“Bluebird” by Jackson Hole photographer Timothy C. Mayo
~Note~ The themes in this post are part of the quintet of posts I wrote over the winter/early spring and so perhaps revisit those after you read this~like a symphony of thoughts~crescendo~
What could be more startling and clear as Bluebird? What could symbolize hope more than this chip of sky landed here on Earth whose subtle kind call heralds the arrival of the spring? Somewhere over the rainbow~a metaphor for the end of struggle~it is most assuredly Bluebirds that await us. Life springs eternal~along with death~the two laws of Nature.
I was first honed by the Bird tribes. Hone: to make sharper or more focused. Birds taught me to pay attention to nature both visually and aurally. Birds~my first Audubon and Peterson Field Guides. Ornithology: my first claimed major in college~it was the only career I desired. Birds alerted me from infancy to pay attention/don’t miss the beauty and mystery of the world unfolding. Right here, right now. The alarm of morning song. This glint of night flight. Birds~ubiquitous~also our daily emissaries of magic.
Even as a child I knew the Bird Tribes were our holy Guides. Be that for scientific or spiritual reasons~all the same to me. I am a mystical scientist and a scientific mystic. All the same to me.
Here, a stanza from my poem Birdsong:
~Birds hear the truth
convey it at dawn
changing the climate
threshold of song~
If I must choose, Bluebird holds the number one spot on my list of all my favorite birds. But I do love Pelican. And Blue Heron, and all species of Owl. And Red-shafted Flicker. All species of Hummingbird. Oh my.
Bluebird~blue spirit Heart of dreaming
Red-shafted Flicker~red earthly Heart of action
Entwined these two somehow bind my heart to wholeness
But this piece is about Bluebird. Calling forth the end of the darker nights Bluebird sends forth tweets of the coming light.
Preening Bluebird compliments of Timothy C. Mayo
If I may be a bit personal here. I am okay with being known~I think~as a hopeful soul planting seeds of the possibility for an ever better version of our humanity~for that is my goal. That is the intention for my EarthSky Oracle~to plant seeds of new vision into the internets of our connections~for in time they will take root. I have absolute faith in this new Aquarian Field we are currently the fore-runners for.
Yet my close friends will tell you I can also be as sarcastic/biting/derisive of aspects of our current state of humanity and political folly. My dream job would be to be a writer for John Stewart/Rachel Maddow or SNL.I dare say, I would do well.
Today I was listening to a favorite singer/songwriter John Martin~raspy and true. One of his songs has this line:
~too good to be bad~too bad to be good~
That is how I have felt my whole life. An enigmatic tear in my soul. I have an appreciation of all of life’s light/heights and dark/depths. I am continually learning to accept my totality of self. My totality of soul. My Eagle spirit and my Magpie soul. My Magpie spirit and my Eagle soul. Please read my previous post: Integration Mars-retrograde part-2. If you have done your work, paid attention, you have found an new integration of your selves in the last months.
But I digress. The astrological age of compassionate Aquarius is still 400+ years away. Yet there are always fools/visionaries~one and the same~leading the way. This cosmic field of future awakening is birthing through us with each and every choice we make. We can be pioneers all.
This is not just an external event outside us, but arising from within us. That is why personal courage is so important. And that is what this Mars Retrograde cycle has been about.
~Personal courage. It is the only thing that has ever changed the course of history~
~ This is a good time to contemplate your own inner rifts ~a crack or break ~ Your own inner riffs ~ a solo improvisation ~
So much in a word:
rift~a crack or break
riff~a solo improvisation
I have discovered I can be optimistic and cynical~doubting and full of faith~all at once. My wardrobe is full of tones of black~yes there are shades of black~and the full range of the exuberant color~a crayola rainbow. That is me, inside and out.
My own personal style.
What is your personal style? What marks you as a solely unique combination of quirky/original/divinely YOU~your chip of sky brought down to Earth to shift consciousness?
Did you find clues to that this winter? Did you throw tantrums with others or inside your soul in search of finding out what guides your heart toward what you really want and who you really are? That was the purpose/gift/work of this cycle. I hope you threw a few tantrums. It means you were discovering/uncovering your previously thwarted will. Time to throw off the old shackles of conformity. I hope you found your pot of personal internal gold. Leo’s gift.
As Mars is now in direct motion~forward momentum~you get to implement your newly discovered life vitality in exciting new sometimes scary vibrant ways. It is that or death, your choice. These times call for dramatic shifts that paradoxically lead toward a calmer more creative life/world.
I believe we are all here as part of this evolutionary/about to be even more revolutionary experiment of humanity. If you read my previous posts I have written repeatedly about this theme: all in nature is progressive, nothing is regressive.
What do you want to progress~create progress in~in this creative world of ours?
I might not agree with your agenda but PLEASE: don’t be a spectator, be a player.
This is what I love about the blogosphere and why I encourage many clients/friends to create their own blog~which means ‘web log’.The burgeoning Blogsphere~sounds like a new Planet~is true democracy in action available to all no matter what country/social sphere you inhabit. My EarthSky Oracle blog is in Leo/Pisces. I encourage joy and evolutionary development. What astrological sign will your blog be in? What core questions/hopes/dreams/issues guide you? Share that with us. We will read your wisdom/heed your advice/be inspired by your courage.
We can’t have too many voices declaring what they know to be true. For that is the Field~as in quantum Field~of the coming of the Aquarian Age. And the specific purpose of the United States of America. United States of Aquarius. Each of us speaking out, declaring and living our individual truth. All empowered. Ever equal.
~Plant seeds of your vision for in time they will take root in our collective Field/consciousness~
“Gliding Swans” by Timothy C. Mayo
One of my favorite books is “Return of the Bird Tribes” by Ken Carey. Written in the 1980’s it is even more relevant now as the events of the past decades have unfolded. It speaks to how we can integrate our earthbound nature with our sky-blue self~flying in tandem side by side~and suggests that we are actually the Angels/Guides we often pray too. Hopi wisdom says so: We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the Angels. They are US. Time for full integration.
At this point in time and evolution the Angels/Guides want us to understand this point. EMPHATICALLY. It is US~our embodied selves~that are doing all the hard work/heavy lifting in these times. They appreciate our gratitude. Keep praying. They will keep helping us if we ask. Ask for support and it is readily/quickly given.
But They~whomever you pray to~REALLY REALLY want us to get that it is our HUMAN strength/courage/determination/continued effort that is making the world a better place. After all it is each of us who get ourselves out of bed everyday to face our challenges, show up on time, to make good on our promises. They~our Angels/Guides/Ancestors/Animals~appreciate our gratitude for the enormous help they give us each and every moment IF WE ASK. But change/growth/vitality is in our hands literally.
Study history. History only ever shifts through the actions of one courageous individual taking a stand. Will you be that person? History always turns a courageous corner to ever-expanding love through the acts of one individual. We witnessed history this past week as President Obama with great honesty pushes us toward greater equality always for all people no matter your sexual orientation. Bravo VP Joe Biden and POTUS Barack Obama. They are indeed on the right side of history~of aiding our progress toward the Aquarian age.
There will come a time~centuries from now~when all bigotry of any kind no longer inhabits the human genome. We are slowly evolving those tendencies of hatred and judgment out our DNA strands, one human/one family at a time.
History only shifts by the actions of personal courage. Step into your power to shift the world toward aiding a better future for ALL. No one left behind. It is in your hands.
“Hand Heart” by Priscilla Marden
Back to the birds. What holy Guide has arrived in a moment of pain to provide clarity and inspiration or to be a helpful reminder to keep going~don’t give up
~take flight from your suffering~
What is your avian truth? What Being of flight calls to you? Take a moment and give a name to this avian Guide/s that are ever by your side. Is it Eagle/Sparrow/Osprey/Snowy Owl/Mallard/Trumpeter Swan? Archangel Michael/Ariel/Rapheal/White Buffalo Woman? Each has a power. Each has a medicine.
We are all part Bird in our souls
Birds are Angels ~ Angels are Birds
That’s what I believe
We are them ~ They are us
Each has a power ~ Each has a medicine
“Japanese Cranes” by David Brookover
Bluebirds are the symbol/embodiment of our Aquarian bird~glacial and cerulean blue~the color of emotional clarity~the color of Aquarius. Aquamarine awakening. They represent a reborn humanity in the larger scheme of things. They herald the return of our larger more compassionate nature for happiness/joy/kindness.
And their voice…ah their voice. Not loud and obnoxious~bellicose~but the sweetest chirp of here I am, happy to be flying, happy to be flying by your side, please don’t miss this moment of now. The voice of the coming Aquarian age. A still clear chirp of hope.
Here’s what these times are asking of us:
~You have to know who you are and what you want~
~You have to know where you stand~
Photograph compliments of Lucinda Abbey
That’s what this Mars retrograde in Leo has been all about.
~You have to know who you are and what you want~
~You have to know where you stand~
As I continue my contemplations and personal experiences surrounding this Mars retrograde in Leo, I wonder why I feel this cycle is SO important SO KEY at this juncture in our history of humanity? I am surprised as I watch within me and around me the accelerated dramatic leaps of faith of both release and embrace we are making at mach speed. When a friend came recently for an astrological reading about his pending marital separation it was obvious to me it would happen within days/weeks not months. He was skeptical. Not so now. All resolved itself with lightning speed and compassionately too. Bluebird magic.
The shifts we are making NOW will send out repercussive waves for the coming centuries. I’m not kidding. In retrospect, history will see this moment and 2012 as pervasive in its influence to shift history similar to the 1960’s.
We are being prepared to be better prepared for the coming healthy revolutionary chaos of the Pluto/Uranus square in the summer~the defining astrological signature for 2012. Please check out this newly published article by my compatriot in the wisdom of sidereal astrology Nick Anthony Fiorenza. He is the expert in these matters: http://www.lunarplanner.com/Uranus-Pluto-Square/. I will be posting soon about my take on the wildness of these transits about to unlock/release ancient patterns of control. Freedom and vitality for all! At last, a return/a restoration to core American values.
Some catastrophobiacs~my word~predict Earthly pole shifts that will externally create unimaginable damage on our species. Yes there will be dramatic Earth changes. Weather intensifications.
And I know for certain we will continue to experience the need to make radical shifts internally/externally that will result in whole new lives. WHOLE is the operative word.
Pay attention! You are getting your own personal internal nudges or outright warning signals NOW. Are you ready/will you be ready? IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to get extremely fit and strong in your body/mind/soul before June so you can ride these waves of change with grace and not obliteration. The revolutions of the late 1960’s are about to return with full gale force and renewed/evolved/matured creativity. I have been waiting for this time preparing/anticipating/and in support of the coming leaders.
That is YOU! Take the lead of your life.
This transformational Mars Retrograde cycle has helped each of us~really forced us which is Mars’s way~to get extremely clear about releasing any remaining doubts about we thought we could go on tolerating. Making adjustments for. Bending over backwards to accommodate situations that are out of alignment with our very core. All that is ending now. Thankfully, sometimes painfully but potentially for the greater good. And for your own personal good.We are done. Forever. Time to move forward with our new energetic.
History shifts ONLY through individual actions/dramas/choices. History is only made up of these historical moments when individuals claimed their power in the face of mob mentality.
~You are either with humanity or you are against it~
You either think it is your right to legislate how another person should live or you don’t. You either presume you get to tell a woman~or man~what she/he can do with her own personal body or you say hands off. You either believe you get to tell someone else who they should love or you love who you love and let others love as they desire.
You either stand for our core American values of freedom/equality/happiness/thriving for ALL, or you don’t. This has nothing to do with your political party affiliation.
Here’s the truth: Our perceived economic crisis is secondary/reflective of our core values. Life isn’t about money. It’s about living the heart and truth of what you value. That is or should be the central currency in our world.
~What you value is the central currency in our world~
In the language of the stars, the royal stars of Regulus/Fomalhaut are the stars that represent and guide us toward the Aquarian age. They are about authenticity, which means being genuine and being true to your unique never to be replicated nature. Truly one of a kind. That’s YOU. You are one of a kind, never to be replicated. Regulus~the Heart of the Lion~pushes us to stand and ground the truth of our hearts. It is THE star of integrity. Fomalhaut is how we implement that core conviction in all our actions in regards to our involvement in community~common Unity~Aquarius’s gift.
Mars is collaborating with Regulus during this retrograde cycle. That is why we are all being driven to find out who we are and what we want from the depths of our heart’s alliance to our true self. This is not a moment to dilly dally or think it is business as usual or that you can play it safe in any sense of the word. It is a time for risk/for daring/for leaping/for soaring/for dancing/for singing/for supporting our children/for following their lead.
“Radiant White Tara: a miraculous moment” by Jacqueline Ra
The evolutionary trend is clear. Love wins out, yet not without great battles and centuries of patience.
~Centuries of patience~
Haven’t we all known centuries of patience through all our incarnations and in the circumstance of our present day challenges?
Are you such a person that will seize the reigns of history and change the tide of things to come? It’s really no big deal. Just live your authentic life. Follow the heartline of your joy. Attune to your inner bluebird, leap over the rainbow. That is how you will seize the reigns of history and change the tide of things to come. It is in your hands. Focus on that.
I don’t know what this means but I love the sound of this phrase:
The ornithology of awakening
Bird Tribes leading the way
such is the nature of poetry or zen koans
The ornithology of awakening
~ on a personal note~
My Dad in Sedona: Resurrection at 84
This is a picture of my Dad. He and my courageous Mom~now is Spirit~taught me by example to always BE MYSELF. Revolutionaries for their times. Happy Mother’s Day Mom. Miss you*
Thank you Mel and Wanda. I dedicate this piece to you.
You are eternal Bluebirds in my life.
Love in the new Field,
Lyn Dalebout
Anonymous says
Wow. Much to comprehend/digest/put into action here, some of which has already been in my head/heart. Thank you.
Amely Greeven says
This is a stunning piece, Lyn, and thank you for spending the time to share what you see. And, for reminding me to sit with the Eagle medicine and make sure I take its message… to boldly fly where I have not yet flown…. I think everyone should read this! xo
Kristena says
Lyn, this comes at the time of my life where I am having huge upheavels and reestablishing what I want. recreating myself in many ways. Letting go of the old and onto the new. It is so very hard and painful, but in those moments I embrace the light, I know beyond a doubt that this is good and perfect. Love you lady! Kristena