Our New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Cancer is linked to two evolutionary planets of Pluto — physical transformation — and Neptune — spiritual evolution. This four-week period encourages us to leave behind old comfort zones or habits that may be holding us back and explore new concepts of how to create stability, safety and connection within our communities of relationship. Also the meaning of this New SolLunar Cycle is deeply linked to Venus — a planet aligned with the Emerald — turning retrograde as she does every eighteen months on July 22 – September 3. Venus governs the heart chakra, helping us know and live our deeper loves and longings. The retrograde period is a chance to reevaluate our relationships including the one we have with ourselves, and to revitalize and reinvigorate our lives with what brings us joy. And lastly, the Full Moon is on the same day as Lammas, marking the halfway point between the Summer Solstice and the upcoming Autumnal Equinox. A blessing…
Star Signposts
"Oh Happy Day” by Trea Christopher Grey
Tracking our planetary weather
We all live under one sky and I find that unity a source of solace in these wild, unpredictable times. Everyday is a new beginning. May Star Signposts be a helpful guide to you on your journey.
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New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Gemini ~ June 17 – July 16 2023
Please note this is an abbreviated post.Our New SolLunar Cycle in astronomical Gemini is aligned with Juno, the asteroid that represents our key relationships, making this an important Cycle of connecting with others and/or do healing work together. Summer Solstice on June 21 is always a highlight. Jupiter and Saturn make a rare and positive sextile on June 19. And the important Venus in Leo retrograde cycle from July 22 – September 3 begins its opening act called the “shadow period” on June 19, completing by October 7. May you enjoy the bright light of this season~
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Taurus ~ May 19 – June 16 2023
At last! A New SolLunar Cycle where both Sun and Moon in sidereal Taurus are supported by sextiles and trines, aspects of ease and flow, different in tone than recent Cycles accosted by tense squares. Perhaps with the stabilizing force of earthy Taurus, you will embody a more grounded approach to navigating the unending unsettling gyroscopic energies of this times. Two other major events are a rare conjunction of Jupiter and the North Node in astronomical Aries and Saturn in sidereal Aquarius turning retrograde on Sat June 17 in the last hours of this Cycle…what a cosmic synchronicity!