The energy or qi of the Earth is pulling us inward, helping to downwardly settle and ground us during an unsettling time as the earthly and cosmic movement in our Northern Hemisphere pulls us deeper toward Winter Solstice. We now experience Samhain/Halloween on October 31 – November 1, the final harvest of nuts and berries. Time to contemplatively honor and celebrate your creative cycle of 2022. Our New SolLunar Cycle which takes place in sidereal Libra is also a Partial Solar Eclipse. What is exceptional about this is that the Sun/Moon/South Node are aligned with Venus, a planet that mirrors love, beauty, ethics, values, bringing these energies to the fore during this four-week period. There is tremendous healing occurring on so many levels and this New Moon will assist us greatly. The Full Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse happening on November 8, Voting Day, sure to spark fireworks! Lastly, Mars will turn retrograde on October 30 2022 – January 12 2023, ushering in an intense and volatile period as we close out 2022. May these events call more humans back to the kindness-table focused on creating an honest, just, fair and beautiful world for all.
Star Signposts
"Oh Happy Day” by Trea Christopher Grey
Tracking our planetary weather
We all live under one sky and I find that unity a source of solace in these wild, unpredictable times. Everyday is a new beginning. May Star Signposts be a helpful guide to you on your journey.
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New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Virgo ~ September 25 – October 24 2022
Our New SolLunar Cycle takes place in sidereal Virgo opposite Jupiter in Pisces, launching an expansive new phase bringing positive, confident energy to our endeavors with a sense of improvement in one’s current situation. But Jupiter also agitates situations which means this transit doesn’t always lead to positive outcomes. There can be massive water emergencies along with other challenges. Other key events during this four-week period include three planets completing their retrogrades: Mercury on October 2, Pluto on October 8 and Saturn on October 22. And the always inspiring Sun/Venus conjunction in Libra occurs on October 22 in which Venus leaves the last ninth-month phase of being the Morning Star and becomes the Evening Star once again. May you enjoy harvesting the abundance of this year and nurture all you hold dear.
New SolLunar Cycle in sidereal Leo ~ August 27 – September 24 2022
This New SolLunar Cycle aligned in early astronomical Leo is squaring off exactly with Mars in Taurus, signaling this will be a fiery, passionate, action-oriented Cycle. Squares often manifest as inner and outer tensions and provide impetus and pressure to take action or make decisions. Since Mars is all about acting on our inner truth, the link to Leo’s desires can make the upcoming four weeks a highly motivational portal to launch a new creative phase of your life. Also happening during this time, Mercury in sidereal Virgo turns retrograde on September 9 through October 2, promising to bring organizational and productive energy. We cross the sacred portal of Autumnal Equinox on September 22 7:03 pm MT.