“Wake up Call” painting by Patricia A. Griffin
Our New SolLunar Cycle begins in the last degrees of sidereal Cancer, then quickly moves on to Leo, thus continuing the shifts made in the last Cycle. The nature of this cusp between signs marks major transitions that help us move into either a literal new home, like I just did, or as a metaphor for moving into a new expression of our authentic nature — the home of Self — while still releasing aspects of the past. This Cycle encourages family connections, creatively upgrading our homes, and engaging in modalities for healing ancestral trauma which also helps us embrace the gifts of our lineages. This New Moon is square to Uranus in independent, do-it-your-own way, Aries, which can set the stage for surprises, breakthroughs, shocks in the upcoming four-weeks based on inner nudges encouraging you to experience new things, ways of being, leading the way for others.
Importantly, this New SolLunar Cycle is embedded within and influenced by the current Venus retrograde cycle which is also in a cuspal transit between sidereal Leo and Cancer, bringing similar themes and messages. Venus is aligned with galactic stars that encourage us to leave the safe nests we may have outgrown and step onto a new path with courage and vision. Similar to Jupiter’s current transit through sidereal Aries, this event supports living the sovereignty of self-rule, being the boss of your life versus being bossed or controlled by others. It is so essential to know yourself at this time in history.
During this Cycle we have number of crucial turning points of several planets. Mercury in Leo turns retrograde on August 23 – Fri September 15. Uranus turns retrograde on August 28 – January 27 2024. Venus in Cancer turns direct on September 3. Then Jupiter in Aries turns retrograde on September 4 – December 30. A dynamic month is in store for all of us!
Lastly, I want to thank all my financial contributors for your gifts over the last sixteen years — that’s how long I have been writing some version of my Star Signposts and EarthSky Oracle. Your generous contributions have made if feasible for me to keep writing. If you find value in the wisdom and words I steadfastly keep churning out, I would appreciate YOUR SUPPORT AT THIS TIME of major new beginnings in my life. Thank you so much.
Thank you again, Patricia A. Griffin, for allowing me to use your beautiful work for this post. Patricia’s paintings uniquely convey the individual encounters and stories she has with her animal subjects out in the wild and I am honored to post her work. Please view her various subjects and themes here.
TWO NOTES: I am offering my Fall Equinox DISCOUNTS until the end of September of $20 off all my readings/offerings and importantly for back-to-school gifts for young people’s Astrological Maps which include the Child Map (Newborn-9 yrs old), the AdolEssence Map (10-18 yrs old) or the Full Natal Map for young adults. I can do these readings for the young person’s caregivers or adjust the reading to make it age-appropriate for the young one to listen to. Also, I now offer a Business Map which uses your Astrological Maps of talent and timing to help you develop or strategize a plan for your livelihood.
When reading my entries, remember that the influence of each aspect is like a wave: it crescendos a day or two before it happens, crests on the day it is exact, then dissipates over the two days afterward. People experience the energies at different times in the cycle, so just alerting you to that!
Sidereal Astrology Mentoring and Readings
My posts are based on the true astronomical alignments of the planets with the constellations, also referred to as the sidereal zodiac. I use the phases of the Moon as the scaffold for my posts because the Moon functions like an energetic portal mediating between the heavens and our wondrous Earth. My entries are based on the aspects occurring each week as they crescendo, crest and dissipate over the course of their influence. As you work with and within the natural flow of time and the supportive cosmic energies that each unique SolLunar Cycle brings, life can flow with more ease, grace and understanding.
I delight in mentoring students—individually, with families or groups, and via workshops and conferences—who want to learn more about how to use sidereal astrology as a helpful tool for insight and awakening. Consider booking a mini-reading with me for $44 or $88, the numbers of living your Mastery on Earth. In these short readings, I discuss key personal transits that are happening for you in 2022 and beyond. Send me an email if you are interested in those options, or a full Natal Map, Update, Relationship Map, Young Adult or Child’s Map. Thank you!
@2023 Lyn Dalebout ~ EarthWordSkyWord.com ~ All Rights Reserved

New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer/Leo
At the New Moon, you are sprouting like a seed with new creative inspiration. Receive your unique insights by sitting in meditation or just be open to new possibilities arising within you from the sea of infinite creation.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer: Sun/Moon in Cancer square Uranus in Aries: 3:36 am MT Wed August 16
Our New SolLunar Cycle begins in the last degrees of sidereal Cancer, then quickly moves on to Leo, thus continuing the shifts made in the last Cycle. The nature of this cusp between signs marks major transitions that help us move into either a literal new home, like I just did, or as a metaphor for moving into a new expression of our authentic nature — the home of Self — while still releasing aspects of the past. This Cycle encourages family connections, creatively upgrading our homes, and engaging in modalities for healing ancestral trauma which also helps us embrace the gifts of our lineages. This New Moon is square to Uranus in independent, do-it-your-own way, Aries, which can set the stage for surprises, breakthroughs, shocks in the upcoming four-weeks based on inner nudges encouraging you to experience new things, ways of being, leading the way for others.
Importantly, this New SolLunar Cycle is embedded within and influenced by the current Venus retrograde cycle which is also in a cuspal transit between sidereal Leo and Cancer bringing similar themes and messages. Venus is aligned with galactic stars that encourage us to leave the safe nests we may have outgrown and step onto a new path with courage and vision. Similar to Jupiter’s current transit through sidereal Aries, this event supports living the sovereignty of self-rule, being the boss of your life versus being bossed or controlled by others. It is so essential to know yourself at this time in history.
Mars in Leo trine Uranus in Aries: Wed August 16
Similar to the theme of our New Moon, this energizing and boldly-driven energy supports you to try new things and releases previous resistance you may have felt about making a change. Go for it!
Venus retrograde in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries: Tue August 22
A clarity about a turning point or decision may arrive regarding relationships, family dynamics, one’s home ground, including our vast sustaining Earthly home. Is there some new action you have been contemplating about how to serve the greater good that also nurtures your deepest well of creative desires? Time to speak up about something you’ve been withholding but want to express.
Mars in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces: Tue August 22
This aspect is imaginative and highly creative and also sparks the desire to take follow-through actions. It carries the energy of the spiritual warrioress/warrior, the courage to stride into new country, alone at first, but soon others will follow your lead.
Mercury in Leo turns retrograde: Wed August 23 – Fri September 15
Retrograde cycles give us permission to slow down, pause, reflect, rest and they are always a good thing! Consciously begin a 23-day period of reflection, reexamination, research on whatever needs your attention. As Mercury is transiting creative, playful, inner child, Leo, explore those dimensions of yourself. Discover or rediscover dormant creative talents or desires. Cultivate inner stillness so your intuition and guidance become clearer and you gain trust in your self, Leo’s domain. We can do this by choice or sometimes by necessity due to a health event or accident that forces us to stop.The transit supports living a life based in self-love and authentic integrity — so you can’t or won’t be controlled or manipulated by others. Do exquisite self care during this time, whatever that looks like to you, and return inspired, fresh, joyful.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Pallas Athene/Mercury/Mars conjunction in Leo: Fri August 18
This planetary juggernaut empowers us to be bold and honest in our communications, actions, relationships. It is great for brain-storming, creating a strategic plan, organizing an event.
Moon/Ceres conjunct in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces: Sun August 20
This alignment likes to nurture and help others or ask for some support you desire or require. Miraculous healing shifts can occur.
Moon/South Node conjunction in Libra: Mon August 21
It’s that time of the month we get to feel complete with something, to release ourselves from past influences or face something about our past, or meet up with someone with whom we share deep roots.
Moon in Libra opposite Jupiter/Uranus in Aries: Wed August 23
This creates excitement in relationships, experimentation, and sparks a desire to see justice done in the world.

First Quarter Moon
At the First Quarter Moon, you are called to action. The need to move forward with your recent insights can come via making a conscious choice or by challenging circumstances that require you make a move.
First Quarter Moon: Moon in Scorpio square Sun in Leo: Thu August 24
The Scorpio Moon often brings emotional intensity, extraordinary focus, a serious edginess, or a desire for controlling one’s world or others so some of those themes might be at work today as we feel the pressure of this phase of the Moon to move forward.
Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn: Thu August 24
Both Mars and Pluto are willful and driven. They interact via this helpful trine in the earth signs which makes for a day of high productivity and pushing the limits of one’s physical endurance. It is good for focusing on health and earthy pursuits like gardening and cleansing or offering to help to those in need.
Sun in Leo opposite Saturn retrograde in Aquarius: Sat August 26
This serious aspect can feel like a stern admonition from the universe pushing you to get on track or stay on track. It is results-oriented and could be good for making public art together or participating in a community project.
Uranus in Aries turns retrograde: Mon August 28 – Sat January 27 2024
This is always a major deal, even ordeal, for we Earthlings as Uranus brings surprises, shocks, an unexpected turn of events, breakthroughs or you simply decide to take another route home unconsciously avoiding an accident. Try a new food dish, be brave! From the mundane to the sublime, all is shifting. Retrogrades from the outer planets like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are months’ long and help us gradually make shifts, adjust to a new reality. But Uranus is lightning incarnate so It can trigger seismic events or life-changing shifts. Drive carefully, move the body to dispel the electricity it generates in the nervous system.
Lunar Highlights
Moon in Scorpio square Mercury retrograde in Leo: Fri August 25
This brings deeper and more serious conversations. Buried trauma rises to the surface to be released, all good even though at times it doesn’t feel good.
Grand Trine in Fire signs: Moon in Sagittarius trine Mercury retrograde in Leo trine Jupiter/Uranus in Aries: Sun August 27
This is a wonderful energy for a trip or adventure where all flows smoothly. Be in the moment as the fiery energy can shift suddenly and guide you instantly in a new direction. You won’t want to miss the gifts that await you.
Moon/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: Mon August 28
This monthly meet-up can bring emotional confusion or fierce honesty. Pluto is the Great Purger so a desire to let go of burdens from the past, be that stuff, habits, situations that no longer feel healthy can arise. Releasing the past always brings renewed vitality, like how you feel after a life-giving cleanse.

Full Moon in sidereal Aquarius/Leo
The Full Moon is the birth point of the current SolLunar Cycle. This can be a time of celebration or crisis, depending on your life circumstance. Feel the joy and relax into new discoveries and directions.
Full Moon in sidereal Aquarius/Leo: Moon/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius opposite Sun in Leo: Wed Aug 30: 7:35 pm MT
A Full Moon linked to Saturn — face reality and responsibility — can feel heavy, serious or create situations where things come to a head. It can help us commit more deeply to our own creative desires and what we want to accomplish — Leo — and how we want to interact with our communities — Aquarius. Enjoy the magical wonder and moonlight every Full Moon bathes our world in each month.
Vesta in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: Sat September 2
This aspect links our left and right brain ways of knowing. Neptune can manifest as being unclear or murky, making it hard to read a situation. But not if you are tuning into your intuition, your inner knowing, which Neptune also rules. Then use focused Vesta in informational Gemini to seek data from the outer world to help you make the best decision.
Venus in Cancer turns direct: Sun September 3
Venus is now the Morning Star, shining light at dawn and metaphorically on what is dawning in your life. Today Venus completes important inner shifts that began on July 22 when she turned retrograde. Feel confidence in moving forward as we finish out this entire cycle which completes when the shadow period is done early October. Remarkably this turning is linked to Jupiter turning retrograde tomorrow, making this moment in time one of dynamic movement!
Jupiter in Aries turns retrograde: Mon September 4 – Sat December 30
This is one of 2023’s major celestial events as exuberant Jupiter turns retrograde until the end of this year. We have been expanding, growing, creating, playing hugely, even excessively — Jupiter’s words — and now with this turning the swift, accelerated momentum of recent months may begin to slow down a bit. As I wrote above, retrograde cycles give us permission to slow down, pause, reflect, rest and they are always a good thing! This will an excellent period to edit things, reconsider choices to ensure you are moving in the right direction. Some might pause in a relationship or a reconsider a step they are think they want take. It’s not like you don’t do things, but just that you are more thoughtful before jumping in. Tune in inwardly, be less outer-oriented. Consider doing a spiritually-oriented trip or retreat. On a global scale, Jupiter in Aries mirrors the sudden wildfires — daily prayers for Hawaii and other places — and sparks bold initiatives already set in motion but manifesting fully next year when Jupiter completes its once-ever-twelve-year jaunt though astronomical Aries in April 2024.
Ceres/South Lunar Node in Libra conjunction: Mon September 4
The dwarf planet of Ceres, the Great Mother, helps us know what we want to nurture, what nurtures us, from everything like the people we love, the places and landscapes we are drawn to, the foods we like and even the plants and colors we prefer. This turning point marks leaving the past behind and stepping onto a new path and choices we are drawn to next. What a time this is. Growth, expansion, release for all.
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Neptune conjunction in Pisces opposite Mars in Virgo: Fri September 1
We are wandering between the desire to do nothing, daydream, just BE under the powerful influence of Pisces, and to get things accomplished, work on projects under action-planet Mars in hard working Virgo. Make time for both in your schedule today, like taking a short nap or do a yoga nidra rest practice between the bustle of activities.
Moon/North Node conjunction in Libra: Sun September 3
This monthly aspect nudges us in the direction of the future, taking a next step toward something. As it happens the same day Venus and Jupiter are getting ready to make their big shifts, its influence will be especially potent.
Moon/Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aries: Mon September 4
To have the trigger of the Moon conjunct Jupiter the same day Jupiter turns retrograde is spectacular cosmic timing! Emotions run high, even volatile, confidence is real and with a pounding heart, you take a leap forward!

Last Quarter Moon
With the Last Quarter Moon, you release what has been and simultaneously prepare for what will be as new desires perpetually arise in the next SolLunar Cycle.
Last Quarter Moon: Moon in Taurus square Sun/Mercury retrograde in Leo: Wed September 6
As this moving-on aspect is linked to the current Mercury retrograde, important information, messages, communications can arrive to help you make decisions about what is next. The Moon in Taurus helps us focus on finances, the needs of our bodies, our connection to Great Mother Earth and the playful Leo energy says get out and enjoy your world, like taking a long last summer hike.
Pallas Athene in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces: Wed September 6
This mindful aspect is good for planning and strategizing under the imaginative influence of Neptune. This can help some see through deceptive behavior of others and be more discerning when making a deal.
Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries: Fri September 8
This aspect is like bright sunshine bringing life-giving light, optimism, renewed hope and vitality. Revel in the wonder and may good things come your way
Lunar Highlights
Moon/Vesta conjunction in Gemini: Thu September 7
Excellent day for multi-tasking, sending and receiving many emails or tidbits of communications, taking a road trip or a long focused run. Gemini rules our sibling relationship so those are also highlighted today.
Moon/Venus/Juno conjunction in Cancer: Mon September 11
In the early morning hours, look for the last crescent of the Moon close to the newly hatched Venus as Morning Star. There is such love and communion in this trio. Voice appreciation to your beloveds.
Moon/Mercury retrograde conjunction in Leo: Wed September 13
It is good advice to relax on the last day of a SolLunar Cycle. This aspect is exceptionally communicative so take a conversational walk with a buddy.
Blessed New Moon in sidereal Leo/Virgo ~ Thu September 14 7:39 pm
My dear friend, Julia Heemstra, has launched her cutting-edge humanitarian organization, AMANZI:WatertoSchools bringing water and opportunities to the schools in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, her childhood home where she grew up. Julia is one of the most focused, passionate, optimistic beings I know, as an elite athlete, as a bringer of wellness and mindfulness to all ages, and now with her collaborative organization, Julia continues to expand her lifelong commitment to humanitarian service.
The reality and urgency of our current planetary crises is real, as our youngest citizens know in their bones. Please educate yourself about how plant-based eating is a central component in how you can help personally restore ecological balance as well as create greater health and vitality for you and your beloveds.
The Game Changers: This inspiring movie and storytelling about vegan super-athletes and warriors educates us about the many benefits of a vegan diet and addresses the ‘meat protein myth’.
COWSPIRACY, What the Health and now SEASPIRACY are must-see movies for all humans who care about personal health, animal well-being, social justice, climate change, the health of our Earth. Become educated about the important information shared by these courageous and visionary filmmakers and activists and considering eating mostly plant-based, if not becoming fully vegan in your consumer choices.
30 Day Vegan Challenge by Collen Patrick-Goudreau
Health is in your Hands. Here’s a helpful tool to help you maintain health, calm, balance during these stressful but extraordinary times. I am a proponent of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have been a practitioner since 1983. This beautiful, easy-to-use book and card set teaches you the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Art of Self Healing. JSJ’s premise is that by applying the jumper-cable of your hands to various points on the body, you can clear your own stress on a daily basis, freeing up stuck energy that leads to patterns of dis-ease, while activating the renewed flow of qi and vigor on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Explore JSJ and teach yourself and those you love this simple tool for centering and radiant vitality.