Full Moon Eclipse in sideral Cancer/Capricorn: Unrelenting pressure
Star Signposts
"Oh Happy Day” by Trea Christopher Grey
Tracking our planetary weather
We all live under one sky and I find that unity a source of solace in these wild, unpredictable times. Everyday is a new beginning. May Star Signposts be a helpful guide to you on your journey.
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Star Signposts: New SolLunar Cycle/First Quarter Moon July 12 – 26 2018
New SolLunar Cycle linked to Pluto: Claim your power
Star Signposts: Full Moon/Last Quarter Moon ~ June 27 – July 11
Full Moon in sidereal Gemini/Sagittarius “Tree Being” photograph by Saga Eksell Please settle in, this is a longer than usual introduction, fitting with the serious tone of this Full Moon aligned with Saturn. These times are disruptive. If you expect anything else or think it should be different, your anxiety levels may rise and go off […]