift shifts, courageous leaps of faith. What a dynamic four weeks lie ahead! Let’s do this!
This New Moon occurs near midnight on January 31, almost February 1, so use much of today finishing, sorting, moving out.
Imbolc/ Candlemas: Tue February 1 – Wed February 2
This is one of my most favorite HolyDays each year as we honor the first stirrings of spring on this day of Imbolc (aka Groundhog Day). In our Northern Hemisphere, the Sun has traveled halfway between the dark of Winter Solstice and the returning light of Spring Equinox. It is called “the quickening of the year” and brings the promise of renewal and earth stirring in preparation for year-long flowering then fall harvesting . I attune to the wee Grizzly Bear cubs, now born, but still so so tiny and nestled underground, in need of the care of their nurturing mother and the broth of Earth. This can be a day for early spring cleaning or moving things into or out of storage or from an old location to a new one. Make it a day of celebration and ritual, plant new seeds, host a gathering with special food.
Mercury turns direct: Thu February 3
Mercury moves forward with dynamism from its retrograde of January 14. Mercury has primarily been transiting business-oriented Capricorn during the past three weeks, helping us get organized. Any delays that occurred as you paused to consider your choices may now be over or you sense more clearly which path to take.
This crescendos Tue February 1, crests Thu February 3, completes Sat February 5.
Sun/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: Fri February 4
This annual conjunction closes doors and/or opens new ones. It is serious and means business. It can bring a feeling of limitation and heaviness but Saturn also helps us master our craft, committing to long hours of focused training so dive into something with powerful focus and drive. You may cry or vent while heeding your responsibilities, but take the time to give your self credit for showing up and getting them done despite your resistance.
This crescendoes Wed February 2, crests Fri February 4, dissipates Sun February 6.
Mars in Sagittarius sextile Jupiter in Aquarius: Fri February 4
This energizing, optimistic aspect helps soften the harder edges of the above Sun/Saturn conjunction. Mars governs physical vitality and Jupiter amplifies whatever it makes contact with. This can increase inflammation in your body or agitation in your spirit, but it can inspire courageous choices and joyful forward momentum in others. Do your happy dance to shake off any heaviness, like our beloveds canines teach us to do.
This builds Wed February 2, crests Fri February 4, dissipates Sun February 6.
Mars in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces: Sun February 6
Transits involving Chiron can bring up old wounds, increase vulnerability or sensitivity to things. Pay attention to your inner messages today as this tense square can trigger accidents or blowups with others with Mars involved. Take a long run—Sagittarius—followed by relaxing bath or hot tub—Pisces, the perfect combo for honoring fire and water, movement and relaxation.
This crescendos Fri February 4, crests Sun February 6, dissipates Tue February 8.
Moon/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: Tue February 1
This monthly pairing brings focus and a serious attitude to the day’s activities. With Capricorn, attend to your key adult responsibilities. Visit or consult an Elder, contribute to an organization you feel is doing good work in the world. Revisit your to-do or goal list and recommit.
Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius: Wed February 2
This monthly alignment amplifies emotional energy, often bringing an optimistic attitude and sense of exuberance. As they align in friendship, community-mind Aquarius, spend quality social time in play or reimagine what is possible when you team up with others.
Moon/Neptune/Pallas Athene conjunction in Aquarius: Thu February 3 – Fri February 4
This two-day portal of magnetic manifestation encourages you to make a playdate with your imagination and envisioning mind. Engage with your invisible spirit Guides or team up with others and collaborate.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Moon/Uranus in Aries square Sun in Capricorn: Tue February 8
Our First Quarter Moon is aligned with breakthrough Uranus amplifying the desire to move on! Things may take a sudden turn or a surprise comes out of the blue. Aries lacks caution, as does Uranus so you may leap before you think. For some, that may be a good thing, but for others it may be better to take some thoughtful breaths before you make a sudden move.
This builds Mon February 7, crests Tue February 8, completes Wed February 9.
Mars in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries: Tue February 8
This dynamic catapults you in positive ways today and brings an “I can do anything” attitude. It makes taking a risk feel easier and can renew energy and optimism if those attributes have been lagging lately.
This builds Sun February 6, crests Tue February 8, dissipates Thu February 10.
Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: Fri February 11
This is the finale of three Mercury/Pluto conjunctions which began in January. A final transit can lead to secrets being revealed or other important revelations that arise from recent research or as a result of prescient questions you pondered. There can be vehicle or equipment blow ups.This paring supports intensifying a meditation practice. Take some contemplative time today to slow down, dive deep and listen to your own inner wisdom and power.
This crescendos on Thu February 10, crests Fri February 11, dissipates Sat February 12.
Sun in Aquarius squares the Lunar Nodes: Tue February 15
This aspect that happens twice a year activates shifts as you release the past and step toward your future so engage in activities that mirror this key turning point. Take note of choices you are making today. This aspect is also part of tomorrow’s Full Moon, amplifying its influence and importance.
This builds Mon February 14, crests Tue February 15, completes Thu February 17.
Mercury in Capricorn trine Ceres in Taurus: Tue February 15
This fine trine helps you get organized in terms of conducting the business of life—like paying bills or setting up an appointment for a repair or contractor. Seek out business contacts and opportunities to expand on your 2022 goals—if you set goals.
Moon/North Node/Ceres conjunction in Taurus: Tue February 8-Wed February 9
The dwarf planet, Ceres, represents our care-giving-and-receiving opportunities as well as food/environmental issues and real estate. The North Node prods us to take steps into our future selves so this day is full of forward momentum regarding where to focus your energy next. This two-day portal is excellent for making key purchases, making a move or getting organized to make one soon.
Moon in Gemini opposite Mars/Vesta in Sagittarius: Sat February 12
This aspect loves to gather information, study, explore ideas, gossip and gab, take a trip. There can be tension in conversations, given Mars’s influence. Use its fire to be truthful and direct but not overbearing.

Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon: Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo square the Lunar Nodes: Wed February 16
This upbeat Full Moon takes place amidst a more serious celestial backdrop. Most planets are currently transiting through signs that are keeping us focused on manifesting and working extremely hard to juggle roles and responsibilities. Today’s Full Moon in playful, creative Leo encourages you to rebalance the scales of your life with relaxing, creative activities to head-off burnout. Relax, go play, take a day doing what brings you joy around this Full Moon. It catalyzes the flow of new inspiration to your collaborative endeavors, so book a retreat for your organization or tribe.
This begins Tue February 15, crests Wed February 16, dissipates Fri February 18.
Venus/Mars conjunction in Sagittarius: Wed February 16, Sat March 5
Venus and Mars are currently dancing in tandem for a longer than usual time, fusing your heart’s desires with the need to take action on those longings immediately. Today Mars passes Venus, taking the lead, which means it is a good time to finish things up that need to be done as part of your moving on phase. Then on March 5, Venus will cross Mars and lead the charge for the remainder of the year. This symbolizes the beginning of the next series of things you want to manifest in 2022, the moving in phase!
This aspect is strengthening around Wed February 9, will be exact Wed February 16 and Sat March 5, dissolving around March 16.
Jupiter in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries: Thu February 17
This long-range Jupiter/Uranus transit brings positive breakthroughs and innovative creativity to all aspects of life both personally and collectively. Added to this, the mix of Aquarius and Aries brings added joy, inventiveness and compassion.A sextile is very stimulating, like feeling giddy with new possibilities unfolding within and around you. Seize the moment!
This aspect builds Fri February 11, crests Thu February 17, dissipates Fri February 25.
Sun in Aquarius square Ceres in Taurus: Sun February 20
This stay-focused aspect helps you gather your tribe to fix things, clean up the environment or help other community members. Possible tensions arise as part of parental or caregiving responsibilities.
This builds Fri February 18, crests Sun February 20, dissipates Mon February 21.
Mercury/Juno conjunction in Capricorn: Tue February 22
This may close the door on recent negotiations or open the avenue for new alliances. You might also have an important conversation that is clarifying something about the past. Meet with a valued professional, counselor, cohort or guide.
This aspect crescendos Sun February 20, crests Tue February 22, dissipates Thu February 24.
Moon in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: Sat February 19
When Chiron is involved, things often need to be fixed, repaired, healed. That may include objects or regarding a relationship. Go easy on yourself and others and appreciate the gift of being open and vulnerable.That quality will keep you healthy in the long run as an attitude of love and compassion builds strong immunity.
Moon in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries: Mon February 21
As this aspect builds throughout the day, there can be a last minute change your schedule later in the day. Or you can feel a bit edgy and nervous for no seeming reason as Uranus can agitate the mind and body. Do your calming and centering practices or get some energy work to help settle your nervous system. Exchange head massages and foot rubs.
Moon/South Lunar Node conjunction in Scorpio: Tue February 22-Wed February 23
This is the time of the month to dive deep into your emotional waters. Or you might feel a bit more tired as you contemplate all you have had the strength to hold together during these challenge times. Honor, profoundly, with gratitude your many accomplishments and the strength of your will to keep going. Bows to all of you, and to me, too.

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Scorpio square Sun in Aquarius: Wed February 23
Underlying emotions can burst to the surface under the intensity of the Scorpio Moon. It can be hard to release something in order to move forward even though you know it is time. If you are going on a trip and need to leave your pet or child in the care of others, it can be harder than usual to say ‘see you soon!’.
This builds Tue February 22, crests Wed February 23, dissolves Thu February 24.
Mercury in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries: Thu February 24
A sudden change in plans is always possible when Uranus is involved. Linked to Mercury, communications can become more fiery or people suddenly pull out of a pending negotiation or contract. This aspect also opens the mind to new ideas and options.
This crescendos Wed February 23, crests Thu February 24, completes Sat February 26.
Mars/Vesta conjunction in Sagittarius: Fri February 25
This is the aspect hot-shot firefighters often have, those who jump feet-first into dangerous conditions, or of extreme athletes who are exhilarated by the adrenaline of death-defying feats. Not that YOU need to engage in such activities! But use this dynamic visionary fire of sidereal Sagittarius, the motivation of Mars and the focusing ability of Vesta to shoot the arrows of your intention into the awaiting Universe which will bring miracles and manifestations to your goals and dreams. This several-week period is also a time to finish up projects so you can eventually move forward in March.
This crescendos around Wed February 16, crests Fri February 25, completes around Sat March 5.
Venus/Vesta conjunction in Sagittarius: Sun February 27
When Venus turned direct on January 29, it was a cosmic indicator that you had moved out of some aspects of your old self, ready to set in motion your next level of creative surges and urges. Now a month later, with the help of focusing Vesta, this conjunction helps you concentrate more fully on making those dreams come alive in this physical dimension, moving into your new reality. Onward we go and grow into wondrous 2022!
This aspect crescendos Tue February 22, crests Sun February 27, dissipates Fri March 4.
Moon/Venus/Vesta/Mars conjunction in Sagittarius: Sat February 26
Today the Moon teams up with this triad of drive and focus. This greatly supports you with its natural optimism and faith in yourself.
Moon/Juno/Mercury/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn: Mon February 28
This leads to important conversations with key partners and can lead to signing contracts or committing to the next step in a relationship. Saturn brings completions, too, and that’s always a good thing to focus on around the tail end of a SolLunar Cycle. You may be tired, but look back in gratitude on what has already happened so early in the year!
Blessed New Moon a coming ….

The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health and vitality for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.
I will be expanding this section in 2022!