“Shadow and Light” by Sheri Gaynor www.sherigaynor.com
MARS ALERT: Our action outward focused planet Mars goes retrograde~retreat/inward focus~from Jan 23-April 13 2012. Pay attention to your inner nudges and perhaps pull back from so much outer activity and acknowledge a great desire to focus more inwardly or pay the price. Mars retrograde cycles are notorious for athletic injuries/accidents that cause us to pause. You may have started out the year with inspired intention. But now something might cause you to stop/wait/reconsider and not so aggressively pursue your goals but rather take a few months to evaluate/research your best course of action. Otherwise you might end up spinning your wheels,be extremely frustrated and tend to blame others for your own lack of inner listening.
“Night Traveler” by Sheri Gaynor
Part of this Mars cycle will encourage hibernation.
Hibernate: To remain inactive or indoors for an extended period.
Hibernate: To slow down
To dream
To nestle~such a lovely word~look it up
Please watch these extraordinary videos of Suzy Kneeland (Suzebekistan on YouTube) of our Grand Teton Bears 399+cubs heading to hibernation on Jan 2 2012. You will witness the rare completion of the Bear cycle of 2011 and yet here they are, also the first bears to appear in 2012. A bridge? I am pondering the fact that this year many Bears around the world are staying out longer, heading into hibernation later. As she trudges through the snow in the first video, I imagine 399 wonders: “What was I thinking? Onward!”
and watch this, when they first emerged in May 2011:
Now we await to see if the Bears emerge in two short months or stay underground longer. Perhaps this heavenly cycle of Mars retrograde might influence more underground dreaming for the Bears, for us. We shall see. Infinitely fascinating to observe/contemplate the natural cycles of things and our interlocking destiny with our Animal Others.
“Ancestors” by Sheri Gaynor
When Mars stops its forward momentum every two years our entire planet Earth must deal with latent conflicts emerging in both personal and collective fronts. Wars break out. People become more honest and direct, some angry and violent. Depression is finally dealt with. Families or corporations enter mediations.
Resolve to resolve unresolved tensions by time Mars shifts to direct motion on April 13 2012.
RESOLVE. This is a very multi-faceted word. Check out these definitions.
~to settle, find a solution to a problem/dispute
~in medicine to disperse dissolve heal
~in music lead into concord from discord in the course of harmonic change
~to decide firmly on a course of action
~in chemistry to reduce a substance into a more elementary form
~to turn into a different form when seen more clearly
~to separate or distinguish between closely adjacent objects
~in physics analyze a force or velocity into components acting in particular directions
I sense we might be facing not just external conflicts but working on finding an intergration of all our inner pulls/tensions/drives/desires.
Why do we feel the need to be such action figures? What if we honored the great gift of being listening figures? Listening precedes all productive action. To do it the other way around is insanity, and of course, that has often been the course of history. Act first, evaluate the catastrophe later. Such is the stuff of good history books and novels. And years upon years of therapy.
How will you resolve~re-solve~your inner and outer tensions with this Mars Retrograde? Find solutions, heal, move to harmonic change, decide on a course of action, simplify, see more clearly, unify your actions?This is the good work of this winter. Creatively intense but need not be heavy.
“Shadow and Light” by Sheri Gaynor
The astrological period defining this particular Mars retrograde cycle is fascinating to those of us who study the heavenly geometries/alignments. Some of you may find this part interesting, others not. So Bear with me~love saying that.
As star cartographers, and our wise friends who seek the wisdom of their heavenly map, together we analyze the individual chart like a treasure map that will guide each individual to their greatest gold. Both inner and outer gold. Linked. Where are the pitfalls? Where are the advantageous openings? Will you seize the day? Certain days you will feel the call to risk and leap into a new life. Will you?
The entire period this celestial Mars cycle encompasses began on 11~11~11 and ends on Summer Solstice~June 21 2012. It is a long extended awakening with twists and turns and hitches that will lead you to greater happiness if you will follow the flow.
Move out of your head. Inhabit your heart.
Take a moment and remember what occurred in your life around the time of 11~11~11 a cosmic reset button for sure. See my previous post. This was followed by the momentous Eclipses of December which further pressured the evolutionary momentum of your life in some way. Not to say it got easier. Eclipses precipitate major crises/releases in our lives. Out of the many deaths within us, surrounding us, we can begin the process of resurrection.
Have you experienced a courageous realignment in your life? This Mars Retrograde is taking place in sidereal Leo~the astrological sign of the Lion/Lioness~the sign of courage~sign that governs living a life of active participation in your heart’s joy.
Have you set in motion strong new intentions of what you really really want? That is always a good thing to do in January anyway. It fits with the natural cycle of things here in the Northern Hemisphere.
I recently wrote about the fact that the great Bears are being born underground during the middle of January. Imagine a 600 pound Grizzly starting out as a pink runt weighing only a few ounces. WOW. Our dreams are nascent but real. Dream large and plan ahead.
You may have set in motion large goals/plans/projects at the very onset of this year. But this year:
HITCH: a temporary interruption or problem.
a device for attaching one thing to another
a period of service
There may be some hitch that appears that angers/frustrates/thwarts what you were certain you thought you should pursue.
Get out of your head. Inhabit your heart.
You are being guided to greener pastures~perhaps by teaming up with others~or being in service to another
Delve deeper.
DELVE: to make painstaking inquiries into something.
Dig deeper~Rest~Reflect~Research your options~Read~Write your epiphanies
Then when Mars moves forward on April 13 2012 you can be assured you are moving your life in the right direction.
For me, the planet Mars has come to represent living a life of action based on my Inner Truth.
When Mars is in retrograde it is a good time to trust your inner Teacher more than an outer teacher.
The need for an outer guru/teacher shifts toward the Inner Teacher when Mars is retrograde. And the best teachers thrive because they know the Inner Teacher resides within each soul and they make it their mission to guide their students toward that wise Self. Like my wise yoga teacher Sundari Lucey. At times our Inner Guide guides us to outer teachers to teach us a specific tool or aid us in healing/expansion. We all need teachers. I feel blessed to be learning from one so wise as Sundari with so much life experience, so much compassion.
Yet we can not thrive without a direct link to our wise Inner Self
which is YOU
but less neurotic
and older and
less invested in your ego
and more interested in your true essence.
Who wouldn’t want to befriend that?
“Spirit Rider” by Sheri Gaynor
Befriend your wise Inner Teacher in the coming months.
Move your life in the direction of what will bring you the most joy.
Allow yourself to shine the light of your inner gold
illuminating the world.
This is the gift of Mars transiting sidereal Leo.
Passionate Heart to you,
Lyn Dalebout
Amely Greeven says
This is wonderful wisdom and guidance, I have sent it on to several people. I love that you say it’s a time for being a “Listening Figure” not an “Action Figure” – how great to get the permission for that!
Plus, it is fascinating that it is Mars transiting Leo. I am feeling the Leo joy-playfulness return as I embrace my sidereal Leo sun sign! I found myself dancing on the beach like an excited child and capturing joyous gratitude between my fingers like fireflies.
Thanks for illuminating the Leo side of life to me, Lyn! ;-)