“Kauai Wave” by Lee Carlman Riddell www.leeriddell.com
Being a sidereal Pisces, I tend to approach the world from a more feeling/intuitive space versus an intellectual stance. Once a few years back as I was in meditation about some issue at the time, I heard these words clearly from my psyche/Angels: Release the need to know. Gravitate toward the Mystery, where all is unfolding moment to moment. Learn to trust THAT kind of knowing, and all will be well. Trust the Mystery, trust the unfolding Mystery in the now, trust the NOW.
Not to denigrate thinking. I am also an avid reader, lover of ideas, and was a bookseller for years. I know that planting the seed of a new idea into the cultural collective Field eventually shifts consciousness. I cherish ingesting/digesting a new idea. Books are the sacred texts that sustain and guide me. Ah, the hieroglyphics of words: one of the key tools used by shamans/politicians/poets/charlatans alike….they know the power to awaken humanity with a well-intentioned prayer, a clearly defined worded intention.
Form your thoughts. Form your words. Form the Field.
Yet, with the coming New Moon in Pisces on April 3 2011(my birthday!) this is the astronomical time of year when we are immersed in the Piscean Field. It is time for poetry, meditation, activation of the creative right brain, compassion, universal Oneness, and music, a religion unto itself. Set aside your mind, cease over analyzing your life. Release the need to know, and open into a new kind of comprehension. Pisces is also associated with of both suffering and the unconditional Love that ultimately heals all suffering. Given the current events especially with the ongoing crises in Japan and still uncertain effects globally of the nuclear radiation, it might be time to attune to a much much larger Field that potentially holds the solutions to end these kinds of human caused disasters once and for all. We can’t solve these problems at the level of the problem, we all must become more expansive in our imaginations. Pisces is the sign in which we dream up compassionate solutions that benefit the greater good.
Only that which unites us, the Heaven Above and the Earth Below, will have the ultimate ability to unite us.
For now, until the Gemini New Moon later this spring, take a mind rest, an analytical sabbatical. Let’s talk about this larger Field I continue to address in my writing in a musical way. Beloved friend/sidereal astrologer Nick Anthony Fiorenza calls this Field the “astronomical symphony”. These words struck a chord as I was listening to a series of recordings Nick has created called Planetary Bio-Harmonic audio meditations that help us attune to the various musical signatures created by our planetary friends in the starry heavens and therefore assist us with our divine alignment.
He says it best: “A planet’s harmonic signature is composed of various astrophysical parameters, such as the planet’s orbital time around the sun (the sidereal period): the planet’s circumference, diameter, rotational period, to name just a few. Each parameter has a fundamental wavelength that can be translated to a specific brain wave frequency, and audio frequency, as well as to a specific color in the visible light spectrum~~~~~The harmonic compositions created by all of the individual planetary signatures, as well as the cycles they create with each other, establishes the musical symphony of our solar system, the harmonic environment in which life on Earth evolves. Thus we are not separate from these harmonic resonances, our biological and neurological systems function in attunement to this Astrophysical Symphony (my caps).”
Wow, read that paragraph a few times and digest the wisdom and magic of this truth. It might make you want to stop fighting with your family, or neighboring tribe, pique your curiosity about a more expansive way of Being in the world.
If I may expand on Nick’s statement. We are embedded in this astronomical symphony of harmony, natural flow, cooperation and beauty. A blanket of heavenly harmony covering all the of Earth, every continent, each citizen, every race, all sexes, every species. WE ARE EMBEDDED IN AN ASTRONOMICAL SYMPHONY. The Heaven above the Earth below, and the Earth is evolving within that greater natural harmony of the spheres. And the Universe is evolving because of our hard work. Brilliant design. Brilliant co-collaboration.
But, to what are we attuning? The harmony of the Heavens or the dissonance of a disturbed Earthian species still caught in war-faring? Many Earthians, growing in number, are listening to these wider Fields, and attempting to heal our species before it’s too late. We aren’t out of time yet.
“Brooks Lake Riffle” by Lee Carlman Riddell
People often comment to me that for the most part my writing in this blog is uplifting. Sometimes I am concerned I am a bit of a Pollyanna with my Jupiter/Uranus conjunction which tends toward seeing hope, possibility, joy and trust in our ability to invent our way out of any corner. I genuinely believe trends on Earth are heading in the right direction, that we as a species are learning our lessons, and that our biological evolutionary process itself is moving us out of our primitive reptilian brain of fear, and advancing our consciousness to the frontal cortex lobe of love. I imagine that the astronomical symphony has a part in this, ever aiding us in aligning with divine beauty and love.
BUT: I have been known to have odd phrases of catastrophe swoosh through my brain/thoughts, especially while driving on trips. A few years ago as I was traveling north on my first spring visit returning to Yellowstone after a interminably brutal winter~~so I was very happy at the time~~as I cruised through the chartreuse fields of newly planted alfalfa in Idaho, out of the blue, these lines entered my head:
Half the humans
Have to go…
Take em away
Take em today.
Half the humans
Get to stay
Teach em to play
So they can stay.
WHAT? Where did that come from? Granted I think we have overpopulated the planet and have long been an advocate for ZeroPopulationGrowth… but WTF?
I kept those lines to myself for a long time, finally sharing it with a close friend, who wisely advised, keep that thought to yourself, which I did, for a long time, till now.
“Water Ouzel in the Falls” by Lee Carlman Riddell
I have often felt that the only way out of the dilemma of our self-created, self-inflicted pain and suffering as a human species would have to come from meta events guided literally by Heaven and Earth such as
Earth/weather events that stop us in our tracks and force us into compassion via our shared suffering caused by such events. Or perhaps even more momentous heavenly happenings are coming such as contact with our galactic friends that will undoubtably stop our fighting with each other…who knows? I welcome them all….WE NEED TO WAKE UP….We need to dream and think bigger and both Earth and Heaven are aiding us in that process. We are entering a challenging time in the coming years yet we can have much say and responsibility as to how it all unfolds. To what are we attuning?
During this lunar cycle, while Saturn in Virgo is still dancing in opposition to Jupiter in Pisces, we will probably continue to see global events of suffering (Pisces) and the desire to be in service to helping/healing those in need (Virgo). And note this tension and paradox: Jupiter in Pisces is all about the joyful noisy creativity of communal music/dance…the PLAY. Saturn in Virgo, aligned with the star of Algorab (the star of Ravens) is about attuning to the oracles of nature and requires solitary silence and deep listening. Make time for both, celebrating with your wider community, and retreating to silence to listen to the wisdom of your Inner Being….your best navigator through the coming wilder waves and rapids of accelerating change.
The day Jupiter and Saturn reached their final opposition, planets that inspire and motivate us toward needed social change, I had been asking for a sign/oracle (since that is the intention and name of my blog) all day, on my walk in the morning (nada), in my working day (nothing clearly emerged). But when I arrived home to my cabin at days’ end in the lavender dusk light of spring, stepping out of my car, I immediately heard the joyful noise of many many Ravens circling above, dancing together, cavorting/diving/spiraling between each other. There must have been over a hundred Ravens directly circling above me, filling the sky with delight. These wise, magical and trickster Ravens have always appeared as guardians and guides for me, for many. It was a jaw dropping moment, my sign had indeed appeared at an unannounced hour and brought a huge smile to my heart.
This is rare, a Ruckus of Ravens, so many flying together. The last time a similar Flurry of Ravens appeared was shortly after a friend had died. I sensed the gathering of Ravens at that time, swirling in front of my cabin on a winter’s night….unheard of…..was all of our friends now in Spirit-no-Body, yet ever by our side, letting me know all is well. It was a joyous moment, simply to be witnessed with awe, not to be understood. I whispered aloud, on both occasions, can you imagine that, such magic all around.Thank you.
As Ravens are not a flocking bird, and tend to hang out alone or in pairs/small groups, I pondered the meaning of the oracle. Perhaps the polarity and pull of this opposition in 2010 that required time with community, and time alone attuning, has shifted in 2011. As Carl Jung said, out of the tension of the opposites is born the third thing.
I am part of an extraordinary community here in Jackson Hole Wyoming and the Greater Yellowstone (historically a land of outlaws) where we are all wild and individualistic in our pursuits, our lifestyles, our identities. And the same could be said of the entire Earth, all of humanity. But is it TIME for a change? Do we need to now amass together in our full power,authenticity and imagination and create the next steps in greater tandem, teamwork? No longer alone, but working with new passion, joy, and especially courage….soaring, cavorting, empowering one another. Yes, that feels right.
I trust the gift of the oracle whenever the gift appears.
May revelations and revolutions abound around you,
Lyn Dalebout
Anonymous says
Beautifully written. However, I do not concur with your statement how we created this mess on Earth. Seen from this incarnation’s point of view, I practice(d) non-violence and Balance and will never succumb to ego-driven control mechanisms TPTB use to make life miserable for others. Living out of the box has dire consequences as well as tremendous rewards as you know. Observation and service to others, like you do,are parts of a modus operandus that is going to see us through the elimination of the half that forgot how to play. That said, I wish you a happy solar return day!